
Dragon Ball Saga: Conquest (Reboot) -ON HIATUS-

Death was not the end. Our MC awoke, only to find himself in a world we've all dreamt of. What will our MC do? Will he become more than he was? Join along to find out! . . . . . DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own the rights to the Dragon Ball franchise, nor anything involved with said franchise. DISCLAIMER: The cover pic is also NOT mine. It's an edit.

Endless_Crow · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Chapter 6: The Results of Time and Effort!

There was a young boy around five years old doing sit-ups in the middle of an enclosed valley. Looking closely, one could see large leather bags filled with rocks held in both of his hands. And if you listened closely, you could hear the child speaking in a soft murmur.

"3289, 3290,3291…"

Drenched in sweat, with only an animal skin pelt covering his waist, the child was exercising with great vigor. And despite his obvious fatigue, the child put in a tremendous effort into finishing this activity. Finally done, he moved to a small campsite with a round metal pod sitting next to a weathered tent. Sitting down, he took a pouch from his hip and began gnawing hungrily on the food inside.

The young boy, as you might have guessed was Arlic. He had been training hard for a little over four years now. He was now five years and three months old, and his power level had reached >4,700. He was skeptical at first, but the effort he put into his training proved well worth it. Arlic's strength was improving rapidly.

He had achieved this via two methods. First, he had spent every single day for the past four years training his ass off. Second, he had spent what was left of his time hunting and fighting the local wildlife. While nothing in this area threatened him anymore, actual combat always helped a warrior to improve.

One last thing that had helped him in multiple ways, was training his [Ki Control]. In his original reality, as nothing more than an observer, he had thought the technique to be pointless. Now that he could use [Ki] however, he saw the difference in strength that such a thing could grant him.

[Ki] or energy was not as simple as the shows or manga made it out to be. The larger the [Ki] someone possessed, the more difficult it was for them to use. Not to mention… it could pose a tremendous strain on the body. [Ki Control] remedied both problems, while also allowing its user to alter the shape and nature of their own [Ki].

As Arlic went through all the various stretches and movements he'd created for himself, he thought about how much more he could learn alone. He needed a teacher, someone who could guide him. His ideas for training had nearly reached their limits, if he wanted to grow further, he would need help.

As he was thinking of where he might find such a teacher, an alarm went off in his [Space Pod]. Grabbing a nearby waterskin, he took a long swig before walking to his ship. Opening the door, he saw a blinking red button, this indicated he had received a message, one that had been sent to all of Frieza's forces. Sitting down in the pod he pressed the button.


A holographic display formed of orange light, was projected from a display terminal that was positioned over his head. The message was about the destruction of the Saiyan home world, [Planet Vegeta]. The [Frieza Force] had sent out the message not only offering their "heartfelt condolences", but also ordering all remaining Saiyan's to rendezvous with Frieza's main fleet.

"Condolences my ass, I know damned well it was you, Frieza."

Arlic couldn't hide the sarcasm in his voice.

"What to do…?"

This message meant that he could no longer stay on this world. It also enlightened him to something that had eluded him until now. His birth was during [Age 732]. Thinking aloud, the pieces all began falling into place.

"The exile of Broly, the appearance of Paragus, the birth of Kakarot, the death of Bardock and the destruction of Planet Vegeta."

Closing his eyes Arlic continued to think aloud.

"It's been five years since my birth and Broly's exile… that would mean that this is [Age 737]."

Shaking his head, Arlic grimaced at his conclusion. He needed to get moving. In order to follow through on the plans he had thought up over the years, Arlic would have to follow a strict timetable from now on. And as Frieza would also be looking for any Saiyan remnants, he'd have to move carefully… for a time, that is.

"It's time to finish up here, before Frieza sends a scouting unit."

Arlic brought his tail around in front of him. Three midsized bags had been tightly bound around it. Each one held extremely dense rocks that he used in his weight training. When he started, any kind of pressure on his tail would make him feel faint. This was one of the Saiyan's inherent weaknesses, but Arlic was a big believer that any weakness could be made into a source of strength.

With that in mind, he overcame it… and improved its strength alongside his body. Removing the bags Arlic walked toward a tree a short distance from his campsite. Cracking his neck, he stepped up to the tree, his tail whipping forward. Seconds later he stepped back and to the side, as the tree came crashing down next him.

"One weakness down, one to go."

Saiyan's had two inherent weaknesses… their tails and what happened when they looked at the full moon. Because of that, Arlic usually hid in his [Space Pod] when moon became full. Otherwise, he would lose his mind to primal instinct, while his body would become that of a beast.

Arlic didn't like losing control of himself, so, he had been meditating before sleep each night. Trying to center his mind… to conquer his new instincts, all for purpose of retaining control when he finally transformed into a [Great Ape]. Arlic wished he had more time, but the message he received proved he wouldn't get it.

Out of time and with little patience left, as he now had a lot to do, he gathered up what he could take with him and placed it in his ship. Taking one last look at the campsite that had been his home for the last four years, he gave a nostalgic smile. Arlic didn't think he'd come to this world again. Looking over the mountains, he flew off into the sky, becoming a streak of red in the green colored skies of [Planet Kreme].

Heading north-east at breakneck speed, he flew toward the snow-covered side of the planet. From the moment he had arrived, [Planet Kreme] had been a world of contrasts. One side warm… the other perpetually cold. Arlic had explored the cold region a bit, that was why he was going to transform there.

There was nothing there of any real not, save for some wildlife and the occasional member of the native sapient species. Large Yeti like creatures that hadn't even created a language yet. They were aggressive though and had tried to kill him on sight. They were quite savage.

Arriving about two hours later he took out his [Space Pods] remote controller. Pressing a few buttons, he called his ship. Hovering before him he opened its door and placed the controller inside. Sitting down, he piloted it up towards the cloud cover. Activating one of the ships programs, he jumped from the ship and floated gently towards the ground.

The ships door closed, as a dull glow began to form around the vessel. Arlic removed his [Scouter] and crushed it in his hand, knowing full well that Frieza could use it to spy on him. A thought that brought him no comfort.

"This is it… the time has finally come to let the beast out of its cage."

The [Space Pod] in the sky lit up brightly and after looking up, Arlic's eyes went wide at the grand image of the full moon now holographically displayed around the ship. With a wide grin on his face, he laughed, his heart beginning to beat loud enough to hear from yards away. Shortly after, a bestial roar shook the surrounding landscape.

Got off of work and decided to edit another chapter. More tomorrow. A goodnight to you all... or morning, depending on the timezone. Lol. Later folks!

Endless_Crowcreators' thoughts