
Dragon Ball Revised

In an alternate timeline where Paragus reacts more passionately to Broly's execution, he and his friends band together and flee Planet Vegeta! What will this do to the timeline? How will the change in upbringing affect Broly? Find out in Dragon Ball Revised! https://www.patreon.com/EveryLittleHelps - Please consider tipping if you like the novel, I really appreciate it The Fanfiction is written so that even if you are not a fan of Dragon Ball you can still understand what is happening. DISCLAIMER: Broly isn't the main focus until chapter 40! Broly is the main character but there are 40 chapters worth of backstory! Broly however will still be doing Broly things! Also! There are many OC's! The main cast of the story will be made up of the main character in the anime and manga but more than a few OC supporting characters will be introduced! Bare with the wait! DISCLAIMER PART 2!!!: I am a Broly fan as much as the rest of you so I can assure you that Broly will be wiping the floor with the frost demons and stomping his enemies into the dirt, however! My Broly will not a cruel and heartless MC that kills his enemies excessively. Broly, by all means, seeks peace but rest assured there is no shortage of people for him to overcome. Announcement: This novel is not dropped but currently under reconstruction I didn't like the trajectory the story was following so changed it, if some of the plot around the 120-140 chapters seems jumpy, this is why.

LOLRIP · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
151 Chs

Outmatched (138)

Burter was in a sorry state, his armour was riddled with holes and his own blood dripping down it messily, his face was beyond bruised, swelling up like a pumpkin and his limbs were shattered.

"You just killed me best fucking mate!" Jeice shouted, looking at Broly while his aura spiked, hot red energy flying around him, rising to about three feet away from his body.

"Crusher Ball!" he yelled, firing a bright red ki blast at Broly.

'Nothing special'

Broly slapped the ki blast out of his face, looking back at Jeice tauntingly.

"Yeah I killed him, and what?" he said, his face snarling.

'I never would have imagined you saying something like that'

'These guys are douches! They're so pretentious for the little strength they have and although they seem bubbly and cheerily they slaughter innocents without batting an eye!' Broly responded, thinking his behaviour was justified.

Jeice grit his teeth as his red aura exploded, expanding around his body.

"You may have been able to block one but that doesn't mean anything!" Jeice cried out angrily.

'I'm pretty sure it does,' Yami interjected.

"Jeice calm down! He's making you angry on purpose!" Ginyu called out, trying to calm down his second in command.

"Yeah Jeice! Calm down you fucking lapdog!" Broly taunted.

Recoome simply stared at Broly angrily, stealthily charging the ki in his body.

"Crusher Volcano!"

This time a whole barrage of Crusher Balls swarmed towards Broly, each sphere being swatted with little to no effort, all flying into the air where they exploded harmlessly.

"That's not a ki blast! This is a ki blast!"

Broly reeled back, shifting his waist while forming a small sphere in his hand, he then twisted suddenly, swinging his arm and releasing the small ki ball quickly, letting it rip through the air, about to hit an unsuspecting Jeice.


Just in the nick of time, Captain Ginyu charged forward, blocking the attack on Jeice's behalf and stomaching the impact, his armour breaking in the process.

"Not impressive"

Broly changed the momentum of his blast, causing it to drive Ginyu into the air from his chest and explode, green mist spreading.

"Cap'n!" Jeice exclaimed terrified.

He cast his eyes back to Broly who smiled widely back at him, waiting for him to try something.

Jeice closed his eyes and grit his teeth, thinking quickly.

"R-Red Magma!" he shouted, his body blurring as he rushed towards Broly, taking a sharp turn and running away, a red afterimage on his trail.

"Clever," Broly praised.

The first time Burter used the movement technique it caught him off-guard but now he was more than prepared and since he saw it twice....

Broly's body blurred, an bright green light shining from where he was as he chased Jeice down, reaching him in a few seconds. He couldn't even scream as Broly's foot found his jaw, Broly pushing off the floor with his hand and sending Jeice into the air, repositioning and raining punches onto him.

'You should think of a name for this combo,' Yami thought, watching Broly connect a solid haymaker to Jeice's face, blood spurting.

'Like what?' Broly responded, delivering a superman punch.

'Something like Chaos Blows!'

'That sounds lame,' Broly thought as he grabbed his leg, throwing him down.

'So what do you want to call it?'

Broly grabbed Jeice's hair, letting his beaten and bruised body dangle down.

'How about I call this move....'

Broly brought his fist forward and slammed it into Jeice's chest, performing a devastating underarm punch.

"Gigantic Hammer!"

Broly punched Jeice with such force that he disappeared from his sight, breezing past Recoome who stared at Broly vengefully and crashing into the mountains, shattering all of it while still flying away.

'I'll let the name slide since you destroyed a mountain with your enemy'

Broly smiled and looked back at Recoome, content with the techniques he had copied.

'Where did the green thing go?' Yami asked curiously, Guldo was on the verge of death but persisted however Yami couldn't sense his ki anywhere.

'He'll come out eventually, it's not like he can do anything after all'

"Recoome Regenade Bomber!"

Recoome quickly jumped in the air and shot several ki blasts at Broly, spamming the small beams with everything he had.

"This is kind of sad"

Broly swatted the beams like flies, barely flicking his wrist and he redirected them with one hand, making them fly away uselessly in the air.

"Tch! Recoome was the number one wrestler on his home planet! I'll show you the power of my grabs!" he shouted, dashing towards Broly with speed.

Broly waited for Recoome to enter his strike zone and sent a powerful blow to his temple, making a loud cracking sound that could only be the skull breaking.

He then followed up with a strong knee to his face which allowed him to extended his leg and kick his jaw, sending him flying into the sky.

"Eraser Cannon"


'He's not dead?'

Broly sensed a faint ki signature from the explosion before a belated thud as Recoome hit the ground, his armour completely eviscerated as his hair was in disarray.

"You're still alive?" Broly said, slightly impressed.

"Recoome has unique ability to survive one lethal attack," Recoome said, breathing heavily as dark purple ki grew around his body.

"Genetic or ki based?"



Broly fired a long cylindrical beam at Recoome who in turn opened his mouth and let forth his own beam making the two energies waves crash.

Broly scoffed, condensing an Eraser Cannon in his other hand and throwing it around his beam, making it collide and explode next to Recoome's head.


Another explosion rang out across the Planet's surface, brains being splattered everywhere as Recoome's body hit the floor with a small sound.

'That's the end of that!' Yami said, contentedly.


An aura burst out, strong dark energy appearing behind Broly.

"You may have killed the other members of my team but that doesn't mean you can beat me!"

Ginyu charged at Broly full force, not holding back in the slightest.

'His power level raised to 200,000 if that's the best he can do I can't complain'

Broly waited for him to approach, watching his movements carefully while bringing all the ki he could to his right hand.

Ginyu approached and spun his body energetically, waving the edges of his shoulder pads at Broly.

'Of all the offensive techniques'

Broly simply hopped up and slammed his foot against Ginyu's chin, chucking a ki blast at him to keep him stunned and then rocked him up with a solid uppercut.

'I want to try and merge the techniques I copied'

Ginyu floated in front of Broly, the air knocked out of his lungs from a vicious strike and his eyes whitened from the powerful blow, barely clinging onto his life.

'Go on then,' Yami responded, intrigued.

Broly powered up completely, his strong Super Saiyan aura extending five feet around his body as his muscles and bones were nourished with his explosive life energy.

"You're finished!"

Broly swung, the air ripping harshly as his fist was destined for Ginyu's face, a bright green blur distorting space as he sent painful impacts across.







A wave of green seemed to descend on Ginyu as his body spasmed wildly, rocking back and forth as his armour was eviscerated, providing Broly with direct access to his body.

'That's enough'

Ginyu hit the ground, leaking.

Broly exhaled sharply as he de-activated Super Saiyan and entered his ikari state, forcing himself through extreme hardship and pain in the process.

'I don't trust myself to deal with him properly if I'm not angry,' Broly said pre-emptively as his blood vessels swelled.

His eyes flashed yellow and his aura expanded, a huge green energy wave forming around him.

Seemingly in response, a dark purple energy wave shot out from the top of the palace, malevolent energy filling the air.

'It seems like there is someone worth fighting here after all,' Yami thought as Broly approached the palace.

This won't be the last appearance the Ginyu Force makes

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