
Dragon ball God

Reborn into the world of dragon ball in the 7th universe, but not as your typical everyay human or yargdrattion, But reborn as a Kai with a dimensional level higher than the Supreme Kai himself and tasked with the growth and revitalization of the planet he's taken godship over. Watch as our main character Kaio-ashen faces the world of dragon ball with quick progression due to high demisional level, armed with a half helpful panel and life connected to his kaio-word.

Ashton_Wright_0871 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

1, God?

A being in a unknown space opens his eyes,


I immediately began to question where I am before a sense of shock and hazyness comes before a burst of knowledge comes,

I look down at my new body, 2.5m tall, not tall for the average of of intelligent races but among the kais I am among the tallest,

I immediately began to look around and get a grip of my surroundings,

My own Kai world...

I say slowly, not knowing if it's a good thing or not for my life to be connected to this small space above the planet.

From the burst of knowledge I acquired earlier I have learned I am on the planet Ashron, a planet relatively similar to earth, if it was earth when the dinosaurs were around

I guess my predecessor left this inheritance in this world until a God could come magically and fill his place?

I guess that God should have died hundreds of years ago based on the seemingly untouched small word,

My Kai world is similar to the supreme kais world, lush green vegation, occasion towering trees, and the only mountain in the 5k space has a dark greenish dirt parts curving around a hill and up the mountain slightly before a small shrine is revealed,

Presumably where the previous Kai rested, I quickly make out,

I don't see any water sources around all I saw was a magical looking well placed on the opposite side of the left side of the shrine, located in the path between.

I sort out my mind and everything before for the first time and as I concentrated on the ground





God Realm: Tier 1


Planets (1) Planets occupied/goded over

God's: 0 ( ? )

(God's Rules)can create new rules in worlds your jerurisdiction, -only if theoretically possible, depletes CP

(Kaio Movement) Enter the subspace for lightspeed movement, -a planetary system a second-

(Gods Wall) Host can decide whether or not a individual/item can leave the planet if opponent doesn't have higher CP than host

(Creation Law)(Complete Understanding) Said to be one of the main laws derived from origin, can create anything if theoretically possible,-limited based on CP,

(Kai Catalogue)Sub panel, You can instantly create something and pick the quantity - if CP allows after creating it once

(Planets feedback)If species evolve, or something notable happens in the world/s will in turn strengthen the host)

(Accelerate)Can accelerate time on planet for a area of 1k -Size increase with cp- for the growth of species and plants - but rapidly consumes CP,

(God's Will)Has a control over the entire planet, including the animals and sapient species over it, of the creature has more than half the host strength it can resist, can drive the whole world against 1 person or invaders

(Ancient God's Meditation)increases CP over a long time of meditating, increases/decreases depending on the spot, -mediating in your Kai world gives higher increase and slight chance of comprehension of creation law every hour, meditating in your world slight increase every year

(God's Helpers) Can designate a God position for a individual if met a certain criteria,-like the God of earth kami, if host can find a individual with Kai level dimension

(God's wrath) Can invoke natural disasters such as earthquakes, extreme tides, high winds, lightning, storms...ect - invocated effect is based off how much CP input, -limited to Planets you control

(God's Vision) see any square inch of the planet whether or not underground, in air, underwater or in the mountains.

It looks like life won't be too bad, as read through the magical panel infront of me.

I set and think feeling blessed that I have some starting ground atleast I'm not born on some random planet as a baby sayain or something, even though a saiyan is not a weak race I could have been a human or something,

I could have already been a meal for the strong...

The strong...

There are many powerhouses in the universe right now that can casually wipe me out,

I need to quietly develop until I have enough CP to compete with the gods, at least so the God of destruction won't do nothing to me, even though he's sleeps most his life away.

although it's going to be difficult because of the fact I don't know what time it is exactly, although I know I'm in the northern galaxy I don't know if frieza is dead yet... or if the z warriors are grown up and around.?

My perks actually seem helpful, and from what I can tell I'm a Kai with the job to nurture as many Planets as I can and will also in turn be stronger because of it,

I don't think other kais have that perk... And I also don't think they can just create life and terraform terrain as long as you exert enough CP...

Well, just makes it easy for me,

I think happily while having explored the rest of the Kai word via flight, something I very quickly adapted to.

I fly over to that mysterious well and began to examine it before looking in the inside and seeing light green dense liquid, about a cup of it seemingly condensed over a long time.

It exudes subtle vitality that makes you want to use it as lotion and rub it on your skin,

I'm guessing the use of this is some type of healing liquid? but hardly can be called a liquid with how dense it is, almost as dense as slime but can still spill, though painfuly slow.

I make a quick assumption before flying to the small shrine on the cliff with a purple wooded signboard with nothing on it,

I take a glance at it before wondering why a sign was built with no message on it..

No matter, I fly to the base of the shrine infront of a 9 layerd step,

I quickly jump on the small patio of the shrine before pressing the darker green doors open with designs all over it,

I enter the 8x8 shrine and see a green robe with shoulder paded robe in the middle with God language wrote, 'Supreme God', and on the side 2 similarly looking lighter green robe in God language reading 'God'

And I just now realized as I look down that the only thing I have on is a loincloth like thing completely unfit for a God even if I have not done anything.

I put on the robe and it feels quite comfortable before noticing a little green gem thing on the robe before quickly inputting some ki and one of the other robes lite up.


I said out of surprise before my voice comes back again,


It came from the other jacket.. as I walk over to it and fumble my hand around before touching the gem and affirming that this is some communicator type thing.. atleast from the looks of it,

Slighty annoyed it made me involuntarily yell,

I think before over to the other interesting thing in the room.

I walk over to immediately find a little purple wooden box with a green circle lock on it,

I see a key right beside the box with a note that I pick up and reads...

Dear whoever ends up finding this note, whether a Kai clanmember or a violent bloodthirsty saiyan,

Please keep the World thriving and at balance, it's the only way for the lower life to ever get anywhere, I believe if you have a good heart and follow this message you will have lots of luck on your journey of Godhood, -- A Old Kai on the verge of death worried about his job that he never fulfilled --

I quickly read the message and immediately scoff in the foolishness of this random Kai before me,

But we will not dwell on the naivety of some people even if there on the verge of death,

as I pick up the key on the side of the chest and insert it into the green lock and spin for a second and ...

Clank ..

The key successfully opens the box and reveals 5 conspicuous looking dark green ring with a circle of purple in the middle in God language that reads


I pick it up and began to examine it, it looks like the ring the Supreme Kai used go back in time, but I have a intuition that's not the case with this ring..

It exudes a spacial fluctuation with 2 marks in it..

Of the coordinates seem very familiar, I began thinking before quickly realizing the first one is the start of the trail to the shrine.. so coordinates to my world and coordinates to seemingly where...

I began to examine it carefully before I realize these are coordinates?

Coordinates to where? the outside word? My planet that I am yet to have contact with..?

I began to feel the coordinates carefully before inputting some ki before I feel a spacial attraction before I know it I'm sucked up into the ring and in a completely unfamiliar place...

I look around to just see a vast expanse of Desert...

Endless Gobi, with sand dunes dotted around, mesas with spiked low sandstoned mountains, the occasional tumbleweed pasing through

And soon I check out this very small word of mine..

The planet that I'm tasked with revitalizing is currently on a bad track right now and within a 1000 years the planet would get destroyed by not advancing and degressing instead,

The size of this planet is pitifully small, 1,000 kilometers in diameter, 1/14th the size of earth 5x earth gravity, a singular 100m continent in the middle with the only thing to boast about is the mesas, endless sand, and surprisingly....

A intelligent species..??

Yeah, there's actually a intelligent species living on the planet that I now God over..

I happen to find a group of what look like fire elementals but humanoid with red brown color,

and significantly shorter...

And by the looks of it they are still primitive, There CP is around the same at 50,48,49,45

as I continue to observe a 4 man squad armed with well made long jagged rocks symbolizing spears,

I assume this to be the hunting team responsible for the food the the tribe they live..

I wonder where could they live.. as I began to sweep my gaze on the surrounding terrain,

Caught you.

I think in my head as I see 2 lone mountains mashed together with towering peaks and average size,

But that's not the thing that catches my eye, it's the 2 caves on the the steep mountains with energy responses deeper in it that catch my eye,

I make out the energy responses and have located a total of 30 energy responses, kids have CP of 10-25, adults in prime CP 40-50 - adults average at 40 in there lifetime.

I quickly make the idea of contacting this lone tribe, and later am going to explore the rest of the 100k continent and see if there's any other Fireclan, as I have decided to name them as they look similar to humans but smaller in build, stronger and rocky and rough looking, probably form being accustomed to living in caves all the time..

I wonder what they eat... I began to think while the memory of me finding a group of bloodthirsty looking worms that are blue and have a mouthful of teeth, with a poisonous stinger, looks like it will eat any living creature, mainly relies on beast instinct, 10 CP,

isn't nothing to be scared of alone but when it in its normal group of four attacking you could be a problem, especially that stinger, if your CP is low that poison will kill you quick..

But atleast I found a somewhat normal looking animal, a pack of desert Weasles, 0.3-0.4m in length, hide in desert holes they create, feed off grazing large areas of deserts, come in large groups of 6-20, CP as adults 5 children 2-3

But there seems to be a special not so little weasel.

I'll name his Wesley the king of Weasles, due to a weird ability of being able to reproduce a Mutated baby weasel race despite the fact he's a male.. and quicker with more quanity that females...

I examine Wesley the weasel before saying, I wish I could actually see what makes him special...




Race:Mutated Desert Weasel King

Height: 0.5m


(Weasel Father) Despite being a male, you can lay 2x more eggs than a female, quicker hatch, same bloodline as you so slightly different color and higher CP

(Natural King)Weasles will be inclined to follow you and your orders, gives a natural bloodline suppression affect on the same race as long as opponent isn't higher CP

(Solid Desert Body)Thin layer of armer ecompassed around the host, Nearly indestructible at the same level, as hard as the deepest layer of sandstone.
