
Dragon Ball: Freebird

A Dragon Ball fan wakes up at the 23rd Budokai Tenkaichi at the end of the original series what will he do? Aiming for 3k-5k words per chapter. I don’t own the art for the cover. I don’t own Dragonball, Dragon Quest, or any other media Toriyama or Toyotarou have touched with their magic fingers support the official realease. Heavily inspired by the following Fanifics Ffnet: To Go Even Further Beyond by 0 Jordinio 0(Smut warning 18+ degeneracy) Dragonball RPG Tetralogy by Klldarkness The Z Gamer by Zero Rewind Cold Rebirth by XAgent_Venom666X Chaos Theory Z by Mr Chaos WebNovel: I’m Trunks by hrblackwater

Gabe_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

1. Awakening

I blinked and then the roars of a crowd came from out of nowhere. 'Where am I?' I thought, 'last thing I remember is falling asleep watching the Jiren vs Goku fight on YouTube after bindge watching anime fights.' I look around and I'm in what looks like some kind of stadium? 'Weird there's no seats and everyone is standing watching what exactly? Did I sleep walk into some kinda event? God I can't see over the person in front of me. In fact I can't see over anyone what kind giants am I surrounded by? After a minute of looking around the crowd he looked down and his feet looked so small.

"What the hell?" I muttered, 'I'm 20 years old last time I checked.' Suddenly I got hit with a major headache and memories of the body I suddenly found myself in. The memories of a 14 year old flashed through me. Memories of parents I've never seen before caring for me when suddenly they're no longer there. Memories of people in black suits taking me to my now home the orphanage. The life the followed after that wasnt the best but it could have been a lot worse. After about 10 minutes the pain started to fade and I started to process the information.

'The orphanage I'm from is in a place called South City. I've never heard of South City at least not on Earth well my Earth anyways there was a place called that in Dragon Ball…' in that moment the memory of where I was and why I was there hit me. "You can't be serious…" I whispered. I tried pushing through the crowd to see the main event when some one screamed.


Then most people ran and I could see what I was hoping I'd see. Piccolo and Goku facing off on the main stage of the Budokai Tenkaichi. The other Z Fighters are off to the entrance of the arena and the Non-combatants of the group at the front of the spectators area right by the wall that surrounds the arena. 'The reason I'm here is cause my orphanage won a trip to the next Budokai Tenkaichi.' For a minute I can't move stunned with the realization I'm in the world of Dragon Ball

'What should I do? Why am I here? What…' the thoughts rack my brain for a minute. 'Screw it, I don't know for what reason I'm here if there's a reason at all, I don't know if it's a good idea to interact with the cast but it's the best chance I have at living.' I run over to Bulma, Launch, Puar and Oolong.

"Can you guys even make out what there doing?" I ask looking at the fight ahead and I can't make out anything other than Goku and Piccolo right beside each other limbs blurred to all hell. "Like damn how do you move that fast?" I genuinely ask.

"They're all meatheaded martial artists." Bulma states matter of factly like to the average person that would explain anything.

"Bulma? Bulma Briefs?! Oh my goodness I am a huge fan of you and your dads work! You are amazing!" Slightly shaking trying not to Fanboy I put out my hand and Bulma shakes it.

"Thanks I am a genius after all." She says beaming at the complement. "Since you know me kid it's only right you introduce yourself, it's proper manners after all."

"I'm Onyx an orphan from South City." I decided on a new name for my new life. "I'm gunna live my life to the fullest and nothings gunna stop me." I shot a grin towards them as the rest of them began to introduce themselves. Unable to keep in with the quick movements of Goku and Piccolo they began chatting talking about where they're from and things they like. Suddenly a feeling fell over them almost like static electricity and Piccolo began to grow.

Goku still tossed Piccolo around even though he was as huge as big as a three story building at least. Then Goku said something I wasn't really paying attention when suddenly Piccolo began to grow even more. Then Goku jumped and I saw It for the first time, a blue beam shot from his hands as he shot into Piccolo's mouth and honestly I almost shed a tear seeing the Kamehameha it was beautiful and I knew the moment I saw it I had to do it to no matter what. Piccolo looked like he was gunna be sick when just as suddenly as he went in Goku shot out of Piccolo's mouth handing a bottle to Tien.

Piccolo shrank down and kami was released. The fight resumed as cannon right up until Piccolo prepared his Final Resort. Tien blasted a hole in the ground but unlike cannon the Z-Fighters found themselves with an extra person in the mix.

"Hey I'm Onyx, you must be Bulma's muscleheaded friends she was telling me about." I say with a shit eating grin. The Z-Fighters introduce themselves and I can't help but look at Kami. Seeing and alien up close like this is weird and interesting. It puts a weird feeling in my gut but seeing his kind demeanour I can easily push past my discomfort. Next thing I hear is a loud bang, my ears start ringing and the ground shakes violently. Peeking out of the crater I see Goku standing with his arms crossed and everyone is shocked. Then I feel that static feeling again and everyone's eyes widen further.

"HYAAH!" Goku screams as he charges at Piccolo landing a vicious combination. Piccolo hits the ground and Goku jumps charging and firing a Kamehameha at him. When Goku lands He drops his guard thinking the fight is over but I know Piccolo is far from done and the fight follows cannon and once Piccolo is down I rush over to him.

"Come to gawk human?" Piccolo spits venomously.

"Hmm, naw that would be boring." I say and grin. "I'm gunna save you." Leaving Piccolo speechless.

"And how would you accomplish that." A voice comes from behind me. I turn to see Kami standing there. 'Time for me to change things, for the better I hope.'

"I have knowledge that's I'd say is hard to believe and on a need to know basis, read my mind." I say as Kami's gaze locks with mine.

"I suppose we'll see." Kami placed his hand on my head and memories once again flashed through my mind of my old life, of anime and video games. The entire series flashed through my mind in a second, memories of core memories with friends, family and most importantly my dog. As my previous life flashed through my mind tears couldn't help but fall, 'Mom, Dad, Destiny, big Bro and the best friend a man could ask for Onyx… I'll live this life to the fullest for you guys and maybe just maybe… I'll see you again.'

"Hard to believe is an understatement." Kami said. "But believe it I do, it's your lucky day Piccolo. It looks like you'll live to see another day."

"WHAT!!" Everyone screamed.

"Heheh, If anything I'll just beat him down again. I would have spared Piccolo too I'm not quite ready to part with my Arch-enemy. Goku smiled

"I don't know how you did it but I'll find you and kill you for this embarrassment human." Piccolo declares. "And then I will finally take over the world."

"World Domination eh? Not exactly the route I would take after all that would just make all your subjects hate you, and if everyone hates you how could you live a fulfilling life I mean I guess it could be done but it sounds awfully lonely." I reply.

"Y-you brat! I'll make you pay!"

"Geez have an original idea already, for the son of King Piccolo you sure do nothing but copy him." I stick out my tongue at Piccolo and blow raspberries at him. Watching Piccolo get flustered with a slight shade of purple to his face was priceless.

"I imagine you have a plan or at least and idea? You have thought of this scenario before." Kami states.

"Of course we've got to prepare for the threat ahead. Invite everyone to the Lookout and we'll begin training." I answer.

"Are you sure the path ahead is gunna harder than anything you've ever done, it will be a drastic change from your old lifestyle. Are you sure you can handle the burdens of a martial artist? Kami asks.

"I know it'll be a challenge for someone like me who all his life has struggles with commitment but with your help I know I'll learn to love the path ahead, Please train me Kami." I bow as a ask the minor God for his assistance.

"Hoh a fine resolve, very well time to put your plan into fruition." Kami smirks having read my mind he knew my thoughts, my fantasies, he knew everything I had ever experienced up to the point he read my mind so he knew my plans too. "Attention everyone in one weeks time you will all meet us on the Lookout, our young friend has some information that can only be discussed there."

"All of us?" Bulma asks.

"All of you are needed for the future of Earth, in 5 years a foe unlike anything we've seen before will come." Kami replied

Everyone froze in shock hearing those words come from Kami's mouth.

"Yajirobe pass me a Senzu." Goku said and Yajirobe quickly passed him a bean an Goku begins to shake in his place.

"Goku?" Krillin asks slightly worried.

"WAHOOOOO!" Goku yells to the heavens. "Today is the best day ever! First the best fight ever, then a new food I've never heard of, a wedding and now a new challenge on the horizon. Heheheh yup today couldn't get better." Goku then ran up to me "Thanks so much I'll see you in a week" he quickly gives me a hug before he runs off grabbing Chichi's hand. "NIIIIIIMMBUSSSS!"Watching Goku fly off on the Nimbus was another check on the old anime bucket list.

"Well should we head off to begin my training?" I ask Kami.

"Of course but first I think we should make your first wish it will make the training easier." Kami says smirking at my expression.

"I'm a little shocked to have your trust so easily but after reading my mind it makes sense." After a minute Mr. Popo arrived on his magic carpet with the Dragon Radar in hand. Very quickly we had collected all the Dragon Balls.

"Shenron, Arise! And grant my wish!" I spoke as the seven Dragon Balls glowed, the sky darkened and a massive dragon shot out. Seeing Shenron was crazy it's hard to describe seeing a dragon that looks like it doesn't end. Especially having never seen a dragon before. I would have been stunned if the dragon didn't speak.

"Hurry up and state your wish." Shenron boomed

'Time to make the wish of any Dragon Ball fan has at least thought of.' I mused with a smirk basking in awe of Shenron. " I wish to be a Saiyan!"

"This is well within my power!" Shenron's eyes glow and then he disappeared and the Dragon Balls shot up and scattered across the world inactive for a year. Then I felt a tingle shoot through my body and when I looked behind me there is was in all it's glory, a brown Monkey tail sprouting from my Tailbone full articulate. My hair spiked and clumped no longer curly but rigid. I could feel an increase in muscle mass and density, gone was the scrawny kid in front of me was a slightly toned average physique. Mentally something changed as well the fear of having to fight world ending foes replaced with Excitement and the thought of who I was before ever so slightly stung my pride. "Wow this feels good."

"Now we can begin your training." Kami said and we all stepped on the magic carpet and found ourselves on the lookout. Kami the stuck forward two fingers and shot a beam at me. I was then wrapped in a light and my clothes changed before my eyes. Then Kami materialized a mirror so I could finally see myself. I have memories of what this body looked like before with my forest green eyes medium length wavy brown hair that reached my neck and scrawny average features for a 14 year old that's been underfed, bags under they eyes, sunken cheeks, little to no muscle mass. Not to mention the rags I had on before.

Now looking at myself I can't help but think how much I've already changed in a matter of hours. My hair reminded me of Dragon Ball Super Broly's hair but brown I still had my green eyes but all my facial features sharpened. My body reminded me of Future Trunks in his youth before Gohan died only less muscular but definitely an improvement over the skin and bones I was before not to mention the tail that swung behind me. My ratty old clothes were replaced with a Karate gi reminiscent of my home demention that was white with blue trim in Kami's colours and had his kanji, a huge one on the back and a small one on the front left side over the heart. Not to forget the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn laceless black Tai Chi style shoes that fit the foot perfectly.

"Mr. Popo Prepare the Hyperbolic Time Chamber the two of us will train young Onyx for a full year inside." Stated Kami.

"At once Kami." Popo bowed and hopped on his magic carpet to get all the supplies they'd need.

"Now let's see a cat about some beans!" I cheered and jumped into the air when I felt that static feeling across my body and suddenly I was floating there.

"Yes, let's." Kami shot a grandfatherly smile my way as he levitated me and then himself and we began flying off the side of the Lookout and down to Korin's Tower.

"Well well well looks like the Mystery Messenger has come to my Tower." A raspy voice came from a bipedal white cat holding a staff. "And Kami to what do I owe the pleasure."

"Master Korin please provide us with all the Senzu beans you can they are going to be necessary for young Onyx's training." Kami began to bow as he asked but Korin raised a paw.

"For the Guardian of Earth, Anything. YAJIROBE!!" Yajirobe slowly came over eating a bag of Senzu like potato chips and Korin quickly swiped them from him and tossed the bag to me. Opening it I count seven Senzu beans.

"Hey! Now I gotta go get food. You'll owe me one for putting me through so much exercise." Yajirobe grumbles as he tosses a Hoi-Poi Capsule and a hover car materializes in thin air.

"Thank you very much my old friend I'll have to come visit again once the time makes itself available." Kami said.

"Anytime Kami." Replied Korin.

Upon arriving back on the Lookout Mr. Popo was moving food, books and a few things for entertainment into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and I was getting giddy with my new Saiyan biology every instinct that should be pushing fear into my mind it riled up with the urge to let loose and be free. I'm a Saiyan that has not once been in a battle in my collective 34 years of life. That's all I could think as we entered the Time Chamber. To say I'm itching for a fight is the understatement of the century. The inside was honestly a little hard to comprehend a void is the easiest explanation but seeing no Earth and no sky was unnerving not to mention the minute you stepped off the steps of the building you got hit by an increased gravity that according to Kami only gets more intense the further out you get so theoretically there's a spot with 1,000,000 times earths gravity which is just scary to think about.

The minute we entered Kami could sense my eagerness for battle and let me go hog wild on him not that it did anything with my weak Power level. After getting smacked around by Kami we all came up with a schedule we'd follow for the year to come. First I'd drill through katas learning the basics of martial arts followed by a session of studying I may have graduated high school in my dimension but science is different, history too not to mention learning about Ki and Magic. Kami being the Guardian of Earth for 300 years has studied every human combat form, read so many books since his rise to guardian you could say he knows everything on Earth. After one lecture we have breakfast followed by another lecture then a spar with Kami. After that spar a break for lunch followed by another lecture, a spar with Popo, then meditation focused on awaking my Ki and Magic and learning how to mold those energies. Finally dinner followed by Stength training, more katas, some basic meditation and lastly some kinda entertainment in the form of the portable DVD player, board games and a deck of cards.

Kami made me eat a Senzu before we started to make sure I was no longer malnourished and then I entered hell. That first day I've never felt anything like it breaking my muscles down cramming my head with knowledge, searching myself in some esoteric way for energies I can barely comprehend to say it was easy would be the biggest lie in history but something inside of me refused to stay down, every time I got knocked down I got right back up and slowly but surely day by day this got easier, my Saiyan potential turned me into a combat sponge more routine the hours slowly accumulated into days, days into weeks and very shortly the first two months had passed and it was time for my first Zenkai Kami blasted a nasty hole right through my stomach and I'm not gunna lie and say I was the paragon of stoicism and didn't even flinch nah I'm honesty I cried like a bitch it hurt so bad thank god or Kami quite literally for passing me a Senzu, from that near death state I nearly caught up to Kami in power. Every two months I was gunna have to go through that hellish pain but to me it's worth it.

One year in the chamber quickly passed before I knew it and it was time to see my new world once again and the thought of seeing the ground and sky again brings tears to my eyes.

"I'M FINALLY FREE!" I screamed flying out the door to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.


AN: I don't want to reveal Onyx ablities or power level or this chapter so his, Kami and Popo's are all gunna be pre Hyperbolic Time Chamber

Power Levels:

Goku: 300

Mr. Popo: 300

Piccolo: 290

Kami: 265

Tien: 240

Yajirobe: 200

Krillin: 195

Yamcha: 180

Chichi: 130

Master Roshi: 120 (Transformed: 180)

Chiaotzu: 120

Onyx: 4 (Post Wish: 7)


Techniques and Ablities:


Well that’s the first chapter hope y’all enjoyed it. this is gunna be a crazy fic if I can complete it. if you know my One Piece story sorry I haven’t been in a One Piece mood so here’s this. How do you think Onyx affect the universe. What will happen to Kami with the knowledge he know knows? how strong is Onyx? suggestions, critiques and interactions of all kinds are appreciated.

Gabe_creators' thoughts