
Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure

A man is hurled into a different reality, finding himself in a completely unfamiliar body. With no choice but to adapt swiftly, he embarks on a challenging journey to rise to the top. Join him on this adventure to become the strongest in a reality where powerhouses are as common as trees. This is an engaging weak-to-strong story that avoids the cliché of the protagonist becoming overpowered within a few chapters. Expect character development, actions with consequences, and a main character who doesn't sport the typical stone-cold, emotionless face found in other fanfics I have read. Additionally, I recommend reading the auxiliary chapter for guidance on how to fully enjoy this story. The MC possess a remarkable and distinct ability that sets him apart. However, this power will not render him instantly overpowered, ensuring a fair and balanced progression in the storyline. Additionally, it's worth noting that the character's development will not revolve around wishing death upon villains or purely striving to become the strongest. Such predictable paths can make the narrative monotonous to read. Are you tired of reading poorly written harem fanfics that are abandoned faster than a hot potato? Well, your search ends here! Say goodbye to the disappointment and delve into quality stories that will captivate your imagination and keep you engaged for hours on end. Say hello to a world of captivating characters, intricate plotlines, and unforgettable adventures. Don't settle for anything less than the best!

Universe_Buster · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

The Prince reclaims his pride

— Namek— Toonya Pov

After giving Taroung a thorough physical education lesson, we both hurried to each of our assigned squads and organized them with meticulous precision for the upcoming assault on Frieza. Every member was briefed on their roles and responsibilities, ensuring a synchronized and coordinated effort. As soon as our meticulous preparations were complete, we swiftly returned to Slug's grand throne room, the echoing sound of our footsteps reverberating against the marble floors.

Upon our arrival, the atmosphere was filled with anticipation as Angila and Medamatcha promptly joined us, their presence adding a heightened sense of urgency to the upcoming mission. Sensing the weight of the moment, I took a step forward, my voice imbued with deep respect, and addressed Slug, our formidable leader, with unwavering devotion, "All the troops stand prepared and ready to mobilize at your command, my Lord."

Upon hearing my voice, Slug, who was diligently eating the bright yellow pills/beans he always consumed, abruptly rose from his spot and turned his attention towards me as he stated " Let's set out immediately before Frieza obtain his wish"

As we stood there, a collective nod and slight bow filled the air. From my vantage point, I observed him making his way down from the elevated platform with an air of overflowing confidence. He took the lead, boarding the transport ahead of us, and we patiently waited for him as the vehicle embarked on its journey to his desired destination. Shortly thereafter, the transport made its return, allowing Angila and creepy old Medamatcha to step aboard.

Lastly, Taround and I cautiously stepped into the futuristic transport vehicle that swiftly transported us to the exterior of the colossal ship. As we disembarked our gazes were met with an awe-inspiring sight: hundreds of slug jins, neatly arranged in perfect ranks and standing motionless, emanating an aura of unwavering dedication. Despite Lord Slug's pretentious speech, filled with lofty claims of wish fulfillment and grandeur, I found myself disinterested, my attention straying elsewhere, disengaging from his monotonous drivel.

As soon as he finished, triumphant roars erupted all around me. I observed the scene, my mind filled with a mix of pity and contempt for their ignorance. Deep down, I knew they were all useless pawns and sacrificial lambs. Undeterred by their obliviousness, we quickly embarked on our perilous journey, racing at breakneck speed towards the direction our scout had pinpointed Frieza's ship. It was in that moment, with a concealed visage beneath the shadows of my hooded cloak, that a sinister grin slowly spread across my lips, a foreboding sign of the vengeance to come.'Clock is ticking Slug and soon….. Soon you will die' I thought with malice.

–Namek– Zarbon's Pov

I woke up with the gentle flutter of my eyelids, slowly transitioning from the realms of slumber to consciousness. As my eyes timidly opened, I was greeted by an overwhelming burst of bright light emblazoned on the ceiling right above me, prompting me to instinctively shield my eyes again. The throbbing pain in my head intensified, in sync with the pulsating rhythm of my racing heart, creating a somewhat uncomfortable experience.

In the blink of an eye, a refreshing and cool sensation gently descended upon my forehead, instantly providing a momentary respite from the torment. My natural impulse was to reach out and feel what it was, but to my surprise, my hand was met with slight resistance, being delicately held back by smaller, softer hands. It was then that a soothing female voice, dipped in tranquility itself, softly whispered, "Don't. You have a terrible headache at the moment, and your forehead feels super hot."

"Bulma" I softly muttered, in response I heard a hmm hmm sound from her in confirmation of her identity. "Mr. Zarbon are you okay?" "Zarbon you okay pal?" I heard both Gohan and Krillin say

I forced myself to take deep breaths and struggled to open my eyes, the effort feeling twice as tough this time around. But this time, my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the lightbulb hanging above me. Slowly, I became aware of my surroundings—I was sprawled on the comfortable circular couch in the middle of the living room. Bulma, with a visible frown on her face, knelt beside the couch just a few inches away from my head, concern etched on her features. And not too far behind her, Krillin and Gohan stood, their expressions mirroring worry and unease. The atmosphere in the room was heavy.

I sat up with a pained expression, for some reasons my body was not in an pain, but the pain emanated from my head and it was killing me. Bulma pushed me down as soon as she saw me sitting up and angrily stated "lay down you jerk," then pointing at Krillin and Gohan she continued "you all abandoned a refined young Lady here in the middle of nowhere while you all went adventuring" then her head became cartoonishly bigger as she yelled " And then you come back like a corpse, You better lay down before I get even angrier"

I inwardly exclaimed 'Sheesh' in frustration as I shamelessly inspected her appearance. Just then, a deep, masculine voice interjected, "Too loud." Caught off guard, I swiftly turned around to find a Namekian seated on the cool, tiled floor, deeply engrossed in a meditative posture. As my bewildered gaze met his familiar face, a surge of astonishment coursed through me. With an abrupt motion, I leapt to my feet, locking eyes with him, and an array of thoughts flooded my mind, 'NAIL, What is he doing here? Oh boy, the Timeline really went to shit.'

As soon as they noticed my abrupt action, Krillin swiftly moved his hands about, gesturing for calm. With a reassuring smile, he chimed in, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention. This is Nail, He was sent by the Namekian Grand Elder to help us." Meanwhile, Nail's expression turned into a frown as he opened his eyes, directed his gaze towards me, but no words escaped his lips.

I exhaled loudly, a mix of frustration and exasperation coursing through my veins, as I tried to process the whirlwind of current events. Slumping back on the couch, I gratefully accepted the cool, wet towel from Bulma, gingerly placing it back on my forehead. With a hint of curiosity in my voice, I uttered, "Can you fill me in on what happened after I unexpectedly passed out?"

Krillin stood then said " yea but before that , Thanks Zarbon for your help. Because of us you got hurt" followed by Gohan who also said the same thing in a more respectful tone. I smiled "don't blame yourself, I did it out of my own volition" then krillin stated "But man I really though we were all goners." to which we all laughed for some reason.

Bulma frowned, her lovely brows furrowing as she neared her face to mine. With a touch of annoyance in her expression, she asked, "You didn't forget something, did you?"

I had a puzzled expression since I did not know what she was talking about, however before I could say anything, Krillin proceeded to recount the event that happened after I was rendered unconscious , for some reason I felt like he was saving me by interjecting so quickly. He told me how both him and Gohan traveled back here at their fastest flight speed but mid- way they encountered Nail who followed them back.

I stroked my chin in a pondering motion after he finished his tale, contemplating the sequence of events , I felt a buzz from the comms Toonya gave me, with much difficulty I fetched it from the inside of the armor where I had placed it to not lose it. It was a little wet. it was a reminder of my little escape from Frieza in chapter nine, I placed it over my right ear, and soon heard a buzzing sound then a soft voice mutter " Can you hear me?"

To which I replied " Yeah what is going on Toonya? Is everything Alright?", all of those in the room with me looked at me with a questioning gaze.

She responded " Slug is launching an attack on Frieza, I thought I'll let you know"

I was slightly shocked by the information and stated " Thanks for the info, I have a good piece of info for you too"

She inquired "info? what kind of info"

I answered " Did I tell you that I have a way of getting rid of Slug"

She excitedly muttered while breathing heavily " you did not!"

I smirked and replied " Well... Slug is a Namekian"

She remained silent for what felt like an eternity and replied annoyedly " Yes I know that Zarbon"

To which I chuckled slightly " Well…Namekians are known for their big pointy ears"

She again reaimained silent as though I was stating the obvious then yelled in frustration " Get to the point!"

I again chortled at how easy it was to get her riled up then finally told her " Namekians ears are really sensitive, so high frequency sounds like whistling can really weaken them"

Upon hearing that, Nail who was meditating up till now got up abruptly and stated with wide eyes " How…. How did you know that? This…. This should not be known by anyone"

I shrugged my shoulders while looking in his direction saying " It's pretty easy to figure out, most species across the galaxy with really good hearing face the same issues."

"But no one should know that we namekians have a good sense of hearings" he clenched his fists while looking at me intensely,

I simply responded by pointing at his ears without saying anything else to him. I soon heard Toonya question me through the comms " Who are you talking to?"

At the same time she was asking, the earthlings also asked the same question.

I told Toonya over the comms, " A namekian" then looked at the earthlings while saying " Talking to an ally I made".

They all said "OH" in a humorously exaggerated, almost cartoonish way that sent a rush of amusement through me, making it a struggle not to burst into laughter.

After that, Toonya, told me, " Thanks for the info, If this really works and I kill that Bastard Slug. I am indebted to you so I'll listen to any favor you have" she said the last part in a barely audible whisper

I wanted to tell her to wait for me before getting rid of Slug but she cut off the comms before I could express that which just mad me sigh.

Bulma, with a sudden and curious expression on her face, leaned in closer to me. Her voice tinged with suspicion, she inquired, "Is your new ALLY a woman?"

",yeah, why?" I hesitantly replied, my confusion evident in my voice. She paused for a moment, her eyes meeting mine, before saying, "Oh, nothing. I was just wondering." With a slight shrug, she gracefully rose from her seat and casually made her way into another room, leaving me to ponder her cryptic response.

I looked towards Krillin and Gohan, hoping for assistance. Krillin greeted me with a sly smirk, silently conveying his understanding, while Gohan appeared perplexed, mirroring my own confusion.

It was at that moment, as I recalled the expression on Bulma's face, that the realization hit me like a uppercut from Mike Tyson- she actually believed that Toonya was my girlfriend. With a bemused chuckle escaping from my lips, I couldn't help but shake my head in amused disbelief at this comical misconception.

Following that incident, I summoned the status window through my thoughts, which swiftly materialized before my eyes.

Status Window:

Name: Zarbon

Power Level: 95,000. [...]

Assimilation rate: 65% [...] The assimilation rate level surged as a result of intense clashes

Transformation: Monster form- [...] Unleash the beast within, It grants the user a power boost.

Potential: High. [...]

Karma: -895 points. [...]

Skills and Techniques: absorption, Flight, Enhanced Martial Arts, Ki Control, Ki blast, Kiai, Bloody dance, Elegant Blaster, Enhanced Telekinesis,, Monster Crush, Absorbed heal, Crusher ball, Full power energy wave, Full power energy ball, Fighting poses, Eraser gun, Fighting bomber, Renegade Bomber, Eye Lasers, Time Freeze, Paralysis.

Trait: Demonic Impact Physique - [...]

Enhanced Endurance - It enhances endurance to extraordinary levels, enabling individuals to withstand a significant amount of physical punishment.

Enhanced Survivability - It enables individuals to endure severe injuries and carry on functioning. Remarkably, one can even survive decapitation and still retain the capacity to live.

Brench-Seijin beauty - It enhances one's appearance.

Zarbon, a remarkably gifted individual hailing from the planet XXX, possesses an inherently high power level that sets him apart. However, fate has taken an unexpected turn as an unfortunate soul finds themselves transmigrated into this body, forever changing the course of destiny. With this unexpected occurrence, his power level has not only increased but also spiraled into uncharted territory, catapulting him into a realm of unimaginable strength and prowess. The mere mention of his name shall strike fear into the hearts of those who dare challenge him, as they become acutely aware of the sheer magnitude of his extraordinary abilities.

The status window satisfied me as it reflected my hard work and determination ever since I arrived in this fascinating universe. With anticipation, I observed the significant enhancement in my skills and the exciting acquisition of two new traits after skillfully draining my opponents - a moment that made me pause with a brief cough.

A new sense of purpose filled me, and my expression shifted to a more serious demeanor as I addressed the earthlings present. "I'll go to the Grand Elder," I declared, my voice capturing the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

Continuing with a commanding tone, I pointed directly at Krillin, emphasizing my instruction. "Grab the radar, and go with Nail to search for the legendary dragon balls." Honestly, after further thoughts on my end, I realized our fate was dependent on the retrieval of these mystical orbs.

Upon hearing me, Nail immediately stated with a frown, "I don't know if I can trust you?" His eyes narrowed, reflecting the hesitation in his voice. A slight tension enveloped the room like an invisible fog, hanging in the air after his statement.

In response, I took a deep breath, confident yet collected, and said, "Relax, Nail. I have no bad intention toward the grand Elder." As I spoke, I locked eyes with him, hoping to convey my sincerity. Sensing the need for support, Krillin chimed in, his words spilling out in a rapid stream, "Yes, Nail! He has helped us a lot, you know." His voice carried a hint of urgency and conviction, as if urging Nail to give me a chance.

The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of uncertainty hanging in the air. Nail soon give in as he stated " I'll trust you for now.. Until you give me reasons not too" "won't happen so don't hope for it" I stated with a calm smiling face. He also smiled and replied "We'll see." (Hey, quick tip: folks! Did you know that smiling can actually influence how others perceive you? I was doing some research on this and it totally stunned me! )

Krillin who went to grab the radar mid way through my and an Nail's conversation, looked at me and said while manipulating the dragon Radar "As I thought there are three dragon balls gathered together and four dragon balls at a different location, I think Vegeta hid the remaining Dragon balls where we met the Ginyu force, When we got there with him previously they were not out in the open but I'm sure he dug a hole and hid them there"

I nodded in confirmation as I replied " yeah that make sense that's why Frieza himself chased after us, He most likely thought we were Vegeta's allies"

Krillin had a disgusted look on his face after my reply as he said " No way just the thought of being Vegeta's ally makes me wanna puke"

I looked at him with a cryptic smile as I thought 'If only you knew Krillin, if only you knew.'

Then I looked at Nail one last time and groggily got up to get some food and prepare for the enactment of our plan, "Mr Zarbon what about me? what do I do?" I heard Gohan say after I got up, I looked at him and responded " You stay here for now until we all come back" He did not look enthralled by my answer, so I walked toward him and ruffled his bowl cut hair " you'll be able to help later so just stay here with Bulma for now" after hearing that, he made a hmm hmm sound with a childish sulky expression.

'Man Gohan was adorable as a kid' I thought as I stretched my stiff body, and walked toward the kitchen to grab something to eat since I was starving, There I spotted Bulma in a bath towel, she froze up when she saw me, my eyes were glued to her long luscious legs, they soon slowly made their way up to her face. In the next instant, I heard a very loud shriek and for some reason she slapped me and dashed out of the kitchen.

Soon after, Krillin and Gohan dashed into the kitchen with worried expressions while asking me what happened. I pointed at the red handprint on my left cheek with an annoyed facial expression. They both laughed heartily and Krillin told me "Looks like you got yourself into trouble".

I sighed, feeling embarrassed and angry at the same time, but I knew that I most likely startled her so I decided to let it go. After fixing myself something to eat, We all went back to the living room, and Bulma, now fully dressed and sitting on the couch, apologized for slapping me out of surprise. I acknowledged her apology and proceeded to eat my makeshift meal. The earthlings also grabbed some food out of capsules and began eating. I looked at nail with playfulness in my eyes as I stated " Want some food" he opened his eyes from his meditative position and said with a slight smirk" Nice try at teasing me. if you know a namek's weakness then you know we don't eat regular food."

I made a tch sound in annoyance to which the earthling chuckled. After that I donned on my original battle armor atop the full body jumpsuit I stole -cough cough- carefully acquired from the slug-jins. fully clothed and ready, I uttered " All right guys, I'll head out first, Everyone be careful. And remember to regroup here as soon as you get the dragon balls." Then I walked toward the door but I soon heard Nail voice say " I still don't know if I can trust you but my instincts are telling me you have no evil intentions so I'll go off of that for now. Also remember if the Grand elder dies, The dragon balls will be rendered useless"

I deftly turned around and faked a startled look on my face " Really?" I spoke, Nail nodded his head in confirmation and the earthlings also gave nods to support his statement. "okay I'll keep that in mind" I sated in faked understanding, then opened the front door and exited out of the house, deciding to test my speed, I lunged at the cave entrance and phased into existence soon after outside the cave. Empowering myself with my ki, I leaped up into the sky effortlessly defying gravity, Now in mid-air I cracked my neck on both sides, closed my eyes to sense the grand elder ki, many ki signatures came up on my senses, with precise focus, I pinpointed a ki signature that was diminishing in strength with each minute passing, it also resembled Nail's ki so I immediately believed it to be the Grand elder since not a lot of Namekians were left. I dashed in that direction at full power with unwavering determination to increase my power.

Namek– Frieza's spaceship– Vegeta POV

After leaving that idiot Kakarot with Ginyu, I hastily flew at full power toward Frieza's spaceship. Without any difficulty I arrived at the location the ship was parked, low and behold, The three Dragon balls were in the open surrounded by frieza's Soldier's- No Burter in sight-. I descended before them with my arms crossed, As soon as they saw me, fear erupted on all their faces as they all yelled "VE…VE…Vegeta!" with trembling Legs. I unfolded my arms, smirked and spoke "Well, Well look at what we have here". With that said, they all launched ki blast in fear at the prince of all saiyans.

I let their feeble attack land as I proceeded toward the dragon balls. ki blast kept raining down on me for a full minute, but I did not even move an inch, Heavy smoke and dust covered me as a result of their relentless assault, Deciding I had enough, I unleashed my ki, which erupted all around me, the power of my ki cleared all the smoke and dust, it also pushed all of frieza soldiers away from me. At this point they all stopped their attack and looked at me with utmost fright, " HA ha ha ha ha ha hah ha ha ha" I let out a triumphant laugh then said " You have underestimated saiyans for far too long" they retreated at once after my statement.

" Let me, The prince of all Saiyans, Lord Vegeta show you why we Saiyans are so feared" as soon as I finished speaking, I lunged at them. I appeared before one and effortlessly punched a hole through his chest, I pulled out my arm and blood erupted out of his chest area, which now had a hole the size of my arm, The blood started guzzling down like a water fountain. As they bore witness to this macabre sight, All of them stared at me with shocked expressions as tension filled the air. I decided not to waste time as Frieza could come back at any moment, I unleashed ki blast from my hand which soon reached one of them and obliterated him as yelled "NOOOOO"

I had to admit this was one of the reasons I looked for power, overpowering your opponent as he begged for Mercy was simply too exciting. They all attempted to flee after they witnessed my graceful display of power. But it was a futile attempt, I launched ki blast after ki blast upon all of them. My ki blasts were so fast, they reached their target before any of them could react and explode upon contact, completely calcinating whomever was hit. After getting rid of them, I grabbed one of the dragon balls and threw it into the sea nearby, the other two dragon balls met the same fate. After having hidden the dragon balls, I soared up to enter Frieza's ship. The adrenaline rush running through my veins was too much and my excitement had reached its peak as I soared through the sky. The screams of fear from my opponents still lingered in my mind but I didn't have any regrets. In fact I was indifferent , they were a hindrance and deserved what they got.

I swiftly entered the ship through the top opening, inside the ship, several of Frieza's soldiers attacked me. But I dispatched them as I made my way toward the armory, I continued gleefully dispatching the pests until I finally reached the armory. Quickly, I scanned the armory, retrieved a full body dark blue jumpsuit, and a battle armor and with no shoulder pads. As soon as I donned it on, I walked toward the medical facility, when I arrived the door slid open.I walked inside and saw Burter inside the healing pod in an unconscious state. A smirk graced my lips as I approached the pod nonchalantly, I knocked my fingers on the pod like I was knocking on a door. Burter's eyes immediately fluttered open as if He could sense the danger. Silence remained with neither of us making a single noise while staring into each other's eyes. I broke the silence by smirking when I finally spoke, "Ahh.. Burter what a pleasure it is to see you again!". Burter's eyes widened in fear as soon as he heard my voice and he could not speak anyway so I continued speaking. "It's been so long since we last met!"

As soon as those words left my mouth, I approached the small device in front of the pod and began to work on the healing pod. Burter was scared of what I was doing but he could not move with his body being unable to break free from the pod's grasp for now. After some time passed, the machine beeped and the healing liquid inside was flushed out, Burter immediately threw a ki blast to open a hole, then jumped out of the pod and made a quick escape. I was left standing there, alone in the room with an empty healing pod and a smirk on my face. All of a sudden, I turned around and deflected a ki blast coming from behind, a few more ki blast kept on being thrown at me but I deflected all of them without moving an inch. After the onslaught ended, I spoke while walking toward my attacker, Burter, " If that's the best plan you can come up with to defeat me, You might as well give up" , He replied by yelling with utmost anger "You only got me by surprise last time but it'll be different this time, I have a higher power level than you!"

a smirk stuck on my face and I replied "Bring it on!". He lunged at me with tremendous speed, as soon as he arrived before me he unleashed a flurry of punches which I gracefully evaded with the barest movement to conserve energy. After he saw that none of his punches were landing, he threw a feint with his right arm and immediately launched a storm of kicks. This time I could not dodge, I blocked most of them by using my arms to deflect the momentum of the attack to the opposite direction it was aimed at, but in the end a few kicks managed to connect.

Minor Pain was radiating through my body parts where his attacks hit, I backed away and used this opportunity to take some distance between us, I wanted to let him see that the attacks did not affect me this much. He exhaled in and out rapidly while looking at me with a smirk " How about that Vegeta, you shouldn't have underestimated a member of the Ginyu force" he said.

I stood still and smiled back at him "This was rather disappointing Burter. I was expecting more" I replied. He stumbled a bit and tried to regain his composure. "You'll regret taking me lightly Vegeta, now watch as I show you the power of the Ginyu force!"

He lunged at me with incredible speed, trying to overwhelm me with punches and kicks from all directions , however little did he know that I had anticipated this move, by harnessing my ki to strengthen myself even more, I blocked every single attack with just my left arm as I imbued my right arm with more ki than it could handle, I patiently waited as he continued to unleash his onslaught without any pause.

As he was attacking, He stated " How is that Little veggie, is that more to your liking now"

I remained calm despite his taunt, and just in the nick of time I spotted an opening in his attacking stance, when he launched a speedy punch, instead of blocking like usual I lunged into the attack and used my left arm to deflect it, completely breaking his stance. "VEGETA WAIT!" He screamed but it was already too late, i threw a powerful right straight with my right arm square on his left oblique which sent him flying backward, the strength of the attack propelled making a hole into the ship's wall, then his body continued its path backward as it continued making holes the size of burter's body before he finally smashed against a wall but did not bore through.

I watched my handy work with a stern look then I extended my hand forward pointing to the location burter's body flew toward, I powered up "HAAAAAAAAAAA'' I uttered as my ki erupted in a flamelike aura around me, a yellow hued orb appeared in the middle of my hand, "HAAAAAAAAA" I continued exclaiming and the orb grew bigger, By this point Burter had gotten back up groggily, I smirked in triumph then I retreated my hand back like I was going to throw a punch, and swiftly extended it forward again as though I threw a punch while screaming "HYAH!" unleashing a -FULL POWER ENERGY WAVE- . A big yellow beam of light erupted from my hand and traveled toward Burter with breakneck speed, it soon reached him and completely engulfed him, The ki wave continued on its path of destruction till it bore a hole through the spaceship hull and escaped out of the ship, It soon reached a small island far away and completely obliterated a large chunk of it to smithereens.

Thanks to my attack, Now I had a clear path to the exterior of the ship, I ascended to the air since I couldn't walk on the floor, the heat of the energy wave had melted the floor and the walls from where I stood moments ago all the way to the hole my attack bore through the hull. I flew out of the ship through the doors I made for myself, Once outside, I used my ki to locate Butter, since I knew this attack should not have killed, He was around the area my attack had landed, I made a disapproving tch sound as I spoke to myself by saying " Seems like my energy wave transported him there". I then decided not to chase after him since I had to quickly go assemble the dragon balls I just borrowed from Frieza. Just as I was about to fly to the location I threw the dragon balls, my instinct told me a ki blast was heading my way, so without delay I lunged to the side,

The ki blast missed me by a margin and headed toward the ground. Upon impact with the ground, It resulted in a very small explosion followed by a tiny crater. I turned my head swiftly to identify who had thrown this puny attack, and to my surprise approaching me were several individuals dressed in the same fashion as that insufferable Zarbon. " Who are these Bastards? '' I found myself uttering.