
Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure

A man is hurled into a different reality, finding himself in a completely unfamiliar body. With no choice but to adapt swiftly, he embarks on a challenging journey to rise to the top. Join him on this adventure to become the strongest in a reality where powerhouses are as common as trees. This is an engaging weak-to-strong story that avoids the cliché of the protagonist becoming overpowered within a few chapters. Expect character development, actions with consequences, and a main character who doesn't sport the typical stone-cold, emotionless face found in other fanfics I have read. Additionally, I recommend reading the auxiliary chapter for guidance on how to fully enjoy this story. The MC possess a remarkable and distinct ability that sets him apart. However, this power will not render him instantly overpowered, ensuring a fair and balanced progression in the storyline. Additionally, it's worth noting that the character's development will not revolve around wishing death upon villains or purely striving to become the strongest. Such predictable paths can make the narrative monotonous to read. Are you tired of reading poorly written harem fanfics that are abandoned faster than a hot potato? Well, your search ends here! Say goodbye to the disappointment and delve into quality stories that will captivate your imagination and keep you engaged for hours on end. Say hello to a world of captivating characters, intricate plotlines, and unforgettable adventures. Don't settle for anything less than the best!

Universe_Buster · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Shattered Pride

Previously in Dragon ball Zarbon's Tale:

A CGI artist from a different universe unexpectedly finds himself in the body of Zarbon from Dragon Ball Z. Before this transformation, he was working at an exploitative company and came across a peculiar email survey about Dragon Ball characters. After choosing a character he disliked, he was suddenly transported to Planet Namek in the world of Dragon Ball. There, he discovers that he possesses a system with various commands and abilities. Meanwhile, an unknown spaceship is approaching Namek from an undisclosed location. On Namek, Zarbon catches sight of two remarkable figures and begins pursuing them.

--Namek- Unknown location---

Zarbon, relentless in his unwavering pursuit of Vegeta and Krillin, finally caught up with them amid the vast expanse of Namek. Displaying remarkable finesse and grace, he executed a flawless mid-air front flip, landing with utmost precision on the barren, desolate soil. Bulma, caught off guard by this intriguing stranger mere feet away, felt a subtle blush warm her cheeks as she turned to Krillin. With a curious twinkle in her eyes, she couldn't help but wonder, "Who is this handsome guy? Could it be that fate had sent me a knight in shining armor, destined to rescue me from the clutches of the evil saiyan Vegeta?" Krillin, however, shook his head in response, his expression one of caution and wisdom. "No, Bulma," he gently replied, "we should never judge others based solely on their appearance." Meanwhile, fueling the deep-rooted anger within him, Vegeta couldn't contain his fury any longer. "Watch your words, woman!" he bellowed, his tone resonating with menace. Startled by Vegeta's explosive outburst, Bulma instinctively sought refuge behind Krillin, who, in turn, became even more apprehensive. As Krillin silently pleaded for Bulma to exercise caution, his thoughts echoed, 'Please, Bulma, don't provoke him now, not in this volatile situation.'

Preferring efficiency, Zarbon promptly removed his flowing cape, its embroidered fabric rustling softly as he securely wrapped it around his strong forearm and bicep. Positioned several feet apart, Vegeta and Zarbon engaged in a wordless, motionless stare-down, their intense gazes locked in unwavering determination. The restless wind around them seemed to hold its breath, as if anticipating the clash that would soon follow.

Breaking the silence, Zarbon initiated the conversation, his voice steady yet resolute, "There is no need for us to fight, Vegeta." Vegeta's eyebrows raised in surprise at Zarbon's unexpected statement, his face transforming into an arrogant smirk as he responded, "Are you so afraid of me that you want to beg for your life, Zarbon?"

Despite taunting Zarbon with his trademark arrogance, Vegeta, being a cunning and meticulous warrior, couldn't help but notice a subtle difference in Zarbon's demeanor. There was a notable absence of the usual "I am better than you" attitude in Zarbon's communication, and he no longer looked down on his opponent. Vegeta's keen eyes observed the odd transformation which took place within his adversary—an intriguing shift that piqued his curiosity and fueled his anticipation for what lay ahead in their imminent encounter.

Notably, this individual's ki surpassed what it had been during their previous confrontation, emanating an aura of unprecedented power. After enduring such blatant taunting, Zarbon, with his piercing gaze, retaliated, his voice carrying a mix of confidence and menace. "You may misinterpret my words as a sign of weakness, Vegeta, but rest assured, I possess the power to defeat you, just as I did before," he sneered. Despite this provocative declaration, Vegeta, his pride unfazed, remained composed, a hint of mischief playing in his eyes as he confidently responded, "You did win against me in our previous encounter, but this time will be different. Trust me and prepare yourself." While engaging in their intense verbal exchange, Zarbon, ever inquisitive, discreetly tested the accessibility of the system screen, mentally invoking each system command to gauge if others could perceive it. Ultimately, he discovered that he alone had visibility of the system, a secret power at his disposal. Promptly, his eyes gleaming with newfound knowledge, he summoned the status window within his mind, and as if by magic, it promptly materialized before him, unveiling a wealth of information that would shape the course of the impending battle.

Status Window:

Name: Zarbon

Power Level: 26,050 (slightly elevated as a result of transmigration). Following the mystical process of transmigration, which enhanced the ki within the body.

Assimilation rate: 51.5% Engaging in physical activities is likely to lead to an increase in this aspect.

Transformation: Monster form- Unleash the monstrous (and admittedly not so easy on the eyes) form that lies within.

Potential: High. There is a great deal of untapped potential waiting to be unlocked. With the right strategies and focused efforts, the possibilities are limitless. Embrace the challenges and push yourself to new heights, reaching levels of success beyond your imagination.

Karma: -1000 points. This indicates a significantly negative score, suggesting a history of unfavorable actions or behavior. It serves as a reminder of the consequences that can arise from one's choices and actions.

Skills and Techniques: ???, Flight, Martial Arts (Intermediate), Ki Control, Elegant Blaster, Telekinesis (Intermediate), Monster Crush, ...etc.

Zarbon, a gifted individual of immense power hailing from the once flourishing planet XXX, possessed an inherently high power level that set him apart from his peers. Tragically, during his formative years, his home planet suffered under the ruthless conquest of the tyrannical King Cold, who recognized their exceptional combat prowess and untapped potential. As a result of this devastating campaign, the majority of Zarbon's race found themselves forced to serve in the formidable ranks of the Frieza Force.

Despite his undeniable intelligence and strategic brilliance, Zarbon's vanity and arrogance often overshadowed his true potential. He took great pleasure in indulging in flamboyance and self-admiration, neglecting the rigorous training that most warriors deemed crucial for growth and survival in the unforgiving universe. However, beneath his ostentatious exterior, Zarbon held a deep reverence and fear for King Cold and his lineage, as their imposing presence instilled a sense of awe and trepidation in the hearts of all who encountered them.

Fate took an unexpected turn for Zarbon when an unfortunate soul transmigrated into his body ,fusing with the previous soul , altering the course of his already tumultuous life. With this twist of destiny, new possibilities and challenges awaited the new Zarbon.

Zarbon promptly observed a slight but noticeable rise in both his power level and assimilation rate. As his gaze sharpened, he couldn't help but connect the dots, realizing that his increased pursuit of Vegeta had contributed significantly to the sudden augmentation of his assimilation rate. Overwhelmed by these developments, Zarbon quietly accessed the status window while addressing Vegeta, his voice betraying a faint glimmer of uncertainty, "I had hoped, perhaps foolishly, to find a resolution without resorting to combat, but it seems fate has dealt us a different hand." In response, Vegeta, with a mischievous smirk and an air of unwavering confidence, exclaims, his voice booming with anticipation, "Now, that's what I'm talking about! Prepare yourself, for today you shall bear witness to the true power of the prince of all Saiyans!"

No more words were exchanged; the Namekian landscape trembled with anticipation as both warriors lunged at each other. The battle commenced with a ferocious exchange of blows as they soared through the air, their fists colliding with explosive force. The impact, as their fists met, created a dazzling display of sparks and a deafening sound that reverberated across the Namekian sky. The shockwaves that surged outward from the collision were so powerful that they caused the mountains peaks in the surrounding area to crumble and disintegrate, sending plumes of dust and fragments of rock scattering in every direction. The once serene and undisturbed landscape now bore the scars of their formidable clash, a testament to the immense power and determination of these fierce warriors.

On the ground, Krillin and Bulma sought refuge, the weight of the impending danger pressing down on them. Crouching low to avoid the destructive aftermath of the devastating battle, they could feel the earth trembling beneath their feet. In every quiver of the ground, they sensed the stakes rising, recognizing the magnitude of their precarious situation. The relentless power unleashed between Vegeta and Zarbon seemed to swirl around them, an ethereal force that threatened not just their physical well-being, but their very existence in this tumultuous moment.

With an overwhelming surge of immeasurable strength welling up within him, Vegeta held the undeniable upper hand in the intense battle. Each strike he unleashed found its mark with unparalleled precision, landing forcefully and unyieldingly on Zarbon's vulnerable chest. The impact reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves of pain coursing through Zarbon's entire being. As if that wasn't enough, Vegeta's knee collided with tremendous force into the elegant warrior's stomach, leaving him gasping for breath and momentarily incapacitated. Zarbon's pained expression reflected the harsh reality of his situation as he momentarily recoiled from the relentless onslaught of Vegeta's unyielding and savage attacks.

Seizing the golden opportunity presented before him, Vegeta confidently allowed Zarbon, his heated opponent, to create a deliberate distance between them. With an unmistakable air of superiority, his voice dripping with a tantalizing mix of audacity and arrogance, Vegeta taunted Zarbon, his eyes gleaming with unspoken dare, as he declared, "Go on, transform into that monstrous form from before, if you dare. But rest assured, it shall bring no change to our destined clash." The reverberation of his challenge hung oppressively in the charged atmosphere, teasing and goading Zarbon to summon the strength to take the audacious next step.

As he heard Vegeta's arrogant words, Zarbon's chest rose and fell with a deep inhale, his mind focusing amidst the chaos that surrounded them. Seeking inner calm, he visualized the stillness of a tranquil lake, a sanctuary from the storm. With unwavering composure and a calculated tone, he responded, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken determination, "Remember that you asked for this, Vegeta." The fire within him burned brighter, as he steeled himself and embraced the true extent of his innate abilities. It was time to unleash the beast within, tapping into the raw power that lay dormant, waiting patiently for this very moment.

A profound transformation began to take hold, an eerie metamorphosis that would irreversibly alter Zarbon's appearance. Surges of raw energy coursed through his veins, causing his muscles to bulge and strain against his skin. The once pristine façade transformed into a grotesque visage, resembling a fearsome crocodilian monster emerging from beneath the depths. Smooth and flawless skin gave way to a rugged texture, marked by visible pores that accentuated the creature's newfound and menacing presence.

With an ominous cry that reverberated across the Namekian landscape, Zarbon unleashed his power in a dazzling transformation, radiating an aura of raw energy. The very air crackled with anticipation as he confronted Vegeta, his full power newly attained. The stage was now set for an epic clash between these two formidable warriors, each prepared to give everything in their quest for victory. On the sidelines, Bulma and Krillin stood in awe, their faces frozen in astonishment, as they beheld this extraordinary transformation unfold before their very eyes.

Meanwhile, Vegeta, the proud Saiyan prince, maintained an unwavering smirk, displaying no signs of intimidation after Zarbon undergoing a remarkable transformation. Crackling his knuckles, Vegeta approached the monstrous figure with boldness, mentally preparing to face whatever challenge lay ahead.

In the blink of an eye, the tides turned as Zarbon's dominance overshadowed the once-confident Saiyan. With astounding swiftness, Zarbon vanished from his original position, leaving Vegeta momentarily confused. Suddenly, Zarbon reappeared behind Vegeta, taking him by surprise. A crushing blow struck Vegeta's head with force, causing a cry of pain to escape his lips as he stumbled forward, temporarily disoriented by the unexpected assault.

Swiftly recovering, Vegeta twisted his body, summoning his strength to unleash a devastating counterattack against Zarbon. However, before he could react, Zarbon's extraordinary speed hindered any chance of retaliation. In the blink of an eye, Zarbon once again phased out of view, leaving Vegeta astounded by his opponent's agility.

As Vegeta prepared himself to defend, Zarbon abruptly materialized above him, clasping his hands together with malevolent intent. With unyielding force, Zarbon hammered his clasped hands onto Vegeta's head, delivering a blow that sent the Saiyan prince crashing to the ground in agonizing pain.

Gradually, the suspended dust and particles in the air settled as Zarbon leisurely descended, his movements filled with grace and purpose. With firm strides, he approached the crater where he thought Vegeta's defeated body lay, confident in his triumph over his formidable opponent.

Knowing he was completely outmatched, Vegeta's Saiyan instinct and unyielding tenacity kicked in, urging him to find a way out of this dire situation. With every fiber of his being, he swiftly devised a meticulously crafted plan to overcome his opponent, the mighty Zarbon. Sensing Zarbon's ki while remaining undetected, Vegeta harnessed every ounce of his own ki, mustering all the energy he could possibly gather, channeling it like a raging storm. As if a whirlwind of unstoppable power, he unleashed a "-Galick Gun-" towards Zarbon's position, capitalizing on the element of surprise that he had artfully orchestrated. The intense blast surged through the air at astonishing velocity, creating a symphony of raw power in its wake. It closed in on Zarbon before he could even register its presence, catching him off guard in a moment of vulnerability. Instinctively, Zarbon extended his right arm forward, hand open, in a desperate attempt to intercept and deflect the imminent threat that was hurtling towards him with unstoppable force. Little did Zarbon know that fate had something completely unexpected in store for both of them. Just as the attack was about to engulf him, a strange occurrence took place, defying all conventional expectations. The concentrated energy blast was suddenly absorbed into Zarbon's open palm, merging with his own ki, and further amplifying his already formidable battle strength. The battlefield was now shrouded in even more unpredictability and uncertainty, adding a new layer of complexity to this monumental clash.

On the sidelines, Bulma and Krillin watched in awe as an amazing fight unfolded before them. The intense battle between Vegeta and his opponent was like nothing they had ever witnessed before. Krillin couldn't believe what he was seeing, saying, "I can't believe that Vegeta, the same person who defeated us effortlessly on Earth, is now struggling." Bulma, with a knowing smile, responded, "It just goes to show that there's always someone stronger out there. But what happened to the charming guy we knew? He's turned into a monster." Bulma pouted and playfully complained, while Krillin shook his head, reminding her, "Bulma, we shouldn't judge someone solely based on their appearance." Bulma placed a finger on her lip, deep in thought, and mused, "It's funny how the handsome ones always tend to be the good guys." Krillin interrupted her train of thought, urging her to focus, "Remember, we're on Namek now. We should probably get out of here before things get worse." Bulma hesitated, mentioning her concern that Vegeta might retaliate if they tried to escape. Trying to reassure her, Krillin said, "Vegeta may be down for now. Let's not take any chances and make a run for it before Zarbon finds us." Bulma agreed, realizing the urgency of the situation. However, just as they were about to make their escape, a sudden ki blast flew right past them, barely missing its target. Startled, they turned to see Vegeta emerging from the dust, heavily injured but filled with a burning anger. Bulma couldn't help but ask in disbelief, "What happened to you, Vegeta?" With a fierce determination gleaming in his eyes, Vegeta replied, "I've had a brutal battle with Zarbon. If you want to survive, you better stop moving." Krillin, filled with astonishment, glanced over Vegeta's shoulder, curious about what lay behind him.

Seeing midget and the woman's facial expression, Vegeta felt a chilling shiver running down his spine. He instinctively turned around, dreading what was about to meet his gaze. And there it was, what he feared the most - Zarbon, standing completely unscathed by the attack. Vegeta's mind raced, trying to comprehend what he was witnessing.

The blast he had unleashed, the Galick Gun, was supposed to be devastating, capable of inflicting tremendous damage even to the most formidable foes. However, this encounter defied all logic. Zarbon appeared untouched, as if Vegeta's attack had been nothing more than a mere flicker in the wind. Vegeta's thoughts raced back to the training, the countless hours he had spent perfecting the technique. Was all his effort in vain? Had he underestimated Zarbon's power?

Vegeta's eyes narrowed, determination flickering within them. He couldn't let this setback discourage him. If anything, it fired up his fighting spirit even more. He vowed to push himself beyond his limits, to unlock hidden powers within him that would surpass anything Zarbon could ever imagine. This battle was far from over, and Vegeta was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As determination gradually crept into Vegeta's mind, a profound realization began to dawn upon him - the undeniable might concealed within the depths of a perfectly concentrated blast. Memories of his rigorous training sessions flooded his thoughts, accompanied by the profound wisdom inherited from his esteemed Saiyan mentors. Through countless battles, Vegeta had come to comprehend a fundamental truth - the unrivaled potency wielded by a focused ki blast, far surpassing the mundane power of a regular blast. It was a revelation that defied convention, for even an individual with a meager power level of 100 could channel their energy into a concentrated blast that transcended expectations, unleashing a force that effortlessly soared beyond the 500 mark, or perhaps even higher.

This explained why Piccolo, despite being significantly weaker than the ruthless Saiyan warrior Raditz, had been able to inflict serious harm upon him. It revealed that the sheer intensity and focused nature of Piccolo's attack had surpassed the limitations of raw power alone. However, much to Vegeta's surprise, when he unleashed his concentrated Galick Gun attack on Zarbon, the latter appeared completely unfazed. This inexplicable turn of events defied everything that Vegeta believed to be true, leaving him bewildered and questioning his understanding of power dynamics.

Vegeta's expression hardened as his eyes narrowed and a grim determination etched across his face. He mustered every ounce of his power and unleashed a relentless onslaught of ki blasts at Zarbon. The air crackled with energy as each blast left his palms, hurtling towards his opponent. However, to Vegeta's astonishment, Zarbon stood firm, a look of calm confidence on his face. With a simple wave of his hand, he effortlessly redirected each blast, his movements fluid and precise. The blasts dispersed harmlessly into the distance, not a scratch inflicted upon Zarbon.

Not a single blow landed on his opponent. Vegeta's frustration and disbelief grew with every failed attack. Overwhelmed by the sheer power before him, Vegeta's voice quivered in fear as he exclaimed, "How could I, the esteemed Prince Vegeta, suffer defeat at your hands?" His voice echoed through the battlefield, conveying a mix of anger, disbelief, and a tinge of humiliation.

As Vegeta's words hung in the air, his sense of pride shattered, and he slowly descended to the ground, his fighting spirit dampened. The mental and physical blows had taken their toll, his once indomitable spirit subdued. He succumbed to the ruthless beating he had endured, his body weary and bruised from the battle. In the aftermath of Vegeta's defeat, Zarbon alone stood victorious, his victory a testament to his strength and skill. He had not only bested the proud Prince of all Saiyans but also shattered any doubts about his own power. The battlefield was now a testament to his conquest and the unyielding strength he held.

Zarbon's Pov --- Unknown location----Namek

I was beyond annoyed, my frustration growing with each passing moment, as I recolled the events that unfolded. Earlier, fueled by determination, I had fervently chased after Vegeta and Krillin, my heart pounding in my chest, hoping to forge an alliance with them. I sought to pool our strengths and formulate a smart, strategic plan - a plan that revolved around harnessing the mystical power of the legendary dragon balls. Our mission? To shatter the tyrannical reign of my former boss, the infamous helmsman of evil himself, none other than Frieza - a name that sent shivers down the spines of even the strongest warriors. As I finally paused, gasping for breath, taking in the weight of the situation, my eyes scanned the battlefield. The signs of the intense battle that had just waged were impossible to miss, scars of the clash that would forever be etched into namek's memories.

The once serene and picturesque landscape, bathed in the golden rays of the setting sun, now bore the deep scars of devastation. The impact of the fierce clashes had ravaged the once untouched beauty, leaving behind several patches of scorched earth and upturned soil, a stark contrast to the once pristine scenery.

As my eyes scanned the desolate scene, I couldn't help but notice the craters that now marred the landscape. Each one, medium and small, served as a silent reminder of the immense energy blasts that were unleashed during the epic confrontation. The surrounding area seemed to hold its breath, as if still in disbelief of the violence that had taken place.

With a heavy heart, I approached the motionless figure of Vegeta, wanting to verify if he had truly passed out from the intense battle. As I knelt down beside him, I could feel the weight of my own grotesque transformation slowly fading away, leaving behind my more appealing form.

I calmly glanced at Bulma and Krillin, who stood frozen with fear next to the entrance of a dark and ominous cave. The wind whispered hauntingly through the narrow opening, intensifying the eerie atmosphere that surrounded us. Their bodies trembled as they tried to gather their wits amidst the palpable tension-filled air, their wide eyes darting nervously in every direction.

Determined, I approached the battered figure of Vegeta, his aura of power diminished, lying motionless on the cold, unforgiving ground. The scent of the fresh earth mixed with the metallic tang of blood filled my nostrils as I cautiously knelt down beside him. With a mixture of trepidation and hope, I placed my hand on his chest, feeling for any signs of life that might linger beneath. The thumping of my own heartbeat resonated in my ears as the seconds ticked by slowly.

Relief washed over me as I detected the faint thud of his pulse, a flicker of vitality that remained within him. My breath escaped in a sigh of gratitude, grateful for his survival amidst the relentless onslaught he had faced. It was a small victory, but it gave me hope in the face of uncertainty, a beacon of light in the darkness that enveloped me.

With utmost tenderness, I gingerly lifted Vegeta's bruised and battered form, cradling it protectively against my shoulder. Every touch conveyed a sense of careful compassion as I stepped closer to Bulma and Krillin, my footsteps measured and purposeful. As I approached them, my presence commanded attention and authority, echoing with unshakable conviction through the air.With a powerful voice, I boldly proclaimed, "Oi, my sleek-headed friend! I am well aware of your extraordinary prowess in controlling and manipulating your ki at will. I am eager to learn the intricate ways this technique. Please, teach me how to do it."

As these words escaped my lips, Krillin's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and curiosity. His gaze fixed upon me, captivated by the intensity of the moment. I couldn't help but notice the way his fingers clenched around the mystical dragon ball, its vibrant energy pulsating beneath his touch as he grappled with the enormity of the situation.

In the midst of this charged atmosphere, I made a firm yet solemn gesture, gently laying Vegeta's unconscious body at Krillin's feet. It served as a stark and undeniable testament to the consequences of underestimating my power, a visual reminder of the price one pays for underestimating the strength within me. Each passing second seemed to stretch out, the weight of my presence echoing through the air, establishing an unspoken understanding that I was not a force to be taken lightly.

The tension in the air grew thicker, as if time itself had slowed down to observe this defining moment. From that point on, the dynamics of our relationship shifted, marked by an unspoken acknowledgment of the power I possessed.

Kr cautiously approached me, his eyes burning with a glimmer of hope. I could sense the weight of his desperate plea as he softly asked, "If I agree to teach you, will you not hurt us?" With unwavering conviction, I reassured him, my words flowing effortlessly, "Relax. If I had any intention to cause harm, you would already be six feet under. I pose no threat to you or your companions." As Krillin exhaled a breath he didn't even realize he was holding, a flicker of courage welled within him. He stared at me, resolute, and mustered his determination to break free from his fears. "Promise?" he inquired, needing some reassurance. Meeting his gaze with an incredulous look, I firmly responded, "Yes, I promise. You have my word, and there is absolutely nothing for you to fear."

I shifted my gaze towards the woman positioned a short distance behind him. Assuming she was Bulma, her face instantly showed relief upon witnessing my conversation with Krillin. With a sense of determination, I spoke up, offering a final word of caution, my voice filled with unwavering resolve, "Let's be clear, no funny business during your training. As long as you refrain from causing any harm or mischief, I won't hesitate to retaliate. But, if you choose otherwise, there will be consequences that you'll have to face."

As my words hung in the air, I not only exerted verbal pressure but also conveyed my firm stance through my body language. The intensity of the situation was palpable. Krillin observed this display of strength and determination, nodding in agreement to signify his understanding and acceptance of the responsibility entrusted to him. After our conversation, he carefully handed over the precious dragon ball to the woman, instructing her to temporarily keep it concealed within the depths of the cave.

He then urgently urged me, a sense of urgency in his voice, "Let's head inside the cave, and I'll show you how it's done. Frieza's relentless henchmen are still relentlessly scouring the area in search of the dragon ball, which leaves us incredibly vulnerable if we choose to linger out here any longer than necessary." Trying to tease him playfully, mischief dancing in my eyes, I responded with a cheeky facial expression and a mischievous grin, "Oh, didn't you know? I happen to be one of Frieza's top soldiers, his trusted right-hand." Krillin's eyes widened in both shock and realization as his mind raced back to the brief encounter he had with Frieza just a few days ago. The corner of my mouth curled up mischievously as I burst into infectious laughter, my amusement evident in the few tears that formed at the corners of my eyes due to the sheer hilarity of his reaction. After a moment of letting our laughter subside, I gingerly lifted Vegeta's motionless body with utmost care and determination. Together, with our unwavering resolve, we embarked on our journey into the ominous depths of the cave, the unknown awaiting us with bated breath.

-----Unknown Pov-----

I was completely lost in my thoughts, zooming over the breathtaking Namekian landscape. The vibrant green sky and yellow clouds blended together in a mesmerizing display. It felt like I became one with the exhilarating speed, gliding past majestic mountains and soaring peaks with precise grace. The wind kissed my face, carrying the scent of adventure and a hint of anticipation.

Suddenly, reality snapped back like a slingshot, jolting me into the present moment with an urgency that demanded my immediate attention. My heart skipped a beat as the weight of my crucial mission sunk in—I had an important duty to retrieve the dragon ball, a mystical artifact that can grant any wish, and swiftly return it to our temporary base. The responsibility rested on my shoulders, but instead of being burdened by it, I embraced it with unwavering determination.

Taking a moment to catch my breath, I paused to appreciate the magnitude of the task that lay ahead. Dressed in a vibrant purple gi, a loving tribute to my esteemed Namekian instructor, the iconic red sash and armbands adorned my attire. Every stitch of my sturdy bronze grass shoes spoke of the journeys I had undertaken, while the pristine white collar mirrored that of the legendary Mr. Piccolo.

As I stood there, feeling the fabric against my skin, confidence surged through me like a lightning bolt. In that moment, I felt invincible, as if I had absorbed the power and knowledge of all my past challenges and triumphs. Ready to face any obstacle that dared to stand in my way, I embarked on this perilous quest, fueled by a burning determination and an unyielding spirit.

There it was, cradled delicately in my eager hands—the resplendent orange orb, glistening in the sunlight. It was one of the legendary mystical dragon balls, said to possess the unimaginable power to grant any wish. The weight of its significance was not lost on me, for this humble sphere held the key to reuniting with my esteemed comrades—Mr. Piccolo, Yamcha, Tienchinhan, and Chiaotzu.

As I reminisced, vivid memories of the arduous battles and selfless sacrifices flooded my mind like a torrential wave. Each skirmish fought with unwavering conviction, we stood united against formidable foes. I recalled the fateful encounter with the merciless Saiyan warrior, Nappa, which unleashed an overwhelming surge of fear and determination within me. It was a pivotal moment that propelled me forward, reminding me of the countless trials that awaited me on this monumental quest.

Yet, I stood there, in the heart of Namek, a vibrant planet teeming with life, its lush blue grassy plains and majestic mountains serving as a backdrop to my daunting mission. I was about to embark on a perilous journey, where every step would test not only my physical prowess, but also my unwavering resolve to bring light to our shattered world. The weight of the task ahead pressed upon my shoulders, but I found solace in the memories of my dear friends, whose voices still echoed in my mind, urging me onward. With their spirit and determination guiding me, I took my first step towards destiny's call, craving not only victory, but also the restoration of life to my dead allies.

I soared through the vast expanse of the sky, my heart racing with exhilaration and anticipation, as I eagerly set my course towards the location of my friends. The gentle breeze whispered in my ears, carrying with it the symphony of nature's melodies, harmonizing with the beating of my wings. With unwavering determination, I maintained a rapid speed, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through my body, propelling me closer to my destination.

As I continued my graceful flight, my keen eyes surveyed the panoramic beauty that unfolded below me. The sprawling dark teal plains stretched out endlessly, their velvety texture contrasting against the dramatic contours of the majestic mountains that stood tall and proud, piercing the celestial canvas. The sheer magnitude of the landscape was heightened by the presence of serene bodies of water, their crystalline surfaces reflecting the warm sunlight, casting a mesmerizing glow that danced across the pristine earth.

In this breathtaking tapestry of nature's masterpiece, I found solace and inspiration, appreciating the intricate details that adorned the vastness of this awe-inspiring scene.

My gaze then caught a glimpse of a small-sized hill, seemingly shrouded in mystery. Nestled within its embrace was a small cave, its entrance beckoning me closer. I swiftly descended towards the cave, my feet finding solid ground just shy of the entrance. The scene before me was both eerie and captivating. Smoke billowed into the air, a haunting reminder of the recent battle that had taken place. I could almost taste the tinge of ashes that hung in the atmosphere.

Examining my surroundings further, my eyes landed on the craters that were scattered throughout the area. Each one a testament to the destructive power that had been unleashed during the intense battle that had unfolded here. The varying sizes of the craters painted a vivid picture of the energy blasts that had ripped through the air, leaving their indelible mark on the landscape.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still. The serenity of the surroundings, juxtaposed against the remnants of chaos, created a surreal atmosphere. It was as if the very fabric of reality had been woven with a delicate balance of beauty and destruction. Fear marred my face as I immediately dashed inside the dark cave, desperately hoping that my friends were safe and unharmed. My heart pounded in my chest, the sound echoing in the eerie silence that engulfed me. Every step I took deeper into the unknown brought a mix of trepidation and determination to find those who were dear to me. Time stood still as I forged ahead, fueled by the unwavering bond of friendship and the burning desire to ensure their well-being.

I spotted the round house, a small structure which Bulma had taken out of the capsule, growing more concerned with each step I took towards it. Its peculiar design caught my attention, making me wonder about its purpose.

Without hesitating, I hurried towards the house, my mind filled with curiosity and a hint of apprehension. As I approached, a surprising and curious scene unfolded before my eyes. Krillin, my dad's best friend, sat across from the blue-skinned alien, the same individual who had mercilessly attacked the peaceful Namekian village with Frieza.

They sat there, seemingly in deep conversation, their legs crossed in front of the small entrance. The seriousness in their expressions was evident, causing me to carefully set down the Namekian dragon ball I held in my hand. I instinctively gathered my ki, preparing for any twist in this unexpected encounter.

Summoning all my courage, I shouted with all my strength, "Release my friend, you evil alien!" The force behind my words echoed in the air, commanding attention from both Krillin and the blue-skinned alien. Their faces turned towards me, surprised and startled by my sudden appearance.

Krillin's voice broke the brief silence, his energy lifting as he recognized me, "Hey, Gohan! You're back! I didn't even sense your energy. Must've been so focused on teaching Zarbon." A mixture of confusion and surprise washed over me as I raised an eyebrow, taken aback by his obliviousness. Krillin, scratching the back of his head, grinned in his usual Krillin way, oblivious to the tension that had filled me moments before.

I walked closer to their spot, curiosity clearly etched on my face, and said with a raised eyebrow, "Hey Krillin, wait a minute… isn't he one of the notorious bad guys we've crossed paths with before? Why in the world are you teaching him?"

Krillin, wearing a solemn expression, glanced at me before playfully tapping my head, almost as if to challenge my assumptions. Then, with an almost mischievous smile, he pointed to a shadowy figure standing in the distance, just a few meters behind the alien we were addressing. As I squinted to get a better look, my heart skipped a beat, for the battered body before me resembled someone all too familiar.

I couldn't help but gasp, "VEGETA!?"

My eyes darted towards Krillin, my puzzled expression demanding answers. "What is he doing here?" I asked, my voice betraying a mix of shock and bewilderment. But instead of providing a straightforward response, Krillin merely locked eyes with me and let out a sigh, hinting at a complex tale that awaited to be unraveled. "It's a long story," he finally replied. And so, the mysterious circumstances surrounding Vegeta's presence hovered ominously in the air, leaving me hungry for answers and eager to dive into the extraordinary events that had led to this improbable encounter.

And CUT! As you can see, dear reader, I'm still honing my writing skills. Rest assured, with each chapter I write, I'm progressing. The thrilling first fight scene awaits your feedback. Please feel free to leave a comment on your thoughts and any areas that may need attention.

How did you like the prince's pride being wounded by the main character? I would love to hear your thoughts and feelings on this captivating scene. Did it evoke a sense of surprise, satisfaction, or maybe even a touch of sympathy? Feel free to comment down below and share your insights on how this pivotal moment affected you.

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