
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter Twenty nine

" thank you, thank you all for coming over", Lissa said grinning ear to ear as she bid them all.

"see you in school tomorrow", Lyndia and others waved at her before going home except Collins and Vanessa.

"hey love birds, don't stay long before you get out of here", she said jokingly,

"Sure, bye", they watched her go back into the house. Like he was waiting for them all to leave, he hugged Vanessa.

"I'm going to miss you",

She giggled," it's just for hours Collins, not like we are not going to see each other in school tomorrow", she said smiling,

"are you saying you are not going to miss me ?",

"of course, I will",

he smiled and released her slowly. He caressed her cheek, sending shivers through her body.

"It's just hours but it seems like days already", he said staring into her eyes.

She blushed but then gasped when she felt his lips on her. Her heart was racing, her legs suddenly turn cold, and her whole body felt numb. She wasn't expecting that. That was her first kiss. She could have jumped back in shock but this is her lover. Her heart was beating too fast and her legs are threatening to give up. She couldn't describe how she feels as his cold lips suck her lower lips. She placed her hand on his chest, closing her eyes and drowning in the moment. She knew she had fallen head over the hill with him and if he should think of breaking her heart, she'd rather die or run mad cause she didn't think she can control how she feels towards him. They can control their powers, but not their emotions, not their feelings. They had fallen in love beyond what they could reconsider. Right at the moment, the roses mixed up with the gold, the moment she pulled him closer, not wanting him to stop, it was like water was poured into the blood which can never be sieved out again.

" Dad!!", Vanessa called excitedly as she couldn't stop smiling. She kept calling her dad not only because it was necessary but because she couldn't stop remembering what happened a few minutes ago. She wouldn't stop blushing, stop touching her lips over and over again, stop giggling. That's what Collins has done to her. She was about to call her dad's name when she saw keys ignited to the door she wasn't permitted to enter. She looks around and went towards it.

"dad?", she called but no one replied. She checked around again to see if he was truly not at home at the moment. It was a bunch of keys to every door in the house, she looks at the one ignited to the door and quickly removed a pair of them, then hurried to her room and waited for her dad to return.

"Soon I'll find out what is in that room, what exactly is behind that door".

"dad!", Vanessa shouted from the kitchen as she noticed Paul's arrival.

"Vanessa", he looks excited at the sight of her. Vanessa went to embrace him,

"I thought you said you are coming home tomorrow",

"I just wanted to surprise you", she said, breaking the hug.

"I'm glad you're home now, wait.. cooking something?",

"yes, I decided to cook for us today",

"wow ....", he inhaled the aroma," that smells like Munster",

"yeah, I'm preparing Munster and Camembert",

"wow! that sounds yummy, let me go and shower and get ready to devour the food", he said grinning,

" Okay Dad", she said with a smile and went back into the kitchen as Paul also went to his room.


Vanessa and Lyndia walked through the hallway to their class with chocolate chip cookies in their hands. They chatted, laughed, and eat as they headed to their seat.

"Last night's fight was funny and interesting", Lyndia said as she sat down. At exactly 11:00 the previous night, they all met at the railings along the street even though Vanessa sneaked out by flying out of the window. They went to the High Street of the cinema together and fought with Zamel and the other ten vampires. They fought with the determination to save the world from the tyranny of vampires unknowingly to them that they were being videoed secretly. Only Zamel was able to go back home, others that wanted to escape were stopped by Vanessa's power while Max and Lyndia threw knives at them, targeting their chests and burning them into ashes. Though it was late at night, their face was blurry but the videos were still uploaded online and soon it becomes the talk of the whole nation. They decided to attack the vampires at night so as not to attract attention, not yet. But that doesn't go as planned as someone witnessed the fight and uploaded the video online. Seeing two people using supernatural powers, the people lost hope was regained as they recognized them as saviors.

"but that's just the beginning of the fight", Vanessa reminded her.

When Vanessa got home, she saw her dad with bruises on his forehead and arm but he didn't open up to her upon her persuasion. He was beaten up by lord when he was questioned about where Vanessa was the previous night and he told him she never went out, not until he sees the video that shocked him. He wasn't even aware that Vanessa has regained her power. He was then given another hard potion of something.

At night, he kept on checking up on her till past 10 and when he was sure that she was asleep, he went ahead to his room and planned on how to use the potion to weaken her power. But immediately after he closed the door, Vanessa jumped up and hurried to her closet. She changed her nightwear and changed into black leggings and a white armless top with a black denim jacket on it. She wore black moccasins shoe and top them with a black face cap. She climbed the window and flew out. She flys so high, above the houses, and landed right beside her friends at the taxi stand.

"what's wrong? are you alright?", Collins asked as soon as she landed on the floor.

"I'm sorry for being late, dad won't stop checking up on me ",

"it's alright", Collins replied," c'mon let's go", he said, and off they went, to fight the vampires. One thing is common in their dressing and that's the black face cap. And soon, they got the tag as the BLACK FACE CAPS.