
Door of no secret

The wall has become an accomplice of both bad and good deeds, blocking all views from the happenings behind it, keeping the secrets and mysteries away from the world and the door becoming the key that locks it away. But also the only key to unlock it.        The cloud was dark and unsettled. Heavy rain pours down on thousands of skulls. The deafening screams, painful tears, and horror of the people filled the air as the vampires attacked every single hospital in the country. A powerful man has prophecied that the chosen babies who shall end the tyranny and the existence of vampires shall be born on that particular day which results in the killing of newborn babies, the pregnant women being murdered brutally, sounds and explosion of cars involved in an accident provides more victims. The mothers ran with the determination of saving the lives of their babies. Suddenly, the cries of the babies echoed, shaking the earth, the venomous fangs of Lord, the leaders of the vampires stared into the eyes of the babies with a dangerous smirk, then the rain stopped and the prophecy man disappeared.

Dammy_Dimples · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Twenty eight

lord's eyes were dark red as he was boiling with rage. He stabbed a girl in her chest, and with his bare hands it came out from her back. Her eyes bulged out as she died painfully. He removed his hand bringing out her heart in the process, creating a hole in her chest. She turned into ashes including the heart in his hand.

"I'm so sorry my lord please have mercy", Zamel pleaded for his life.

"it seems none of you is competent enough", he fumed,

"I can do it", a male vampire said but the lord looked at him angrily and burned him into ashes with his power. Every vampire knew him so well with his temper, they knew how cruel he could be when he was angry.

"Now you all get out of my sight now", he yelled dismissing all of them. "Mirabel!", he called as he tried calming himself down a little.

"doesn't your mind have a question to ask?",

"yes my lord, I will love to ask why you are after that woman",

" she's the mother of the vision girl and surely, she'll know where her daughter is, we need that girl",

"so the woman isn't the target, it's her daughter, we just need her mother to lure her",

"exactly", he said. His eyes lessen the darkness, "if she sides with those fools(saviours), she'll be of great help to them so we either imprisoned her...",

"or make her one of us", Mirabel completed. lord smiled at how smart she is.

Alice was about to be pulled over when Veronica screamed,

"oh my goodness!!!! Collins!!! Vanessa!!!",

Others checked out immediately and joined her in screaming.

Alice pulled over in front of the house wondering who they are and why they are screaming joyfully over the lady and the guy approaching from the other side. Max and others jumped out before she even get to park properly.

"hey be careful", Alice warned,

They all jumped out of the car and ran toward them with a big bear hugs even though they don't look so healthy. They were looking all dirty and smelly but they don't care about that at the moment. Alice came out of the car and leaned against it, she has been trying Juliet's number since the day before, after seeing Zamel's true identity but it was not reaching through. She became more worried and kept on trying.

"where have you guys been?",

"did you know how worried we were?",

Lyndia and Max said,

"we are so sorry", Collins apologize,

"Seriously what happened, I'm dead curious to know", Lissa asked curiously,

"guys not this way", Vanessa said pointing at how they looked,

"hm yeah", John said feeling disgusted," you need to wash up",

" no no no", Vero disagreed," we've been worried sick about where the hell you guys are, no call, no text, nothing, and now you are just coming back looking like you've been used to doing some labor ",

"but they look tired", Lyndia whispered,

"I don't care", Vero said looking so angry.

" We can't do that while standing", Collins said,

"let's them get in first", Lissa said so they all went in. After freshening up and settling down, Collins took the initiative of narrating everything that happened without exempting the fact that Vanessa accepted his love.

Max scoffed and shook his head," Collins even though you are stuck in the forest, you still asked a lady out, you are something",

"whoooo..so you guys are a term now..", Lissa nudges Vanessa playfully causing her to chuckle while John gives Collins a buddy shake as a sign of being proud of him.

"Will someone please come to give a hand with the groceries?", Alice shouted,

"ok mum", Lyndia shouted back,

"mum? you have a mum?",


Max nudged John as they both stand up to go and help with the groceries.

"you never told me that",

"she never told anyone", Vero said,

"ok here's what happened", she narrated the whole situation to her and she felt happy for her.

"you makes the right decision I must say", Collins said,

"I'm happy for you", Vanessa said and hugged her," and nice new glass you have there", she complimented the glass.

"yeah thanks, the other one got expired so I have to get the pairs",

"I see", she replied and smiled.

Lyndia lied to cover the truth that it was her dad that broke the previous one. Lissa and Veronica looked at each other knowing the truth. Collins excused himself to get a nap as he haven't had a good sleep for some nights now.

"you know you need some too", he said referring to Vanessa.

"hmmmmm", her friends teased,

"c'mon guys", she felt embarrassed at how they exaggerated things.

"Dad, I said I'm sorry", Vanessa said over the phone. She has been apologizing to her dad about leaving the house against his wish. She still regarded him as one even though she now gets to know about her biological father but Paul deserves it. He remain faithful and still took good care of her even though he was not her biological father.

"you are just too stubborn Vanessa",

"dad, please... it's just two more days and I'll be back home",

"Why do your friends have to hide you in the first place?",

"dad..., I put them up to it. I am very sorry, please...?",

He sighed over the phone," you must be back after that two days",

"yes, Dad",


"I promise", she said excitedly and then hang up. She went back to join the table as they all sat around a round table under a parasol in the garden. She resumed eating baguettes and brie with a scotch egg. It was such a delicious meal, all praise to Alice.

"seems like he accepted", Collins said,

"Sure", she smiled,

"but why did you lied, the sleepover was extended to even a day more cause of you two but you told him two days?", Lyndia asked,

"I want to give him a surprise package", she said and giggled.


They all ate in silence but not twice or thrice did Vanessa catch Collins staring at him causing her to blush. She couldn't eat properly because of his gaze.

"Are you two lovers?", Alice said, breaking the silence.

"huh?", Collins doesn't get who she's referring to.

"Are you two lovers, I mean..you and Vanessa?", she asked,

"why...did you ask ma'am?", Vanessa asked,

"the spark of two love birds can't pass me by without me noticing, and with eye contact, anyone could tell someone is dating someone", she stated in her observation, smiling at their cuteness.

Everyone laughed, Vanessa's face was all red with embarrassment as she felt like she was caught red-handed doing something bad but Collins, on the other hand, chuckled and blush over it.

"you are right ma'am, she's mine", Collins said unfazed,

"whoooo", everyone cooed. Vanessa's face is now tomato.

' did he have to say that now?', she thought, though she loved the feeling, she loved the way he claimed her so much that she feels loved, and right there, she wished to kiss him.

"Are you also a fighter?", she asked Vanessa,

"yes ma'am", she replied.

"they're the saviors", Max informed,

Alice looks like she just sees a dead ghost twerking, and she burst into laughter. Laughing all her gut out and this makes them look confused.

"y..you.. two?", she laughed again,

"you don't believe it?", Lissa sounded disappointed. Alice said after laughing to her satisfaction,

"you see guys, you can't be a fighter and then just choose two people among yourself and call them saviors. It is prophecied already, even to tell you, some has lost hope that they even truly exist, they're not ordinary people, they are powerful",

Collins smirked. Alice looked at him and saw him smiling. ' did he thinks this is a joke ?', she thought but she couldn't say it out, his handsomeness was so charming and at that moment, she wished he was her son, she would be very proud to have such a Greek lord as her baby. Collins suddenly used his gold eyes to push Alice's wine cup from the table but Vanessa uses her eyes to stop it mid-way. It was as if time stopped, the drop of wine that spilled stood halfway and went back into the cup which was reversed back to how it was before.

"Is this what you meant by being powerful", Collins asked her with his golden eyes.

Alice was so shocked," oh my goodness.....", she shouted. She couldn't believe her eyes, she couldn't believe she was seeing supernatural beings right there. Both of them look so breathtaking with their golden eyes.

They exist, they exist, and they are going to save the world. She kept shouting in her head. Their eyes changed back to normal and they chuckled with their friends. The look on Alice's face till the end of the super was priceless.