
Doomsday of MHA

A young man stuck in a world brought low by humanities greed, all he has left while waiting for oblivion is the stories from the past- these stories are all that stop him from succumbing to the mind-numbingly boring and monotonous life he lives. When the end finally arrives he is given the chance to enter a new world of heroes and villains, of reality and ideals. His start will not be glamorous, his power strong but hard to nurture, will he push through to become a hero or fall to the prejudice raised against him in this world where those with quirks are praised, those without scorned and those whose power mutates them looked upon with disgust! Follow his gritty journey as he tries to find his way in this new but all too familiar world! [So yeah the protagonist will have powers of base Doomsday- Hyper regeneration/Resurrection/Adaptation. Every other power Doomsday has is a result of adaptation and him fighting some of the most OP beings in fiction, so at the beginning the protagonist will be basically human and will have to go through the gruelling process the power requires, also... NO HAREM!]

Rightomate · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

U.A Entrance Exam (2/3)

Next morning I showed up for the exam, damn I was nervous. The written test should be easy, but the practical was gonna be hard- not hard due to the robots posing any issues but hard for me not to appear like a loose cannon.

Rumi had only taught me how to fight, but now I had to try my best not to harm the mock city, other participants and my own image- I wanna appear strong but not like a nuke hitting everything… more like a particularly spiky scalpel… still gonna obliterate any bot I see though.

"FUCK OFF DEKU!!" I see those 2 are already starting, explody boi was threatening Midoriya right off the bat just like I remember, good for me since everything is still mostly predictable… bad for Midoriya since he got chewed out.

I made my way inside before Dek- Midoriya had his simp moment for Uraraka. I was forced right up the back since I'd block the sight of anyone I was in front of… and I'd stand out like a sore thumb.



Present Mic wasn't dissuaded in the slightest and continued on to explain the rules, Ida stood up to ask some questions and berate Midoriya- honestly I can understand why when I can even hear his muttering back here.

After that we had a little time to complete the written test- surprisingly enough the entire thing was mainly filled with scenario type and multiple moral choice questions, I guess they care more about if you're a serial killer than whether you know math.

After that we were separated into groups and herded to different areas; I didn't recognize anyone from 1-A nearby. I think one or two were from 1-B? The moment the gate opened I sped past the small crowd into the city!

I heard several calling me out for cheating or just calling me a dumbass… until they were told there was no countdown in a real fight! Then the people who said anything suddenly grimaced and started running after me.

Too late! A wall nearby broke outward and a little 1 pointer came to intercept me, I didn't slow down and literally ran right through it! Several more 1 pointers and 2 pointers tried attacking or slowing me down- it didn't work and my score got higher.

The first 3 pointer showed up in front of me, finally something with a bit more bite!.... Or not… I'd jumped and landed on it raising my fist to punch… but seems just my landing on it broke it, woops.

Well that's disappointing, I didn't count my points but I must've already been at the top, I planned to keep it that way while I leisurely made my way around collecting more donations from the machines. Occasionally there'd be someone stuck under a bit of rubble or about to receive a hit- in the rubble cases I simply grabbed the concrete and lobbed it away, in the case of someone about to receive a hit I just stood in front of them, as if these tin cans hit as hard as Rumi!

Meanwhile in a super secret observation lounge

"Doesn't this year's group look promising?" said Midnight. There were some mutters of agreement as a few candidates in particular were singled out and displayed for everyone to see- Someone with 6 webbed arms scouting the area, another with pipes coming from their legs blitzing around the vicinity, a particularly sparkly blonde kid with an equally sparkly laser, a spiky blonde haired kid with steaming hands surrounded by destroyed bots and… an extremely tall gray skinned young man partially covered in bony armor with a tail and flickers of flame being visible in his mouth.

The last in particular was the most interesting- He clearly had enough power to wipe out every bot in the city but refrained from causing massive amounts of property damage, he was very obviously holding himself back and didn't focus solely on destruction as he manoeuvred himself between any candidate about to receive injury and went out of the way to help anyone who was stuck… It wasn't like he lacked enough points but it was still good to see them go out of their way to help others.

Nezu in particular was silent while watching them go around… "Doesn't he seem... almost bored?" said the mouse bear dog principal.

All Might piped up- "I met them yesterday… Seeing as Mirko trained him he might have… picked up her habits" the rest of the teachers showed surprised expressions at that but saw it as a good reason for their apparent lack of enthusiasm.

"Well I guess we'll just have to liven things up then" Nezu said while chuckling maniacally and pressing a big red button.

Back at the exam grounds

I'd just finished destroying a 3-pointer while wielding a 2-pointer in each hand when the ground started shaking and a nearby building shattered to pieces as a large robot made its way out of the rubble.

Before me in all its metallic glory was the 0-pointer, the manga really didn't do this thing justice… It was big! But I'd seen bigger. Everyone around me started screaming and running in the opposite direction as the giant made its way forward.

I threw my makeshift 'weapons' away and started sprinting directly at it! After all the disappointments surely this thing would be slightly better? I purposefully didn't dodge as its hand descended to smack me into the ground.


I was smacked flat into the concrete! A few other students looked over in horror thinking I'd been killed or horrendously injured… until the sound of bending metal reached their ears!

The hand of the 0-pointer bulged as I tore my way into it and started running along the inside tearing everything in sight! The bot didn't get any chance to deal with me as I reached its torso and started going wild!

Every second another hole would open and everyone would be able to see me running around inside, I decided to make it a bit more flashy as I started spewing napalm all over the place too.

In the span of 20 seconds the bot had been reduced to a twisted pile of molten metal! I walked out of the burning wreck as bits of the molten slag dripped off of me, to everyone else it looked ominous and scary with my face being in a scowl with fire dripping from my mouth, but the reason for that was- Ah shit, I accidentally burned my shirt… I hope Rumi's not too mad.

And in a secret little lounge a bunch of teachers' jaws had dropped at the performance myself and a few others had shown.

"I wonder how many points I got?".

Currently sick so I may miss an upload tomorrow

Rightomatecreators' thoughts