
Doom Lord MTL

The world had started doomsday, and I struggled for a year, before I died under an enchanted beast’s claw. Heaven has given me another chance, back a day before the end happen. Will I be able to change my fate, and that of my loved ones? Now, I will start my journey on becoming the strongest on the planet that the Gods have changed into a game world. By Wishing For A Pillow To Sleep With MTL simply stands for Machine TransLation. Basically, you translate from Gtranslate, yandex, and other translating software online. You read MTL's for the sake of getting ahead or to continue reading your favourite dropped stories. Novel Updates 856 Chapters (Complete) Translation Status: Ongoing Translation Release Frequency: Every 4.9 days Latest Chapter: Chapter 88

MTLdude · แฟนตาซี
170 Chs

The talented people lack

After Cheng Yang is plans to see Xiao Zheng, distant with opposite side, after waiting for opposite side to go out of town , met with opposite side again. But the person had not found now, he also has to give up.

Afterward, Cheng Yang then set out to leave Main City, after going out of light screen, he turned head to look in Main City close Architecture, in the heart cannot help but sighed, does not know that next time came when to here, does here person treat own also so „in a friendly way"?

Cheng Yang then first went to Undead Canyon Instance Dungeon, after this Instance Dungeon Hard Level Difficulty Clearance, he diversion/take a detour goes to East Mountain Village. At this time Yu Kai returned to East Mountain Village, Cheng Yang made him be own has arranged Priest once more, then in enters Nightmare Level Difficulty Black Tortoise Island Instance Dungeon.

Now these Instance Dungeon earnings, although definitely is unable to compare compared with it first clear, but can harvest several Bronze Rank Equipment each time, sometimes luck good, but can also obtain one Silver Rank Equipment. This is also the daily Clearance Instance Dungeon reason why Cheng Yang has always enjoyed.

Naturally, Nightmare Level even final Hell Level Difficulty Clearance also has the other advantage, that has certain probability to obtain extra Reward, this Reward powerful is not inferior to first clear Reward.

This certain probability may be worth the person discussing, knows on Cheng Yang, Previous Lifetime entire World similar different class Instance Dungeon Transfer Gate not under the 100,000 place, each Transfer Gate enter Number of Times from five times to ten times, but was pounded by that immense meat pie person not over ten, thus it can be seen this probability has fraudulent how.

However Cheng Yang has not actually planned to give up, although first clear Reward is good, but is limited. But Clearance Reward in ordinary day does not have the Reward Number of Times limit, although the probability is very low. But after is hopeful.

After Cheng Yang went to Xiang River Village, then returned to Fallen Phoenix Village, happen to at this time Li Wanshan also returned to Territory, Cheng Yang stopped by calling out it in immediately.

„Old Li, our Profession Sculpture already Upgrade to Level 5. But Profession Change number of people has not been kept at full strength, what's all this about?" Cheng Yang asked that this morning come back time, Cheng Yang already discovered this matter, but Li Wanshan in Territory, he had not gone to ask at that time.

Li Wanshan said immediately: „Lord. Is such a matter. According to various these days Profession Sculpture increase Profession Change Quota, in Fallen Phoenix Village Five Great Main Force War Battalion has provided four fully arranged Company now, number of people has achieved more than 750 people, now Fallen Phoenix Village Soldier total already 3750 people. Spirit Energy Points that some person of Profession Change need is voluntarily collects by recruitment Army, therefore they already smooth Profession Change. But now various camps already fully arranged. Lord you have not issued to expand manpower order, has not indicated the remaining these Combatant Quota Profession Change consumptions Spirit Energy Points to come from where, we do not dare to make the decision in private, after all this involves to several thousand Spirit Energy Points, is not the one small number. Moreover, after these Mercenary how Management, Lord you have not given the definite instruction."

Cheng Yang stares slightly, he also really doing to forget Spirit Energy Points that these Combatant Profession Change needed. By him several million Spirit Energy Points net worth, 10 Spirit Energy Points that this Profession Change needs truly does not have to care now. As for Management Mercenary later Management, in his heart early has the mental note. After he is prepares and other person of Profession Change to complete, then starts to carry out, but since Li Wanshan has now raised, this matter can also say but actually first.

Had pondered after one next, Cheng Yang said: „Such being the case, you go to convene come back Commander of various camps. Happen to also something need to arrange.... That side Niu Bing, arranges his Vice Commander to attend the meeting. The fellow a short time does not come back."

Cheng Yang looks at Li Wanshan to go far away, what thinks deeply about own to look for Secretary one? Otherwise own is really sometimes easy to forget something.

Thinks of the secretary. Cheng Yang has thought of Liu Xiyue suddenly, as own Personal Guard team one, can call the secretary? After thinking, Cheng Yang excluded Liu Xiyue from the secretary, after all Liu Xiyue powerful lay in the combat strength, but did not handle the internal affairs trivial matters, this aspect own must look for the one special talented person line.

Actually Li Wanshan is one good candidate, but he is governing Fallen Phoenix Village one Main Force War Battalion now, the matter are many, moreover belongs to the real power position, he also does in this aspect truly well, own cannot give to exempt him directly, then makes him give own to be the secretary.

Even if no appropriate secretary, looks for a person/alone to come assumes the post Fallen Phoenix Village Vice Village Head to be also good. Since there is Subordinate Encampment, Fallen Phoenix Village then left the one Vice Village Head duty, but this duty did not have appropriate candidate, therefore continuously vacancy.

Cheng Yang knows actually one has the good Internal Affairs ability person, but this person arrives at Xiang Cheng City Main City when Doomsday January (one month), but in that short less than one minute of time, the entire Xiang Cheng City population violent increases 1 million, when the time comes a scene confusion, which does own to go finding inevitably that person?

This matter must put first, waits for appropriate candidate to say again, as for before, only then spent some own brain cells.

Afterward, Cheng Yang then starts Clearance Bloody Church Instance Dungeon. This Instance Dungeon to present Cheng Yang without doubt is very simple, so long as has Chen Yun several people to go, in addition the coordination of Little White, quick can destroy completely that final BOSS.

Comes out after Instance Dungeon, Cheng Yang is manipulating pair of Silver Rank Boots in hand. Regarding this thing, the Cheng Yang's demand is not very intense, Cheng Yang prepared to Chen Yun and the others, these fellows actually by them as Territory Guardian, generally do not need too quick Speed, because they do not need to go far.

Then, Cheng Yang has own to exchange this pair of rose up 3 Movement Speed Silver Rank Boots. Cheng Yang's Speed finally basically is so impartial with Liu Hao, when facing the Demonized Beast attack of First Step Early Stage, he also had avoidance ability.

Previous Lifetime, is Current Lifetime, Cheng Yang has not had the experience of avoidance match Attack, or regarding most people, avoids Attack of enemy is the one very difficult matter, because must achieve Speed of Tenfold above enemy, this is the one very high standard.

Cheng Yang impatient exited to test, he wants to have a look at the probability of avoidance in a big way. However before, Cheng Yang kept in Little White the village, otherwise there is this fellow to present, perhaps he was very difficult provocative Demonized Beast heartily.

From village not far place, Cheng Yang found Gray Wolf that just respawn came out, he had has seriously not treated so one First Step Early Stage Demonized Beast for a long time.

This Gray Wolf is also bad luck enough, just opened the eye preparation to kill the four directions greatly, actually unexpectedly at present suddenly braves a person/alone, moreover a face provocation looks at own.

As an arrogant wolf, can it tolerate some people so to treat own? At that moment is crazy howling, threw toward opposite side, the sharp tooth bites instantaneously to the Cheng Yang's pate.

In the flash that Gray Wolf does not come out, in Cheng Yang mind appeared a feeling of odd, that was this Gray Wolf Speed instantaneously slowed down, in mind clear has put the path of Gray Wolf migration, even can analyze the Gray Wolf Attack position clearly.

This feeling is marvelous!

In Cheng Yang immerses in this feeling, suddenly felt that a pate ache, pulls back in Cheng Yang the reality, originally own had forgotten moving aside a moment ago, was nipped by this Gray Wolf unexpectedly directly on the throat.

On the Cheng Yang forehead cannot help but emits cold sweat, Gray Wolf most Ordinary First Step Early Stage Demonized Beast, its Attack does not have any Special Effect luckily, otherwise merely is this, own does not die is also the severe wound.

In this time, Gray Wolf Second Attack once more raids, Cheng Yang will again not make the same mistake, that marvelous feeling raises once more, Cheng Yang had decided instantaneously the line of avoidance, the body starts to move...

„Fuck!", when the tooth of Gray Wolf bites once more on the shoulder of own, Cheng Yang knows that the avoidance of own failed once more.

It seems like had Tenfold in Speed of enemy, avoidance ability did not say that had. This avoidance does not belong to Skill, but is individual combat technique, before being just like Cheng Yang , the avoidance enemy who uses is common in Attack of Fatal position.

At that time Cheng Yang can achieve Attack of avoid Demonized Beast to Fatal position, dependence is also the combat consciousness of Speed as well as Ultra that own was higher than plans. Now this type avoids Attack to have the wonder of equally good results from different methods with it, anybody wants Proficiency to master this skill, must undergo the innumerable practices to be good.

Although Cheng Yang failed twice, but has not been discouraged slightly, he was consumes with this Gray Wolf. After carrying on 56 times, Cheng Yang finally smooth avoid Gray Wolf Attack. That sense of achievement, making Cheng Yang think very satisfied.

Number of Times increase that as Cheng Yang dodges, he also slowly found some rules, the probability of success avoidance slowly was also enhancing.

This Gray Wolf may be depressed, thinks own looked for the one soft persimmon, which knows that bit quite a while has not broken by biting including the opposite side skin. To afterward even continually bit turns into the one very Hard matter.

Gray Wolf does not have no IQ, but faces the match who own is unable to be a worthy opponent to know the fear, may be Demonized Beast, the heart nature of bloodthirsty makes it launch Attack to Cheng Yang unceasingly.

After half an hour, Gray Wolf was exhausted on the ground, looked at this fellow one eyes that Cheng Yang pitied, then Ice Sphere threw, had finished its this tragedy and short life.

Cheng Yang grasps Mithril Magic Staff, returns to Fallen Phoenix Village.

The present matter basically processed, he must make one matter that for Chu Qiang Father and Daughter two people of Profession Change.

In initially Cheng Yang the Chu Qiang Father and Daughter two people rescued come back, Cheng Yang plans to help two people of Profession Change, but because Fallen Phoenix Village Profession Change Quota had used up at that time, Cheng Yang then put down this matter for the time being. Yesterday's time, Profession Sculpture Upgrade succeeded finally, but returned to time Cheng Yang of village to have a lot to in the morning process, did not have with enough time for their Profession Change. Now is finally idle, he then planned to handle this matter first.