
Doom Lord MTL

The world had started doomsday, and I struggled for a year, before I died under an enchanted beast’s claw. Heaven has given me another chance, back a day before the end happen. Will I be able to change my fate, and that of my loved ones? Now, I will start my journey on becoming the strongest on the planet that the Gods have changed into a game world. By Wishing For A Pillow To Sleep With MTL simply stands for Machine TransLation. Basically, you translate from Gtranslate, yandex, and other translating software online. You read MTL's for the sake of getting ahead or to continue reading your favourite dropped stories. Novel Updates 856 Chapters (Complete) Translation Status: Ongoing Translation Release Frequency: Every 4.9 days Latest Chapter: Chapter 88

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Empty and winding

If Cheng Yang early does not know that celebrating a holiday of own and Yuan Jianze, he is unable to see the slight hostility from Yuan Jianze absolutely, the outsider will even think that two people the good friend who is many years has not seen. But looks like in Cheng Yang, at this time the Yuan Jianze performance must jump over to intimately, exceed explained that opposite side has the heart of one fierce and ambitious.

Cheng Yang does not have on to expose, said with a smile indifferently: „Commanding Officer Yuan, looks at your facial expression, wants to come the beforehand matter to have the result?"

The Yuan Jianze look stagnates, but rapidly conceals, said: „This is natural, after all this matter not only gave Mister Cheng to have the influence, but also made my prestige be harmed, after Mister Cheng you left, I immediately arrange the manpower to investigate this matter. The result does not lose to hold, finally making has come to light this matter. Or our advanced room discussed!"

Cheng Yang nodded, he did not fear that Yuan Jianze plays any pattern, regarding this matter, he has not prepared to get the real answer in any case. All that he makes now, but is goes through the motions that's all.

attic worthily for is quite luxurious Architecture, not only room arrangement of rest unusual is reasonable, but small-sized reception room that under attic, sharing. Now in this attic besides Yuan Jianze, but also lives in several Military high class, but the right to control of this reception room, belongs to Yuan Jianze without doubt.

However what does not tally with this elegant reception room, in the Hall ground, is placing five corpse(s) unexpectedly. From the corpse(s) condition, they died the one or two day.

Cheng Yang brow micro wrinkle, in the heart had guessed correctly the move that Yuan Jianze finds out, has saying that although this strategy is not very wise, but is actually very effective.

„Commanding Officer Yuan. This..." Cheng Yang asked something already known pointed at ground several corpse(s) to ask.

Yuan Jianze saying bitterly: „Mister Cheng you have not to know that before submerged to the city outside to person of carrying on land mine Attack your subordinate person is they. These people are my Main City one Mercenary Squad members, after we investigate, their at risk of life resist/rebel, by our seizing personnel is given killed. Mister Cheng you also know. Now under this Game regulation(s), Combatant, so long as Health were emptied, only then dies not fresh result, to grasp lives, but was really too difficult."

During Cheng Yang is lost in thought that seemed considering that Yuan Jianze said whether was true.

Yuan Jianze and the others the moods are also quite disturbed. They were worried about Cheng Yang , if not believe their excuses, then an angry quarrel, that may on trouble(some).

Cheng Yang looked at the present people, at heart really impulsive, that these fellows all butchering. Entire Main City absolutely becomes in a state of disunity.

Naturally, this idea also merely dodged that's all in the Cheng Yang mind, he knows, if own has done this, although Xiang Cheng City Main City is unable to create the difficulty to Fallen Phoenix Village, but Main City will also fall into the long-term internal friction, only if he is willing to take over control of Main City by own powerful method.

This actually does not tally with the Cheng Yang beforehand plan, although Main City can bring certain earnings to him, but will bring many to hold back to his later layout similarly.

Let alone. What place he belongs to compared with others more clear Main City, this belongs to the God(s) domain, any wants to dominate this region procedure very likely to cause the change of Heaven and Earth Regulation(s). Then makes own all efforts turn into the futile effort.

Cheng Yang depresses the impulsion in heart, since is goes through the motions, that plays the fool to install to consider as finished, Cheng Yang said immediately with a smile: „Since Commanding Officer Yuan so regards as important the agreements of our two sides, before that looks like, I wrongly accused Commanding Officer Yuan you."

Yuan Jianze relaxed, is not only he. Including the surrounding other person also so, stands in front of Cheng Yang this expert(s). Truly has given them the immense pressure.

Cheng Yang then said: „Commanding Officer Yuan, in following several days of time. Some of some of my under people may arrive at Main City to move, but also asked Commanding Officer Yuan you when the time comes much to stretch the rules, provided conveniently some for them."

Yuan Jianze just put down the giant stone in heart, now listens to Cheng Yang to mention this matter, had not pondered that after all this was also they initially part of agreement, immediately said: „Mister Cheng felt relieved, although according to the initial agreement, Main City was my Military domain, but you must the hiring, I incomparably welcome here. Currently in Main City also has too many people unable Profession Change, they press a stone on my heart. If Mister Cheng can help their Profession Change, considers the good fortune of my Yuan, considers the luck of human."

In the Cheng Yang heart sneers, has not exposed regarding the wishful thinking that in the Yuan Jianze heart hits, said directly: „Commanding Officer Yuan thought highly of me, my wife and children industry was small, may unable to undertake so many person Profession Change. I also want to recruit several individual, made up for recently under vacancy that's all of team. You also know that this is Doomsday, Combatant has the casualty every day. Yeah!"

Yuan Jianze had not suspected but actually that nodded said: „Mister Cheng chooses freely is, needs me to send for helping?"

Cheng Yang shook the head, said: „This does not use but actually, I could not incur several individual in any case, how also to dare trouble(some) Commanding Officer you."

Yuan Jianze again has not demanded, he feels relieved now very much, in entire Main City, Strength strongest belongs to his Military Force. This is also not anything, now in entire Xiang Cheng City Main City, over one-third Mercenary teams, obey the Army instruction secretly. As for the other Mercenary team, either is certain Militia dependency Influence, either itself Strength compares powerful, disdains in attaching in any Influence.

In such a case, Yuan Jianze was not worried that Cheng Yang can in Profession Change Combatant fish for the big advantage in these. As for not yet the Profession Change person, just like Yuan Jianze said a moment ago that he looks forward to Cheng Yang to make these person of complete(ly). Cheng Yang knows that the weak trends of these people, the shortcomings of his also clear these people, these people under the Doomsday high pressure, lost the fighting spirit similarly, even if Profession Change is Combatant, the major part will not have the too great achievement, even dares to go out of Main City to go to killing Demonized Beast is very difficult to say.

Cheng Yang also talked with Yuan Jianze, as for several are the truth, perhaps linked their own not to say certainly. After saying, Cheng Yang then went out of attic.


After Cheng Yang leaves, in attic the appeared short peace, Yuan Jianze waved to say afterward: „Situ Fa, you arrange person, these corpse(s) processing."

Situ Fa walked immediately, Old Wu said at this time: „Commanding Officer, did you think that today's matter was too simple? This Cheng Yang how possibly such easily believed?"

Yuan Jianze has not spoken, Ding Ming then said: „Old Staff Officer, what are you are being worried about? don't tell me you thought that what inadequate Cheng Yang this boy will also suspect? Before the boy, is one University lives, simply has not experienced regarding the matter that these mistrust each other. Also, he now had certainly strong Strength, already the self-confidence full house, where thinks that we also dare to deceive him. Therefore he does not suspect odd."

Yuan Jianze said: „Ding Ming said also some truth, before this Cheng Yang, after is only the one student, their some idea customs are self-centered, extremely in believing the judgment of own. Place that this precisely we can use."

Old Wu hesitant, said: „Commanding Officer, if this Cheng Yang so is really simple, he how possibly after Doomsday approaches in the short more than ten days of time, has such powerful Strength?"

Yuan Jianze said: „Old Wu, you were oversensitive. Cheng Yang's achievement, what are more is a luck makes it so. I guessed that in the Occupy village, very has probably some type to speed up Promote(d) Strength thing, moreover this thing is only likely effective to the specific person. Why this is I have also wanted from the opposite side hand the reason that seizes that village, all answers will when the time comes make known."

Although Old Wu also wants to say anything, but actually could not find the appropriate reason, because he cannot produce Cheng Yang this person of mental very mature evidence. Initially confrontation before that Instance Dungeon Transfer Gate, several days ago Cheng Yang breaks in Main City, its behavior passes one type willful and is being, is not more than one has the matter that the farsighted person does likely. Must trade to do is he, in having such powerful Strength situation, will think the means to quell Main City Influence absolutely thoroughly, eliminates the hidden danger. Also must while the first time opportunity, be badly the person of head gives to kill Yuan Jianze these, making entire Xiang Cheng City Main City in a state of disunity.

But Cheng Yang such has not actually done, he has let up opportunity time and time again, because of this, Yuan Jianze and other talented people thought that Cheng Yang mental is not mature, Old Wu own cannot discover the rebuttal the reason.

Yuan Jianze said: „Old Wu, this matter for the time being did not need to consider. You send for quietly with Cheng Yang, having a look at him to choose these person of Profession Change. If there is an opportunity, might as well quietly catches these people."

„This..." Old Wu has not ravelled for a while the Yuan Jianze intention.

Yuan Jianze said: „Have you forgotten initially by Liu Xiyue that Cheng Yang carries off? Initially competed for Instance Dungeon Transfer Gate, I sent out dozens people to capture Liu Xiyue, Liu Xiyue was safe and sound, but the person who I sent did not have a person/alone to live come back, but at that time, Liu Xiyue joined to the Cheng Yang subordinates several days of time. Can in such a short time have such powerful Strength, perhaps can only sum up to Liu Xiyue Talent on. So, initially Cheng Yang intentionally mentioned by name to demand the Liu Xiyue three people, had the reason. I estimated that Cheng Yang has Special ability, can know Talent of some people ahead of time, how although we have not been able to infer this ability to use now, so long as stares at tight Cheng Yang I, finding the way to destroy his recruit plan, we also succeeded."

Old Wu nodded, approves to the inference of Yuan Jianze actually.


Cheng Yang strolled in Main City, had not found Xiao Zheng.

Actually he is also clear, own found Xiao Zheng at this time, cannot come up to meet with opposite side directly, so long as is not the fools can think that every action and every movement eye of own in Main City is staring inevitably. Perhaps this is Yuan Jianze intentionally sends, may is not, but with is not, the motion of own spreads to the Yuan Jianze ear in finally inevitably, person who after all entire Main City has Yuan Jianze everywhere.