
Chapter 2: creating a tribe

(1punch=1second of building)

After exploring the goldmine I gained 73 gold coins.

(old man)--You can also find hidden stocks of gold in the forest... Now you have some time to hunt or to explore your new home. If you want to continue come to me and say "shop".

(naked man)-- thank you, I'll come later.

I am so exited to explore the plains and to loot the ressources that are in the empty part of forest . I think it is better to claim all the ressources here and build latter.

(naked man)--tribesman 1 go loot this little chest, tribesman 2 go loot this little chest, tribesman 3 go loot this little amphora, tribesman 4 go loot this little amphora.

After saying this all my tribesman ran to the designated objects and began to punch them ? After 30 punchs and 30 seconds I noticed two notifications.

(system)--Max (400) food capacity reached.

Max (400) gold capacity reached.

Oh, I can't loot more. If I understand it right in the chests are money and in the amphora food. Now that I have reached max capacity I'll go speak to the old man. He knows what to do next.

(naked man)--hello old man, I want to go to the shop.

(old man)--Oho you're ready, good. You can build the city centre.

City centre



-75 food

-4 tribesman

(old man)--think about where you want your new city centre to be then you can build it.

So I imagined the city centre to be placed just above the tribesman houses. After some punches my city centre was built.

(system)--gained 2 Exp

(old man)--good, the city centre is the core of your civilisation. It should be good protected. Because it is exactly there that your civilisation will rise threw the ages.

(old man)--Ah yes, my last advise, build more houses to have more tribesman, they consist of your building power. Now my duty is done, good luck.

Like this the old man vanished as if he never existed.

Now what I need is defensive power.

(naked man)--shop.

A notification appeared. There was economy, defense, army and a marvel section. I pointed at the defense section and it opened. There was just one kind of defense building I could buy. It was the tower. So I pointed at it.




-300 gold coins

-3 tribesman

After this nothing happened. I was shocked. Where is my tower? Where is my gold? I cursed at the system and at the tower the rest of the day.

It is not until sunset that I realized that I forgot something. I didn't imagined where I wanted the tower to be placed. I facepalmed me. After some time I imagined the tower to be next to the city centre and as usual the tribesman ran to the place I imagined and.....punched the ground.

(system)--gained 10 Exp

It already was night so I walked to the city centre. It was the first time I would really sleep in this world. I chose the biggest house. The walls are made of bones and the roof is made of fur. In my house there is just one thing, a bed made of fur. I don't know what is a real bed so I thought it was luxury and threw myself on the bed and slept like a log.

During the night barbarians attacked us but because of our new tower the tribesman could spot them instantly and before they could attack us the javelin thrower had already killed them.

Because of the overwhelming power of our defense I didn't woke up. It's only the next day when I saw the corpses of the barbarians that I realized what happened. I was proud of our javelins thrower and also angry that barbarians had attacked us. Because of this I opened the shop, pointed at army and again pointed at the barracks.




-4 tribesman

- 500 food

I imagined it to be next to the tower. Then four tribesman ran there and punched the ground. 40 punches and 40 seconds later my barrack was built. I pointed at the barracks and a selection of soldiers were shown but only one was available at the moment. I pointed at the javelin thrower and then a notification popped up.


-Javelin thrower : -35 s

-25 food

(naked man)--Recruit max javelin thrower

About six minutes later all my tribes man were recruited and full of hatred we marched to the barbarians. Two hours later we arrived at their settlement. At the left from their city centre was a storehouse where they stored food and at the right of the city centre was a storehouse where they stored gold coins. Behind the city centre was a tower and the settlement was surrounded by a wooden wall. Just at the front where the city centre is they are no walls.

(naked man)--javelin thrower destroy the city centre and then rush to the tower and destroy it too. After this go loot all the money and food you want. Hahahahaha!