

Chapter 1: The Awakening

(naked man)--Where am I ?

There is just one thing that can describe what I see. Trees, trees, trees and trees. Ah and I forgot, for people who don't know, it is called a forest.

So all there is in my life is forest, forest and forest. I lost my memory so I can't say why I know this is called a forest or that this big thing is a tree. It is also strange that I know that I am a human. the only real two things I know are that I shouldn't be here and that I am naked.

I tried to find a way out of this labyrinth of trees but by doing so I encountered a boar. It wasn't happy that I just step in his honey. Why was it laying on the ground. It's not my fault. I ran for my life for the entire rest of the day, until I finally came out of this forest. There I collapsed on the ground and passed out.

When I woke up I still laid on the ground but this time an old man staid before me. He had white. hair and a long beard, in his left hand he holds a wooden stick and wears strange clothes.

(naked man)--hello

(old man)--hello and welcome to the birth of civilization! I am Pompus the wise, your counselor. Your tribe needs a place to sleep so please follow me.

My tribe? I don't have a tribe. but when I looked behind me there was a man. He looked odd, his body was fierce but he wasn't wearing any clothes at all. Like me!

When I looked back to the old man he was already walking to a woodpile.

(old man)--Here we are, now please build a house. You need to think build and your tribes man will build it.

So I did what the old man said and in like 5 seconds the tribes man builded a house. What the fuck... Just like this he build a house. He went to the house, punched 5 times the woodpile and Tadaaa!!!!

(old man)--Now that you built a house please think a place where you want this house to be.

I thought the house was at the other end of the plain and there it appeared. I found it so fantastic that I played with this power, imagining that the house was next the big tree, next to me and at the other end of the plain... Every time it appeared where I wanted it to be.

(old man)--Now that your house is built please build the other house.

Oh yeah, i forgot that there was the old man!

(naked man)--Build the other house tribesman.

Like before, 5 punches and voila... the second house. I noticed that when the two houses were built, I had four tribesman.

(old man)--You and your tribesman need food, let them hunt a deer.

So I pointed at a deer at the edge of the forest and thought hunt. A millisecond later the tribesman ran to the deer and killed it by punching it and throwing stones at it.

(old man)--now hunt two other deers.

Two deers later...

(old man)--you can also collect food from fruit-bearing trees. Shall we?

So I thought collet and pointed at the tree and two of my tribesman ran to the the tree and collected the fruits. like eight second later they got back with the fruits.

(old man)--now we can expand the settlement. But you need to remove the forest.

I thought about remove the settlement but suddenly a notification appeared

Remove Forest: 6s

-75 Gold coins

- 3 tribesman

I think yes and three tribesman ran to the forest part I thought of, each one punches two times and the forest part disappears. The tribesman walk back casually as if it was normal that a forest part disappears like that.

(old man)--the clearing of forest parts create space to build other things. It can also reveal new things to loot.

The old man points at the goldmine in the new place we acquired by clearing the forest.

(old man)--they was a goldmine hidden in the forest. Point at it to begin to explore the goldmine.

I was fascinated by it and did exactly what the old man said. It was really thrilling to encounter new things. Especially exploring...