
Dominate Seventh miss is a Sweet talker

" I love you" "Prove it. give me all you money" "its yours" "I was just kidding" Tangning didnt know what to think. She had married him because he saved her life, so why was she mad when other woman firted with Nai? _______________________________________________~If you guys have any suggestions please let me know in the comments! I have a lot to learn and would love to hear your opinions. this is my first book so please be gentle :D ×D

Makaytlin · วัยรุ่น
17 Chs

Please wake up

She waited and waited for Xiaolong to wake up. She didnt understand what was happening. From her knowledge the pill can cure any poison. no matter what it was. She fed him Yuhe pill as well. Nothing. She couldn't stop the tears that were threatening to fall. "Why...why did you save me...this should have been me. I should be the one lying here not you." She punched his chest. over and over she hit Xiaolong's chest. Tears were now falling. "Why didnt you just let me die instead? You dont owe me anything...As long as you come back I'll do anything..please" She didnt know why but when she thought of going into the world without Xiaolong her heart ached. It's only been a year. He was a fox. HE followed her and showed her herbs. At night when she was asleep the fox turned into a man. He slowly fell in love with her as well. HE hadnt even thought or cared that hed be exposed if he turned back into a man but he knew he had to save her. It had only been a year but she became so important to him. She couldnt love him...She doesnt even know me... that was the only thought going through his mind. She got up and wiped her tears. She didnt move just stood there. She touched her birthmark and put him in her space. Xiao Bai saw this happen and was shocked...where did he go. She knew it wasnt her place to ask and was going to head back down but saw that Tangning didnt move. Tangning went into her space. "Is there anyway to help him?" She looked at little tree. "Xiao Shu, Is there anyway to heal him please...I'll do anything...please dont let him die..." Little tree didnt know what to do...he knew of a way but it was to risky he didnt want to tell her but she could see he knew something. "Tell me. Tell me what it is. I dont care about the consequences." she knew from the feeling he was giving off that it was going to be hard and have a huge risk involved. "Little tree paused and was about to tell her that it was to risky but then he saw her face. He knew that look all to well...The same fate happens every incarnation. She falls in love and her love dies. She didnt have a love her last life and so she was cold and blood thirsty. He knew what would happen to her and what she would do if the man didnt wake up. Little tree took in a deep breath. "If...if you insert a small soul flame into his soul and merge a piece of yours with his...he will wake up..." Tangning didnt wait for the but and inserted a piece of her soul flame into the man. His body resisted at first but when it saw that the new intruder didnt mean any harm his body relaxed. She slowly passed around xiaolong's body. She finally reached his soul and slowly so not to hurt him any more merged her soul with his. The entire process took a week in the space but it was a day in the real world. She was sweating and her face was scrunched in pain. "Almost." She was 90 percent done. She just needed to get this last bit. Xiaolongs face had retained some color but it was still really pale. His lips were also still blue and the wound on his arm wasnt healing. "Finally" Tangning breathed a sigh of relief when the last bit merged. She didnt immediately retract her conciousness from his body but instead surveyed the rest of his internal injuries. Slowly all his injuries including the arrow wound closed. She retracted her conciousness and opened her eyes to see a fox looking at her. He was confused...A moment ago he was living with Tangning and their three kids but now shes crying... He tried to talk but found all he could do was make squeak sounds. Tangning used her power and brought some spirit water over. She slowly gave some to Xiaolong. After a few moments he became a man again. HE was confused. One moment he was playing with his and tangnings children and the next he was here.

"What happened...Wheres...wheres" He tried to remember what the kids' names were but couldnt. Tangning thought he was talking about the moon pearl and sneared. "Useless. I made the pill to save you and it did nothing." She teared up again. Just thinking that xiaolong could've died hurt her more. he looked around "Where am I?" Tangning told him about her space. She braced herself to be called crazy but he just took a minute to digest what she said and then acted as if it was normal. "You're not...you're not freaked out but this?" Tangning was afraid hed lose it or call her names but when he didnt react at all she was even more worried. "I knew you were different. I knew there was something about you that normal people didnt have. I guess I know what it is now." he looked around and felt a since of deja vu. He brushed it off and asked Tangning if they were going back out. She cheked him over and was about to take them out when he suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her close "And dont think I didnt hear your promise"