
Dominate Seventh miss is a Sweet talker

" I love you" "Prove it. give me all you money" "its yours" "I was just kidding" Tangning didnt know what to think. She had married him because he saved her life, so why was she mad when other woman firted with Nai? _______________________________________________~If you guys have any suggestions please let me know in the comments! I have a lot to learn and would love to hear your opinions. this is my first book so please be gentle :D ×D

Makaytlin · วัยรุ่น
17 Chs

going home

Zhou Ming opened his eyes and looked at his wife. He didn't know nor care if anything happened. He was just glad his wife kissed him. He was about to brush it off when he felt that he was about to have a breakthrough. He sat down and closed his eyes. Tang Ning just laughed and held his hands intending to help with the breakthrough. When the other three saw that they were cultivating they joined as well. Zhou Ming was struggling with the amount of spiritual energy coursing through him when he felt a soothing sensation. He recognized it immediately as his wife. He let her help him control the rampant energy while he circulated the rest. he had just finished circulating his air energy when he saw some water and earth elements as well. He was shocked and was about to try to pull them into his pool when he heard his wife say, "no. Make a different pool." He didn't quite understand but did as he was told and tried to put the water into a separate pool. he was amazed to see that he was successful.

He continued to do so till the pool began to show signs of breaking through. He then tried to do the same with the earth element. He slowly made two new pools. After he was done, he opened his eyes. He now had a brilliant indigo aura. He smiled at his wife the others also had a breakthrough. They grouped together and came out of the space. "I think its about time we leave for home. We've been gone for almost two years. Grandfather is probably worried about me." Everyone agreed that it was time to go. They slowly made their way back and slept in the inn. Zhou Ming had changed back into a fox as to not alarm anyone. The whole country thought he was in his palace sick. Tangning and Zhou Ming shared a room while Xiao Bai and the kids shared another. They headed home the next day.

When they got to the Generals manor Zhou Ming reluctantly left with Li Jie in tow. Tang Ning went straight to her grandfather's study as soon as she got back. The maids and other people looked at the 5-year-old child that followed. She got to Grandpa Tangs study and walked right in. Grandpa Tang was talking to her Fifth brother. They both looked up to see Tangning. Grandpa tang dropped his calligraphy brush when he saw how much Tang Ning had changed and that she was standing. "A-Ah Ning?" Tang Yuzi looked at his sister who was the splitting image of his mother. He hadnt been very old when their mother left but he he had seen paintings of her in grandpa tangs study. He immediately gave up his seat to his sister and rushed out to get his brothers. Grandpa Tang looked at his granddaughter. When she had first walked in he had thought that his yao'er had come back. "Ah Ning? Y-you're s-standing... youre walking... you.." he had tears in his eyes. "you look just like your mother." He came around the desk and caressed her face. Tang Ning leaned into his embrace. "Grandpa." She pulled back. "I know this may be shocking, but my master cured me and gave me some pills." She took out a vial of high-grade pills. She handed the whole thing to Grandpa Tang. "My master gave me the pills and it will help you to break through. He also said that this bottle should be given to my brothers. One of each pill. The blue one is a bone correcting pill. It will be painful and they should only do it one at a time. so the other can protect the one who is having to go through the process. The purple pill is the one master gave you it is a spirit gathering pill. They should take the blue one first and then the purple one. Then my Master said that I am to give them another pill after this is all over."

Just then all her brothers came into the study. They were all speaking at once. "Ah-Ning is it true? You can walk?" "Ah-Ning you're walking!" "Ah-Ning you look just like mother!" Only her eldest brother stood there and didnt say anything. He was 5 when their mother died. So he knew the best what she looked like. When he had walked in he had thought it was his mother. When fifth brother came to the front hall and said that Ah-Ning looked like mother he didnt actually believe him. Ah-Ze was only two when their mother died so he couldn't be too trusted but now that he had seen it for himself he knew. He wanted to speak up but all he could do was open and close his mouth like a fish.

Tang Ning looked at her eldest brother and saw that he was fighting back tears. She knew that the her from before wasn't the best. She walked to him slowly and gently gave him a hug. At first he just stood there but after a second he hugged her tighter. Then her other brothers joined and she was surrounded by a warm embrace. Grandpa tang just stood there and took in the view. After a while Tang Ning separated from the hug. "I have to speak to grandfather alone." The brothers looked at their baby sister and then left. Leaving Tang Ning and Grandpa Tang alone in the study once more.