
The Beginning(5)


When life gives you lemons make a lemonade --unknown man


**Dolittle Home**

Kal moved toward the door to ring the bell, feeling sleepy and lightheaded, but he endured it and rang it.

The door opened, and the angry Kiara said, "What time is it, young man? What took you so long to get home?"

"Mom, let's go inside. I will tell you all the details," said Kal as he took hold of his mom and dragged her inside.

He saw his dad watching the news on the sofa, so he took his mom and sat with her, adjusting to his dad.

"Look, what I'm going to tell you is unbelievable, but what I'm saying is all true," said Kal, capturing the attention of both his parents.

Kal explained all the details of how Hermione is a witch, and he is a squib, and his ancestor is a great wizard. He also mentioned drinking a potion for an inheritance and the need to attend the bank for a meeting.

After Kal recounted all the details of the day, he looked at his parents, whose expressions were shocked and dumbfounded, especially his dad, who seemed to be questioning his life.

"Well, then, I'm off to bed," said Kal but suddenly stopped, looking at his dad's hair.

"You know, Dad, I always hated your hair color so much," said Kal, accusing him, as his hair color was the same as his dad's.

"What? Deal with it, kid. I can't change my hair color; it's genetics," said John, getting offended by the perfectly fond hair. Kiara was holding back her laughter, looking at the situation.

"No worries, when your son has your back, here's the potion to change your hair color permanently. I got it with the help of McGonagall, and I don't want my future brother to have black hair," said Kal, looking at his dad with a mischievous smile and taking out a golden potion from his pocket.

Kiara burst out laughing and blushed at the same time. John got angry, took the potion, unscrewed it, and drank it. Kiara's eyes were observing Kal's expression because when he has a mischievous smile, he's about to do something crazy and to prove it. Kal's eyes fell on John's leg crutch, suddenly realizing something. She covered er mouth.

As John looked at his son's face with an 'are you happy now' look, he suddenly showed a pained expression, his hand pressing on his leg. As soon as the pain came, relief also arrived, with an expression indicating it.

John felt his leg and tried to stand up without the support of the crutch. Slowly, he got up, and Kiara stood up with an incredible expression. Kal looked proud, and John started jumping, taking steps toward Kiara, and hugged her, saying, "Kiara, I can walk and jump again, hahaha," excited like a little kid. He stopped himself from tearing up and looked at his son.

"Don't even dare to hug me, you hairy human, hmph. I'm going to sleep," said Kal, escaping to his room as he couldn't bear to look at his dad's teary face.

As Kal got into his room, he jumped right into his bed and fell asleep instantly. As the night progressed, Kal's body started to release sweat and spasm, and in his dream, he felt like he was doing his hellish exercises trained by Goku.

**The Next Morning**

"Kal, come downstairs and have breakfast!" shouted Kiara with a happy expression.

In his room, Kal was looking in the mirror, noticing changes in his body. Now he looked clean of pimples on his face, his height was 5'4", and he had a lean, swimmer's physique. He eyes glowing purple.He thought incredibly of his body narcissistically.

"I'm coming, Mom."

Kal came downstairs and looked at the dining table, seeing his dad, mom, and Hermione. He wondered what she was doing here.

"Did you grow taller overnight, son? You look stronger," said John, seeing the changes in his son's appearance.

"Everything is thanks to your ancestor, Dad," said Kal, shrugging his shoulders.

Kal took a seat beside Hermione and said, "I think it's best if you don't come to the meeting." However, Hermione didn't acknowledge his existence and continued talking with his father about his leg.

Some time later, at Charing Cross Road, London, behind the pub.

"Hermione, will you do the honors and open the passage to the wizarding world?" said Kal to Hermione. She didn't even look at him.

The passage opened, and as Kal navigated his parents to the bank, they gazed in awe at the magical place. They walked inside the bank, where Kal spoke to a seated goblin and returned to his parents.

"Mom, Dad, whatever happens, don't freak out and remain calm, especially you, Hermione," said Kal, looking towards Hermione, who had a tense expression.

"Kid, the other party has arrived. Follow me," said the head goblin to Kal. John was tense, looking at the creature, and his hand was ready on his gun in his back. Kal calmed his father down and arrived at the private chamber.

When Kal arrived, the other party also arrived – a middle-aged couple and a 17-year-old girl with pink hair and brown eyes, looking stunning.

The head goblin introduced the couple as Andromeda Tonks and Edward Tonks and started to read the contract. Miss McGonagall also arrived.

"Ahem, this contract states that a member of the Black family is to be married to a member of the Dolittle family. As they failed to do so, they lose their magic," announced the head goblin to all the audience. Everyone had mixed reactions, from shock to anger. Hermione held onto Kal tightly, and his parents were shocked. The middle-aged couple had the same expression, but the woman seemed happy. The girl's hair color changed according to her expression. Kal had an awestruck expression while looking at her.

"As Kal accepted his inheritance, the contract also acknowledges your existence as a descendant of Dolittle and binds it to your body," the head goblin added.

"But I was kicked out of the Black family, and the Black family has no remaining members," said Andromeda Tonks, shocked.

"Yes, you were kicked out, but the Black family tree accepted Nymphadora Tonks as the main member of the Black family, as acknowledged by the contract," the head goblin surprised everyone.

"What happens if Kal didn't accept the contract?" asked McGonagall, knowing that Kal didn't have magic as he was a squib.

"Then Nymphadora Tonks loses her magic powers. Either way, she's the one losing," the head goblin replied.

"I already have a girlfriend; I don't want to get married to someone else," said Kal, stepping out. Kal's parents looked at him with surprise because they knew he didn't have a girlfriend, but looking at Hermione, they realized something and smiled knowingly.

"Like hell I'm going to get married to a little brat! What are my ancestors even thinking?" said Nymphadora Tonks, angrily looking at Kal.

"Do you think I look desperate to you? I have a girlfriend. And you, bubblegum, who are you calling a brat? Want to fight?" said Kal, getting angry

"Let's fight, you little brat," said Nymphadora Tonks, as both of them moved toward each other to fight, but their parents quickly intervened, preventing a physical altercation