
Djinn System

Draven a teen in high school and a Hardcore Raider in his favorite Online game finds himself transported to another world with his body altered. Relying on his newfound system to help him survive and navigate through this unknown world he will encounter many dangers on the search for his father and a way home. For every answer he finds more questions arise Who brought them here and for what purpose?

Asmohawk · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs

Mass Power Leveling

Draven began traveling back to the training grounds a few minutes later he arrived and like he expected the number of people standing at the first barrier had multiplied. James was the first to notice Draven's arrival and hurried over to him as he saw the massive holes on the backside of the leather armor he had just bought earlier today. "You alright Draven?" James asked with a worried expression on his face. "Yeah just had a tussle with a Naga Boss in the lake but I'm all good now Novice armor is a joke though I might as well be wearing a t-shirt," Draven complained. He then removed the armor covering his upper body. This earned many looks from the women standing in the crowd. Draven tossed the armor on the ground. "You had any problems?" Draven asked his father. "Just a few people upset that I kicked them out but nothing crazy the Orb hunters from earlier today haven't shown up yet." Well, that's good I was worried they would come in force as soon as I left I'm glad I'll be here now if they decide to show. "Draven said with a stern gaze. James nodded "So were you able to get enough orbs to level everyone up?" James asked.

"I probably have enough orbs to level every one to level 4 or 5 so a bit more than required," Draven honestly said. James' jaw dropped as he looked around. "You realize half the Village is here how did you get so many Orbs?" Draven then went on to explain what had happened as he knew he was going to have to explain it anyway. "You killed all those creatures in just over an hour?" James said not knowing whether he could believe this or not. "Magic is pretty deadly but to be honest the scariest thing about me right now is my speed. You should invest in your agility." Draven said in earnest. "I don't have any control over that like you Draven" James reminded him. "That's right..." Draven said looking embarrassed. He remembered not everyone had a system to allow them to allocate their stats. "I'll ask the system later if there is something we can do about that," Draven said to be friendly. He didn't think his system could impact anyone else but who knows? Can't hurt to ask. Draven still had at least 2 hours left until nightfall but didn't feel like waiting and decided to get started he would still allow people to join until then so might as well get the ball rolling he thought.

"Alright everyone form a line and get ready to level up. I promise I have enough orbs for everyone there is no need to get ahead of the line everyone will have a turn. Sure enough, people began to form a line a few people despite Draven's explanation tried to force themselves in front of the women or children to get ahead in line. Before Draven could act one of the Orb hunters picked him up and sent him to the back of the line. This action surprised nearly everyone there, as they were used to people treating them like lower-class citizens. The first person in line was the Fox girl with white fur from earlier.

<Beep! 4 This person due to their race will likely not reach level with one Novice Veteran XP Orb.>

Draven pulled out 1 Novice Veteran XP Orb and handed it to her. She ate it on the spot and her complexion, skin and overall health instantly improved. Draven looked at her stats.

Jennifer Dawson

Race: Human, Kitsune

Level 3 Mage

Health: 180

Mana: 380

"Kitsune?" Draven whispered to himself as he read her stats. Before thinking any more about it he quickly told her she was level 3 and to stand to the side until everyone else was done as well. She thanked him while looking back a few times with a confused look on her face as she walked towards where Draven had pointed. Draven Repeated this process over and over again until nearly everyone had reached level 3 naturally Draven had to use some of his Novice veteran orbs as the Regular novice orbs ran out pretty quickly. Many of them hit level 4 and some even went straight to level 5 but Draven didn't have this down to a science and moved on to the next person. This process lasted longer than what it took Draven to gather all these orbs and more people lined up as time went on. James naturally checked all the newcomers before allowing them to get in line. Nightfall had approached and with it came trouble.

Draven could finally see the end of the line as a group of over a hundred Orb hunters marched toward where they were grouped up. Draven didn't care at all as he continued to level up the last remaining people. "What the hell is going on here? Yelled out George the snake man from earlier today. Draven continued to ignore him as he happily passed out orbs like they were cookies. Everyone was waiting for Draven to respond but he just kept on passing his aspirin-sized cookies out. The veins on George's forehead began to bulge as he walked over to Draven The Bear-man Orb hunter named Clive began to intercept him but Draven held up his hand to allow George to come closer. "I asked you a question, what the hell do you think you're doing here?" George asked again as he tried to get in between Draven and the second to last guy in line. Draven shoved George to the side with his elbow. "I'm almost done be a good boy and wait for a second," he said as he quickly passed the last two people their orbs.

"I'm passing out orbs to everyone here to level them up everyone here who was previously so weak is now level 3 or higher," Draven said as his mouth curled upwards into a grin. George looked around and started laughing like a maniac. "You expect me to believe that in the span of a few hours, everyone here leveled up to level 3? He said still laughing now all the other orb hunters that came along began to laugh as well. "Cut the crap and hand over the women I warned you earlier of what would happen and I don't play games." George replied "George I had a long day I still have a lot to do, seeing both of us aren't in the mood for games why don't we step into the training grounds and settle this like men. Draven said calmly as he maintained eye contact. We all know you are at least level 5 to be able to leave your village and come here I'm not that stupid to face you 1 on 1." George answered. "Oh, you misunderstood by we I meant me and all of you can enter the training grounds I want to finish this quickly and not waste time dealing with all of you individually," Draven replied with a look that said he couldn't care less how many people he brought along. Draven checked his stats.

George Farlow

Race: Human, Pit Viper

Level 3 Warrior

Health: 220

Mana: None

"Pffft" Draven released a bit of spit between his lips as he tried to contain his laughter. "You think this is funny? You hear that boys he thinks he can take us all on himself. Let's show how things are done here in Novice Village." George shouted for everyone to hear. Draven simply walked through the barrier and waited on the other side. Sure enough every last one of them crossed. James and the few good orb hunters were making their way through as well but Draven told them to stay behind this was not going to take long. "Do you all see the balls on this guy he actually walked in here with us and still thinks he is going to win!" George said with an ugly smirk on his face. "Why would a Dragon be afraid of a snake?" Draven asked and without waiting for an answer Draven decided to try something new and used earth magic to force the ground to rise up and surround their legs trapping them all in place.

Draven then pushed more mana into the dirt that had trapped their legs forcing it to compress until everyone who walked into the barrier had both their legs crushed. Draven then ordered the earth to drag them all to the center of the training field. As they passed by Draven simply said "Don't worry I won't kill you but let's see if any of you can make it back to the village tonight. You'll have to pass through all the people you have been abusing. I wonder if they will let you all C..R..A..W..L past them?" Draven elongated the world crawl to get the point across that they are now the vulnerable ones. Draven was now the one brandishing an ugly smirk as he began to walk towards the first barrier. A few of the orb hunters launched various spells of fire, water, and wind but Draven simply sidestepped them and continued walking.

The speed at which they released their spells was so slow that Draven even had some fun dodging them to pass by within a hair width for the fun of it. Draven passed through the Barrier, Everyone stood there in shock until they broke out in cheers. Draven had defeated all the people that had been making their lives a living hell this past week many were crying tears of joy that they no longer had to endure those hardships ever again. "You all were the ones oppressed by these guys, they will be crawling past you pretty soon as victims I'll let you decide their fate this time. Either let them crawl past you in shame or get rid of them I don't care either way." Draven said while taking a moment to scan the crowd before continuing.

"If you decide to let them live just know that I don't have the power to kick them out so you will continue to live with them until they leave on their own or we leave. To add to that anyone they hurt afterwards is on you. I'll prevent it if I can and so should all of you but I don't want to see any fingers pointing toward me. Do you all understand?" Regardless of what you choose to do The Orb Hunters will be reformed under me. they will be our warriors, our soldiers, and our shields against the dangers we have to face to survive in this world. There will be new rules set in place so that no one will be taken advantage of anymore but the Orb hunters will still be respected and provided with resources to grow at a faster rate than those who choose to be non-combatants.

But everyone does need to enter the Training grounds and get some combat experience. Who knows maybe you will be a part of the Orb Hunters soon. All it takes is to become confident in yourself and have the courage to face the dangers of this new world. I firmly believe that the majority of you have what it takes. if you can dig deep and live up to your potential you can become strong we are not the same as we were before we can evolve and shatter the limits we had before coming here embrace who you are now and strength will come with it." Looking around it seemed the anxiety many were showing began to vanish and more seemed eager to get started which is what Draven wanted.

"Okay if you're ready then go ahead and form groups with our orb hunters and let them show you how it's done. Afterwards you will be on your own. Don't worry our Orb hunters will step in in case something happens. I will ensure the monsters don't run out so be patient if the field looks a bit empty. Draven said as he sat down to regenerate his Mana that earth stunt sucked him dry but it was so worth it. Draven said while giggling. He had his eyes closed while meditating. He was a bit tired and wanted a break. After a few minutes Draven felt the Tap tap tap of someone poking his shoulder he released his Mana Regen skill and looked at the source of his annoyance.