
Help Murphy and Roberta

Murphy and Roberta were running from the alley to the apartment building where he lived, chasing zombies with his sour behind them. So they left with the team. Taking this opportunity, Lou Chen opened the window and began to scream.

Hey come this way, hearing the sound of Roberta Murphy by the arm and running towards the Lou Chen apartment, Lou Chen froze his back to the door and started to pull out the items he had put in to prevent the emergency of the door Before too late, footsteps started coming from outside Lou Chen opened the door and called the two who were just climbing the stairs and breathless. Hey come here and get past it.

When Lou Chen closed the door and blocked him and froze the back, Roberta was able to face him and suddenly the cold sweat was dod. Why did you help us by looking at Roberta Lou Chen's eyes?

I have no intention of harming you, I am trapped here, I can't go anywhere, I have seen you running away from the zombies outside. Roberta was looking for a little intention of looking at Lou Chen's eyes, but in her old life she had never been able to make a small animal, let alone a gun.

Roberta realized that Lou Chen was not lying and lowered her gun. Having seen Murphy and Robertayi closely, Lou Chen understood that he was reborn into the Z Nation film world.Murphy on the side was messing with the cuisine, hey there's nothing in the kitchen a long time ago everything is over, I have some water left.

When Roberta heard that there was water, she asked Lou Chen for some water. They had run out of water for 2 days. Hearing that Robertan wanted water, Lou Chen went to the room next door in the house and removed the water from the inventory, froze back and gave the water to Roberta.

When the water was alib, Roberta gave the remaining water to Murphye. Drinking all the remaining water, Murphy threw the empty fog to the ground. Roberta went to the window and looked at the zombies underneath, Lou Chene asked if we could stay here for a bit??. Hear this, Lou Chen was delighted.

If they stay here, it will be safe.In his previous life, he did not take a gun in his hand or hurt a little creature. Of course, you can stay here. Roberta Lou Chen, who could not see anything new at the entrance of the apartment building, sat cautiously towards the canopy and sat down, and there were still zombie noises coming from outside.

Taking this opportunity, Robertaya asked where they were going. We're going to California side. Lou Chen, who is waiting for Robertanin to say this, is right away, I am going to California and I will come with you and shoot well. Of course, the system was trusting its ability 1 sv Although it was weapon mastery, I think I should be able to make 1-2 shots.

We are in a special duty given by the state, I can't take care of anyone, Roberta said. Hearing this, Lou Chen face was a slack, but he immediately recovered and took the gun out of his waistband, and Roberta, who saw this, raised the gun and pointed it at Lou Chen.

Don't worry, Roberta was comforted by telling you that I would show you my talents. But the vigilant roberta did not lower the gun. Lou Chen went to the window and grabbed the gun to a zombie outside like a professional like he had been doing private military service for years.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!

He shot the zombies in the head by firing 3 hands. Putting the gun on her waistband, Robertaya froze and walked away from the window, saying come and see if you want. Roberta went to the window without separating the gun from Lou Chen and looked down there were 3 zombies lying on the ground who had been shot in the head.

You shoot well, you can come with us, but if you do something wrong, I will kill you. Lou Chen was delighted to hear this. Murhpy, who was sitting in the canopy, was chattering in his mouth with his face hanging in his mouth, New Yorkers were not enough, now a Chinese has come out.

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