

MC Re-Incarnated into multiple Disney Universes. Simple right?

GiveMeMulah · ภาพยนตร์
11 Chs

Adam’s crazy day

"Wait... did you say Disney Universe?!" A voice filled with confusion and exasperation was heard from inside a grande white room. Inside the room a young man and an older gentleman sat opposite each other, separated by a black desk.

The youth was wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans while the other wore an expensive looking black suit-everything about the suit was black except for the tie which was yellow.

"Yes Adam,I did say Disney. I didn't stutter in my sentence did I?" Said the gentleman with an eerie smile.

The problem wasn't wether he stuttered or not, it was that Adam couldn't believe his misfortune.

Rewind time a few hours ago and we have Adam making his way to his first ever job interview, filled with excitement and nervousness. He was the typical fresh college graduate- young, hopeful and full of visions of what his future holds.

After only few minutes into his journey everything turned black, as if somebody had just flipped a light switch.

The darkness didn't last long and in the next instance he found himself sitting on an armchair, everything around him was white except for a man and desk in front of him.

The man looked in his late fifties but there was something about him that made him pleasing to the eyes. He had short hair, clean shave and wore an all black suit.

He then introduced himself to the bewildered Adam as Loki, the God of Mischief and Trickery. That's not exactly the first thing someone wants to hear in Adam's position but the poor youth thought he was hallucinating.

Adam pinched himself and felt pain, yet nothing else followed. Loki who saw this chuckled but continued with a short explanation- as Adam was walking down the street, a flower pot from the buildings around him fell and landed on his head, killing him instantly.

It took a good few hours for Adam to calm down from his hysteria, but once the facts were laid bare he could do nothing else but accept his current situation.

"So what now? Do I go to heaven? Do I go hell? I mean..is there a heaven or a hell?" Asked Adam pointlessly.

Loki suddenly got up from his seat with a smile at his question and clicked his fingers turning off whatever was lighting the room.

"Drumroll please!" Loki shouted and drums started playing magically, although Adam wasn't really surprised or amazed.

When the drums came to a stop a spotlight lit up to reveal Loki's back.

"You my friend, have the privilege to venture the Disney Universe!" Loki turned around to reveal a red lottery wheel, the titles of Disney movies being the choices of the wheel.


And now we are back to the present, where Adam can't tell wether what is happening to his is good or bad luck.

"Come on, don't be so under the weather! You'll get to have some fun in different worlds, maybe even seduce a few princesses on your way!

I won't dictate the way you love your life in these universes, but you must follow one golden rule: you have to interfere in the plot. Easy as." Loki clarified and Adam pit his hand up as if to ask a question.

"No Adam, you don't really get a choice wether or not to be part of my grande plan." Adam's hand then fell as he gave a disappointed nod towards Loki.

"Cheer up Adam, I'll accompany you to every universe you go to. You also get a power or talent with every new world you visit, to make things easier. Now let's hurry and pick your first world! I think I'm more excited about this than you are!"

Loki grabbed the red wheel and gave it a strong spin as a cheesy melody played in the background, sounding like circus music.

*Please let it be an easygoing world* Adam thought with his fingers crossed.

*Tick Tick...Tick.....Tick*

"Oh! Aren't you lucky- princesses, queens and dwarfs! You get to meet Snow White!" Loki shouted while Adam thought how it could be worse.

"Before I send you there, I'll have to give you a power.... let me think..." Loki walked back and forth in a thinking pose with the spotlight following him.

"I know! I'll give you a godly voice, the same ability that Snow White charms people with her voice. The difference is that you won't be able to communicate with animals, but your singing is a lot more potent on humans."

Adam frowned since that's not much of a power, he expected something.... more grande?

"Don't look at me like that, it's only your first world! Plus, you'll get other privileges as well you'll see! So let's stop wasting time and just get you re-located already!"

And before Adam could say anything else Loki clapped his hands and everything turned black.... again.