
Different every morning

Q: What does it feel like to become a different person every morning? Mia: Thanks for the invitation. I just turned into a dragon and now I am worried about how to hide my ears and tail from my new family. Also, my throat is not feeling well due to a cold recently. I hope I won’t breath fire/worry in front of them. .jpg When the Bat family saw Mia for the first time, they noticed the difference between her and them. She was optimistic, lively, innocent and cute, just like a bouquet of flowers growing in the sun and had not been exposed to any darkness, which also made them When facing her, he unconsciously became a little more protective. Until one day, they discovered that their daughter/sister suddenly turned into a dragon and could breathe fire. Everyone:... This is not original but translated All credit goes to the author Thank you

Queen_world_1001 · ภาพยนตร์
42 Chs

Chapter 29

After hearing Ares' movements, Mia immediately broke away from Bruce and ran toward the entrance of the cave. She looked outside anxiously. The fire was swallowing up almost everything. The orange fire was eroding the entire forest at an unexpected speed. The thick smoke produced when the trees burned also made Mia start to cough. With her excellent sense of smell, she had never felt that she could feel so uncomfortable.

But more importantly, Ares was flying in the air. It looked completely different from what she had seen before. The friendliness and grievances had faded from it, replaced by the oppression and anger that belonged to the strong. .

Only now did Mia truly realize that what she had just faced was the mythical incarnation of chaos and evil, the master of the old world, the dragon.

"No, stop, Ares, stop, you need to stop!" she yelled at him anxiously. If it continues like this, those misunderstandings will never be explained clearly, and it will only be dubbed "the evil dragon that caused the forest fire" among humans.

Ares also stopped attacking after hearing Mia's cry. It floated in mid-air and looked at the forest below. The happiness and relief it originally expected did not appear. The cries of humans were mixed with the wails of animals. There was a sound in the ears, and the scorching flames made everything begin to die.

"This, this shouldn't be..." it stammered. In its imagination, those flames should only burn out their weapons, and at most, only the weeds and flowers they stepped on, like As before, the flames only served as a warning to them, letting them know that dragons were not easy to bully, instead of like now, the whole forest echoed with the tragic song of death.

"No, it shouldn't be like this." Ares continued to murmur. It lowered its head and looked at the group of humans, especially Leah, who had been pestering it. She still stood in front and shouted, but this time it was not to attack. , but to evacuate the soldiers so that they can escape the forest quickly and orderly instead of being trapped in the flames and burned alive.

Superboy and Robin were also ahead to clear the way for them. Superboy used his cryobreath to blow out the flames in front of him, and Robin did not forget to save a few small animals caught in the fire on the way out.

Batman immediately rushed over to help after seeing all this. He left Mia alone in the cave, and then flew the Batplane over the forest. Rescue water was sprinkled from the plane, but this was not enough for a forest fire. It can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket.

After getting away from the fire, Lia and the others quickly determined the location and started to open isolation strips and dig fire trenches to control the fire - because the country was on the edge of the forest, forest fires were not common for them, but They have some experience in how to avoid causing more and greater casualties.

Robin used his weapons to cut down the thick trees, and Superboy also used his heat vision to quickly open a fire trench... The originally dangerous and slow work became faster with their help, in just a few minutes A fire ditch dozens of meters long appeared in front of people, but it still couldn't keep up with the spread of the fire.

Suddenly, a drop of water fell on Mia's hand. She looked up at the sky. Ares left at some point. Only a large dark cloud appeared over the forest, and more rain fell from the dark clouds. Falling, they extinguished the fire, but brought no wind to fuel the flames.

Rain and fog filled the forest, and the animals that survived the fire began to return to their homes one after another. They climbed up the tree trunks and disappeared into the grass... In the end, only Leah and the others were left. She looked at them standing in the distance. Batman and Robin were here, and the expressions on their faces didn't look good.

But think about it, a father and son who hadn't seen each other for a few days suddenly met in a forest tens of thousands of kilometers away from Gotham, and judging from what had just happened, both parties had experienced a lot in the past few days. This is surprising for a control-freak father and son to be happy about.

"Report, Robin." The first person to open the topic was Batman. He frowned and looked at his child seriously. He could be said to be extremely embarrassed because of the fire. Not only had his cape been burned with several holes (that was in He was accidentally burned when rescuing small animals), and there were several black marks on his face. However, judging from his situation just now, no matter whether it was the space adventure in the past few days or the rescue just now, there was no trace of it.

He causes damage.

After hearing Batman's words, Damian also stated everything that had happened in the past few days in very concise words.

He told him that a few days ago, he and Superboy were suddenly taken to outer space by an alien kid named Luther, and he also learned from him that there was a planet hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the earth that had been observing the earth.

They view news and footage from Earth as entertainment, especially about superheroes and supervillains. They will talk to their classmates and friends about their favorite heroes and villains, and their curiosity about the Earth. This matter was supposed to continue like this until they left school and returned to society.

But one day a child appeared who thought he should become a clown. He led many children to form a villain alliance, and he also wanted to get the multi-cube to destroy the world.

However, due to his and Superboy's stoppage, the group of middle-school children had been imprisoned in the interstellar juvenile detention center. They also successfully escaped from the juvenile detention center and piloted the children's spaceship back to the earth.


"So what's going on with you and Mia?" Damian asked after finishing speaking. Although he could not clearly see the person standing at the entrance of the cave, don't forget that he had a Kryptonian partner.

After discovering Mia, he immediately told him everything he saw, and he did not forget to describe her dragon horns and tail.

"That is to say, is Mia actually a human-dragon hybrid?" Xiao Qiao said hesitantly. He looked at Damian with a complicated expression. Even though he had heard of Bruce's title of Playboy, he had never thought that Batman had actually been with a dragon.

Damian began to look solemn after hearing Xiao Qiao's words. He looked at Batman standing in front of him with a straight face, "I already know what's going on, and I don't mind having an extra dragon at home." He continued. But judging from his expression, it seemed that he not only didn't mind, but also looked forward to it.

"No, Mia is not a dragon." Batman replied helplessly when he saw Damian like this. He didn't know what he was thinking about, but he knew that those things were definitely not very interesting, at least to him, so he simply told what happened today, and also told him emphatically that no matter what Be it Dragon or Mia, everything will be back to normal after today.

On the other side, after settling the soldiers, Leah glanced at Robin and the others worriedly. Compared to the tense and serious atmosphere just now, this time she could clearly feel the disappointment from Robin.

What is he disappointed about? Leah didn't know, but that didn't stop her from approaching Superboy worriedly, hoping he could persuade him. Because Batman always had a cold face, she was a little worried that they would quarrel.

When Superboy heard her words, he just shrugged and explained that their relationship had always been like this.

"That sounds just like my father." Leia pursed her lips and muttered. She pursed her lips and looked at Superboy. Perhaps because it was made of Kryptonian material, his cape was not burned like Robin. , but a few black marks inevitably appeared on his face.

Just at this time, Batman and Robin also came over after talking. He walked directly to Leia, expressed his regret for the fire to her, and also told her that the evil dragon wanted to talk to her.

So when Mia heard the sound and turned around to look at the hole, she saw Batman, Robin, Superboy and the human being mentioned by Ares, Leia.

She jumped out of the Batplane and looked at Mia with an expression of wariness and confusion. She didn't understand why the evil dragon wanted to talk to her, but that didn't stop her from appearing in the dragon's lair with her own weapons.

It's just that this place looks completely different from what she thought. There are no bones of victims in the depths of the cave. In fact, there are just many gold jewelry that can blind people. The color of the soil is also normal, not like that at all. As the group of hunters said, it was stained red with blood. A girl with dragon horns and tail stood inside. She saw them. To be precise, she had a confused expression on her face, but

She immediately became excited after hearing Batman introduce her .

"Hey, hello Leah, I'm Mia!" she greeted happily, while eagerly running to Batman to tell him that Ares was missing.

"Ares? Who?" Leah asked with a frown. She thought they were humans who were trapped in the cave by evil dragons and used as spare food.

"That's the dragon you've been attacking." Mia replied, she turned her head to look at her, not noticing Robin standing next to her with a stinky face (he was angry that he didn't discover Mia's ability). He moved quietly towards Batman.

While she knew Damian was a good guy, and she did miss his foul face a bit after meeting Damian in Injustice, that didn't mean she would want to see him in this situation. , especially when he's still Robin now.

"It happened to be seen by nearby villagers when it went hunting some time ago, and there were some misunderstandings among them. They thought Ares was the kind of evil dragon who wanted to rob the treasury and invade the country, so we I want to talk to you and clear up any misunderstandings," she continued.

"But those hunters said that the evil dragon was covered in blood and wanted to attack them." Leah frowned and repeated the words of the hunters. She has read those descriptions several times almost every day these days, and has already memorized what happened that day by heart.

"No, Ares is a good dragon. He has never wanted to harm humans." Mia immediately retorted after hearing Leah's words. She looked at Batman with pleading eyes, wanting him to say a few words as well. He has met Ares, and he must know that it is a good dragon.

But it is a pity that Batman did not do what she wished. In this regard, he is always vigilant, or should I say he is vigilant towards all superpowers, even though the Justice League has been established for many years, he and his comrades He has gone through a lot, but the Batcomputer still has a plan to deal with them. Even because of what Mia told him about the Injustice League this morning, the plan was updated to prevent Superman, Lois and Joe from Possibility of exposure to clowns in all aspects.

And Leah just sighed after seeing Mia's appearance. She couldn't believe that the dragon was actually a good dragon just because of a child's words, not to mention that she had dragon horns and a tail, but for Batman's sake, she didn't mind talking to the evil dragon herself. .

So it didn't take long for them to leave the cave and go to the place where humans discovered Ares - that was its secret base. Mia knew from Ares's diary that he liked that place very much. Not only did he often go there to take a bath at night (there was a huge lake that could accommodate an entire dragon), but he also went there when he was irritable or sad. It also often goes to the lake to listen to the chorus of small animals in the forest.

Of course, Mia also knew that it was bad behavior to peek into other people's diaries, but it was not her fault. Those diaries were clearly written on the wall, making it difficult for Long to not see them.

Ares wrote above about his incomprehension about Mia's choice and his joy at finding a suitable cave.

As a dragon that would only exist for one day, it was difficult for Mia to understand the importance of the first cave to the dragon. It marked a dragon's independence, maturity, and ability, and if nothing else happened, it would remain there for its entire life. Spend time in this cave, and this is why Ares would rather endure human interference than move.

But now everything is destroyed, and even though the fire has been extinguished, the sound of burning trees still rings in its ears, and it sounds like a nightmare.

Ares has never wanted to harm any living thing, whether it is an animal or a human being. At most, it just wants to scare them so that it can have some fun for itself.

Even because of Mia, it is full of curiosity about humans. It wants to know what ability they have to attract a dragon, and this is why when choosing a territory, they did not choose to live in a place that humans can't reach like other dragons, but lived within the scope of human activities. Marginal reasons.

It wanted to observe them, as humans occasionally observe those animals, without harming them.

"Are you okay, Ares?" Mia's voice suddenly sounded behind it. She

climbed out of the Batplane and watched it sitting on the edge of the lake with an unprecedented depression. The rain fell on its scales, and it looked much dimmer without the sunshine.

After hearing Mia's words, Leah looked at the lake with wide eyes. She did not see the figure of the evil dragon. What appeared in front of her were only fish jumping out of the lake because of the heavy rain, but when she looked at After seeing how calm Batman and the others looked, she swallowed her question silently.

"No, I'm not good, Mia." Ares said with a pout. It did not turn around to face her, but lowered its head and looked at the lake. The ripples made the reflected sky become broken, " I was so angry, I was afraid those things would hurt you, and I just wanted to teach them a lesson and let them know how powerful dragons are, instead of like this..." it continued.

"I know, Ares, you are not that kind of bad dragon..." Mia comforted, she slowly walked to Ares, its tail was wagging again, but this time it was not because of being upset or angry, but It's because of sadness. It never thought things would develop like this.

"No, I'm so bad now, I will leave here, Mia, I will move, move to another place." Ares interrupted Mia, and it turned its head to look at her, its snake-like eyes The same eyes were now filled with sadness and guilt, "You can now tell your human that he no longer has to worry about a dragon hurting them..." it said.

From the beginning, it sensed Bruce and the others' guard against it. In fact, even Mia would still be nervous when she saw it. It doesn't understand why, in its impression, they are still good friends who grew up together.

So it just regards this as the unfamiliarity that they haven't seen each other for a long time, and firmly believes that as long as they can do something interesting together, then they can definitely go back to the past. But now it understands that Mia has become a human, and humans are afraid of dragons.

"You can also go and tell those humans that the evil dragon that has always wanted to occupy their country has been defeated by them, and it will never appear again." Ares said sadly.

It slowly stood up from the ground, turned around, and was about to go back to its cave to clean up things, but it saw Leah at a glance. She was staring at him with a solemn expression (actually Leah just wanted to look serious) At one point, she couldn't see Ares at all), which shocked Ares.

It didn't expect that human being to appear here at all. It was too immersed in guilt just now and didn't notice the surrounding situation at all. Even Mia only noticed it after she started talking.

This made it retreat subconsciously, wanting to escape the scene, but it completely forgot that it had added an invisibility magic to itself before it came here (that magic allows only dragons of the same race to see itself), and It still stands by the lake.

Then a loud sound rang in Mia's ears, and water splashed down from the sky, making it completely unclear which ones were rainwater and which ones were lake water.

Leia couldn't help laughing when she saw the water splashing from the lake, but she soon returned to her seriousness, "I heard Batman said you wanted to talk to me, Mr. Ares." she said to it.

After Ares saw that he was discovered, he also dispelled the magic. He sat at the bottom of the lake in embarrassment, with only half of his head exposed. "I do want to talk to you, but that was all in the past. Now I will leave the country and you can go back and tell your people that you have successfully defeated the dragon," it said negatively.

"But you haven't explained it to them yet!" Mia shouted upon hearing its words. No matter what Ares' final choice is, it should not leave with the title of "Evil Dragon" on its back. It should obviously be a good dragon.

"It's no longer necessary, Mia, I hurt them and those animals," Ares replied. It slowly got up from the lake, and the lake water dripped on the grass along its scales, and finally disappeared. In the soil, "I'm sorry, Leah, I shouldn't have done this. I hope the fire didn't cause you any harm, but it doesn't matter. I will leave right away. This will never happen again..." "

Where will you go?" Leah suddenly asked after hearing its words. She looked at Ares with a very complicated expression. It

was completely different from the dragon she had seen before. Guilt, sadness, fear and other emotions appeared on it, making it look completely different except for its appearance. It is a dragon, but more like a child who made a mistake and is waiting to be punished.

Ares paused after hearing Leah's words. It had not thought about where to go. Although this world is big, most of the places are already occupied by humans. As for other places, there are basically other places there. The dragon lives in it.

So after thinking for a long time, Ares really didn't find a place where he could go.

At this time, Damian spoke, and he said that it could follow him back to the manor, and that he could provide it with shelter, food, and jewelry.

Mia:? !

"No, I don't want to live with humans. I am dangerous and will cause harm to you." Ares immediately refused. It is afraid that what happened today will happen again, so it should stay away from humans.

"Then you can stay with Joe. He has a Fortress of Solitude that can provide you with accommodation. Moreover, he is a Kryptonian, so you will not cause any harm to him." Damian said immediately after hearing Ares' words. He looked at the dragon with an expression of determination, as if to say that he would definitely take it home.

When Joe heard his name being mentioned suddenly, he glanced at Damian subconsciously, but did not refute. After all, he also wanted to have a dragon. As for the issue of the Fortress of Solitude, his father had been feeding him in the fortress. An endangered creature, he believed he wouldn't mind having more dragons in it.

Ares also had a rare pause after hearing Damian's words. It was thinking about the possibility of moving to the Kryptonian Fortress of Solitude. After all, just by hearing the name, you knew there were no people there, and the Kryptonians also have various abilities. He wouldn't be hurt by it, but after thinking for a long time, Ares still rejected Damian.

It doesn't want to trouble them, and it won't grow if it's always dependent on other creatures. It is already a mature dragon.

"Then how about staying here temporarily?" Leah said suddenly while looking at them. On the way, Mia had already told everything about what happened that day. She told it that Ares had no bad intentions and that it had never wanted to harm humans. It just wanted to send a warning to them.

But at the time Leah was just skeptical about all this. Even though no one in Li had been injured or killed by the evil dragon in these attacks, she couldn't draw conclusions so easily before seeing it.

However, after the farce just now, she felt that Ares was definitely not the evil dragon that Orion said did not leave any life in its path. After all, no evil dragon would cause too many casualties before a fight had time. Feeling guilty like this due to the forest fire.

What's more, since the last war, the surrounding countries have begun to become a little impatient, so she has a bold idea.

"I already know from Mia that those things were all misunderstandings, and if we hadn't bothered you again and again, this forest fire would not have happened." Leah looked at the eyes gathered on her and shrugged. shrug. She continued to look at Ares. If she guessed correctly, the rain should also be caused by him.

Legend has it that dragons are creatures that can call the wind and rain, and the heavy rain came too timely, and the wind that always accompanied the heavy rain did not appear, so she had to guess this.

"Actually, because the surrounding countries have started to have some ideas recently, I hope we can make a deal." Leah continued.


"Yes, deal, I hope you can temporarily join my country to intimidate the small countries around me. Of course I will also give you my jewelry, and if you don't mind, I can Providing you with food and shelter." Leah nodded.

She looked at Ares with a serious expression. If their country had a dragon, then the surrounding countries would definitely be more thoughtful about starting a war, at least they wouldn't keep testing like they are now.

"But I don't want to harm any living thing. Only one such thing is enough." Ares refused. It's not trying to hurt anything.

"No, we won't hurt anyone. We just want everything to be peaceful. No one wants war

." Leah objected.

"But what about other humans?" Ares said hesitantly. It wasn't sure if those humans could accept a dragon, but if it could, it wanted to stay, in its lair.

"You don't have to worry about this, but you may be wronged when the time comes." Leah replied.

So when the soldiers saw their princess again, they found that she was sitting on the back of the evil dragon.

They landed not far from the camp. Leah jumped off Ares' back. When she looked at Ares, she looked a little apologetic. After all, in human legends, except for the brave, only the brave could defeat the evil dragon. Only the dragon knight who signed a contract with the evil dragon and tamed the dragon is left.

But when she turned to face her countrymen, there was only seriousness on her face.

She told them that she had just successfully reached a deal with the evil dragon. It would become the guardian of this country and help them resist the enemy. And after her conversation with it just now, what the hunters said was wrong. It had never been Thought of hurting them.

Although the soldiers felt that this matter was developing a bit too fast, they did not doubt their princess after getting along with her for this period of time.

In their view, Princess Leia will take over the throne and become queen in the future, but now she has just tamed a dragon. Shouldn't this be a matter of course?

Mia was sitting on the Bat Plane watching all this. She felt the cheers of the soldiers. Some of the brave ones would cautiously approach and share their food with it after getting the consent of Leia and Ares. In order to be able to touch its dragon scales. After all, you have to know that it is a dragon, and no one can resist the charm of a dragon.

However, after touching its hard scales, they will retract as quickly as they touch freshly boiled hot water.

And Ares, it's all new to him.

Because the dragon is a solitary animal, and it always remembers to stay away from humans, it has never been approached by any creature. In fact, because it is a dragon, most creatures will run away quickly after seeing it, except for a few. Only thoughtless insects will fly around it.

But after seeing those silly humans, it felt that it might understand why Mia wanted to stay with humans, and it seemed to be a good feeling.