
Diary of a Demon Lord: The Rise to Power

This is a promotional flyer crafted by Azazel, who has used it to fiercely undermine the forces of Heaven, deceiving countless souls into Hell. "Hey, Azazel, how's life in Hell?" "Blazing hot—oh, a jest—I know you're not talking about the weather. There are seductive and beautiful succubi, all kinds of strange jellies, daily horror shows, and grand battles every third day. Betrayal, and, well, more betrayal, stratagems and lies that even Hollywood can't match. Hell is quite nice, hey, this isn't a recruitment advert for Hell, but really, Hell is quite nice."

Xia_0745 · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

The First Time

Azazel's heart was racing, and he paced the room, a bundle of nerves.

In his past life, Azazel had been a sweet-natured college student, with a few relationships but never the opportunity to truly engage, to see action. In this life, most of his time was spent in the company of his mad father, wreaking havoc and taking lives. There was no time for love or romance. Even when beautiful women were captured, they couldn't be touched; they had to remain "pure of flesh." A rumor had circulated that evil underworld creatures preferred pure women.

So, for two lifetimes, Azazel had not been intimate with a beautiful woman.

Azazel was still a virgin, a fact he bore with a mix of pride and frustration.

But today, fortune seemed to smile on him.

The scenarios he'd only ever seen on TV or in movies were about to unfold in real life—oh my, the bold, forward woman one might encounter in a bar!

Azazel had thought such encounters were exclusive to American narratives. Who knew it was possible here, too?

The night would be long, the company intimate, the sparks ready to fly. What would happen next?

His heart thumped in his chest. Ah! The excitement was almost too much!

All other concerns could wait—the pursuit by the Dustmen, his father's mission. Tonight was about passion, about the woman who was about to arrive.

Her name was Judy, wasn't it? Her figure was stunning—a European chest with Asian skin, and those sensual lips to boot. Sure, she had goat hooves and horns, but didn't he have a tail and horns himself? At this moment, such details seemed trivial.

Then came the knock at the door.

"May I come in?" Judy's voice sang from the hallway.

Azazel rushed to open the door and there stood Judy, in a black miniskirt and white apron, grace personified.

"Please, do come in," Azazel said, trying to keep his voice steady.

Judy laughed softly at his nervous demeanor. She stepped closer and tiptoed up to kiss him.

Her tongue slipped easily into Azazel's mouth, twining and sucking at his own in a deep, intoxicating kiss. He could smell her sweet breath, a scent that clouded the mind, her breaths and low moans driving him wild. Then he felt something else—Judy's hand gliding down his back, caressing his buttocks, while her other hand slid to the front and into his pants.

She found "Little Azazel."

When their lips finally parted, both let out a simultaneous, "Wow."

Azazel's wow was from a place of contentment, still lost in the afterglow of the kiss, while Judy's hand hadn't stopped its exploration.

Judy's wow was from surprise.

"That's quite an impressive package you've got there. Be gentle, okay?" She kissed him again before he could respond.

Another fiery kiss followed, and then Judy's lips didn't pull away. Instead, they trailed from his lips to his chin and down his neck to his chest, stopping at his trembling abdomen, then traveling lower.

"Wait, wait, right here at the door?"

Judy didn't answer but gave an affirmative bite.

"Oh, heavens, right here then." Azazel took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and after a moment let out a long, contented sigh. Such pleasure was unprecedented. What joy could pure, naive girls possibly provide?

Judy was passionate, bold, and experienced. One hand continued to minister to "Little Azazel," while the other slipped between her own legs to pleasure herself. And just like that, they indulged in their pleasure right beside the door.

In under three minutes, Azazel succumbed to Judy's skilled hands and sensual lips.

As the climax hit, it was electric, a rush of ecstasy flooding through him. Azazel shuddered, let out a guttural growl, and something surged forth.

Then he opened his eyes to find himself staring at a large nose followed by a face—the face of Thrice-All-Three.

Thrice-All-Three held a hand to his own chest, the other stroking his beard, watching them with keen interest.

"Hey, don't mind me. I'm just here contemplating a question. You can pretend I don't exist. Don't mind me, carry on," Thrice-All-Three said, waving dismissively as if he were an insignificant being unworthy of notice.

Azazel hastily pulled up his pants, lifted Judy up, and hurried to close the door, only to be blocked by Thrice-All-Three. With one hand pressing against the door and his shoulder wedged in the frame, he prevented Azazel from closing it. Looking earnestly at Azazel, he said, "You know, Azazel, I've been pondering a question—Thrice-All-Three! Do you get it? Thrice-All-Three! It's the cosmic rule. And there are just two of you. Maybe I could join you? May I come in?"

"Get lost!" Azazel kicked out, but Thrice-All-Three nimbly leaped back, dodging the blow.

The door slammed shut.

"Hey! What you're doing isn't normal; it goes against the cosmic truth!" Thrice-All-Three shouted from outside the closed door, reluctant to leave. "Remember, everything comes in threes! Brother, I'm just trying to help you out. I bet you couldn't handle that feisty woman alone. I can help, for free."

Judy opened her mouth, showing Azazel what she had inside, and then swallowed it down.

"How about that, did you like it?" she asked with a smile.

"Oh, I absolutely adore you."

The pair rolled onto the bed together.

Naturally, no one paid any heed to Thrice-All-Three outside: "Fine, I'll be going then. If you change your mind or decide to abide by the cosmic rules, you'll find me downstairs in the tavern."

In the bed, Azazel was now on top, fierce and determined, but despite his thrusting and angling, he simply couldn't find his way in.

At the last moment, Azazel didn't know what to do. He'd seen plenty of films, but damn it! Most of what he'd seen was censored, the key moments obscured by giant pixels. Even the uncensored glimpses from the camera didn't teach him much.

The beautiful woman was moaning beneath him, glistening with sweat, her legs wide open, but at this crucial moment, he couldn't find his way!

Sweating profusely, Azazel wished he had a drill for a tool, so he could make a hole by sheer force.

Judy noticed Azazel's struggle, the corners of her mouth curling up. "What's the trouble?"

Azazel's face turned beet red.

"Oh, my God, no way," Judy's eyes widened, sparkling with excitement. "You're not a virgin, are you? Am I that lucky? This is incredible."

What could Azazel say? He could only nod, feeling as though his face might burst into flames.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Judy could only utter exclamations of disbelief. "Today must be my lucky day, I have to remember this." Her words were calm, but inside, Judy's heart felt as if it had sprouted wings, ready to soar into the clouds and scream! Look what I've done? I've been with a handsome devil, and he's a virgin. In an age where virgins are a rarity, I've found something even rarer than diamonds—a devilish virgin!

"Hey, don't be nervous, young man, come, lie down! Let sister teach you," Judy said, pushing Azazel down onto the bed and straddling him.

This was her favorite position. She patted Azazel's cheek, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle with you."

Taking hold of "Little Azazel," Judy guided him with her deft hands, and he easily slid into her.

"Oh!" Azazel could only gasp, inhale deeply, and then exhale long, satisfied sighs devoid of any meaning.

That sigh was like a battle cry, a knight's bugle. The beautiful female knight atop him began to move with intensity, the wooden bed creaking with her moans. Judy's red hair danced in Azazel's eyes like flames, her beautiful breasts swaying hypnotically. Judy's hands grasped Azazel's tightly, their fingers interlocked in wild, heated passion.

In that moment, they were like beasts, not thinking about anything—beliefs, ideals, responsibilities. They were just moving wildly, seeking only the pleasure of the moment. In that moment, they were nothing but beasts.

Judy's sudden, high-pitched cry matched Azazel's low, animalistic growl.

The beautiful rider atop Azazel seemed to have expended her last ounce of energy, collapsing onto his chest.

For a long while, they just breathed heavily, too spent to speak.

"How does it feel, my handsome young man?" Judy asked, lips kissing Azazel's chest.

"Hot!" was all Azazel could muster, followed by "Wet!" after some time.

"Am I good, huh? Was I good?" Judy's speech grew slurred as her nimble tongue began a trail upward from Azazel's chest, leaving a glistening path aimed at his lips.

"Great!" Azazel took a moment to recover. "It was absolutely perfect!"

Judy giggled, "Want to go again?" 

Azazel, embracing the boneless succubus, laughed.

"Why not?" he said.

The inexperienced Azazel did not grasp the ordeal he had just begun, answering so naively. It was only the next morning that he would come to understand a profound truth: "Apparently, women who seem soft possess an endless ability to recover."

That night, Azazel's bed creaked and groaned without rest.