
Diary of a Demon Lord: The Rise to Power

This is a promotional flyer crafted by Azazel, who has used it to fiercely undermine the forces of Heaven, deceiving countless souls into Hell. "Hey, Azazel, how's life in Hell?" "Blazing hot—oh, a jest—I know you're not talking about the weather. There are seductive and beautiful succubi, all kinds of strange jellies, daily horror shows, and grand battles every third day. Betrayal, and, well, more betrayal, stratagems and lies that even Hollywood can't match. Hell is quite nice, hey, this isn't a recruitment advert for Hell, but really, Hell is quite nice."

Xia_0745 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

Three Answers

"What a pity. It looks so soft. I really want to give it a squeeze," the younger brother lamented.

"What if we offer you a job?" the elder brother decided to interject, no longer able to bear his sibling's ineptitude. "Our current waiter is nice enough, but he does have his own place to sleep, after all."

"Then you'll be my bosses. What would you have me do?" Susan asked, a finger playfully at her lips, beginning to suckle it. "I do enjoy doing things that make us all happy."

"And we like that!" the younger brother cheered.

"You're hired!" the elder brother declared with equal exuberance.

"What's your name?" both heads inquired in unison.

"Judy. My name is Judy," Susan replied with a smile.

"Alright, Judy, you're now part of 'The Charon's Oar,' owned by Paul and Jack. Have you ever been a waitress before?"

Judy shook her head.

"Fantastic, we can teach you," the younger brother was thrilled. "Oh no, I mean, what a shame. But no matter, we can teach you, right, Paul?"

"Yes, that's exactly what my brother Jack means."

That's the approach of a succubus: most of the time, they don't even need to resort to 'Charm' or other mental magics. They possess a deep understanding of human nature, especially men. Often, all it takes is a word, a gesture, a look, and men are shaken to their core. Without much effort, they fall at their feet, then climb into their beds. Succubi know well that beauty and bodies are their assets, and they are adept at exploiting them.

From then on, Judy began her tenure as a waitress at the tavern. On one hand, she truly relished the black lace-trimmed dress and white apron—the uniform couldn't be cuter. On the other, she needed a job to conceal her identity, and what place better than a tavern, a hub of information? All she needed to do was listen, and countless pieces of news would flow into her mind.

She had planned to linger in Sigil for a while before moving on to work, but a shift occurred one night.

A handsome young man burst into the tavern, and Judy liked him the moment she laid eyes on him. His wicked black hair and equally sinful black eyes. His beautiful wings. His seductive tail. Judy couldn't help but want to touch him; she reached out and then felt something...

To be precise, she touched his butt. Oh, that butt was so pert! She wanted him.

The only problem was, Judy didn't yet know his name.

But she learned it soon enough.

"Hello, I should introduce myself. My name is Azazel."

He said so as he sat next to Thrice-All-Three.

Azazel, what a nice name, thought Judy, deciding, "If he becomes my manservant, I definitely won't ask him to change his name. I like it."

Judy fantasized about rolling in bed with Azazel, calling out passionately, "Azazel, oh, Azazel."

Her imagination had already set her aflame.

Meanwhile, the two at the table began their dull talk about coins. How silly; all that mattered was those shiny things could be traded for many wonderful items.

Then Azazel spoke, his voice so pleasing to hear. Look at his face—it was unaltered by magic, surely indicating his youth.

Azazel asked, "Do you know which 'door' will safely take me to the prime material plane?"

Great question, good job, Azazel. Are you also heading to the prime material plane, to hunt in the soul's paradise? Perhaps we could travel together—a thrilling adventure with a young, handsome hellish devil would certainly be entertaining.

But that fuddled old Thrice-All-Three didn't answer the question. Instead, he started rambling off-topic.

The ensuing conversation, mundane and boring at first, suddenly became shocking. Simply put, Susan had overheard a massive conspiracy, catching a glimpse of its enormity.

She could hardly believe the two guests she'd served earlier were the esteemed "Shining One," Dawnbringer angel Struuban, and the infamous "Seven Tongues" Grünt, a formidable lieutenant of the Hellish Octomarchy under Zapan. What could a celestial being and a devil discuss together but strategies against the Abyss? And at what time? The heavenly hosts were currently launching an all-out assault on the Lower Planes. With the Abyssal demons and Hellish devils at war with each other and fending off the celestial invaders, those winged birds could be seen almost everywhere in the first five layers of the Abyss, their march still unceasing. Worse, they were attempting to plant trees and flowers in the Abyss! What were these bird-people up to? Did they intend to transform the Abyss into a sunny garden?

Good heavens, she had just served those two, and had she known who they were, Judy would've gladly served them a cup of double-footed dragon poison.

But handsome Azazel seemed indifferent to the revelation. Did he already know, hence his calm demeanor? Or was he feigning nonchalance? Or maybe he truly didn't care?

Or perhaps, did he have a more important mission from Hell to carry out on the prime material plane?

Seemed like it might get interesting.

Azazel, now with his needed singular answer, smiled and approached Judy.

"Could I get a room?" he asked.

"Of course, room 201. Don't lock the door tonight, huh?" Judy handed him the key, caressing his hand as she did so. "I won't be off for a while, you go on ahead."

After Azazel left, Judy brought three drinks to Thrice-All-Three, "These are on me. Don't you want to share those other two answers?"

Thrice-All-Three's murky eyes suddenly sharpened, fixing on Judy's gaze as if trying to pierce through her.

Judy shrugged nonchalantly, "I just happened to overhear. Thought I might take a detour somewhere else. So, can I know the two other answers? Or is there really only one?"

"No, that's impossible. There are always three answers, forever three. Most people become confused when faced with choices. Trust me, knowing too much isn't good for you," Thrice-All-Three spoke slowly, Judy easily detecting the threat in his words, which didn't concern her.

"That means there's only one answer tonight?"

"No, always three, everything comes in threes," he affirmed. "For three drinks, a good price, I'll give you three answers. Three doors, leading to different destinations, two opposite, and one to the unknown!"

And so, Thrice-All-Three revealed the locations of three doors and three passphrases.

"Don't you want to visit the mortal realm? Lots of fun to be had there," he inquired.

"Perhaps, if he's strong enough tonight," Judy chuckled as she ascended the stairs.