
Diaosi Taoist priest

DaoistgtGqVM · แฟนตาซี
200 Chs

Chapter 46 Forced marriage?

This young lady from the Chen family looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old. She was wearing a light blue dress and had a pretty face. She looked like a hibiscus in clear water. As soon as she entered the yard, she attracted a lot of attention.

But has she become the center of attention?

Big mistake!

Our mean brother is the focus of the audience! He strode forward with his head high and his chest high, his expression full of confidence. The fitting gray suit and the neat green trousers made him full of energy! Coupled with the 'labor soil' watch that is faintly exposed when he walks, it adds a bit of temperament that only successful people have! And the bottle of 'Liu Shen toilet water spray' held by the bitch brother in his right hand is spraying on himself from time to time, which shows his unique taste. . .

Even I looked at him sideways, wondering where did 2b get the Liushen toilet water? Did you receive advertising fees from others?

After Miss Chen took us into the garden, we separated. The garden was very large and the environment was very beautiful. There were rockeries and fountains. At this time, a lot of food and drinks had been placed here. As soon as the bitch saw the food, he was like As if he was his father, he took the plate and started eating, like a starving ghost reincarnated.

I calmly came to a place not far from the bitch, picked up a piece of pastry and started eating it. After all, I hadn't eaten much all day and I was so hungry.

At this time, a well-dressed young man walked up to the bitch and picked up a glass of wine on the table. The bitch put something in his mouth and stopped him: "Don't move! That's mine!"

"Um...friend, here are six glasses of wine, are they all yours?"

"That's right, it's all mine! What's wrong? Just because you're handsome, can you just take other people's things?"

The young man was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise: "You can tell how handsome you are? My friend, your clothes are also great."

The bitch swallowed what was in his mouth, pointed at his suit, and said proudly: "Of course! Fan Shizhe's suit, the original price is 38,000, with a discount of 15%."

Hearing the bitch's conversation, I almost spit out the contents of my mouth. Get away from this guy quickly. He's such a bitch! You just said you spent 15 yuan to buy it, why did you insist on paying 38,000 yuan?

After walking around, I suddenly noticed a familiar figure not far away. It seemed to be Su Jing. When I got closer, I realized that it was really her. Why was she here?

At this time, she was talking to several other women. I walked over and said hello: "Ms. Su, what a coincidence, you are here too."

When she saw it was me, she asked in surprise: "Mr. Zhang, why are you here?"

"I... came here for a casual visit. If I had known you were here to attend the banquet, I would have left together in your car yesterday. I was delayed all day today and just got here."

Su Jing nodded and said: "Mr. Zhang, let me introduce to you, these sisters are..." She introduced me to the women around her. Anyway, they were from a very good background, almost all of them were the second generation of rich people.

When they asked about my occupation, Su Jing hesitated a little and didn't know how to introduce it. I said first: "I opened a typing and copying shop in Qiling City, and I just barely made a living."

They were not interested in me at all. They could guess that I had no background by looking at me wearing sportswear.

I wear sportswear, of course, to cover the lead weight on my body. This thing is a good thing. It can exercise my body and protect myself. Even the bitch had lead weights on his arms, but he had just started practicing, so he had one on each arm, each weighing ten kilograms.

After chatting with Su Jing for a few more words, I wandered around in the garden. After a while, I felt a strange smell coming into my nose. It turned out that the bitch came over with a large piece of durian, and he was very happy as he walked. Said: "Brother, I found something good, try it quickly!"

I pinched my nose. This thing tasted too good. I haven't liked it since I was a child. I quickly said, "I don't like this kind of fruit. You can eat it slowly."

The bitch looked at me with contempt and said, "Brother, you really don't know how to enjoy it."

The bitch opened his mouth, and a strong smell of durian hit my face. I fell down and almost fainted. The bitch quickly supported me and asked: "Brother! What's wrong with you? Brother! It's okay!"

I pinched my nose and waved my hands repeatedly to tell him to leave quickly.

The bitch finally left, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I thought to myself, how many durians did this guy eat? It tastes too bad in the mouth. . .

There were many people in the garden, thousands of them. I simply walked around and didn't find Xu Xiaoling. I became more and more confused, was this her home? Could it be that Chen Haotian made a mistake?

Sitting silently next to the rockery, there were relatively few people here. I opened my black backpack and took out a small white box. On the box were written diagonally several calligraphy words: Happy birthday to Sister Xiaoling.

I wrote more than 20 times and wasted more than 20 boxes before I felt that I was satisfied with this one. The box is not expensive. It is only one and a half yuan in the wholesale market. I bought this pure white box just because I want to write on it. , but, Sister Xiaoling, where are you?

I took out my phone and checked the time and found that it was already nine o'clock in the evening. Just as I sighed secretly, a middle-aged man's voice sounded from the speakers around me: "Welcome everyone to come to my daughter's birthday party!"

Bang bang bang, there was a burst of applause, and I followed everyone's gaze and forgot about it, and found three people standing in front of a certain villa, a middle-aged man, a young man and a young woman, and the woman was wearing a uniform. The purple evening dress is undoubtedly that of Xu Xiaoling! Since I was sitting under the rockery, it was a bit dark and far away from her, so she didn't notice my presence. I just wanted to go over and say hello, but what I said next made me freeze in place.

The middle-aged man continued: "Today is not only my daughter's birthday, I also want to announce another happy event! That is, I will betroth my daughter to the eldest son of the Nangong family, Nangong Jinhao!" The middle-aged man pointed to the person next to him. The young man said: "Jin Hao is a responsible child. I can feel relieved if I leave my daughter to him. So, today is a double happiness!"

Everyone below hurriedly responded:


"What a double happiness."

"A talented man and a beautiful woman are a match made in heaven..."

Several women not far away whispered: "The Nangong family and the Xu family are both the eight major families. I really envy Xu Ningrou. It would be great if I was born into the eight major families."

Sister Xiaoling. . . A direct descendant of the eight major families? Real name Xu Ningrou? No wonder my phone kept turning off. It turned out that I was already engaged and didn't want to see me again in the future. . . Didn't Murong say that if you do good deeds, your bad luck will be alleviated? Why do I do good things, but the people I like still leave me. . .

The middle-aged man pressed his hands, and everyone calmed down. Just when he was about to continue speaking, a bitch's voice suddenly sounded: "Sister Xiaoling, would you like some durian?"

Everyone was stunned! Fertile trough? Is this guy going to go against the will of heaven? The head of the Xu family dared to interrupt when he was speaking. This was like an old man hanging himself because he thought his life was too long!

Xu Xiaoling's eyes widened and she asked in disbelief: "How did you know my family lives here?! Is he here too?"

"Who is it?" The bitch asked while stuffing durian into his mouth.

The head of the Xu family frowned slightly: "Come, please invite this guest down."

I stood up and said, "No need to ask, we will leave on our own."

Although the bitch is usually very irritating and seems to have a missing string in his brain, he is my brother after all. How can I let him be wronged?

Everyone's eyes were focused on me again, wondering what happened today? There are actually two people who dare to contradict the head of the Xu family. What a heifer ringing the doorbell, the bull has come home!

I looked at Xu Xiaoling and squeezed out a smile: "Sister Xiaoling, happy birthday. I have some things to do at home, so I'll leave first. Oh, by the way, this is a birthday gift for you." As I said that, I said to Xu Xiaoling walked over.

But I was quickly stopped by two people and I was not allowed to approach.

Xu Xiaoling lowered her head and said, "No need to give gifts. If you are busy, just leave quickly."

"Well, that's fine, Jiannan, let's go."

"Wait a minute, brother, I'll finish eating this durian and leave. You know, this thing is rich in nutrients, nourishes the kidneys and strengthens yang. I rely on it to pick up girls! Hey, Sister Xiaoling, let's talk about it. I'll take two of them to eat on the way. ?"

"Stop eating, let's go. I'll buy it for you when you get back."

"After eating, let's go. After eating, let's go."

I don't know why, this time the bitch is not as obedient as before. Could it be that he loves eating durian? But being stuck here was not an option, so I walked over and prepared to drag him out.

The bitch stuffed durian into his mouth and said: "Everyone! In fact, Mr. Xu just made a joke with everyone. His real son-in-law is my eldest brother! Mr. Xu, please announce it. Are you thirsty? Do you want to come over? Durian?" It turns out that the bitch did it on purpose. Although he has some intellectual problems, he is not stupid. He is indeed a brother. He knew that the other party was very powerful, but he dared to provoke me for my sake!

"Come here! Drag him out!"

A bodyguard walked up to the bitch and stretched out his hand to pull him away. At this time, I also walked up to the bitch. With quick hands and quick eyes, I slashed the bodyguard's wrist with a knife. The bodyguard reacted quickly and kicked me with his leg. When I came over, I could tell at a glance that this guy had received special training. I grabbed his feet, took a step back, then quickly swung my arm and hit him on the head with a lead weight. The bodyguard was knocked unconscious on the spot. He passed by and lay on the ground, unconscious.

Seven or eight more bodyguards quickly surrounded us. I made a fighting stance and started to attack. Who is afraid of whom? There are so many people here, I don't believe you dare to use a gun!

At this time, Xu Xiaoling was seen begging his father: "Dad, let him go. I have already agreed to your conditions. Don't embarrass him anymore, okay?"

Hearing this, an idea suddenly flashed in my mind, and clues connected one after another. Xu Xiaoling's identity was mysterious, her relationship with her father was at odds, and she was framed. Xu Xiaoling came home and was forced to get married. . .

So I make a bold guess:

The head of the Xu family wanted his daughter to marry another aristocratic family - Xu Ningrou refused, ran away from home, changed her name to Xu Xiaoling, and lived an ordinary life in Qiling City - my relationship with Xu Xiaoling was getting stronger day by day. After the head of the Xu family found out, he Using tricks, he found a few ghosts to frame me and put me in jail. Xu Xiaoling was too concerned about my safety. In desperation, he could only ask his father for help. The head of the Xu family used this as an excuse to ask Xu Xiaoling to return. Family, marry other aristocratic families! !

I looked at the head of the Xu family and murmured: "So it's you..."