
Diaosi Taoist priest

DaoistgtGqVM · แฟนตาซี
200 Chs

Chapter 43 The Magical Use of Yin Talisman

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you couldn't see." I pointed to the empty corner and said.

Then he looked at the aunt and said, "Aunt, did you hear what we just talked about? I made a bet with the doctor. She doesn't believe that corpses can move. You can just find a corpse, possess it, and move it as much as you want. Just get off it."

"This won't work, young man," the aunt said gloomily, "dead bodies repel ghosts, but I'm not that high-minded."

"It's okay, aunt. I'll give you a helping hand and beat you into the corpse. Don't worry, you won't be harmed." I discussed to the empty corner. Everyone in the room looked at me with disdain. Because they thought I was acting.

The aunt thought for a while and finally nodded in agreement.

I looked at the woman again and said, "Dr. Liu, can you borrow a corpse for me?"

Doctor Liu pointed to the refrigerator where the corpse was placed and said, "Third row, second compartment on the left."

I opened the cabinet and found a male corpse lying inside. He was naked from the waist up and wearing only underwear. There were no wounds on his body and his lips were a little purple. I didn't care about that, so I pulled the corpse out of the cabinet and looked to the side. The policeman said: "Comrade policeman, can you do me a favor and help this body?"

In the end, no one answered me. It was obvious that none of them wanted to do this job. I looked at Lao Chen again, and Lao Chen walked over helplessly, put on his gloves, and supported the body.

Auntie floated behind the corpse. I stood behind Auntie, took out a Yin Talisman and said: "Auntie, when my Yin Talisman burns, it will produce powerful Yin Qi, and coupled with external force, it can drive you directly into the corpse. , you just run around the house as a token, and you'll get these two thousand yuan."

The aunt nodded repeatedly, indicating that it was ready to begin.

I knotted my sword fingers, took out a Yin Talisman from my trouser pocket, lit it out of thin air, and then slapped the Yin Talisman on Auntie's back. The Yin Qi in Auntie's body instantly became stronger! I shouted low, stepped forward, pushed the Yin Talisman with one palm, and slapped the male corpse hard, including the ghost of the aunt! Because I used too much force, Lao Chen failed to hold the body, causing it to fall to the ground.

Lao Chen was about to help, but his movements froze! Because the male corpse moved his arms and slowly stood up on the ground!

All the police officers pulled out their guns from their waists! The muzzle of the gun was pointed at the male corpse, and their bodies were shaking. After all, this scene was so weird that they never expected that the corpse would really move!

Dr. Liu also trembled all over, stepped back repeatedly, and looked at the body in disbelief.

I said helplessly: "Don't be so scared, right? Didn't I tell you just now that the corpse can move? Oh, by the way, aunt, just run a few symbolic steps, lest they don't believe that the corpse can run."

"Okay." The male corpse made a hoarse voice, and then ran towards me stiffly.

Lao Chen, who was not far away from me, quickly backed away. He was also very frightened.

The corpse ran a few steps beside me and asked grimly: "Is it okay?"

"Wait a minute." I looked at Dr. Liu and asked, "Dr. Liu, do you believe it now? If you believe it, just come out with two thousand yuan. You have to be honest. Otherwise, don't blame me for the aunt pestering you every day. ."

"Ah!!" Dr. Liu screamed in fright, as if she was afraid that the aunt would pester her.

Seeing her being frightened like this, I said unbearably: "You don't have to be afraid. In fact, ordinary people will never see ghosts in their lives. As long as they live peacefully, ghosts generally won't harm people, just like you did." Having been a forensic doctor for a long time, haven't you encountered any supernatural incidents?"

"I, I don't have that much cash with me." Dr. Liu said with a trembling body. His eyes were a little distracted. It seems that she was scared a lot tonight. This can't be entirely my fault. Who told her to be serious with me like that.

"Then I'll help advance the payment first, remember to pay it back to me." After that, I looked at the body and said, "Aunt, you can come out now."

After a few seconds, the corpse's throat made a ghastly sound: "No, young man, I'm trapped, and my soul can't get out."

"Ah?! How could this happen? What should I do?" I asked stammering.

"Use the same method on the corpse again to see if you can beat me out," the aunt said.

I agreed, took out the last Yin Talisman, ignited it, and slapped the corpse on the chest hard! I saw the aunt being beaten out from behind!

Seeing this scene, my eyes lit up. Two days ago, I was unable to do anything with Yu Cheng's body. I didn't know how to force the ghost out of the dead body. Today, I finally found a way! It turns out that the Yin Talisman has this magical effect!

After Auntie was beaten out, her body was spread out on the ground. Looking at the horrified eyes of everyone, I knew that I had to clean up the mess myself. I sighed slightly, picked up the body, put it in the refrigerator, and then said to Auntie: "Aunt, please come with me in a moment and I will pay you the money. Ah, by the way, Aunt, did you see a male corpse running out a few hours ago?"

"I see, the possessed ghost is very advanced. He can directly control the body to leave. Young man, I don't want to offend that ghost, otherwise I will not have a good life in the future. Don't try to drag me into the water."

I yawned, looked at Old Chen and said, "Uncle Chen, you'd better go find the body first, and then call me when you find the whereabouts of the body. I've been tired the past few days, so I'm going back to rest first, and I You also need to prepare some props, that ghost is very vicious, be sure to inform me when you find out its whereabouts, and never act alone."

It was already two o'clock in the middle of the night when I got home. My parents saw me coming back and interrogated me.

"Little bastard, why are you involved in the murder? What were you doing at someone else's house in the middle of the night?" Dad asked dissatisfied, but there was still a trace of concern in his eyes, and he looked at me carefully to see if I had been beaten.

My mother also asked me with concern if I had suffered in the past few days.

I found that my father's temples had turned white and my mother looked very haggard. Apparently she hadn't slept well these past few days. I had often had accidents since I was a child. They had worried a lot about me. I felt very guilty and knelt on the ground. Said: "Dad, Mom, I have made you worry, but this case is just a misunderstanding. I am not the murderer. As for why I appeared in the deceased's house..." I selectively told them about a year ago. Meeting an old liar.

By the time we finished talking, it was almost three o'clock in the middle of the night. When I returned to my room, I found Sister Bleeding, Qin Mingjia, and the aunt I brought back with me. The only exception was the heroine. I asked the elder sister: "I didn't find it." Murong?"

"Not found." Sister Bleeding said.

Strange, where will she go? Logically speaking, she shouldn't go far because she has to wait for Long Chen here.

Kidnapped? impossible! Who has the strength to kidnap her?

Handling personal matters? Um. . She should have gone to deal with personal matters, but the timing was too coincidental. When I was in trouble, she happened to be in trouble as well.

I looked at the time. Although I wanted to take a nap, I didn't do that. Instead, I took the lead weight and went downstairs for a run.

There are too many trivial matters recently, and there are also a group of ghosts who want to frame me. I have too few Yang Talisman in my hand now, and I am at a disadvantage when dealing with them, so I will have to draw more later.

After running for a while, I returned home and meditated. As soon as I breathed out for a while, I found that a trace of true energy had condensed in my Dantian! Doesn't this mean that I can continue to use 'Shaoshang Sword Qi'? But if you want to use this move, you have to simulate the situation last night, hold the true energy in your lungs, and then let the true energy burst out after holding it to a certain level. However, this is too dangerous, and it will If you don't do it well, you'll suffocate yourself to death, so I'd better put this trick aside for now, and then find a place where no one is around to study it when you have free time.

After meditating, I realized it was already six o'clock. I called Xu Xiaoling and Jiannan to tell them that I was safe.

After drawing the talisman for an hour, I got forty Yang talismans. I stretched my waist and asked Sister Bleeding to protect my father secretly, and asked Qin Mingjia to take care of my mother at home. Then I took my aunt away from home. Who knows if those ghosts will I'll deal with my parents, so it's better to be on the safe side.

I took my aunt to the typing and copying shop and found that the bitch had opened the door and Xu Xiaoling was also in the room. When he saw me coming, the bitch came over. I handed him two thousand yuan and said, "Jiannan, the money is for this person." You are an aunt, her grandson is studying at xx University, you go and help deliver the money, and come back immediately after delivery, I have something important to tell you."

After Yang Jiannan left, I said apologetically to Xu Xiaoling, "I'm sorry, Sister Xiaoling, for making you worry again."

"How did you kill someone? What happened?" Xu Xiaoling asked.

I shook my head: "I don't know, I just know that there are a few ghosts who want to frame me. By the way, Sister Xiaoling, the police said that my background is very tough. Do you know what's going on?"

Xu Xiaoling said in a low mood: "I went to find him. He put pressure on the Provincial Public Security Department through his connections, so you were released so quickly."

"Your father?" I asked speculatively.

"Well, he asked me to go home and celebrate my birthday in person in three days. There is a deep conflict between us. I don't want to go back, but I have promised him and I can't break my promise, so I am leaving in the afternoon. The company has already asked for leave."

I was silent for a while and said: "Thank you, Sister Xiaoling. However, no matter what conflicts there are between you and your father, he will always be your father. Why not just forgive him. Also, tell me your home address." Me, I will also go on your birthday."

"It's just a birthday, no need to celebrate." Xu Xiaoling was still in a low mood, as if she remembered some sad past events. . .