
Diaosi Taoist priest

DaoistgtGqVM · แฟนตาซี
200 Chs

Chapter 119 Another Corpse Keeper!

I brought this bitch here. If something happens here, how do I explain it to his parents and girlfriend?

But if you don't pursue it, you won't be able to see through the conspiracy. The people in this village were all killed by the conspiracy. They should find the real culprit to comfort their souls in heaven.

After thinking twice, I decided to catch up! Quickly lock the door with the lock. Anyway, the bitch and the others are in the house, so there shouldn't be any danger.

The figure was walking very fast. I was worried about being discovered, so I could only follow it from a distance. After a while, we entered the mountain one after another.

Because the mountain road is very complicated, I was worried about making any noise, so I kept a distance from him, and soon I lost track of him.

Standing there, I frowned.

Who is this person? Why go into the mountains in the middle of the night? I leaned against a tree and thought to myself. Of course, my real intention is to wait for that person while thinking. He will pass by here when he comes back, and then he will be able to see the other person's true face!


About half an hour passed.

Suddenly I heard a beast-like roar coming from a distance! This voice is definitely not that of a beast! But of zombies!

I pulled out the dagger from my calf and ran quickly in the direction of the roar! !

After running for about ten minutes, I found a hidden cave. The entrance of the cave was completely blocked. If it weren't for a few drops of blood on the ground at the entrance, I really wouldn't have been able to discover this cave! The blood stain has not yet dried, and it was obviously left within an hour. According to my estimation, it must be the person just now!

Holding the dagger tightly in my hand, I picked up a stone on the ground and threw it into the hole!

After a while, there was no response.

I turned the dagger twice in my hand, placed it across my chest, pushed aside the branches blocking my chest, and walked into the cave.

It was pitch dark in the cave. I came out in a hurry and didn't bring a flashlight. Just when I wanted to roll up my sleeves and light a flame with one hand, there was a sound of iron chains, and a dark wind suddenly rushed towards me! !

I instinctively stepped back! But in the end it was still a step too slow! Something scratched my chest! !

At the same time, a flashlight light shone in from the entrance of the cave! With the help of flashlight, I can see clearly! A purple-haired zombie was chained to the wall, like a dog chain, with one side locked around the purple-haired zombie's neck and the other side chained to the wall.

My shirt was torn, and there were three bloody marks on my chest. Fortunately, I hid in time, so the wounds were not very deep.

The person standing at the entrance of the cave snorted coldly: "You have indeed fallen into the trap!"

This voice sounded familiar, it was the mysterious old man I met two days ago! So, he was the one who sneaked out of the village just now, and he also discovered that I was following behind him. He wanted to trick me and deliberately made Zi Mao Zong roar to lure me over. Because the cave was too dark, I also He was plotted, so he just said: You really fell into the trap!

A place suitable for the formation of Yin Zombie must not form Purple Hair Zombie! This is an eternal theorem. But why is there purple hairy stiffness here? The answer is ready to come out! Someone is raising corpses! Just like the one-eyed old man in Qingtian City!

This old man is also an evil cultivator! And he even tried to plot against me! I'm getting angry too! Without saying a word, he rushed towards the old man! This kind of evil cultivator must be eradicated as soon as possible! Otherwise, more people will suffer! The last incident in Qingtian City caused thousands of people to lose their lives for nothing! !

When the old man saw me, he felt like he was seeing a sad person. He pinched my neck with his claws! My reaction speed is not slow either! The left hand clasped the inside of his wrist like lightning, and the right hand grabbed his shoulder! This is the routine of a sixteen-way grappler! But he raised his knee and hit my crotch! !

If I don't dodge his attack, I can grab his shoulder and successfully use the sixteen-way grapple. But at the same time, I will also be hit in the crotch by his knee. How to choose...

Do you still have to choose this? ! Of course you have to avoid it! ! Even a man would choose to avoid it! !

I jumped back and narrowly avoided this fatal blow! This old man is so damn poisonous! Even using such a low-level trick! But I have also learned that when it comes to fighting, who cares if you are good or bad? This is not a Huanyu Pavilion competition. Let's fight!

I punched the old man on the head again! ! And the old man also has a lot of combat experience! He grabbed my arm, took a big step forward in a coherent movement, and hit my chest hard with his shoulder!

I felt as if I had been hit by a train. My chest felt tight and I took several steps back uncontrollably!

But by retreating, we got out of trouble! I retreated into the attack range of Zi Mao Zhan! The purple-haired zombie opened its big mouth and bit my neck! !

I didn't care about hiding the secret and quickly stretched my hand back! At the same time, the entire palm turned into flames! I stuffed my flaming hand into Zi Mao Zong's mouth! Since its face was covered with hair, those hairs burned instantly! Fire belongs to Yang, and zombies belong to Yin, so they are afraid of fire! It howled, swept its arm across my arm, and beat me until I screamed in pain! !

You know, Zi Mao Zhan is very powerful! You can penetrate people's chests with your nails! Back then, I was hit in the chest by a purple-haired zombie, and two of my ribs were broken. Although the bones were not broken this time, I was still injured. At the same time, I was staggered by the huge force!

I quickly withdrew from the attack range of Zi Mao Zheng and looked at the mysterious old man with cold eyes. If I hadn't reacted quickly just now, I would have injured more than one arm! Damn it, even if you want to kill me, don't even think about it!

He seemed to be stunned by my hand just now. Maybe he had never seen a move like flames suddenly appearing on his hand.

I raised one palm, and a stream of flames spurted out, hitting the old man's face! While he was dodging, he rushed forward!

The old man quickly turned around and ran away! However, there were many branches at the entrance of the cave, so he didn't move very quickly. I caught up from behind and kicked him hard on the butt! The old man staggered after being kicked by me and screamed in pain. He took out something, a piece of white flowers, and threw it at my face!

I quickly took a step back and raised my arms to cover my face.

It turns out that what the old man threw over was a handful of rice.

But when I looked at the old man again, he had already run away.

Zi Mao Zheng was still roaring in the cave, and the wounds on my right arm and chest ached faintly.

Although the poison of the purple-haired zombie is not as powerful as that of the corpse, and it will not turn into a corpse even if it bites someone to death, this thing has not bathed for many years, so there must be a lot of bacteria on its body! If this wound is not treated promptly, it will definitely become infected. Go to a female doctor? no! He and Gao Yu are in the same group, I can't trust Gao Yu!

It has only been about one minute since I entered the cave. In other words, it was less than a minute before I was scratched...

I took a deep breath, unbuttoned all the buttons on my shirt, and then put my flaming right hand on the wound! !

The flame burns the skin directly! I gasped in pain!

If you do this, the wound may worsen, but in order to prevent the spread of the virus, this is the only method that can be adopted at the moment.

After looking at the purple-haired zombie in the cave, I decided to keep him for now because it was evidence.

The old man is a corpse keeper, and he is hostile to Gao Yu. Could it be said that Gao Yu is a good person? As I walked towards the village, I thought to myself. So who is this mysterious old man? Is there any connection between him and the one-eyed old man? Why is he raising his body here?


When I returned to the yard, it was already two o'clock in the middle of the night. I found my black backpack. Fortunately, I had a first aid kit.

This first aid kit was given to me by Sister Xiaoling. After having dinner with her a few nights ago, she gave me a first aid kit and said that she bought it especially for me because I always do dangerous things and get injured easily. With a first aid kit, you can provide first aid in certain situations.

Although it's just a small thing, she always moves me.

Fortunately, I brought a first aid kit with me, otherwise the wound would have really worsened.

I hurriedly opened it, read the instructions, and disinfected my wound with disinfectant wipes, and then simply bandaged it with gauze, hoping it wouldn't get infected.

Of course, I couldn't wear this dress, after all, my chest was torn, so I threw the clothes in the yard, sprayed a flame from my palm, and set the clothes on fire. I also had a shirt of the same style in my backpack.

My right arm is still aching, but fortunately no bones have been injured.

I sat on a stool, secretly thinking about the series of events in recent days, and still felt that there were many doubts.

Is the mysterious old man a good person? Why did he say that he was tracking the Millennium Shadow Corpse when I met him a few days ago, but when we met just now, he raised a purple-haired zombie? Did he lie to me a few days ago? He also raised the thousand-year-old corpse? It doesn't make sense. If he raised it, why didn't he release the thousand-year-old corpse? With my own strength, I will definitely not be able to defeat the Thousand-year-old Yin Corpse, so there is a doubt here.

Next is Gao Yu. I thought there was something wrong with him from the beginning and he didn't look like a good person, but I still don't know what his plan is, so there is still a doubt here.

Then there is Mr. Song, who has a hot temper. He has said very little recently and I don't know what he is thinking. What I am sure of is that he and Gao Yu are definitely not in the same group. But what exactly does Mr. Song want to do? What exactly does he want me to do when he comes to me? Another doubt.

There is an inevitable connection between these three things...

After dawn, we gathered together again.

Gao Yu said in a low voice: "Everyone, the nine fellow Taoists from yesterday have not come back yet. Although I don't want to say it, they are indeed in danger... As we all know, we are all elites, and ordinary zombies are certainly incapable of being silent. Killed three elite Taoist friends without any interest, so it must be the Thousand-year-old Yin Corpse! The Thousand-Year Yin Corpse should still be nearby! This damn evil beast! Killed a whole village, and even killed nine of our Taoists. Friend! We must do justice for heaven! Destroy the thousand-year-old corpse!!"

Just when Gao Yu was speaking so inspiringly, the bitch suddenly interrupted: "President, is your arm pregnant? The blood is oozing out!"

Sure enough, there was some blood on the sleeve of Gao Yu's right arm near his wrist.

 etc! Bloodstains? ! There are also blood stains at the entrance of the cave! During the fight yesterday, there seemed to be no wounds on the old man's body. Whose was the blood stain on the hole?