
Diablo in Highschool DxD

A sociopathic loner who had lost everything in his life, gained another chance. He would not let this new start go to waste...He would not let anything get stripped from his life again, he would gain power......power to eradicate all who stood infront him. This was the story of a man, who became the apex of the world......or did he? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He won't be super OP but will be very strong (and the strongest too in the future but that's like way at the end) but not strong from the beginning though. So its basically a progression from weak to strong, and by strong I mean very strong ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own High School DxD or even the cover photo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will not be always able to post it daily, so it would be whenever I have free time

Lucifer_Void · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Chapter 14: A tool? (3)

A period of 2 weeks had passed

We were currently heading out for the Barbatos tower for my contract. Our mode of transportation was a plush carriage, rolling smoothly through the verdant forest.

According to Grayfia, if we continue at this pace we would be able to reach our destination in a matter of hours. Our progress was steady

The interior of the carriage was luxurious, with plush cushions and soft curtains that shielded us from the sun's harsh rays. Grayfia skilfully guided the Nightmares through the winding forest roads, her eyes fixed firmly on the path ahead. The rhythmic clop of the Nightmares' hooves provided a soothing background to our journey.

I sat comfortably inside the carriage, alongside Violet, who seemed content to sit closely beside me, despite ample space available in the front seat and beside me.

Her beautiful eyes were fixed on me, I was no longer bothered by them now. There was a hint of emotion in them now, something that wasn't there before.

A smile tugged at my lips as I reminisced about the girl I had found in the forest all those months ago and compared her to the one sitting in front of me now

She tilted her head and listened intently to my chuckle, her expression one of....confusion?

The gesture was so adorable that my heart skipped a beat, and before I even realized what I was doing, I found myself gently patting her head. At first, she stiffened slightly at my touch, but then she leaned into it and closed her eyes....enjoying it?

I was a bit taken aback by that

She liked it? It was surprising because it was Violet we were talking about, I haven't seen her 'like' anything other than maybe writing letters or spending time with me

The last one being doubtful

More experiments are needed in the future to confirm this.....I was definitely not doing this because I enjoyed patting her.

However, suddenly the carriage halted, jolting me out of my peaceful reverie. The Nightmares' rough neighs echoed through the forest, piercing the silence. I stopped petting Violet, and peered out the window, wondering what's wrong. Though, in doing this, I didn't notice the crestfallen expression on a certain someone

I could hear the distinctive sound of clicking heels of Grayfia as she stepped down and approached the carriage's window. She slid it open, her eyes briefly flickered over Violet before settling on me, her brow furrowed in concern. In a stern voice, she warned me, "Young Master, please remain inside the carriage. I have detected some unknown presences nearby. They may pose a threat."

My eyes widened a bit hearing this information.

I mean, I knew there were assassins after me. But to attempt such large and full-scale attack towards me was still too much

Even if the strength of the Barbatos clan had been basically crippled, it still had the supposed backing of Zekram Bael and Rizevim Livan Lucifer. Not to mention, it also had Grayfia Lucifuge, a Satan-Class Devil with it. Well, for them they might think she was in it's early stages, when it was last reported, thus the reason behind this attack. Their arrogance might have clouded their thinking, thinking she didn't get stronger during all these years. Devils and their arrogance never ceased to astound me

Anyway, if they were attempting to carry out a direct assassination on me, it indicated that they had some means of avoiding retaliation from both Zekram and Rizevim, and also had the capability to somehow neutralise Grayfia.

It was either that or they were just stupid.

But I think it's the former, because they can't be that stupid.....right?

Grayfia then walked in front of the carriage as she spread out her aura, crackling with power. The ground beneath her feet began to fracture and split, and a chill descended upon the surrounding area.

Momentarily, a group of High-Class Devils emerged, their masked faces impassive. Among them were several Ultimate-Class, their powerful presences palpable even from a distance

I was still confused. Didn't they know that Grayfia was with me? Despite their impressive numbers, Grayfia could still defeat them with ease...Were they underestimating her that much?

But before my thoughts went rampant, the last one came out, a Satan-Class Devil, surprising me. Normal Satan-Class Devils were rare.

The normal power rankings were:





And finally Satan-Class. Though this one was further divided into 3 subcategories - Early, Mid and finally Peak. All the current Satans, except Sirzechs and Ajuka, were Peak Satan-Class Devils

We won't count Super Devils in these rankings as there were only three of them and the difference in power between a Peak Satan-Class Devil and a Super Devil was massive. As a result, the strength of Peak Satan-Class Devils could vary greatly, and one could easily overpower the other. This made it difficult to determine a set hierarchy among Peak Satan-Class Devils.

Now I understand the confidence, why they think this would be successful. According to their sources and the last information on Grayfia's strength, they were convinced that this would be enough to take her down.....Well, her past self at least.

Grayfia was now a Peak Satan-Class Devil, they had no chance

Though it still didn't make somewhat sense, if they thought Grayfia was just an Early Satan-Class, right now the forces brought by them seemed a bit overkill. The desperation of the forces was palpable, and it seemed like they weren't willing to take any chances.

Just as I eagerly anticipated the impending battle, my Barbatos heritage suddenly alerted me to a disturbance in the fabric of space

Glancing out the window, I saw a magic circle covering the entirety of the carriage, the realisation of what was happening quickly dawned on me, as my eyes widened in fear and panic

"FIA! IT'S A TRA--!?!" I shouted frantically, as I snapped my neck back to Grayfia..... but it was too late

Before I could even finish my sentence, I was enveloped in darkness. The next thing I knew, my surroundings had changed and I realized that I had been teleported.

The carriage was now located in the heart of a dense forest, surrounded by towering trees and an abundance of wildlife. The sounds of rustling leaves and chirping birds filled the air as I tried to figure out what had just happened.

Me, the heir of the Barbatos Clan, renowned for their inherent control over space, found myself ensnared in a teleportation trap.

I couldn't help but let out a self-deprecating chuckle at the though

Despite the dire circumstances, I took a deep breath....Now-now, this isn't the time to get depressed

My gaze fell upon Violet, who stood resolutely before me, a gleaming dagger clutched in her hand, in a....protective stance?

I couldn't help but smile at the thought that Violet, who once only understood the command to "kill," had now developed some emotions and feelings. It was a small but remarkable progress for her.....kind of ironic, now, that she is 'protecting' me.

With a nod, I opened the carriage door and gestured for Violet to follow. We couldn't simply sit around like ducks and wait for Grayfia to find us. It was a foolish plan

But now, besides that, everything suddenly fell into place. The forces that had attacked us previously were just a decoy, a red herring, a way to separate us. It was clear that our enemies had underestimated Grayfia's strength, but they still hadn't taken any chances. They had tried to teleport me away, hoping to keep me out of the fight. It seemed their actions were driven not just by arrogance, but by a calculated strategy as well.

Though, I did feel a sense of relief wash over me as I remembered my last-minute decision. Just before the teleportation occurred, I had infused some of my demonic energy into the magic circle, altering its trajectory.

As a result, Violet and I had likely teleported to a different location than the one intended for me, one where we would've likely met our demise. Though the new location was probably close by, given the limited extent to which I was able to alter the spell.

...They don't call us the masters of space due to nothing now, do they?

I considered using the Rune stone to escape, but it was a one-use item and could only transport one person. I couldn't abandon Violet, so using the Rune stone was not an option. I cursed myself for delaying the process of making the stones, I was waiting for the right moment to get hold of a lot of them at the same time and hoard them, instead of simply making them one by one patiently or keeping some of the ones I used during my experiments....

Suddenly, I heard some voices from the right side of the forest. My heart sank as I realized our pursuers were closer than I had anticipated. The situation was becoming more dire by the moment.

Without hesitation, I grabbed Violet's hand and we took off running in the opposite direction. Despite our best efforts, the sounds of our pursuers' footsteps grew louder and closer.

As we entered deeper into the forest, I spotted an abandoned house. It was an unusual sight, but I didn't have time to ponder the significance.

With no other options left, I stopped and prepared to fight. They were going to catch up to us eventually, and I didn't want to waste our stamina

I had no way of knowing how close Grayfia was and whether she would arrive in time to help us, so I couldn't rely on her.

After a while, the attackers emerged from the dense underbrush, I counted twenty of them. The majority were Mid-Class Devils, with four High-Class and one Ultimate-Class among their ranks.

I felt a bead of sweat roll down my face as I took in the sight. My grip on my katana tightened as I prepared for the inevitable confrontation. Suddenly, Violet stepped in front of me, standing protectively.

My heart swelled with warmth at the sight and I pushed any lingering fear aside. I took Violet's hand and pulled her to my side, shaking my head with a smile.

She looked at me with a 'confused' expression, and I couldn't help but smile wryly, 'I've really gotten attached to her'

Who would have thought that the cold and unsociable person I used to be would develop these feelings of affection? Perhaps, deep down, I had always yearned for love and a sense of family.

Just like Grayfia, Violet was also one of my loved ones and I wouldn't let anyone harm her. She was mine as well.....

.....As the group approached, I studied them closely, my gaze narrowing at them. Their haughty expressions and disdainful glares were palpable, exuding an aura of superiority. The High-class Devils and the lone Ultimate-class Devil towered over us, their postures relaxed and nonchalant. Some leaned against the trees with a casual air, while one even had the audacity to sit down, his legs stretched out in front of him.

Despite their arrogance, I couldn't help but smirk inwardly.

What? Should I be pissed that they are looking down on me?

Well I am

But, their disdainful attitudes were a clear indication of their underestimation of me and I couldn't allow their condescension to get the better of me. I knew that I was no match for them, their powers together far surpassing mine by a significant margin. However, their underestimation could work to my advantage

'Yes, go ahead and underestimate us even more,' I thought to myself as my eyes shone maliciously

I then utilised telepathy to convey my plan to Violet

She raised an eyebrow in surprise as she heard my voice inside her head. This was the first time I had ever used the spell on her, and she was caught off guard for a moment. Nevertheless, she gave me a slight nod of understanding, indicating that she was ready to follow my lead.

I gradually lifted my right foot, bringing it cautiously into the air. The Devils, consumed by their own haughtiness, paid no attention to my movements, their disdainful gazes fixed upon me. I paused, taking a deep breath, gathering my strength.

I lifted my foot higher, until it was suspended in the air above me. In a hushed whisper, I invoked the power I possessed, "Seismic Wave." With all the force I could muster, I brought my foot crashing down, slamming it onto the earth below.


The impact was tremendous, sending shockwaves rippling through the ground. The earth shook and trembled beneath me, as if protesting against the violence I had inflicted upon it. The Devils were caught off guard, stumbling as the ground buckled and swayed beneath them. I stood my ground, a fierce grin spreading across my face as I reveled in the chaos I had unleashed.

This was an attack I made myself, it was basically an Almighty Push focused on my foot. While I could have simply placed my hands on the ground to execute the technique, using my foot added a level of raw power and....looked cooler. I bet if I had enough Demonic Energy, a 9.5 magnitude earthquake possible...or perhaps even greater.

The ground beneath my foot cracked and split, sending fissures radiating outward. The more powerful Devils were able to maintain their balance, but the Mid-Class Devils stumbled and fell

They frantically unfurled their wings, trying to take to the air to escape the tumultuous earth, but their attempts were hampered by their unsteady footing. The chaos and confusion I had wrought was a sight to behold.

Just as this unfolded around, Violet swiftly materialised her rifle. With practiced ease, she positioned the gun against her shoulder and aimed down the sights, squinting her left eye for better aim. In a matter of moments, she squeezed the trigger five times in quick succession. ,






The deafening report of the rifle echoed through the air as each shot found its mark, dropping five of the Devils to the ground with precise shots to their temples.

The remaining Devils were struck with terror and disbelief at the sudden turn of events.

Even I was slightly surprised

Unperturbed by the Devils' reactions, Violet lowered her rifle and began the process of reloading. With fluid motions, she pulled the bolt upwards and summoned five new bullets, which she deftly inserted into the chamber one by one. The crisp sound of each bullet being loaded echoed through the air

*Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click*


With a final satisfying click, she pushed the bolt downwards and once again trained her weapon on the Devils still-in-disbelief

The Devils, shocked out of their trance, frantically flapped their wings and attempted to soar out of harm's way.

....However, their efforts proved futile.






Despite their efforts, only two of the demons only managed to barely dodge the incoming bullets, but the toll was evident. Holes now punctured their wings, causing them to spiral downwards towards the ground

While this was happening, I sprang into action. I unsheathed my blade and charged towards the group of fallen devils, determination in my step.

The trembling of the ground stopped....but it was too late

I focused on my target, a Mid-Class Devil who had fallen to his knees.

As I approached, I raised my katana high above my head, ready to deliver the final blow. Just as the sharp edge of my weapon was about to meet the Devil's neck, I whispered the word "Blink."

I vanished into thin air, only to reappear behind the leader of the high-class devils. He was the strongest of the quartet and held the greatest threat, but before he even had the chance to react, I plunged my sword through his heart with surgical precision.

Blink was an instantaneous-teleportation spell I made, it had a short range though and had a cool down for 10 seconds. The cooldown was because, traveling through space at such high speeds destabilises my body and using it in rapid succession could turn my body inside out. So a minimum 10 seconds was required so everything could get stabilised.

With a flick of my wrist, I drove the sword upwards, cleaving the Devil's body in two. I took my time, making sure to reach his brain and eliminate any chance of resurrection. At the same time, I wanted my actions to serve as a warning to his comrades, who were now staring at me in shock and fear. The slow, deliberate motion of my attack acting as a calculated intimidation tactic

The three remaining high-class devils cautiously backed away as they gazed upon me with newfound vigilance. Even the Ultimate class devil, who stood behind them, was analyzing me more closely, as if trying to gauge my strength and potential. My display of power had clearly left a lasting impression, and I could sense the fear radiating from my enemies as they weighed their options.

Fools.....Previously, they were underestimating me and now they were overestimating me. If it had been a direct confrontation, I would have been defeated - that was, of course, without my eyes.

But now, as I stood over the lifeless body, I couldn't help but question my own emotions. This was the first time I had taken a life and yet, I felt nothing.

Is it because of my original personality or is it because I became a Devil?

I couldn't be sure. All I knew was that I felt cold, my gaze fixed on the dead body before me. Before I directed my attention back to the other Devils,

At the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the Mid-Class finally regaining their composure and their footing. Three of them began charging towards Violet with fierce determination. But she remained unfazed, her eyes fixed on her opponents.

With a single fluid motion, Violet thrust her bayonet into the gut of one of the Devils. With a swift and precise strike, she then slammed the butt of her gun into the temple of another Devil, sending them both crashing to the ground. The last Devil stood no chance as she swung her weapon, slicing through their neck with ease.

The other Mid-Class members, from a distance, attempted to stop her by throwing a barrage of magic projectiles in her direction. However, Violet was quick on her feet and expertly dodged each one, gradually closing in on her enemies with each step. The sight was both deadly and graceful, a beautiful dance of death

As Violet took care of the Mid-Class, I focused my attention back to the enemy in front of me. The Ultimate-Class Devil in the back seemed to be observing me, but made no move to attack...for now.

Three High-Class, on the other hand, charged towards me with their swords raised, eager for a fight. I readied myself, arms outstretched to defend against their relentless attack. I expertly parried their sword strikes, using my own weapon to deflect their blows and keep them at bay.

'Shit. I can't carry this out for long, their strength is much more than mine,' I thought, 'I can't waste my eyes on them either, I need to use them on the Ultimate-Class. That's the only way I would be able to defeat him'

With quick reflexes, I parried one Devil's sword to the side and swiftly kicked him in the chest, sending him stumbling backwards. The second Devil was met with a sharp knee to the groin, leaving them doubled over in pain.

With the final Devil now standing alone, I raised my palm and pointed it towards them. With a powerful utterance of "Almighty push," I unleashed a surge of energy that sent the Devil flying backwards into the forest. They tumbled through the trees, crashing into each one with a thud, leaving a trail of dust in their wake.

'That should knock him out....hopefully. But damn, that took a lot of demonic energy out of me' I thought tiredly but kept a strong front on the outside.

The remaining two High-Class Devils were stunned and filled with disbelief at the sight of their comrade being sent flying. They now looked at me with fear in their eyes.

The Ultimate-Class Devil let out a sigh and rubbed his temples, his expression now one of annoyance. "You shitty Barbatos bastards," he spat, "All of you are fucking freaks!" He strode towards me, anger etched on his face.

While my face was contorted in rage at the Devil's insults, inside I was filled with a sense of victory. 'Yes, come here you piece of shit,' I thought to myself, 'I'll make sure to wipe your pathetic existence from this world.'

I quickly scanned the area for Violet, relieved to see that she was still in one piece and decimating the remaining Mid-Class Devils with Witchcraft. It was a brutal sight to behold, a symphony of violence and grace. The splattering of blood only added to the macabre beauty of it all. I couldn't help but feel like there was something wrong with me for being drawn to it.

The Ultimate-Class Devil caught my gaze and followed it to Violet, his face becoming ugly at the sight. Upon realising she was human, his face became uglier as he sneered with disgust. But I could see a glint of lust in his eyes. Her youthful beauty was not lost on him, and he was looking at her like a piece of meat, hungrily devouring her with his gaze.

My hair fell over my eyes, and I gritted my teeth, looking down. My hands were shaking with rage, not fear. How dare he...How fucking dare he?!

He noticed my reaction and smirked, before turning to the remaining two High-Class Devils and communicated with them through a method I guessed was telepathy.

Of course, they had it

A bad feeling settled in my gut as I watched them.

They paled and for a moment, it looked like they wanted to retort. However, they reconsidered and merely nodded, keeping their thoughts to themselves. Their expressions turned from annoyance to surprise, a smirk appearing on their faces as they shifted their gaze to me. Their arrogance, it seemed, had returned.

I felt a sense of unease, not knowing what was about to happen. I prepared myself, my guard up and ready for any eventuality.

The two Devils launched their attack, but I was able to parry their blows with ease, just as I had done before. At first, I was disoriented and confused, trying to understand what was happening. But then, my eyes caught a glimpse of the Ultimate-Class heading towards Violet. In that moment, everything became clear.

They were distracting me, while that bastard would get his hands on Violet.

Panic set in as I frantically tried to think of a solution, I didn't know what to do. I needed to reach her as fast as I could, but I couldn't defeat these two Devils quickly enough. I could head over there with Blink and kill him with my eyes, but the problem was that my eyes would only work for ten seconds, then my body would give up on me. I can't leave Violet with those two High-Class Devils, she won't be able to defeat them.....but... if I kill all of them in ten seconds.....

.....It was hard.....extremely hard.....but not impossible

As I struggled to come up with a plan, Violet had already dispatched the final Mid-Class Devil and turned her attention to me, seemingly unfazed by the Ultimate-Class Devil slowly advancing towards her. I watched as the Ultimate-Class Devil's eye twitched with annoyance at being ignored, before a lecherous grin spread across his face as he closed in.

FUCK! Rage boiled inside me, my hands shaking with anger.

FUCK IT! I have had enough! I would do it in ten seconds! Come Hell or high water, I wouldn't lose my family again

I backed away from the High-Class Devils. The sound of metal sliding against wood filled the air as I returned my weapon to its scabbard. The Devils were thrown off by my actions and raised their guard, uncertainty evident in their eyes.

I stood there for a moment, watching them with a sense of detachment before taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, letting my senses expand. When I opened them again, the world looked the same....but so very different at the same time

My eyes were devoid of emotion, and the gaze was cold.....so cold.... cold enough to freeze the flames of Hell itself. But they held something more - something that made one's skin crawl and heart race with terror.....something terrifying

The Devils themselves seemed to feel this. They shifted nervously, their eyes darting back and forth as they tried to avoid my gaze. Sweat glistened on their skin, as their hair stood on end. The atmosphere was electric with tension, and for a moment, it felt as if time itself had come to a standstill. The fear in the air was palpable, and the only sound was the collective pounding of their hearts.

'Spatial Cut,' I whispered to myself, executing a powerful technique. With a swift horizontal slash of my katana, I unleashed a dark and foreboding energy slash that flew towards the Devils at lightning speed. They scrambled to escape, but their efforts were in vain.

'Universal Pull' I commanded, pointing my palm at the enemy, pulling the Devils towards the energy slash with irresistible force. They were powerless to resist, and the energy slash cleaved through them, slicing their bodies in half. The foes now reduced to mere lifeless remains, their defeat complete.

I then fixed my gaze upon the Ultimate-Class Devil, who had come to a sudden halt in front of Violet. His eyes were wide with disbelief and a hint of fear as he took in the events that just took place. With a steady voice, I spoke the word, "Blink".

In the same instant, I swung my blade with deadly precision, aiming straight for the lines of death that would bring an end to his existence. But the Devil was no ordinary foe, for he was known as an Ultimate-Class for a reason. He was not about to be caught off guard by a simple slash of a blade. With quick thinking and lightning-fast reflexes, he reacted, moving in a way that would only cost him an arm but spare his life. It was a split-second decision made purely on instinct, born from years of experience and training.

The Devil stumbled back, clutching at his bleeding stump of an arm, as he tried to escape my reach. Sweat poured down his face, and his eyes were filled with fear as he realised how close he had come to death.

All this happened in 5 seconds

I clicked my tongue in annoyance, seeing my attack failed, a frown creased on my face as I considered my next move. My mind raced with a thousand thoughts

'Shit! I have only 5 seconds left, how the hell do I get close? The bastard isn't coming close to me either, he must have figured out a close-combat battle with me would lead to his death'

Just as I predicted, he didn't come close to me.....

'Fuck!' I cursed to myself. 'What should I do?' My mind raced, trying to come up with a solution.

Just when I thought all hope was lost, an idea suddenly struck me. I turned my gaze to Violet, sending a telepathic message to her, 'Violet, do you trust me?'

She nodded unhesitatingly. A small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth, and I lunged forward, blade in hand. I swung with all my might, aiming for her neck. She didn't do anything and stood perfectly still, watching me with a calm expression. As my weapon neared her skin, I uttered out, "Switch"

In an instant, Violet was gone, replaced by the Ultimate-Class Devil. His eyes widened in shock. Before he could utter a single word, my blade connected with his neck, cleanly severing his head from his body.

The spell of Switch was not a simple one to master, it required a significant amount of Demonic Energy, much more than the spell of Blink. Its complexity was due to the fact that it was a Domain ability, a power only attainable by those who possessed a Spatial Domain. Obtaining a Domain required not only owning a substantial amount of High-Class level Demonic Energy but also a deep understanding of the nature of space and a great deal of talent and hard work

I let out a relieved chuckle as I realized that our danger had finally passed. My eyes then deactivated and my knees buckled, I stumbled. However, just in time, Violet appeared at my side, steadying me with a firm grip around my waist.

I smiled at her, and just as I was about to thank her. We both froze

A rustling in the bushes to our right caught our attention, we turned to face it, both vigilant of this potential newcomer

Slowly, a figure emerged, coughing heavily with each step. As he stepped into the light, I nearly cursed out loud in shock.

It was the High-Class Devil that I had previously pushed away.

"Dammit!" I exclaimed, "He's still breathing. We need to get out of here, now! Our current state won't allow us to take him on." She quickly nodded in agreement and was about to lift me up to carry me to safety when we heard footsteps from behind us. We turned around to see a group of Mid-Class Devils and another High-Class Devil emerging from the shadows.

"Shit!" I cursed, frustration evident in my voice. "He called for reinforcements."

The Devil who I had previously inflicted wounds upon now stood before the group of Devils, his twisted lips forming a shitty smirk as he joined them. The other Devils were shocked as he gravely announced, "Beware of those two brats. They may seem like normal kids, but they're actually freaks. The Barbatos bastard even killed our Captain.".

The group gasped in shock, fear and uncertainty reflecting in their eyes. But the injured Devil continued, "Don't be afraid. Look at their condition now. The boy is badly hurt and won't be able to move easily, while the girl will be occupied protecting him. We can easily attack them from a distance. The Barbatos brat has some special tricks up his sleeve when it comes to close combat, so it's best to stay away." He finished his words with a stern expression, to which the other Devils nodded in agreement.

A Devil with a lecherous grin suddenly spoke up, asking, "What about the human bitch? Can we have some fun with her?" Several other demons eagerly nodded in agreement, their expressions perverted.

The Devil leader sighed, "The girl is troublesome. We need to eliminate her quickly....But, once she's dead, feel free to do with her what you will."

The other Devil replied lewdly, "Thank you boss."

Hearing them, I was seething with anger. I felt frustrated and powerless, unable to take any meaningful action to defend myself and Violet. With a burst of determination, I summoned my wings and scooped Violet up in my arms, determined to fly us to safety. Despite the searing pain that wracked my body, I refused to be deterred. But my weak condition proved to be my undoing, and the relentless attacks from the Devils pierced holes in my wings, a physical manifestation of my own frailty.

I was frustrated as well that I couldn't do anything. I released my wings and grabbed Violet's waist and I tried to fly away, the pain not at all phasing me.....but fell down because of my weak condition right now and Devils launching attacks at my wings, making holes in it. The wings mirrored my condition, thus being as weak as me currently. I gritted my teeth as I landed back on the ground because of the sudden pain

I gritted my teeth as I stumbled back to the ground, my eyes never leaving the Devils as they began to gather their demonic energy for a final, devastating attack. I helplessly stood there as my heart pounded in my chest. Just as the attack was about to make contact, I watched in horror as Violet stepped forward, placing herself in harm's way to protect me. With a desperate attempt to save her, I pulled her towards me...but I was too slow


My ringing ears and aching head were evidence of the brutal attack I had just endured, and the sticky wetness on my fingertips, when I touched my head, confirmed that I was bleeding. My vision was blurry, making it difficult to focus, but I didn't care.....I refused to let that deter me. I rubbed my eyes, willing them to clear, and scanned the area for any signs of Violet

When I finally located her, my eyes filled with rage and sorrow. I found her lying on the ground, conscious but in agony. The place where her arms were supposed to be were empty.....her arms were gone

Even Violet, who had taken the stinging pain of the healing of the Phoenix Tears was hurting and suffering with this injury. The sight of her whimpering was too much to bear

I quickly rushed to her and retrieved a fresh vial of the Pheonix Tears from my pocket dimension and administered them to her. Despite the pain, she valiantly clenched her teeth and managed to endure the treatment. Though her bleeding had ceased, her arms remained missing

Shit! Why did this have to happen? I yanked her out of harm's way, but I was too slow. Her arms were caught in the explosion and now they were gone. Guilt washed over me as I gazed at the empty spaces where her limbs used to be. If only I was stronger, this never would have happened.

I grit my teeth in frustration, so hard that I tasted blood. But at least she was still alive. That thought brought me a small measure of comfort, but my anger and frustration continued to build

I helped her sit up. She looked relatively unscathed now, considering what had just happened, but that didn't mean my anger and frustration had diminished.....No, not all, it was intensifying every second.

"Violet, are you ok?" I asked in concern

She nodded

"You idiot, why the hell did you do that?" I snapped at her, my anger getting the best of me. But she simply looked at me with a confused expression, like I was stupid

"Yo--! *sigh*" I didn't say anything but helplessly give out a pained smile, before pulling her into a hug. She froze because at the sudden gesture, but soon relaxed and even snuggled more into my embrace

Her antics and the warmth of her body against mine filled me with a sense of comfort

But the calm was short-lived as the smoke around us dissipated

"The brats are still alive!" bellowed one of the Devils, as I weakly stood up hearing his voice, my body still battered from the brutal attack. I stood protectively in front of Violet, determined to shield her from further harm, "Shit! We maimed the bitch"

"Don't worry, after all we don't really need the hands" another one of the Devils cackled, the lust in his voice clear as day

My face turned red with rage at their words. I felt the anger coursing through my veins, urging me to take action, but I was powerless. I was weak. I hated myself in that moment, and let out a self-deprecating snort, a physical manifestation of the frustration and disappointment I felt in myself

But then, I felt a gentle push on my back. I turned around to find Violet nudging me with her head from behind as she looked at me with....concern?

I met her gaze, as I finally made a decision, giving her a small smile in the end. I then quickly and discreetly slipped something into her pocket

"One more attack should do it," a Devil shouted, his voice filled with sadistic glee

They then, once again started charging an attack. Violet struggled with difficulty but stood up on her two feet and once again positioned herself in front of me.

My eyes softened as I gazed at her with tenderness.

'Even now she...' I thought with a smile before shaking my head, 'Not this time though'

I allowed her to stand in front of me, knowing that the attack was imminent. Just as it was launched, she pushed me out of harm's way with all her might...She tried to. I managed to dodge and pushed her away to safety with the last bit of strength I had, in the last second

I focused all my mental energy and sent her a final telepathic message.

Her eyes widened in shock and fear, her expression turning to terror. She opened her mouth and let out a blood-curdling screech that echoed through the forest, "NOOOOOO!" she cried out, her voice filled with a mix of fear, pain, and desperation

I was a little bit surprised by her display of emotion and her actually saying something. It was the first thing I had ever heard from her. But I also felt a bit smug at being the cause.....I'm a bastard, aren't I?



{{NOTE from Author-san:

- Yep, these are the consequences for his lax behaviour. I kinda wanted to give him a 'reality check' of sorts

- Some things aren't explained, so before the comments come pilling about it, wait for the next chap

- What do you think about the Devil Power rankings? Accurate enough, decent? Any suggestions you have about it? Oh btw one more thing, in the previous chapters I mentioned that Grayfia was powerful enough to fatally injure a Super-Devil. Forget that, she can't face a Super-Devil yet. Though should be strongest in Peak Satan-Class. Thank god I didn't actually type it out and instead wrote it in the Author's notes lmao

- Also one more thing, I uploaded a new fic recently, 'The Fallen's Rise'. Would appreciate it, if y'all checked that out}}