
Diablo in Highschool DxD

A sociopathic loner who had lost everything in his life, gained another chance. He would not let this new start go to waste...He would not let anything get stripped from his life again, he would gain power......power to eradicate all who stood infront him. This was the story of a man, who became the apex of the world......or did he? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He won't be super OP but will be very strong (and the strongest too in the future but that's like way at the end) but not strong from the beginning though. So its basically a progression from weak to strong, and by strong I mean very strong ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own High School DxD or even the cover photo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will not be always able to post it daily, so it would be whenever I have free time

Lucifer_Void · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 15: A tool? (4)

Violet POV(Flashback):


That's the only thing I knew and remembered

I was not my own, I was a tool, an instrument for others to use and command. My special abilities were used for their purpose

The list of lives I've taken were endless, a never-ending stream of faceless victims, their names and faces forever lost to me

I couldn't even recall my first kill, the one that marked the beginning of this endless cycle of violence and bloodshed. I had been killing, following orders, for as long as my memory served.

They kept me locked up in a tiny, windowless room that was illuminated only by a dim bulb hanging from the ceiling. The room was sparsely furnished, containing only a twin-sized bed with a thin, musty mattress, a rusting metal frame, and a stained pillow. In the corner was a porcelain toilet, which was the only source of water in the room. The door was made of heavy steel, with a small hatch at the bottom for passing through food and other necessities.

The food was meager, consisting of only a small serving of beans, a small loaf of stale bread, and a glass of water. Despite this, I was grateful for the sustenance, and I tried to make the best of it. I was fed three times a day, always at the same time, and the portions were never any larger or smaller

Aside from the food, the only other time the door was opened was when they came in to clean me. They would bring a large, metal pipe and spray me with cold water from head to toe with my clothes on. I remembered a time when it bothered me, the water was cold, harsh and stingy. My skin turned red and raw....but now it didn't even faze me

Other than this, they only opened the door when my....expertise, was required.

The moment I stepped out of my cell, I would be handed a uniform, replacing my stained and tattered clothes. That would maximise my movement and combat potential. Along with the uniform, I was given a gas mask to conceal my identity and protect me from potential poison gas, if there were any.

I was taken on various missions, both domestic and international, to carry out assassinations and to participate in covert wars and border conflicts. I was a weapon

I heard them say that I belonged to the government, though I didn't understand the meaning of it. It didn't matter to me, my purpose was to simply kill

They sometimes 'lent' me to other clients who needed my services. I was made to be a bodyguard for high-ranking officials, a mercenary in various conflict zones, and a hired gun in gang wars. I was also used to carry out acts of terrorism or to prevent them, depending on the client's needs.

One day, I finished doing another job

It was a mission that had taken me to a remote corner of Africa where I was tasked with eliminating a group of tribesmen who were residing in a lush forest that was earmarked for resource extraction. The tribe refused to vacate the forest when asked to do so by the authorities, no matter what they were offered

The tribe in question was known for their strange beliefs and practices, worshiping beings they referred to, in their language, as 'Devils'. According to their legends, if a person wielding a 'Weapon of God' were to appear, they would have the power to send the tribe members to the Underworld. The 'civilised' locals who lived in the nearby cities, believed it was all to be nonsense. This point of view also being shared by the government.

As I took the final breath of the last tribesman, I felt a sudden jolt of pain as a bullet tore through my back. I staggered, my knees buckling beneath me. I could have easily dodged the shot, but I chose not to. Instead, I turned my gaze to my new owner, the one who had accompanied me on this mission. He stood with a pistol in his hand, a look of regret on his face.

"You were a valuable asset," he said, his voice heavy with pity, "But the higher ups are worried about what might happen if you fall into enemy hands. What if, by some chance, your 'owner' becomes the enemy? You also know too much and your existence is getting noticed, we can't risk having you being discovered by the outside world. That's why they've decided to relieve you of your duties, effective immediately. They no longer have any use for you, you will die hiding all the sins you did in our name."

With those final words, he raised his pistol and fired again, this time hitting me in the shoulder. I staggered back, my body slamming into the ground.

Why? Why did he do that? Am I useless now? Do I not have a purpose anymore?

He then turned around and strode away. He knew that I wouldn't survive for long, lying there in the middle of the dense jungle, bleeding out with no one around to find me. It would only be a matter of time before I succumbed to my wounds, or before some hungry predator came to claim my remains. He didn't look back, not even once, as he disappeared into the thick foliage.

I lay there, emotionlessly, my body rapidly losing its strength as blood flowed out of me. The once lush and vibrant jungle around me became a blur of green and brown, my thoughts growing hazy as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

But then, something unexpected happened. A circular symbol formed underneath me, its edges etched with strange, glowing runes. The circle started to pulse with a bright light, until it suddenly burst in a flash of brilliance. My vision turned white

When I regained my sight, I found myself in a completely different place. I was surrounded by a sea of violet flowers, the petals soft and delicate as they swayed in the gentle breeze. In the distance, I could see a single tree, its branches reaching skyward. Weakly, I crawled towards it, wanting to relieve my body. I finally collapsed against its trunk, my head leaning against the rough bark, my back facing it, as I struggled to catch my breath.

I took another look at my surroundings, trying to take in the breathtaking beauty of the field of violets. The soft glow of the sun filtering through the trees, the sweet scent of the flowers in the air, it all seemed perfect, like a living painting

Was this beautiful? I wondered

As I gazed upon the peaceful scene, I felt my consciousness slipping away. My eyes flickered, closing and opening in rapid succession, until I was unable to keep them open any longer. Just as I was about to succumb to the darkness, my eyes momentarily fluttered open once more. Through the hazy fog of my mind, I saw a blurred figure approaching me, its form indistinct but unmistakably there

As my senses returned to me, I became aware of a dull ache in my wounds. It was nothing, I had felt worse before. I regained my senses entirely soon after

I didn't die?

I opened my eyes and saw a young boy standing over me, his black hair shining in the sun and his skin tanned. He looked to be about thirteen years old, but what truly caught my attention were his eyes.

This...This was beautiful, right?

It was then that I noticed the vial in his hand. I realised that he must have been the one who healed me, bringing me back from the brink of death

Hm, my previous owners disposed of me. He saved my life, so now I belong to him right? Did this mean I was now his tool?

He then started speaking to me, his words were cryptic, my mind filtering it to find any commands but I didn't. I couldn't quite comprehend what he wanted me to do

Does he want me to kill someone?

He seemed quite irritated for some reason and turned around, marching off into the unknown.

He's going somewhere? I should follow him, I'm now his tool after all.

I stood up, feeling the stiffness in my muscles but quickly adjusted to it. I trailed behind him, trying to keep up with his brisk pace. He noticed my presence and pivoted to face me with a frown, speaking to me again in a stern tone.

I didn't do anything.

He turned around and picked up the pace, moving forward with a speed that was difficult to match. It was tough, I barely kept up

Was he in a hurry?

He then suddenly stopped, causing me to halt as well

He turned his gaze in another direction, I sensed something there. He then looked back at me, annoyance still present in his gaze, as he put his finger on his lips, before looking into that direction once more

I just blinked in response

As he continued to stare into the distance, I saw a golden deer slowly emerge from the bushes. The man quickly hid behind a nearby tree, but he soon realized that I was still standing out in the open. He panicked and quickly pulled me towards him and held me tightly, hiding us both. When he did that, I don't know why, but my heart skipped a beat.

I didn't stop him and just looked at him....

He eventually released me, and we both stood there in silence, I noticed his face had turned a light shade of red

Does he have a fever?

He then fixed his gaze on the deer once again, as he approached it carefully. I followed him

As I closed up on him, I heard him talking to himself in hushed tones, mumbling words in a low tone....but then I heard him utter the word "kill." My hand reflexively twitched

Does he want me to kill that deer?

Without hesitation, I summoned a sharp dagger into my hand and lunged towards the deer. With a swift and deadly strike, the deer was killed instantly.

I turned to face him, who looked both surprised and curious, yet cautious at the same time. He resumed speaking to me, but I remained silent

He then took me on a tour of the forest, pointing to different insects and animals and commanding me to kill them....I did as I was ordered

He looked satisfied and allowed me to accompany him. Unlike our previous interactions, he seemed less irked by my presence and more accepting of my company.

A magnificent mansion came into view as we slowly neared, it became evident that this was his residence. Despite having served wealthy clients before, this abode still managed to impress me with its grandeur and opulence, surpassing even the most luxurious homes I had seen.

Upon entering the estate, we were greeted by a silver-haired maid who seemed quite unhappy. She also particularly looked at me with hostility.....to which, I didn't really care about

The two of them engaged in a heated discussion, the subject of which I surmised had something to do with me. The argument appeared to be one-sided, with the maid seemingly losing out, in the end she did lose before she finally glared at me

After that day, I tried to be with him all the time. For some reason, there were certain areas that were off limits for me to go with him. One day, he took me to a picturesque garden. He gestured towards the various blooms, explaining something about them

However, his demeanor quickly changed when he became frustrated by something. He took hold of my cheeks, pulling them upwards...Was he trying to make me smile?

He eventually gave up as he released his hold and after a moment of silence, he resumed walking, his steps now slower and more deliberate. He came to a stop in front of a delicate violet, its petals a rich shade of purple. He stared at it intently

He then turned to me and said something that I would never forget. Despite not fully understanding him before, in that moment, his words resonated with me and I felt as though at that moment I could somehow comprehend what he said

"Hey, I never did ask for your name, did I? What's your name?" I didn't say anything

I never got a name, they never gave me one, it was unnecessary...

"Ahh I see.....Would it be okay if I gave you one?" I just blinked at him

"Hmmmm" he looked at the flower once again and a smile formed on his face, "Violet....that's your name, because I'm sure you'll grow into one in the future....and since I found you in a garden, you will be Violet Evergarden"

What's this...? What is this warm and fuzzy feeling in my chest?

Violet Evergarden, huh?

....It's a good name


A few months had passed

After that day he started teaching me different stuff. He taught me how to eat with cutleries as I didn't know how to. He also taught me how to write and read. I also understood him better and I could nod back to his questions.

I spent most of my days by his side, not just because I was his tool, but also because of that strange feeling that lingered in my chest. I couldn't quite put a finger on what it was, but I wanted to find out

He also told me that I needed to find a hobby of my own, since for some reason, I couldn't just follow him around always

I didn't understand why I couldn't stay with him, but he insisted on it. So, I tried to find something I preferred and was good at....other than killing

I am.....fond? Yes, I'm fond of writing, whether it be by hand or through the mechanical clack of a typewriter. Diablo-sama took notice of my skill with it, and thus I was given the permission and responsibility to respond to some of the unimportant letters of the mansion. It was strange for me, as throughout my life the only thing I did was taking lives. But writing....It calmed me....

I also learned my master's name, Diablo Barbatos, and that of the silver-headed maid, Grayfia Lucifuge. I discovered that they were not human, but Devils....which didn't change anything. It did not change my role as his obedient tool.

I tried cooking as well but I guessed I did something wrong, judging by the grim faces of him and the maid.

He tested my powers, which I later discovered were a result of something called a Sacred Gear, I had the one called Witchcraft. We explored its capabilities in depth.

Grayfia-san also gave me new clothes, and taught me certain skills. She presented me with a new set of attire. It was unlike anything I had ever donned before....It was comfortable

One day, he asked me to come to the garden with him, where he wanted to experiment with my Sacred Gear. However, before he could continue, he was abruptly summoned inside. He told me to wait for him in the garden, so I remained there.

As I waited, the sky suddenly darkened and rain began to pour down. I didn't move...He told me to stay

...It was cold

After a few hours, he emerged from the house, looking worried and stressed, drenched from head to toe. But as soon as his eyes landed on me, his expression lightened and he broke into a run towards me

He didn't say a word, but his grip on my hand was firm as he pulled me into the house, leading me through the dimly lit hallway. Again, I got that tingly feeling in my chest. Was there something wrong with me?

He led me to my room and then immediately as soon as he shut the door, he unleashed a barrage of angry scolding towards me

I flinched, as this was the first time he had ever been angry with me.

In the past, when others have treated me harshly, I would simply ignore them and remain unfazed. But for some reason, I couldn't shake off this anger this time....not from him

Will he leave me now...? Will he dispose of me as well...?

I don't want that...I don't want him to be angry at me....

After a while, he let out a sigh and then, to my surprise, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close and began to gently stroke my hair. I was frozen, unsure of how to react to this sudden display of affection.

In my previous line of work, I had witnessed clients express affection towards others, but this was the first time I was on the receiving end of such behaviour. This was the first time I had someone give me....affection? Yes, this was affection, right?

"I'm sorry," He apologised to me, "I didn't mean to scare you there earlier"

"It's just...I was worried," he said, "I don't know what your life was like before I found you, and I won't lie and say that I didn't have my suspicions. But, that doesn't matter anymore. What matters is you. You're not just a tool to me. We're family, you, me, Fia, and maybe more in the future. It's us against the world."

He paused for a second, "Even if Fia doesn't like you that much now, I'm sure she will in the future," he continued, "So, don't care so little about yourself from now on. Because there are people who care about you. You're not a tool"

He held me for a while longer before finally pulling away and telling me to dry myself and join him for lunch with a smile. Then, he left the room.

I remained standing there, still trying to process everything that had just happened. I didn't know how to react to his words, or what they meant.

Wasn't I just a tool, a weapon to be used? Was I deserving of something like this.....something like a family? The thoughts swirled in my mind

As I revisited the memory of his words and actions, I felt an odd sensation in my chest. My heart seemed to beat faster and warmth flowed through my veins. I was suddenly aware of a strange heat creeping up my face

Confused by my reaction, I stepped in front of a mirror to inspect my face more closely. To which I noticed a subtle redness on my cheeks

'Hmm, do I have a fever?' I thought to myself, absentmindedly touching my cheeks


After that day, he sometimes took me out, alongside him and Grayfia-san. It was interesting to compare the Human world to the Underworld. Though some of the locals looked at me strangely, but unlike Grayfia-san, who sometimes seemed to regard me with hostility only, they looked at me with disgust also. I didn't let their reactions bother me. I was indifferent to the opinions of others....except him. Yes, I have discovered that just like writing letters, I'm 'fond' of him.....Maybe it was something deeper than that, I didn't know

In around a week after our excursions, we set out again, this time venturing deeper into the Barbatos territory. We were heading there because of some contract Diablo-sama wanted to make. Our mode of transportation was a carriage, that was lead by a breed of horse that I had never ever seen or heard off

Diablo-sama and I were seated inside a carriage, with him appearing deep in thought. I, on the other hand, was simply looking at him

His eyes, I discovered, I'm 'fond' of them too.....I liked them, they were pretty

He turned his gaze towards me and released a small chuckle. Confused, I tilted my head to the side, wondering what had amused him.

After a moment of silence, he smiled. I was caught off guard when he suddenly reached out and began gently patting my head. I was surprised by his sudden show of affection, but I couldn't resist leaning into his touch. I closed my eyes, savoring the warmth of his hand against my hair.

.....It felt nice?

His touch...I liked it.... I wanted more

Just as I was getting lost in the moment, the carriage came to a halt, causing Diablo-sama to stop petting me. A wave of disappointment and annoyance washed over me....huh?

Oh, I see....So this is what they feel like

But before I could dwell on these new thoughts, Grayfia-san appeared with a message that quickly brought me back to reality. When we looked outside, we saw a group of Devils approaching, and Grayfia-san was radiating her power in response

.....However, something felt off. My instincts were telling me that something was wrong.

Unfortunately, my worries were soon confirmed. A magic circle suddenly appeared beneath us and teleported the carriage that contained Diablo-sama and me to an unknown location. I immediately sprang into action, positioning myself in front of him to protect him from any potential danger.

We stepped out of the carriage cautiously and Diablo-sama paused for a moment, as if deep in thought. But our peace was short-lived as we soon heard noises coming from the right side of the forest. It was clear that our pursuers had caught up to us.

Without hesitation, Diablo-sama grabbed my hand, and we set off at a run in the opposite direction.

But soon, it became evident that we couldn't outrun our pursuers. We had to face them head-on.

The Devils emerged from the forest, their numbers and power overwhelming. Even Diablo-sama looked a little uneasy. I assessed the situation, realising that I could handle the Mid-Class Devils, but taking on the High-Class ones would be a challenge.

But I didn't hesitate. I stepped forward, positioning myself in front of Diablo-sama in a protective manner. I was determined to defend him, no matter what. I didn't care if they were stronger than me; I was willing to lay down my life for him if necessary.

But then, Diablo-sama gently pulled me back to stand beside him. I was momentarily confused, but I trusted him and followed his lead. Still on guard

The Devils sneered at us with mock amusement and disdain. The sight of their condescending gazes made my fists clench tightly, my teeth grinding against each other in frustration. I didn't mind if they were mocking me, but the thought of them disrespecting Diablo-sama made my blood boil. It made me angry...Huh? Angry.....?

So this was anger.....

Despite their taunts, Diablo-sama remained unfazed, his gaze steady and confident. He then turned to me and, without saying a word, conveyed a telepathic message to me

'Violet, I have a plan. I'm going to unbalance them and when they're off-guard, take advantage of that moment to shoot them. Then, I'll focus on the High-Class Devils while you take care of the Mid-Class. Agreed?'

I was surprised momentarily at the sudden voice in my head, but calmed down once I realised who it was from. I nodded, ready to follow his lead. Though I was a little worried, I trusted in his strength

I summoned my rifle, lifting it as I aimed carefully at the group of oncoming Devils. With a steady hand, I pulled the trigger and watched as five of the them fell to the ground. Diablo-sama seemed a little taken aback by it but still wore a pleased expression. The sight of his approval brought back that warm and fuzzy feeling to my chest.

...I liked it....I want to please him more...

I quickly reloaded and took aim once more. I was disappointed when two of the Devils nimbly dodged my shots, during my second round. But I didn't falter for long

Suddenly, Diablo-sama teleported to the front lines to take on the stronger Devils, leaving me to handle the remaining minions. I stood my ground and prepared to face the small fry

I dispersed my rifle and summoned my axe, the primary form of Witchcraft, and surveyed the enemy before charging at them

...I began my slaughter

I swung my axe with precision, taking down each enemy with ease. My movements were fluid, and my strikes were powerful. The once overwhelming numbers were getting cut down like weed

As I stood over the last fallen enemy, I realized that the strongest of the group, the Ultimate-Class Devil, was making its way towards me. Meanwhile, Diablo-sama was occupied with two High-Class Devils

I know I couldn't defeat him, but still I stood my ground.

Just then, I saw Diablo-sama appear out of nowhere, teleporting right in front of the Devil. In one swift motion, he cut off the Devil's arm with his blade. The Ultimate-Class recoiled in pain and terror, backing away from Diablo-sama with a panicked expression on his face.

I gazed into his eyes, which were different from what I remembered. They were devoid of their usual warmth, or emotion. They were sharp and cold. I couldn't help but feel a shiver run up my spine as I gazed into them.....So this was fear?

Diablo-sama appeared to be lost in thought for a moment, his eyes furrowed in contemplation. Suddenly, he turned his gaze towards me, and I felt a mental connection form between us. He communicated to me through telepathy, his words echoing in my mind.

He asked if I trusted him, and without hesitation, I nodded my head. Of course, I trusted him.

He then lunged towards me with lightning speed, his katana raised high above his head. The deadly gleam of the sharp blade was aimed directly at my neck, ready to take my life in one swift motion.

I stood my ground, my mind remaining calm. I knew that my life was not my own; it belonged to him. If he wanted me to die, then so be it. I was ready to accept my fate.

However, just as the katana was about to strike, my vision suddenly blurred for a split second. When it cleared, I found myself in a completely different position. I quickly scanned my surroundings, trying to understand what had just happened.

That's when I noticed Diablo-sama, standing triumphantly over the beheaded body of the Ultimate-Class Devil. It dawned on me that he had switched our places at the last moment

Though, soon, his steps became unsteady and he stumbled, on the brink of collapsing. I rushed to his side and supported him, trying to keep him steady.

He smiled at me and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter a word, the bushes to our right rustled loudly. We both tensed, turning our heads to investigate the source of the noise.

An injured High-Class Devil emerged from the bushes, his eyes fixed on us

Immediately, Diablo-sama told me to run away as we were in no condition to face anyone right now. I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. I was about to lift him and carry him in the opposite direction, when suddenly more Devils appeared, surrounding us on all sides

As the Devils closed in, I felt a growing sense of worry, not for my own safety but for that of Diablo-sama. I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to him.

They talked amongst themselves, I caught snippets of their conversation and I frowned as one of them was suggesting something about having "some fun" with me

I didn't like that look on his face, it made me nauseous

It seemed that Diablo-sama had overheard the same thing, and I could see the anger building within him. He was shaking with fury, and for a moment I wondered if he was angry over me. The warm feeling in my chest, which had been plaguing me for days, suddenly returned, stronger than ever.

In that moment, Diablo-sama pulled me close and unfurled his magnificent wings. It was the first time I had ever seen them, I didn't have the time to get proper look on the them as he immediately took flight

Unfortunately, his attempt was short-lived as the Devils shot him down, and we both tumbled back to the ground, vulnerable and exposed.

I nervously cast my gaze upon him before glaring at the Devils with a mixture of anger....and hate?

'Yes, I hate them.....I hate whoever harms Diablo-sama. They deserve to suffer and endure the most agonising death imaginable' I mused as my eyes glinted maliciously.

Suddenly, the enemy forces started charging an attack towards, and before we knew it, a blast was headed straight towards us

Fear gripped me as I realized the danger we were in. Without hesitation, in a frantic effort to protect him, I rushed forward, shoving Diablo-sama out of harm's way. However, just as I was pushing him, he unexpectedly yanked me back, pulling me towards him in a split second decision.

Despite the sudden movement, my arms still managed to be enveloped by the blast, taking the full impact of the explosion.


The force of the impact was like a freight train, slamming into me with a violence that left me reeling. My body was tossed backwards by the concussive force, the searing pain almost too much to bear.

Argh! It hurts... It hurts so much

I groaned, my body curling up on the ground. The force of the blast had left me dazed and disorientated, my body battered and bruised. I could feel the warmth of my own blood touching me as I fought to stay conscious, my mind racing as I tried to make sense of what had just happened. The scent of burnt flesh and the sound of my own labored breathing filled my senses. Shockwaves of pain randomly hit throughout my body

.....suddenly, a jolt of intense pain shot through my wounds, causing me to grit my teeth. I tried to keep my breathing steady, but the pain was almost unbearable.

As I opened my eyes, I saw Diablo-sama kneeling beside me, his face filled with worry and panic. He had somehow managed to stop the bleeding from my wounds, but the look on his face was far from relieved.

He noticed that I was awake and his expression brightened, but then he cast his gaze downward, a look of guilt spreading across his face. He was staring at where my arms used to be

Is he blaming himself for my arms?

'It was my decision, don't blame yourselves. I'll do it a million times over if it means saving you,' was what I wanted to say but I couldn't utter a word.

Instead, I stood in silence as he began to scold me. Despite his words, I took them with a grain of salt, knowing that even if he ordered me never to do it again, I would still do anything to ensure his safety.

His safety was more important than anything else

Just when he stopped, he suddenly pulled me into a warm embrace. I was taken aback by the sudden gesture, but quickly melted into his arms, my heart beating faster. That familiar tingly and fuzzy feeling in my chest returned once more

Yes, I like this....

All of a sudden, the thick smog that had enveloped us dissipated, revealing our position to the Devils. As they lay their gaze upon us, I noticed Diablo-sama stumble as he weakly tried to stand in front of me, shielding me from the impending danger.

Was he trying to protect me? The warm sensation returned as it filled my chest

The Devils then started charging another attack at us. I struggled to stay on my feet, my knees weak, but I refused to back down. I stood in front of him, determined to protect him with my life

Even if you want to protect me, I want to protect you too.

After all, I was just a tool, my life was inconsequential compared to his. And I would do everything in my power to keep him safe, no matter the cost.

As the enemy attack bore down on us, I stood my ground, facing it head-on. I was calm, but my mind was racing. I had no regrets....except.....I wished I could have met him sooner.

I tried to push Diablo out of the way, but he unexpectedly dodged it. I felt myself being pushed instead. My eyes widened in disbelief and fear

He gave me a small, reassuring smile as the blast engulfed him. I heard his telepathic message resound in my mind

'Violet, in your pocket I dropped a Rune stone. I know you lost your arms but if you lie on your side and exert enough force, you can crush it. Haha, its hilarious imagining you to do so, but it's the only way. Don't blame yourself for me. I understand that you believe your life to be lowly and only as a tool for me...I can't possibly change the ideology that is so fixated in your mind. That's why I'm going to take advantage of it... Your life belongs to me, yes? Then I want you to live happily and freely, don't try to do anything stupid. That's my final order. Goodbye Violet.'

"NOOOOOO!" I yelled out in complete desperation, my voice ringing out across the battlefield.


The sound of my anguished cry was quickly overtaken by a thunderous explosion, a blast that shook the ground beneath my feet and made my ears ring with pain.

I shook my head, trying to clear the haze of confusion and regain my bearings. My eyes scanned the area frantically, searching for any sign of Diablo-sama,

No, Diablo-sama, you fool!

Why... for someone like me

No... no... NO! This can't be... Diablo-sama can't die. He's really strong, he even defeated that Ultimate-Class. So, he won't die....right? He can't die!

I stumbled forward, my mind in a state of shock and disbelief, until I spotted a body lying just a few meters away. Despite my confusion and despair, I pushed myself to my feet and ran towards it, my heart pounding in my chest.

As I got closer, the reality of the situation hit me like a bus and my face morphed into more despair. The body was that of Diablo-sama, and the sight of him lying there, motionless, destroyed me

His chest had a massive crater in it, the result of the devastating attack, and there were burns and wounds all over his body.


My chest twisted up...it hurt so much. The pain was unbearable....much more than the pain I felt when I lost both my arms

My knees gave out and I collapsed beside him, whimpering

A stream of liquid flowed down from my cheeks, releasing from my eyes. Huh? What's this? Are my eyes bleeding? I wiped my face with my shoulder, expecting to see blood, but it wasn't. I was crying....

"No... *sniff*... Diablo-sama," I muttered through my sobs as I buried my face into his chest. The grief and despair I felt was too much to bear and I let out a blood-curdling scream before giving in to my sobs.

Suddenly, a small cough interrupted my moment of despair. My face lit up with hope as I quickly raised my head. I frantically wiped away the tears with my shoulders and pressed my ear close to his face. I couldn't believe it, his heart was beating!

He was still alive!

The intense pain in my chest vanished instantly and I felt a wave of relief wash over me

'....but he needs immediate medical attention' I thought as I had a serious look on my face.

'But the Devils...' My face curled up in hate just thinking about them. The mere thought of them filled me with a killing intent so dense that it enveloped me entirely.

I want to kill them, to rip them limb from limb, disembowel them and gutting them, to burn them alive, to bury them alive, to fry them in boiling hot oil, to drown them, I wanted to - no....that's too fast....I want to make them suffer more first....

I took a deep breath and pushed these thoughts aside, recognizing that now was not the time to give in to my rage. I had to focus on finding a way to protect Diablo-sama. I quickly surveyed my surroundings, looking for a place of cover, spotting that abandoned house.

Making it my target, I hastily decided to make my way there, using the surrounding cloud of dust as a shroud to conceal our movements.

My thoughts drifted to Diablo-sama, who had spoken about the Rune Stone. The idea of leaving him behind made me nearly chuckle at its absurdity....But, can I use it on him?

Though as as quickly that thought came, I dismissed it - there was no one at the mansion who would be able to take care of him and with his current injuries, he would most likely not survive.....He would die

I gritted my teeth at the thought of him dying, the thought filling me with dread

I gazed at him, and the sight of his fragile state brought tears to my eyes. They threatened to spill over, blurring my vision, but I blinked them away and mustered all my strength. I leaned towards him and bit down on the collar of his shirt, determined to get him to safety. I pulled with all my might, dragging his unconscious body towards the door of the house.

Every step was a battle, as fatigue and pain from my own injuries caught up with me. My eyes felt heavy, threatening to close, and my consciousness flickered.

No! I can't faint now!

I pressed on, driven by the desperation

I reached the door and frantically begged for it to be open. I pushed against it with my back and felt a rush of relief as it finally gave way. I quickly pulled him inside, slamming the door shut behind us with my foot. The sound echoed through the room, but I was too exhausted to care.

I stumbled forward, dragging him to the furthest room. My legs were weak, but I refused to let go until I had safely deposited him on the ground. I did my best to lower him gently, but I was shaking, too exhausted to be gentle.....but I tried my best. I stood over him protectively, unwilling to let anything happen to him

I took out my dagger, summoning it in my mouth. I bit down on the hilt, using my teeth to hold it in place as I turned to face the door. My heart was pounding in my chest as I waited for the enemy to come

My eyes were heavy, and my body was exhausted, but I refused to back down. I wouldn't let myself faint, nor would I allow myself to die. Not before he was safe

Suddenly, the quiet was shattered by a chorus of screams coming from outside the room. My heart rate quickened, and I tensed up, ready for anything. The sounds of chaos and destruction filled the air, making it nearly impossible to concentrate.

Just as abruptly as they had begun, the bloodcurdling screams abruptly ceased. I stood there frozen, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to anticipate what was going to happen next. Suddenly, the door in front of me creaked open and I tensed, prepared to attack the intruder. But as soon as the figure stepped into view, I was momentarily stunned into inaction.

She had long silver hair that flowed down her back, and her eyes were a vivid shade of crimson that seemed to glow in the dim light. Her gaze was fixed directly on me, and I could feel her piercing gaze boring into my soul.....but that didn't bother me at all

With a sigh of relief, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to sink into exhaustion. My body was spent, and my mind was a jumbled mess.....Everything's going to be fine now.....Diablo-sama was safe


Grayfia POV(Flashback):

Ever since I first saw the little bitc--.....girl, come in with Young master, I didn't like her.

I tried to voice my concerns to him, warning him of the potential dangers she posed or of her being a possible spy. However, he refused to listen to my pleas.

Despite my initial distrust, I knew deep down that she wasn't a spy, but instead, a tool created for destruction and warfare. I had encountered similar individuals during the war, individuals who were bred to be weapons. I had also killed a fair few of them myself. The reason for my hostility towards her was not because of her potential as a spy, but rather, my own petty jealousy

That's why I acted hostile and cold towards her during the months she stayed with us.

One day, Sirzechs Lucifer arrived unannounced at the mansion, to talk to my Young master about something. I was filled with a mixture of irritation and displeasure at his visit. I found his persistent advances towards me to be nothing but a nuisance. I also feared that Young master would get the wrong idea

He had come to discuss an alliance between the Barbatos and Gremory clans, a proposal that both surprised and concerned me. The Gremory clan would be handing over 40% of the shares of their business to the Barbatos clan in exchange for the alliance. This was a substantial amount of money, and I wondered why the Gremorys would agree to such a deal.

In return they asked for an engagement, my face twisted into displeasure as I imagined an unknown red-head slut marrying my Young master. But my frown turned deeper as he said the engagement was between me and him.

'I would never marry him, the thought of staying with anyone else apart from my Young master was repulsive' I thought to myself as I scowled, feeling a flush of embarrassment wash over me as I looked at him. The mere idea of being bound to someone else was repugnant to me.....However, I had no right to say or demand anything, and I wouldn't

I clenched my fist tightly imagining him accepting his offer.....but, if he wanted it....I would obey. The mere thought of it all filled me with a sense of pain and sadness that made my heart ache, I hated that thought

But, just as quickly as these feelings came, they vanished. I saw my Young master's face contort with jealousy and anger, and I felt a slight thrill of joy and reassurance wash over me. It seemed that the foolish red-haired man had finally done one thing right, even if it was only by accident.

It was extremely satisfying seeing the ugly look on the red-head as I escorted him out of the property when he got rejected.

After spending two hours basking in a contented state of mind, I suddenly found myself on the receiving end of a harsh scolding from my Young master. He was livid that I hadn't brought the girl in, despite having known her whereabouts. The fact that he had called me by name, and in such an angry tone, was a first and caught me off guard. This was the first time he had ever expressed frustration with me, and all because of that girl, a newcomer too. The situation left me feeling hurt and resentful.

However, as he continued to speak, his next words proceeded to calm me bit. My initial shock began to dissipate, but my dislike for the girl only intensified.

After 2 weeks from then, we headed out for the Barbatos observatory tower, deep in the territory for Young master's contract.

As we traveled in our carriage, I soon noticed some strange presences lurking in the surrounding forest. I immediately informed the Young master of my concerns and prepared myself for any potential threats.

As expected, a group of Devils emerged from the forest, ready to attack. They were....mediocre. It would only take me a matter of moments to defeat them all. But the strangeness of the situation only grew. Why had they sent such weak opponents to face us, knowing full well that I was accompanying the Young master?

Though the answer soon revealed itself, as a Satan-Class Devil emerged. This would be enough to defeat my past self, I guessed their sources still hadn't updated my strength

But regardless, I had a bad feeling because of this....Something about this felt off....

As if proving my doubts, my suspicions were confirmed as the Young master let out a warning cry, declaring that this was indeed a trap. But, before I could even react, he disappeared in a blinding flash of light.

I froze, my mind still not comprehending what just happened

"HAHAHA! Look at you," one of them sneered, his cruel smile spreading across his face. "The mighty Grayfia Lucifuge got tricked." The others joined in, their own mocking laughter adding to the chorus of ridicule. The lone Satan-Class Devil simply stood there, arms crossed, wearing a smirk of amusement.


"What? Why don't you say something? Cat got your tongue?" he taunted, a smirk spreading across his face, as the other Devils snickered alongside him.

I took a deep breath, as I whispered out my response, my voice chillingly cold.

"Huh?...What did you say?" He asked as his smirk faded slightly

"How dare you?" I said, this time a little louder, my voice ringing with the chill of an arctic wind. I took a step forward, my body shivering

The Devils quietened down, their sneers morphing into expressions of uncertainty as they took a step back, sensing the intensity radiating from me.

I was trembling....in rage

"HOW DARE YOU!?" I shouted, my voice echoing through the room as a dense killing intent enveloped the area. My eyes blazed with anger as I directed my fury at the group of Devils. "HOW DARE YOU, YOU DAMN PEASANTS, SEPARATE ME FROM MY YOUNG MASTER?!"

The Devils cowered in fear, trembling under the weight of my wrath. Some of them were suffocating under the intense killing intent and the dark, chilly aura that surrounded me, while others broke down in tears. They had never seen such raw anger and power before, and they were completely intimidated.

Afterwards, blood-curdling screams filled the air.....The sounds of mutilation and gore echoed through the battlefield, painting a picture of pure carnage. The once peaceful area was now a place of terror

As the dust settled, the area was soaked in blood. It looked like a river of red had flowed through the landscape, with guts hanging from trees and limbs scattered everywhere. The ground was littered with mangled corpses, some still twitching in their final moments. Ice pikes were piercing torsos, holding heads aloft in a grotesque display of power. The ice was crimson red, soaked in blood, and the scene was one of utter horror. The sight was unspeakable

In the center of the carnage, a lone figure crouched, covering his head with his hands. He rocked back and forth, shivering with fear as he looked upon the scene of destruction around him. He was covered in blood, his clothes and skin stained with the red liquid, and the bodies of the fallen lay all around him. He was gasping for air, his breathing quick and fierce as if his lungs were trying to keep up with the rapid beating of his heart. He tried to take deep breaths, but they came out as short and shallow, like a fish out of water. Sweat beaded on his forehead and his hands trembled as he struggled to catch his breath.

As I approached the figure, I could hear him pitifully crying and mumbling "Monster" over and over again. His eyes were wide open, staring at nothing, yet one could see the immense terror and despair within.

"Where is my Young master?" I asked in a cold, emotionless tone, making the man before me flinch. Fear was evident in his eyes as they widened even further. He was shaking and his breathing was labored, giving way to a series of sobs. He stuttered as he tried to find the words, finally managing to get out the location where my Young master was being held.

"How did you manage to teleport him?" I demanded, my voice filled with a promise of further suffering if I didn't get the information I sought. Even if it was a surprise attack, I was a Peak Satan-Class Devil, I should have detected some measly teleportation spell. Even Young master who is a member of the Barbatos clan, who are experts of space, should have detected it.

The pitiful Devil whispered to me in desperation, revealing that the spell used was one they had gotten when they kidnapped one of the members of the Barbatos Clan

'So the Devils responsible for the 'disappearances' of the clan members and the one who conducted this attack all hail from the same source.' I concluded

He was unable to give me the name of the ones responsible, as he was bound by a powerful seal as well

Satisfied with the information I had gathered, I turned on my heels, leaving the Devil behind, his head severed from his body.

'One day, I will find out who though, and when I do...' I thought as cruel glint flashed in my eyes

Without hesitation, I took off at a breakneck pace in the direction the Devil had pointed me towards. As I approached the spot, I scanned the area for any sign of life, but the landscape was barren and desolate

Did he lie to me? I thought for a second before quickly dismissing it. No, he was too broken for that.

Just as I was beginning to feel a sense of uncertainty creep in, a massive explosion rocked the ground, to my side. I immediately veered in the direction of the blast, my feet pounding the earth as I raced towards the source of the disturbance.

When I reached over there, I felt a familiar aura of my Young master's demonic energy in the house. But it was much weaker than what I was used to. My heart raced with fear, not even stopping to consider the presence of the other Devils there. I acted on instinct and swiftly eliminated them all.

As I rushed into the house, following his aura, I pushed open the door, a gruesome scene met my eyes, causing my brows to furrow

It was the girl, she was injured badly, with wounds covering her entire body....She was armless....

Despite her weakened state, she tried to attack me, but as soon as she recognized me, her expression changed to one of relief. Her tense body visibly relaxed, and she succumbed to her exhaustion, her eyes closing.

In a flash, I caught her before she hit the ground, and lowered her down to rest

It was then, when I looked behind her, that my heart stopped. There, on the ground...was a body, lying still and silent. I gasped in shock, my eyes widening in horror as I took in the sight before me.

'NO!' I cried out in panic, feeling my heart drop as the reality of the situation hit me. Without a second thought, I rushed to the body and frantically searched for any signs of life. I took out a vial of Phoenix Tears and poured it over the body. My hands shook as I did so.

I watched with tears streaming down my face as the Phoenix Tears went to work, and the body began to stir. I was filled with a mixture of relief and fear as I saw the once still chest rise and fall with shallow breaths. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as the breaths became more stable, and the body began to show signs of life.

But as the reality of the situation set in, my relief was replaced with a burning anger. THOSE LOW-LIFES DARE TOUCH HIM!?

I shouldn't have killed them so quickly, I should have kept them alive and made them suffer for all eternity

I took a deep breath, diverting my raging mind as I once again looked at the girl, who laid unconscious on the floor. She protected him....even at the cost of her arms, and even willing to lay down her life....

It was an act that had earned my sentiment, even if grudgingly so...

The gir- no...Violet. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all....Maybe I'll start treating her right...Hm

I then gently picked up my Young master and Violet, cradling them in my arms as I headed outside

'When I finally get my hands on you. You, who is responsible for all this. I will eradicate everything you consider precious and hold dear, torture you and your loved ones with vilest methods imaginable, and finally end your disgusting life in the most agonising way possible' My eyes glinted with a dangerous light, reflecting the hatred and malevolence that burned within me.


Violet POV:

My eyes fluttered, fighting to open as consciousness slowly returned. I found myself lying on a soft bed, surrounded by unfamiliar surroundings. Confusion settled in as I tried to piece together the events that led me here.

Before panic set in, my heart raced with concern, as my mind reached Diablo-sama. Where was he? Was he safe?

Questions on questions piled over, before I finally noticed a patch of black hair out of the corner of my eye. My heart leapt with relief as I turned to see him, before warming at the sight. He was fast asleep, his head hung low and arms crossed over his chest, as if he had been watching over me for a long time.

I gingerly sat up, carefully pushing myself upward with my arms...Huh? Arms?

I spun around, my eyes wide with surprise and confusion. There they were, my arms, perfectly intact. They looked exactly the same as they did before, just covered in bandages. I tentatively moved them, testing their mobility as I tried to make sense of what was happening...Didn't I lose them?

I started to wonder if they were prosthetic, but then I felt a sensation in my fingertips. I was able to feel with them.

I began to unwrap the bandages from one of my arms. As the cloth fell away, my eyes widened at the sight. My arm looked no different than it was before. It looked completely normal, with flesh and skin covering the bones. I rubbed my thumb over the surface, feeling the familiar feeling of my own skin. But the more I looked at my arms, the more confused I became. How could this be?

Suddenly, I heard a low groan coming from beside me. I quickly turned my head and saw that Diablo-sama was stirring, his eyes slowly fluttering open.

As his gaze met mine, his eyes widened in delight and a smile spread across his face. He quickly sat up and without hesitation, he wrapped his strong arms around me, pulling me into a warm embrace.

I was taken aback by his sudden show of affection, but soon settled into the comfort of his embrace, even snuggling into him more. However, there was a faint tint of red on my cheeks that I didn't notice

.....Mhm, I like this

After what felt like an eternity, he eventually pulled away, leaving me feeling a little disappointed. But I tried my best to hide my feelings and maintain a composed demeanor

"Are you okay?" he asked with a tone of concern in his voice. "Does anything hurt? Are you able to move your arms freely?"

I nodded my head at the first question but shook my head in denial for the second. I nodded for the last one as well but I showed a confused expression as I raised my arms.

He understood my confusion and offered an explanation with a smile. "Ahh, your arms," he uttered out, "They didn't get completely destroyed from the attack, they were just blasted off. However, they were severely damaged. But after Grayfia found your detached limbs, she brought them back, fixing them up with a few certain ingredients, bringing your arms back to their top original shape.....perhaps even with some certain benefits. Phoenix Tears may not be able to regrow limbs, but they sure can reattach them" I listened attentively to his words, nodding in understanding at the end. The thought of that moment made me clench my hands in frustration.

I was too weak....If Grayfia-san hadn't arrived in time, Diablo-sama could have died....

'I need to get stronger.....even if Diablo-sama says I'm not a tool, I need to protect him nonetheless, for him I'll do anything. His happiness is my happiness, his enemies are my enemies, and my enemies are whoever that hurt him or come in his way. I will do what I do best.....I will kill everything and anything that comes in his path. I won't allow another day like this to come again.' I thought as my eyes glinted with a strange light.

I then looked at him, who had started cutting some apples for me on the side table, he was rather clumsy at it. It was funny how a swordsman like him couldn't cut an apple properly. Yet, looking at his actions brought butterflies in my stomach, as my heart fluttered with affection. Unconsciously my mouth curved up a little.

He turned to me and my face quickly turned to normal.....but it was too late, he had already noticed it, "You smiled! You actually smiled for real!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

I just tilted my head in 'confusion'

"What? Don't look at me like that, I saw you smile! I'm telling you, I saw it! It was a real smile, I'm sure of it!" He argued, trying to defend his claim...before he finally realised, "...You're messing with me, aren't you?" he said as he deadpanned at me, his tone now laced with mild annoyance, but a hint of surprise as well

Despite his annoyance, I could see the hint of a smirk on his lips, indicating that he was not actually upset. He continued to grumble, but the playfulness in his voice betrayed his true feelings.

'Yes, I will protect him. No matter what it takes. I will kill whoever brings him harm or poses a threat to him, whether they be a Devil, Angel, Human, Dragon, or a God....All will die if they dare lay a hand on him.' My eyes gleamed sharply as I thought


{{NOTE from Author-san:

- I made the government of the human countries know of the supernatural side of the world....at least some of it, it makes somewhat sense. At least some of the important officials of the government, the ones at the top must have some idea of the supernatural, even if its the minimum amount

- Back there I mentioned a Weapon of god. Weapon of God = Sacred Gear. As I said before the government is aware of the supernatural, even though it might be only bits. They don't exactly know everything about it, so they don't know about the so-called Weapon of God aka Sacred Gear

- Anyway, the peerage chapter has been updated. I hope you're liking the novel so far. Apologise about the inconsistency of my schedule when uploading chaps, also one more thing....I. NEED. MORE. REVIEWS!!!.....lol....but seriously I do....anyway, bye-bye, see you next chapter!}}