
Deviant: No Longer Human

#Harem #R18 #Action #Milf #Dark #Elf #Modernfantasy #Urban #Mystery #Overpowered MC #Evil MC #Conqueor . . . Synopsis: When the ancient myths of the past are unearthed, the world trembles as forgotten powers reawaken, shaking the very foundations of existence. The Graveyard of Gods is revealed, a forgetten realm where the remnants of deities long forgotten reside, their secrets waiting to be uncovered by adventures brave enough to delve into its depths. The mystery of the 8th Continent surfaces, a land rumored to exist beyond the known maps, shrouded in myth and legend, holding within its borders untold treasures and dangers alike. Self-proclaimed gods emerge, individuals wielding incredible abilities who proclaim themselves divine guardians, challenging the established order and igniting conflicts that threaten to engulf the world in chaos. The myth of hell and heaven becomes tangible as the boundaries between realms blur, and the forces of good and evil clash in a cosmic struggle for dominance. Amidst this turmoil, the whole earth becomes a battleground as beings from the hells rise, intent on unleashing their wrath upon humanity, plunging the world into an inferno of destruction and despair. Caught in the maelstrom of chaos, the 'poor' Wang Xiao finds his life turned upside down as he becomes embroiled in a case of mistaken identity, falsely believed to be the mysterious 8th Prince, a figure of immense power whose name is forbidden to be called out loud. He is the one who must not be named, the one who strikes fear into the hearts of mortals and gods alike. Accidentally entangled in a series of events beyond his control, Wang Xiao finds himself bound by the ties of marriage to seven living goddesses, each possessing their own unique powers and secrets, thrusting him into a world of divine and devil! To add to the chaos, the psychotic guardian of the Atlantic continent, becomes a bumbling mess in their attempts to woo Wang Xiao, resorting to increasingly ridiculous stunts that only serve to destroy countries overnight! Meanwhile, the Princess of the Desert Kingdom, with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer, offers her entire country as a dowry in a hilariously misguided attempt to win Wang Xiao's affection! And as if things couldn't get any more absurd, an ancient goddess is reduced to the role of a maid, her once fearsome powers now relegated to menial tasks like dusting and cooking! As the sun rises on another day in Wang Xiao's chaotic life, he is greeted by not one, but two queens throwing themselves into his arms! Wang Xiao's life undergoes a profound transformation when he uncovers a truth that shakes the very foundation of his existence: he possesses a deviant nature unlike any other. In order to assert control over his own destiny, he embarks on a solemn journey to acquire power, navigating a series of challenges and trials with unwavering determination! --------------- #NoYuri #NoNTR ---------------- Warning: The Novel is based upon a fictional Earth, and any resemblance is mere coincidence! Discord: https://discord.gg/dsc4fftBeF **Cover Page is not owned by Author**

SKuLL · สมัยใหม่
551 Chs

Family or group of strangers? (1)

The taxi rolled to a stop outside S-11, an elegant villa nestled in the verdant embrace of the Green Oasis Garden.

This residential district, a tranquil retreat just a whisper away from the vibrant heartbeat of Pudong's financial center, exuded an air of exclusivity.

As the driver opened the door, Wang Xiao stepped out, his gaze drawn to the imposing sight of S-11. This four-story architectural masterpiece dominated the landscape, its facade adorned with cascades of vibrant foliage that seemed to dance in the gentle breeze.

A discreet yet vigilant security guard, stationed at the entrance, recognized Wang Xiao instantly, extending a welcoming nod and granting him passage into this haven of luxury.

Wang Xiao's father, Wang Jiahao, a masterful player in the realm of real estate, had effortlessly carved a niche by providing essential infrastructure to the companies populating the thriving financial district nearby.

An above-average life had become his norm, leaving no doubt that the recent acquisition of this magnificent villa was merely a testament to his ongoing success.

With quiet anticipation, Wang Xiao crossed the threshold into the living space, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of life. And then he spotted him—the figure sprawled lazily on the couch, his countenance reflecting a peculiar mix of indifference and irritation.

A loathsome creature, a slightly overweight man engrossed in the flickering glow of the television screen.

The momentary silence hung heavy in the air as this man, unmistakably Wang Jiahao, locked eyes with his son's arrival, a fleeting frown marring his face.

"Why are you coming home so late?" he inquired, his voice tinged with supressed anger, yet laced with an unspoken layer of disappointment.

His son was anything, but what he wanted him to be.

Wang Xiao's gaze fixated on the man in front of him, a perfect embodiment of apathetic behaviors and cowardice.

Through the flickering glow of the television screen, the man sought solace from the fragments of his crumbling reality.

Perched at the edge of the room, a tantalizing vision in green, a young girl pouted with irresistible allure. "Brother, you missed Christmas!" Wang Xueying's voice danced in the air, infused with a subtle symphony of cuteness, as she leaned in, her eyes ablaze with a beguiling innocence.

Wang Xueying possessed an ethereal beauty, her fair visage akin to a porcelain doll, her delicate features lending her an air of everlasting youth.

A petite figure draped in a gown that seemed to exude the very essence of emerald enchantment, she defied her true age of fifteen, often mistaken as Wang Xiao's younger sister.

Framed by a cascade of ebony curls, her thin, kissable lips beckoned to be adored, a tantalizing invitation to partake in their sweetness. Her flawless, alabaster skin glowed with an otherworldly radiance, devoid of any imperfection. And her eyes, capturing the beholder's attention, possessed a rare beauty that transcended ordinary sight.

Whether embellished by her spectacles or unveiled in all their natural magnificence, they enhanced her charm, rendering her irresistible to the eye.

But beyond her captivating appearance dwelled a fascinating contradiction—an introverted soul harboring an outgoing spirit.

While her vivacity and vibrancy were reserved for a select few, those fortunate enough to be allowed within the warm embrace of her inner circle, the world at large caught only glimpses of her mysterious nature.

"Mei is angry with you, brother. You better hurry and go coax her, or she won't talk to you anymore!" Wang Xueying playfully taunted, but Wang Xiao understood the weight behind her words.

It wasn't Wang Mei who was seething with anger, but rather Wang Xueying herself, using Mei as a vessel to express her discontent.

Wang Mei, his younger sister, came into the world just one year after him.

Compared to the other two older sisters, she possessed a serene demeanor and an irresistible charm, which had earned her a special place in Wang Xiao's mind.

And then there was Wang Jiarong, their eldest sister, an enchanting beauty like the other two.

While Wang Jiarong projected an upright persona, she had a tender and kind soul hidden beneath her gentle facade.

Wang Xiao stood there in silence, a shadow taking shape of a human before his eyes, whispering seductively, 'Why hesitate? She won't resist. Just take her forcefully!'

Wang Xiao's gaze flickered for a moment as he shifted his gaze at Wang Xueying, a faint smile creeping onto his lips.

Sensing his lingering gaze, she returned the smile, a silent understanding passing between them.

Wang Xueying had developed an undeniable attachment to him after a certain incident.

It was evident in the way her eyes sparkled when she looked at him and the way her words seemed to dance with excitement and admiration.

Unbeknownst to her, she mistook this connection as kinship, nothing more.

However, Wang Xiao knew deep down that this bond had the potential to blossom into something forbidden.

'Don't choose foolishness. You'll risk losing everything if you do. Don't let your lust control your life,' another shadow materialized right next to the first one, its voice filled with caution and concern.

Wang Xiao couldn't help but smile bitterly as he absorbed their arguments.

The predicament was clear in his mind - any action he took towards Wang Xueying could lead down a treacherous path with unpredictable consequences, for he didn't truly know how she would react.

Just then, the blissful silence was interrupted by the gentle voice of a woman. "Why are you all bullying him?" Xinyue Zhilan emerged from the kitchen, her hands dripping with soapy water as she had been diligently washing dishes.

The familiar sound of her voice signaled that Wang Xiao had returned.

Being her only son, Xinyue Zhilan adored him tremendously, her love an unyielding force.

At her arrival, Wang Xueying pouted, shifting her attention again towards the television. "Here comes the savior," she muttered, her disappointment evident in her tone as she fixated her gaze on the flickering images on the screen.

Xinyue Zhilan paid no mind to Wang Xueying's ramblings, and with a small towel in hand, she gingerly wiped her fingers clean as she walked closer to Wang Xiao.

A faint smile danced upon her lips, accentuating her motherly aura that radiated from her very being.

Don't ask me about one child policy of China, check the disclaimer on synopsis, although the names are same, you would start finding differences in the World very soon.

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