
Destiny : Bring Us Together

DESTINY : Bring us together Synopsis   " Sometimes All you need is a second chance , Because Time wasn't ready for the first time ". --------- What will happen when a Single father of twins and a heartbroken doctor are forced into an arranged marriage ? Ethan Smith,  a well known retired army officer and the CEO of Smith Industries was a Single father of 5 year old  twins. He never loved another woman after his wife died in a Car accident 3 years ago. After the death of his wife he turned into a robot, always busy at work , he only made time for his children and family. He never thought of getting married again in this lifetime but destiny has another plan for him, because of the sudden absence of Emmy ( his late wife ) his children , Maria Smith and Louis Smith became the naughtiest Children and he was also not able to give the mother love to them. After seeing this situation Grandpa Smith sets an arranged marriage for his grandson and the grand-daughter of his best friend. ----------------------------- Edith Wood , a well known doctor and the Owner of Wood's Hospital was famous for her high IQ and successful surgeries at a very young age. She had a cheerful personality , obsessed with dogs. She always believed in giving love to these pets rather than wasting it on worthless people. For her , love , marriage and boyfriend are the worst things that exist in this world. After the heartbreak she experienced at a very young age she was determined not to love and get married in her life. But just one incident changed her whole life , and suddenly she had to marry a Single father and now she was the mother of two cute and naughty children. What was the reason behind her sudden agreement to this arrange marriage when she herself once said she will never marry anyone? [ NOTE : There are many secrets about Ethan and Edith past and different love stories of other characters]. ================= Destiny Trope.. Book 1 Destiny : Bring Us Together Book 2 Destined To Meet Again Complicated Trope.. Book 1 Complicated In Silence Book 2 Heaven To My Hell Author Note : Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love,  rainbow_salt_57.

rainbow_salt_57 · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs

Ch-2 Ethan Smith

Meanwhile at ,

London International Airport.


" Young Master, here," a man in a black butler suit shouted from the taxi stand when he saw two handsome men surrounded by 4 bodyguards coming outside the airport. He was waiting for his young master and his friend / business partner for almost 1 hour. 

The two man coming outside the airport looked at the old butler of Smith family, and the one in dark blue shirt, sleeves folded in his arms paired with black jeans nodded while other men in White T-shirt paired with blue denim  said in a low teasing voice," Ethan, why does he always call you young master ? Didn't he know that you are already 30 this year and you have 2 children, he should call Louis young master not you,". 

The man named Ethan stopped in his tracks and glared at his friend with his Grey eyes and smirked while saying," James did you forget that we are at the same age , we both are 30 but the only difference is that you don't even have a girlfriend yet , what do I even say about kids".

James also stopped and glared back at his friend but didn't say anything and storm at his feet before walking away towards the butler with a solemn expression , he was not able to refuse his words because what Ethan said was all true he really didn't even have a girlfriend at this age but this doesn't mean that he never had one, he did , not one but many but he didn't really fall for anyone. 

Ethan looked at his friend who walked away and signed. James was totally opposite from him but that doesn't ruin their friendship. James and Alice's parents died in a car accident when they were just kids , James was 5 and Alice 3 at that time. James and Ethan's fathers were very good friends that's why after the death of James and Alice's parents his father took them in and handled his friends business and waited for James and Alice to grow up so that he can return their parents' last memory to them. James took over the business at the age of 23 while Alice wanted to open her own Cosmetic brand. After Ethan retired from the Army he took over his family Business and then James and Ethan decided to merge their companies to make it grow even bigger. Alice was 3yr younger than them and that's why they both have looked after her every time, Ethan was Alice's best friend just like James and he sees her just like his small sister Lana. 

As soon as he reached near the old butler he bowed his head and said in an apologetic tone," Hello grandpa Lu , thanks for coming this late , I'm really sorry for the disturbance, you should have sent someone else,". This old butler Lu was just like his grandpa, butler Lu was a retired army officer who used to work under his Grandpa. After their retirement Butler decided to work under his grandpa as a Butler of the family, he was just like the family for him. Butler Lu has seen Ethan , Lana, James , and Alice grow up , he always treated them like his own grand-children . Butler Lu was not married and didn't even have any children and no one asked the reason because he never responded to that question.

Butler Lu smiled and said," No problem young master, you didn't disturb me,". 

Ethan nodded and said in a helpless tone," Ok fine, where are they ? Did they give you a hard time ?,".

Before Butler Lu could say anything James who was silently standing near the car said," Why are you saying that Ethan ? We have to return early from our trip just because they both cause ruckness here ,". 

Ethan signed at his words while Butler Lu said," They both were waiting for you from tomorrow and they both have also came along with me but they both wanted to show you that they are angry from you that's why they just sat inside the car, I think you should go meet them I know they are just acting of being angry but from inside they really want to meet you both,". 

Ethan nodded while James said ," How can they be such little devils ?Ethan, are you sure they are yours and Emmy's kids ? How can they be so naughty ?,".

Ethan glared at him and said," Yeah I think they got exchanged in the hospital or I have a better thought I think they became like this because of you and Alice, Did you forget that you both were like this when you were small ,".

Butler Lu chuckled and said," Yes , but they are 10 times naughtier than them,". 

James said in his support," Yeah, 10 times , I and Alice were less naughtier than your little devils,". 

James really never gets it. How did Ethan's kids become like this because Ethan was never like that in his childhood nor did Ethan's wife was like that. James and Alice were naughty but only till they were small or he can say they were still like that but they never behave like that in front of Ethan's kids but his kids were 10 times naughtier than them. They were on a business trip for a month but because of the kids they both returned earlier than planned. He really loved Ethan's little buns or devils and because of that he was never able to scold them. His anger always goes down as soon as they start to make cute faces. 

 Ethan took a deep breath at his words but didn't say anything and moved towards the car to meet his kids, he knew James was right his kids were on different level but he can't do anything, he tried everything from scolding them to talking to them politely but nothing worked , his kids were not like this before but after his wife died 3yrs ago in a car accident they both become rebellious as if didn't want to accept the fact that their mother is no more. 


Introduction of Ethan.

Ethan Smith is a well known CEO of Smith Industries and a retired army officer, and a single father of 5yrs old twins , one girl ( Maria Smith ) and boy ( Louis Smith ), His wife died in a car accident 3yrs ago when their kids were just 2yrsold , he had loved only one women Emmy Smith his wife from his school time, Emmy was also an Army officer with him but after her death Ethan broke down and took the retirement from the army to take care of his children at the very young age of 27. Ethan and Emmy got married when they were just 23 , they were in a relationship from their High school that's why they decided to get married at such a young age and became parents at the age of 25 but unfortunately Emmy died at the age of 27. After her death Ethan decided to raise his children alone and not to get married again. 

Ethan lived in U.K. london with his family , his family was one of the biggest Army and Business families in the U.K. His grandfather Lucas Smith used to be  a Major General in the Army , His grandmother Racheal Smith was the best artist / painter during her times while his Father Jim Smith started his own Construction and Export and Import business after serving in the army for about 20 yrs , his mother Joyce Smith was a famous fashion designer and his sister Lana Smith is only 20yrs old now and doing the training in the army , his sister was 10yrs younger than him.

Ethan is 6'0 feet tall with a well built body with 8pack abs, long legs , broad shoulders , black hair ,slim nose and lips , Grey eyes .


Back to the story


Upon reaching the car Ethan saw his kids Maria and 

Louis outside the car from the window his eyes softened at their presence and seeing their faces. His daughter's face and hair always remind of his wife while on the other hand his son was the small version of himself  , only his eyes were like his wife.

His all anger flew away as soon as he saw them. He was really angry at this time. He had to finish all the work in a rush and returned because of them but after seeing them waking for him this late and even came to pick him up made forgot all the anger. 

He tried to open the door but it was locked from inside. He smiled at their stubborness , he knew his kids made all this ruckness because he didn't take them along with him and was angry because he will be away for about a month. He knocked on the window but no response came. James, who saw everything, and chuckled because his friend, the great Ethan Smith , Cold , Aloof Beast Army officer was so helpless in front of his kids. Ethan glared at him and James stopped laughing and walked towards the other window and knocked but he also didn't get any response this time Butler Lu and Ethan but chuckled and Jamea sneered and said while knocking the window," Knock Knock , anyone there ?,".

A little girl's voice gave response ," No one is home,". James grinned and looked at Ethan with a smug smile. Ethan who saw this sign his kids were very attached to James and Alice and it was very easy for them to connect with them. 

Ethan also tried James' trick and said while knocking the window," Knock Knock ,anyone there,". And it worked.

Again the girl's voice gave a response," No one,". 

James again said," Little Maria, it's to your Uncle James , and I'm really hungry. I was thinking of eating pancakes and hot chocolate,". 

Suddenly with a click voice one side of the gate opened and a little white arm came out and dragged James inside the car. Ethan who saw this was shocked his kids were never this easy to handle when it comes to him but James was an exception.

Ethan again knocked and tried to talk to Louis he said,'' Louis , its daddy opened the door baby, I have brought to Robort you were asking for and look I'm also back from the trip earlier than expected,". And as expected Louis opened the door for him. His son was not as stubborn as Maria. 

Ethan entered the car and saw his son looking at him with cute hazel brown eyes and his daughter was clinging on James and was not even looking at him. He hugged his son who was looking so cute in his blue silk pajamas and blue silk shirt and messy hair on his forehead. His son also had black hair just like him , long nose , slim lips only his eyes were like his wife Emmy hazel brown eyes. 

Louis was not able to resist his fathers hug, forgot all the anger and hugged him back and said,'' Daddy I miss you,".

Ethan kissed his forehead and said," Daddy missed you too baby,". After saying this he looked at his daughter and said," Maria ?,".

Maria, who was trying hard not to pounce on her father, didn't respond but Ethan carried her from her stomach only from one hand and said," Are you angry at me baby?,".

Maria turned around from his grip with teary eyes, her cute beautiful face came in the view of Ethan, hazel brown eyes just like his wife, blonde long hair secured in a messy ponytail, small straight nose , bow-shaped lips, she was also in her night wear Rose gold silk night suit. Ethan looked at her teary eyes and something pinched in his heart but he could do anything Maria started to complain.

Maria said in her soft voice," Bad daddy, daddy left us behind and didn't even take us , mommy also left us now you will also leave us,".

Ethan's body stiffened because of her words and the mention of his dead wife while Louis' eyes also turned teary on the mention of Emmy  but held it.  James and Butler didn't say a word and sat silently. This was the first time Ethan left his kids with his family alone  because the trip was long and he had already enrolled the kids in the school. He never thought this would really trigger them to this extent. After the death of his wife his kids became very sensitive towards him.

Ethan came back to his senses as he hugged Maria and Louis tightly and said in a heavy voice," I will never you , never ever , don't ever think like that. I just went for a business meeting and look I'm back,".

James patted Maria's back and said," Yes baby look we are back, let's go home now I know you are sleepy,".

But Maria didn't leave Ethan's neck so James just gave up but Louis left Ethan and turned towards James and put his head on his shoulder ,James smiled and carried him on his lap while Butler Lu put their luggage on the car and drove towards the Smith Villa. 

During the whole ride no one said a word. Maria and Louis slept in the arms of Ethan and James. When they were near the house Butler Lu saw the similar White Mercedes Benz C-class coming towards him he immediately recognised the car and the people inside the car, he slowed down the speed and saw Edith looking outside the window so he smiled at her and nodded in greeting her. Edith also noticed it and smiled and greeted him back then looked back at Leo when she heard him say something. 

Ethan and James who saw Butler Lu's actions confusedly looked at a car which had just passed away from them but was not able to see Edith and Leo. 

Ethan looked at Butler Lu and asked," Grandpa Lu , do you know the people inside the car ?,".

James also said," Yeah you specially greeted them ,".

Butler Lu looked at them through rear view mirror and smiled," Uhh , Young Master and Master Wilson , yeah I know them and I think you both have also heard about them, they are the Grandchildren of the Mr. William Wood, your Grandfather's best-friend, your Grandma is admitted in the Wood Hospital only, his grand-daughter Dr. Edith has taken charge of your grandma's condition ,".

James jumped on his seat and said," What ? their genius grand-daughter Dr. Edith Wood is back in the country and treating grandma?Oh god have you seen her Ethan , I saw her picture in the news and I can tell you she is so young to be Surgeon and on top of that beautiful , sexy Surgeon, ".

Ethan and Butler Lu were shocked and speechless when they saw how excited James was , Butler Lu laughed and looked at Ethan with mysterious eyes. 

Ethan saw this but didn't notice anything weird about in his expression and said ," Shut up James ,lower your voice or else kids will woke up and yeah I have heard about her return and taking charge of grandma's health , Grandpa told me when we were in the States , I have not seen personally nor her photo but I know her brother Leo and her family I have met them few times , I saw her and her real mother Aunt Jane once when I was 5  and she was just born her mother was very nice,".

Butler Lu smiled at his memory but didn't say anything. While James was in fairyland after  listening to this. Their further ride was silent after 15 min they reached the Smith Villa.


Meanwhile Inside Edith's Car.

Leo saw his sister greeting someone inside the BMW so he asked," What are you doing ?,".

Edith, who was greeting Butler Lu, turned around and said," Nothing , just greeting Butler Lu,". 

Leo nodded and said," Hmm,". Just like after 10min they reached the Wood Villa.

Photos of the Cars are in the comment box.

Guys I forget to inform the name of Edith's real mother her name is Jane Wood , I already did the correction in the first chapter.

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