
Destiny: Break The Shackles

Jin jiyu is weak. Not just in strength or intelligence, but something else, something out of his control. He isn't free. But after a job gone wrong, he finds himself before strange old man who offers to help him break free from the shackles called fate...and who is Jiyu to refuse? Hi it is me a inspiring writer and I hope you enjoy my story.

Jin_Jiyu · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs


   A loud thud can be heard and a bit after a groan. A man got up from the floor, looked at the clock and let out a little sigh. He had dark skin with white hair the length of his shoulders, eyes black as charcoal, and bags under his eyes that make it look like he hadn't slept in 2 days. He stands at a height of 6′8 and a weight of 232 Ibs. He looked at his alarm clock and let out another sigh.

This man's name was Jin Jiyu, he's 17 years old, and he was currently 2 hours ahead of schedule. He went to the kitchen and looked in the fridge with a disappointed look; he quickly closed it and then went back to his room. 

     He put on some shoes and a jacket then got his wallet then leaving the house to the store about 5 minutes away. Jin got some cooking supplies, steak, yellow rice, some applesauce, milk and some cereal. He quickly paid and walked home starting to cook some food as soon he put away all the groceries except what he needed. 

     He prepared some steak and yellow rice, then put it into two lunch boxes, putting one of those lunch boxes in a brown bag with the applesauce already inside. He took the other one and put it in the fridge before going back to his room looking at the alarm clock, which said 4:00 AM.

He then got in bed yawning, easily drifting off to sleep. After an hour and a half, his alarm went off and he looked more energized as he turned the alarm off and got out of his bed. He went to his younger brother's room and tapped him slightly, and said in a gentle yet loud voice, "Wake up, buddy". His brother woke up and looked at his brother with displeasure before getting up out of bed.

     The young boy went to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and taking a shower before putting on some clothes and going to the kitchen to have breakfast with his older brother. The young boy, named Jack Daniels, took his last name from his mother, unlike Jin who took it from their father.

The boy was 12, with a small and thin body. Unlike his brother, his hair was bright red with red eyes to match, and a lighter skin tone taken from his mother. The young boy grabbed his bag and quickly headed to get to the bus as his brother waved goodbye to him. Jin then got in the shower afterwards, putting on a suit to make him look more professional as he walked to his job.

He worked for illegal debt collectors, a job he was lucky enough to get since his uncle used to work there before he was sent to prison. 

      He rushed, barely getting to work on time, and headed to the meeting room where they showed their target for the day. He got 3 targets today with his partner and best friend, who he had worked with for 2 years now.

They went to the first house, and safely got the money from him. His partner, named Rook Che, then exclaimed in a confident voice, "If this continues, we can get off without any incidents and finish before lunch". Jin replied with "Don't get cocky, dude, we never know what'll happen". Rook just jived, "yeah yeah, I know Captain Obvious, I've been working here longer than you". Jin sighed before rebutting, "yeah, but only by 6 hours". Rook quickly shot back, "yeah, but 6 hours is still 6 hours. Anyways, we're here".

Jin just sighed as he said, "I'll take care of this one", before walking towards the house. He knocked on the door for 5 minutes, then looked at the back and realized that the owner of the house was making a run for it. He then used his ability, [Body Compression Low Rank F], and focused on speed as he ran at the man, pinning him and yelling for Rook to come here and help him tie this guy up. After tying the man up, Jin searched the house while Rook roughed the man up a little bit. Once Jin found the money, he quickly put it in a briefcase and went back outside. Jin gave him a look,  but before he could say anything, Rook said, "Don't you dare say anything".

Jin just let out a little chuckle and went to the car. After he got in the car, Rook said, "since you think that you're all high and mighty, why don't you let me do the next one alone?". Jin quickly replied "Fine, prove to me that you are better, Mr. 6 Hours.". Rook said in a playfully mocking voice, "Yeah, I'll show you why I'm infinitely better than you, kouhai". Jin just glares at him and sighs.

     They got to the last house, and Rook went into the house with a confident, borderline cocky, smile. Jin waited for 20 minutes, but he realized it was too quiet. If Rook was dragging this out, he had to be roughing the guy up at this point, and that would make a lot of noise. Jin went in and saw something that shook and horrified him to his core.

He saw tons of blood, and his best friend Rook looking like he was ravaged by a beast. Jin fell to his knees and started tearing up, but then he felt himself start to go unconscious. As he was falling over he saw that someone had hit him. 

     He opened his eyes in a room that looked like an old-fashioned dojo and saw an elderly man sitting in a chair. Before Jin could ask where he was, the old man said, "So, boy, do you wish to free yourself from the curse called Destiny?"