
Steadfast love

(Male lead's perspective)


A door opened as Arthur was asleep and a lady creeped towards him

"Sir it's time for you to wake up,Madam needs you downstairs to have your breakfast and medication"

A soothingly deep sleepy voice came from the shirtless hulking body in bed that at any time would lure any woman to join him...

"Open the curtains!"

The maiden obeyed and she opened them just enough to light up the room

"Good morning sir"she proceeded,bowed and left him to prepare..

He stretched a little bringing out his fine abs as he moved his hands through his black ,silky and perfectly swooshed hair that suited his tempting greed eyes and lashes to die for with this jawline that made him a definition of perfection.

He them got out of bed and left to prepare..

He fixed himself up and wore a red sleeved silky shirt with white pants and as usual,he didn't button the upper part of the shirt exposing his upper chest that had a silver lock chain by the neck and then left to go downstairs


"Handle these for me please, lemme go check on him"

Maiden:yes Madam


Just before she could go up to meet her nephew, she tripped on a rag but to her surprise a strong arm caught her from behind before she hit the ground..

Arthur: Aunt Jules are you alright?

Julie : I am, thanks to your supermanly rescue sweetie....I was just coming up to get you, you're already late,!why do you li....

Just before she could continue, she was shushed by a dangling necklace before her.

Arthur: Before you hit me for my laziness at least accept the gift I got you.

It was a dazzling diamond necklace with the letters J and A engraved to it

Julie stared at the necklace and then to her nephew

"what's this?"..

Arthur mumbled, weeeellll it's just something I got you to keep us together despite the distance, I also got a bracelet for myself with the same initials on it J and A, Julie and Arthur... at least to work as my good luck charm ,he then moved his hands through his hair as he had stretched out his arm for a while.

Aunt Jules still stunned, Arthur moved behind her and tied the necklace around her neck, pecked her and moved towards the dining..

Julie shook her head in amusement and followed him..

(intro).. Arthur is from a really powerful family in the states.His parents were eligible business owners, highly respected in the states for their work.They were blessed with an heir a few years after their marriage with constant trial trying to conceive until Arthur was born.Before he turned 10, his parents were attacked by goons from business rivalries that they could not escape death. News spread however, the little boy was left an orphan,people suggesting to move him to an orphanage.

Right before they would, A lady claimed ownership over the little boy, she introduced herself as Julie and as Arthur's mother's sister and indeed she was,

When she received news of her sister's sudden death, she couldn't help but move to the states to find her nephew, for she had promised her little sister to take care of him just in case anything went wrong..

She was given custody over the little heir, to train him and teach him all about the family business such that he would rightfully take charge as soon as he turned 18....however she was given the opportunity to take over the business during that time and as faithful as she was, she did so and the business even boomed higher not letting her deceased sister and brother in law down,

Julie raised Arthur as her own son and trained him to become a strong and capable man.. though, the issue of Arthur's parents Death got him a serious panic disorder that needed attention