
No buts

Stunned as Aunt Julie was,she followed him and gave him his breakfast.

"Thank tou Arthur"

Its no big deal Aunt Jules...just keep it with you always,ill feel like you are with me even though you aren't.

Julie: Alright,i will keep it around my neck then

Both smiled at each other and had their breakfast


Arthur: Ciara!, Clara!get my things and put them into the car...tell the driver to park my car by the front door..

Julie: Don't forget him medication!

"Yes ma'am ,yes sir"

they stormed off


Arthur: Aunt Jules what's the medication for..

Julie: Don't be silly, you're taking it by force then..

Arthur : Uggghhhhh, but..

Julie: No buts..atleast take it for me..

Arthur: (Sigh) You are so stubborn...I can't refuse

after all you're like my mother aunt Jules

Julie smiled and pecked him on the cheek..."Come it's 7:00,time to leave"

Arthur: Let's go together, I can drop you by the office.

Julie: But I still have things to do here

Arthur dragged her to the door, "Calm down, the maids and butlers are here."Clara,...take care of the house in our absence.If anything goes wrong, call me! Do not call Aunt Jules,I don't want her stressed. And make sure the driver picks her up from work by 4:00 pm or any time she's ready to leave.. she must be home before I get home

"Yes, sir"

Arthur:Aunt Jules, I'll be home by 6:00..okay, shall we go, I'm running late

Julie: OK, let's go


A red ford was parked outside, the two got in and Arthur sped off...