
Descendant of Bird and Beast (HP)

soul reincarnated into Harry Potter as op character and destroys the game between dumbledore and Voldemort

MAG666 · ภาพยนตร์
7 Chs

house selection and class starts

After the new students got settled at the front of the great hall the witch that guided them introduced herself as professor Mcgonagall the deputy headmistress and head of griffindor . She told them she will call them up one at a time place the sorting hat upon their head and they will be sorted into one of the four houses. Leo after hearing the explanation shifted his focus on everyone else in the hall excited to see the characters from the story in his past life. After checking out all the faces around him he didn't realize that he was the last new student and that his name was called multiple times. Professor Mcgonagall seeing that the student in front of her wasn't paying attention raised her voice snapping Leo out of his own thoughts. He then walked up sat on the stool and as the hat was placed on his head something that no one was expecting happened. The sorting hat with a voice that sounded as if he was crying exclaimed that he never thought the day when two of his craters son would return to finally begin his education in magic. When he let the fact that Leo was the son of two of the founders the hall went quiet. With the attention of everyone in the hall focused on him he told the sorting hat that he had no intention of making him wait so long to let him be sorted. He went on to explain how he was hit by a curse that turned him to stone for so long that no one had thought he would ever be freed from the curse. After taking a moment to calm himself back down the sorting hat then told him that his parents till they passed never gave up hope he would return and before they died they left him a message. Leo asked what the message was and in response the sorting hat dropped a note on his head. Receiving the note he read follow your heart it will never lead you astray and at the bottom of the page in his mother's handwriting it also told him he better have given her grandchildren before he sees her in the afterlife or she will never forgive him. With a red face he shouted out that he's to young for that and ripped the letter up. While this was happening he forgot all the people around him and only remembered when after his outburst the hall was filled with laughter. Resigned to listening to the laughing of everyone around him he told the hat to just sort him already. When the laughing died down the hat told him his parents left him with two choices and wouldn't let him go into slytherin or hufflpuff but it was his choice between ravenclaw or griffindor. Mad over his mother's message he immediately decided on griffindor as his house. After taking a seat at his house table and finishing the meal provided the headmaster went over some additional rules like no one allowed in the forest and the third floor equals painful death and other things along those lines. Afterwards the students were told to follow there house prefects to the dorms. As the young griffindor students headed towards their dorm Harry came up to Leo and told him he was happy they were in the same house and thanked him again for the help getting on to the train platform. When they finally reached the room and told the password to enter the prefect stated where the students rooms were located and stated when curfew was and warned them that being caught outside afterwards would lead to point deduction and detention. When the prefect was finished he sent them off to bed. After finding out that Harry his red headed friend Ron and a boy named Nevil shared a room with him they spent most of the night getting to know each other. It amazed Harry that Leo was actually the son of two of the people who actually started the school. This in Harry's mind he asked why Leo is able to go to school with them and not nearly one thousand years ago during his parents time at the school. Leo's story about being attacked and falling to a curse killed the mood of the room a bit making Harry regret asking and eventually they all went to sleep. Waking up the next morning Leo looked over the schedule and found that the first day was free to allow the students to become accustomed to the school the second day was potions followed by history of magic followed by defense against the dark arts and the end of the day was flying lessons the third day was transfiguration followed by charms then herbology and finally astronomy each day the classes would switch. Since Leo didn't have anything to do and he had already been in the castle before and new the general way around it he decided to have breakfast then spent the day in the library before heading back to bed. The nex morning Leo was excited to finally start classes he rushed to get ready for class waking the other three residents of his room and they all went down to get breakfast. Leo remembering that snape would be hard on Harry in their first class he stuck up a conversation with him about potions telling him that he studied with his mother about certain ingredients to prepare for when he was to start school. He then went on to state that by mixing powdered root of asphodel with an infusion of wormwood you could get a really potent sleeping potion and that bezoar could save you from many poisons could be found in the stomach of a goat and he even mentioned how he thought it was funny how aconite also had two other names like monkshood and wolfsbain. He did this in hopes that he wouldn't be caught off guard with snape's questions. After breakfast was finished they went to there potions class where snape still asked Harry his three questions and even after Leo went over everything at breakfast Harry only remembered that bezoar was found in a goats stomach nothing else stuck with him. After class finished griffindor was down three points all from Harry snape took one point for each question he could not answer and one for not paying attention. After potions ended they had to sit through history of magic which Leo already read and was like sitting through a really boring college lecture in his opinion. Then after lunch the had to sit through defense against the dark arts which he didn't feel like he was being taught anything but after the class ended he was excited about his first flying lesson.