
Depths of Oblivion

In the enduring struggle between grasping at fleeting opportunities to persist in torment or embracing the finality of oblivion, and coming back to nothingness...

tatsuya277353 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

The beginning

In the depths of a long river of history, tens of thousands of years ago, a man faced unimaginable loss and sought vengeance. His thirst for retribution drove him to destroy all who had wronged him.

The remaining humans, fearful of his overwhelming strength that posed a threat to them, united and combined their strength to seal him away. Their whispers echoed through time outside the walls of the sealed cave.

As centuries passed, the memory of the vengeful man faded into myths and legends.

One day, an adventurer stumbled upon the ancient cave, drawn by the lure of forgotten secrets. The seal, weakened by the passage of time, crumbled at his touch, unleashing a force beyond comprehension.

Little did the adventurer know that in breaking the seal, he had unleashed one of the most powerful beings ever known to their planet. The consequences of his actions would set into motion a chain of events that would challenge the very fabric of their world.


Bright moon village, The soft moonlight bathed the tranquil landscape in a gentle glow. However, as the villagers slept peacefully, a group of shadowy bandits approached with ill intentions.

Under the cover of night, the calm was shattered by the sudden attack of the bandits, their loud cries breaking the silence. The villagers awoke to chaos as they bravely defended their homes against the ruthless intruders.

As the fight continued, one of the men urged his wife to flee.

"But I can't just leave you here to face them alone!"her voice filled with desperation.

"but you have to go, for the sake of our children," replied the man, his eyes reflecting both fear and determination.

Realizing the dire situation, the villagers found themselves at a disadvantage. The mens of the village made a heartbreaking decision. They urged their wives and children to flee to a distant city for safety, sacrificing their own lives for a chance at survival.

One of those who fled was a 12-year-old boy, an ordinary child with limited exposure to the world beyond his village. His education was minimal, gathered from the occasional passing scholars and his parents' teachings. His days were spent assisting his parents in farming and labor, his world revolving around the simplicity of village life.

The sudden and brutal attack on the village inflicted a deep emotional wound on him. Witnessing the loss of his fellow villagers, some falling to the merciless hands of the attackers, shook him to the core. The innocence of his childhood shattered in the face of such violence and tragedy.

As chaos unfolded, he watched in horror as his father bravely fought the attackers, only to be injured in the struggle. His mother, too, joined the fray, her determination shining through despite her own injuries.

Mother: "Run, my child! Flee to safety! We'll hold them off..."

Father gritting his teeth in pain"Go, son! Don't look back..."

Tears welled up in his eyes as he hesitated, torn between duty and fear.

Mother (voice strained but resolute): "We'll be okay... Just go. We love you..."

With a heavy heart, he turned and ran, the sounds of battle fading behind him as he disappeared into the dense foliage of the forest, his future uncertain and his heart heavy with the weight of his parents' sacrifice. The echoes of his parents' voices urging him on lingered in his mind.

Please tell me if there are errors, and you can also provide a message in the text with your suggestions so I can consider them.

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