

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

Boldness or foolishness

On hearing the words of his opponent, Ronnie did as he was told without any hesitation, he know he have lost already and there was no need to keep fighting and beside he was lucky that his opponent choose to show mercy instead of outright killing him.

The rules of the tournament was clearly stated, so killing of candidates in this tournament is normal and won't be hold accounted for. Knowing that some of the participants have lost their lives in this tournament made him quickly do as he was told.

Those that bet on Owen quickly started cheering loudly as they have won a jack pot, their luck really did them well as they quickly walked towards where they would be collecting their money. While those that bet on Ronnie couldn't help themselves as they started throwing insults at him and also at themselves for betting on him.

"The winner of this tournament is Drek Bland" shouted the announcer as he instructed Owen to walked forward.

Owen did as he was told as he walked towards where the king was and went down on his knees so as to pay his respect.

"Remove your mask so I can see the person I'm speaking with" said the king as he look at Owen.

"I'm sorry your majesty but I won't be able to do that" replied Owen which causes everyone to gasp in shock.

Never have they seen anyone who was able to refuse the king words, was it foolishness or boldness as they could see that he wasn't shaking at all.

The king guards didn't waste time as they quickly rushed into action, just when they were about to attack him, the king raise his hand causing all of them to halt in place.

"What's your reason for hiding your identity, seeing as you don't want to show your face, I can tell that the name you use isn't yours" said the king in amusement. "You aren't trying to assassinate me, are you?".

"I have no such intentions your majesty, but I just can't show my face" said Owen as he continue to kneel down.

"Then how do you expect me to trust you with staying by my side when I don't even know who you are?" asked the king.

"I didn't win this tournament because I want to be your personal guard, I won just for the reward" said Owen.

"Didn't you read the message before participating?, the winner of the tournament would be appointed as one of the personal guards to the me" said the king while still looking at him with amusement.

"To put it short, are you saying I won't be getting the reward untill I agree to be your guard?" asked Owen.

"You're correct" replied the king as he was eager to see what he will do next.

"The in that case, I will be taking my leave now. I wish not to take the reward and also not to be your guard" said Owen as he stand up and was about to leave.

"What's your aim, you can't possibly tell me you won this just for the reward, the post of being my personal guard is way better than the reward" said the king.

"I'm sorry but I'm still going to refuse" replied Owen as he was about walking out on the king.

"Seize him" said the king to his guards as they quickly rushed at Owen.

The whole crowd was surprised by the interaction between the king and the boy. Who in his right mind would turn down a king offer and expect to go scout free.

As the first guard close to him thrust his spear forward, Owen quickly move out of the way and swung his sword, cutting off the spear in two before capturing the guard with his sword now inche away from the guard throat.

"Drop your weapons" said Owen as he continue using the guard as hostage.

"You do know what it means to kill a king guard right?" asked the king as he stand up from his chair. "You won't be able to live a peaceful life if you were to do that. Just from your body frame, I can tell you are just a kid".

"The let me leave without any troubles, there are hundreds of people who would be happy to be your guard" said Owen.

"All of you stand down" said the king to his guards who were about to rush at Owen. "Let him go and I promise not to harm you" said the king to Owen.

Owen hesitated for some seconds before letting go of the guard and turn to walk away.

After walking for some seconds, he felt something flying towards him, he quickly turned around and got a hold of it. Looking at what he caught, he turned to look at the king before bowing down slightly.

"If you ever change your mind on becoming my guard, then don't hesitate to come meet me at the palace, there's always a place in the palace for someone like you" said the King.

"Thank you your majesty, I will put that in mind" said Owen as he turn to leave, but stop halfway through. "Please if you don't mind me saying this, then give the position of your personal guard to him, I'm sure he would be happy with it and he deserved it" said Owen as he point at Ronnie.

"I understand" said the king which causes Ronnie to quickly go on his knees and bow down in appreciation.

"Thank you your majesty for giving this lowly subject the opportunity to serve you, I promise not to fall short of your expectations" said Ronnie as he continue bowing down.

"Good, good, you can stand up" said the king as he nod his head.

Usually in this type of tournament, only the winner is appointed as being a guard as he show that he is the strongest our of all of them, but seeing as Owen didn't wish to be a guard, it only likely that it would be given to the second place.

"Thank you" said Ronnie quietly as Owen pass him.

"You're welcome" replied Owen as he continue going his way.


Thanks very much for reading. Please do check my other book out, you might like it, it's about werewolf.

This is the name of the novel WEREWOLF LINEAGE. Please do support me ♥️