

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasy
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Worst twin

After passing through the gate, the confident steps of Owen completely took a three sixty degree turn as he quickly started running.

'Mom gonna kill me, hope she haven't check on me yet' said Owen to himself as he kept on running.

On getting to the Bucadox clan resident, he quickly turned to the side and jumped over the fence. Making sure that no saw him, he quickly sprinted to his room before jumping through the window which he left opened for his escape and now his entry.

"Where are you coming from young man?" asked his mom as she sat cross legged with her arms folded.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" asked Owen in surprise, but from the look on the face of his mom was able to make him quickly change his question. "Mom, it's not what you think, I didn't leave the mansion, I was with Beatrice" replied Owen.

"Which Beatrice are you referring to, is it your beloved sister, hope you know lying on your sister head is a big crime" said a girl as she walked into the room.

'Why do you have to show up now of all time" said Owen inwardly as he curse under his breathe.

"Why don't you answer her mister, is it she you were referring to and why are you jumping through the window like a thief?" asked the woman.

"Of course it's she mom, which other Beatrice do I know apart from my lovely sister and I was just practicing that's why I jump through the window, I'm checking my reflexive to dodge" said Owen while winking one of his eye to Beatrice, so she can agree to his words.

"You know I would never lie. Mom!, Owen is telling me to lie, he's winking at me" said Beatrice as she walked over to her mom and then holding her hand.

"Mister where have you been?" asked the woman with her demeanor completely changing, the tension was so high that Owen didn't know when he look down.

"I'm sorry mom, I shouldn't have gone out without your permission" said Owen with his head down.

Bethany on seeing how his son regretted his actions, she couldn't get herself to continue being mad at him as she walked to him.

"Owen, I'm sorry for getting mad at you, I know you don't like staying at the mansion every time, but you have to understand why I don't agree with you guys going out" said Bethany as she sat beside him on the bed.

"Mom why, you never did tell us why we shouldn't go out without you, I have seen hundreds of people going out without any troubles, so why can't Beatrice and I go the same?" asked Owen.

"The world is a dangerous place Owen, I can't risk you guys getting hurt, you guys are all I have" replied Bethany.

"Mom aren't you too protective of us, what's the need of we learning martial art?, isn't it to protect ourselves?" asked Owen.

"I know Owen, but you guys aren't ready" said Bethany.

"Mom, why do you think we aren't ready, I pretty much believe I can protect myself if I was to face any form of danger" said Beatrice.

"It isn't about that, are you willing to take the live of a living being if you were to face danger?" asked Bethany.

On hearing the question, both of her kids didn't respond because they both knew she was right, no matter how they picture it, they wouldn't be able to bring themselves to kill a fellow human.

"You guys aren't ready, I wish the best for the both of you that's why I'm protecting you guys" said Bethany as she hug both of them.

"Does this means I'm forgiven?" asked Owen as he hug her back.

"You are not, prepare yourself so as to go through your punishment" said Bethany as she stood up from the bed and walked out of the room.

"Why can't she just forgive me even just after giving me a hug" said Owen under his breathe.

The moment Bethany left the room, Owen turned to face Beatrice who was still sitting on his bed.

"You're the worst twin ever" said Owen as he look at her smiling face.

"Thanks for the compliment, how was the tournament, let me have a look at the reward" said Beatrice as she stretched her hand for Owen to pass it to her.

"I lost" was the short reply from Owen.

"Just give it to me, do you think I'm going to believe that you lost the tournament, just give me" said Beatrice while continue pestering him.

"Why can't you believe I lost, are you that confident in your big brother?" asked Owen with a smile.

"Keep dreaming, we are of the same age and I would never call you big brother" said Beatrice as she dipped her hand into his pocket but Owen caught her hand.

"I'm ten minutes older than you, so you should give me the respect I deserve" said Owen.

"Just give it to me or I'm going to tell Mom you're bullying me" said Beatrice.

"Fine" said Owen as he brought out a golden token from his pocket and handed it to her.

"If you were to lose that simple tournament then you possibly can't be my brother, because I know your skills and you definitely won't lose to anyone" said Beatrice as she take the golden token from him.

"Well there was one candidate who was outstanding, he did put up a good fight with me, he's just wasn't fast enough" said Owen.

"What about the position of the guard?" asked Beatrice as she continue looking at the crest.

"I refuse it" said Owen as he rest his head on a pillow.

"I know you did dummy, I meant how did the king react when you refuse to be his personal guard, did he just let you off without any trouble?" asked Beatrice.


Thanks very much for reading. Please do check my other book out, you might like it, it's about werewolf.

This is the name of the novel WEREWOLF LINEAGE. Please do support me ♥️