The man with the red hair shouted out while keeping the same facial expression. "There's no need for a trial here! Protecting Demons is clearly a violation of conduct! We can deal with it by ourselves! We'll decapitate every Demon!"
The tall man with the sleeveless top, known as the Sound Pillar, said, "Then let me cut her head off flamboyantly. I'll show I can spray the blood more flamboyantly than anyone else."
The girl with pink to green hair thought to herself. "Ehhhhh… We're gonna kill such a cute girl? My chest hurts. Oh so much."
The hulking man started crying and said, "Ahhh… what a shoddy child she is. How sorrowful. It's so sorrowful that she was born into this world."
The short young man with long hair stared at the sky and thought, "What are those clouds again? What were they called?"
"Let's kill her." "Uh-huh!" "Yea, flamboyantly." The voices of the various pillars sounded out as they talked between each other.
Hiroto started to panic as he looked around trying to find Nezuko. 'Nezuko?! Where is she? Where did they take her?!'
"More importantly. What're we gonna do about Tomioka?" A man from above a tree said, pointing down to where Giyu stood alone. The young man had short stature and pale complexion with his eyes being heterochromia, his left yellow and right turquoise. He had wrappings around his mouth with a white snake around his neck.
"I have a headache seeing him not bound there. According to Kochou, Tomioka violated the Demon Slayers' conduct as well. How will we deal with him? How will he take responsibility? How are we gonna make him suffer?" The young man said in the tree.
Giyu stood to the side silently looking ahead.
'Tomioka-san's all alone so far away there. So cute.' The girl with pink hair thought to herself with a blush.
The girl with the butterfly ornament in her hair said, "Well, it's fine, right? He followed me without causing a ruckus. Let's think of punishment later. More importantly, I want to hear what these two have to say for themselves." The girl said with a smile turning to Hiroto and Tanjiro.
*cough cough* Hiroto and Tanjiro both started coughing up from having a dry throat.
"You both need to drink." The girl said taking out a small gourd from inside her haori.
"You especially." The girl looked into Hiroto's eyes and said, "The drug I used on you does tend to leave one dehydrated at the end."
Hiroto ignored her words as he started drinking, Tanjiro then spoke up. "Our little sister was turned into a Demon. But she has never eaten anyone before, nor will she in the future."
The person in the tree interrupted, "Don't spit out stupid rash remarks so recklessly. For starters, of course, she'd protect her family. I can't trust anything you're saying. And I won't trust them."
The hulking person cried, "Ahhhh… You're being obsessed with the Demon. Let's kill this pitiful child and quickly release him from suffering."
Hiroto listened to their words, and rage started to build up from within himself. Without noticing, his body temperature began abruptly rising.
"Where… is Nezuko…" Hiroto spoke up for the first time, staring at the people in front of him with a threatening gaze.
"She is put somewhere else, waiting for her sentence." The red-haired man said with a straight face.
"Whoa whoa, this got somewhat interesting." A man's voice was heard from the side. Looking towards him, Hiroto saw a man with spiky white hair and large eyes. His body was covered in scars as well as his face.
Hiroto saw him carrying the box Nezuko was in with one hand, lifting it in the air. Hiroto's eyes started to bulge.
"You… put her down… right now!" Hiroto shouted out, staring at the man.
The man's mean eyes stared back at Hiroto and he said bad, "What the hell are you going to do about it?"
"Please don't act on your own, Shinazugawa-san." The girl with the butterfly ornament said, seeming a bit mad.
"What's a Demon to you, kiddo?" The man said to Hiroto, reaching for his sword, "You can fight with it to protect people as Demon Slayers? You see, about that…"
"THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE, YOU MORON!" The man shouted out.
In the next instant, Hiroto saw him draw his sword and used it to stab the box. *shik*
"Nezuko!!" Tanjiro shouted.
At that moment, all the Pillars were shocked, but not at what the man did, but by feeling the aura from Hiroto. They all started to sweat as they felt the temperature around the area start to rise.
*snap* Hiroto broke all of his bindings on his legs and feet, before getting up at an extremely fast speed and rushed towards the man. The other pillars couldn't react at the fast speed he displayed.
"Wha-" Before the man could react, he was punched in his throat, causing his airways to collapse. Hiroto reached for the man's green and black katana. Holding it, the blade started to change color rapidly, turning dark red and purple. Hiroto's eyes gave off a deep red hue, as he stared into the man's eyes.
The other pillars were shocked but quickly moved. The man up in the tree jumped down and brought his sword out to deflect Hiroto's block, but as he moved the blade in front, it was sliced through.
'!!' The eyes of everyone around widened, as the blade fell onto the man, he rolled out of the way but the katana went in his arm.
"AGhhh!" The man screamed out, as the sword embedded into his arm.
Hiroto bent over the man and grasped at his throat, shutting the man up. "I swore to myself, anyone who harms my family, be it human or demon, is dead within my eyes…"
The man stared back into Hiroto's dark red eyes as they gave off a sinister vibe. Being this close to him, the man felt that Hiroto's body temperature was abnormally high, causing the man to sweat profusely.
"Stop!" The other pillars yelled, before making a move. The hulking man arrived behind Hiroto and brought him into a bear hug, restraining his movement. As the sword was released from Hiroto's grasp, it turned into its previous color of green and black.
The girl with the butterfly ornament went beside the white-haired man and tended to his arm. 'The wound was cauterized…' she thought, looking towards the sword on the ground.
Hiroto struggled on in the hulking man's grasp, shouting, "Let me go!! I'm gonna kill that bastard!!" *thud* Hiroto swung his head back and hit the chest of the hulking man, creating a loud thud.
'Agh, why is this child's head so hard.' The man thought. The man with red-golden hair came forward and locked Hiroto onto the ground, with the hulking man above him.
"Stop it!! Oyakata-Sama is arriving soon!" Giyu shouted from the side, catching the pillars' attention.
The white-haired man looked towards Hiroto and said, "Damn you… I'll rip you to shreds!"
"Oyakata-Sama is arriving!" A girl's voice sounded out, as the door from inside the pavilion opened up, to reveal a figure clad in a white haori and black kimono walked in.
Every pillar around reacted and bowed their head while kneeling. The hulking man and the golden-haired man pushed Hiroto's head to the ground as they knelt.
Hiroto was surprised at their reaction towards the man and looked up slightly from the pressure exerted on his head.
"Good morning, Everybody." A smooth and calming voice sounded throughout the garden. "We have some nice weather today. Is the sky blue?"
Looking closer, Hiroto saw that the upper side of the man's head seemed as though the skin was rotting and spreading down his face. It covered his eyes and seems to have made the man blind, as there were two girls beside him, similar in appearance to the girls Hiroto saw at the Final Selection, were guiding the man along.
"Our members have gathered for the 'Pillar Meeting' that we hold once every six months as per usual. I find this pleasurable." The man said, smiling in a calm demeanor.
The white-haired man spoke up, "We find it most honorable to be in your presence, Oyakata-Sama. We eagerly pray for much happiness upon you." The white-haired man said with a great deal of respect.
"Thank you, Sanemi." The blind man said, slowly being seated down.
'I wanted to say that and greet Oyakata-Sama.' The girl with pink hair thought as she looked down sadly.
The white-haired man continued, "Let me humbly say there are two people present in the Pillar Meeting by the name of Kamado Hiroto, and Kamado Tanjiro who has brought a Demon. I would ask you to explain the scenario. So will you allow me?" The man asked respectfully.
The man closed his eyes and said, "I see. I'm sorry that they have surprised you all." Opening his eyes, the man said resolutely. "I have given my approval for Hiroto, Tanjiro, and Nezuko so I want everyone here to accept them.
Hoooooo boy. Things just got real.
Hope you liked how I treated Sanemi here. I know that he should have gotten off worse, but remember that if Hiroto did go too far then he wouldn't be able to convince the other pillars about Nezuko.
(it hurts as an author because I have to go and read the manga and anime for this scene over and over. Seeing Nezuko being stabbed so many times wahhhh)
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know your thoughts in the comments.
Peace out!