

2 weeks after the war had started Iguro clan immediately started running wild Saiko clan, was attacked immediately, without any resistance at all, it wad a flawless victory. With Saiko clan down the intention of Iguro clan were now broad and clear, it was total annihilation.

Saiko clan was know for one thing, and that was craft. Saiko clan was the heart of the iga province when it comes to warfare materials and that was Iguro's first target.

After taking the Saiko clan, Iguro ordered for two Divisions hand in the war. Division 8 were to lead 500.

Ordering for a shinobi Divion was normal but yet rarely happened because of two things. First is money, to order a single Divion from Divion 4 below will cost 10 million Sen(Currency), while a clan makes 1 million annually from Tax and other Public Businesses, this then leads to Tax rate increase and Extortion of money from civilians. the second factors is the most deadly. By any chance two clans that ordered for two different Divisions come in contact, the two clan have to bargain until one of the clan buys the Division from the other clan.

"Commander!!! Commander!!!" A Samurai runs into a tent. Inside the tent was Ryujin and one other person who was the Commander. The both of them were discussing battle plans as they sat opposite each other with a round table infront of them and a map on it

"What is it this time" The commander grumbles

"Commander, they are here, we spotted them" He answered

"Their location???"

"About 10 kilometres sir"

"Alright, we will move as planned..." He looks and Ryujin and nods. Ryujin stands up and stretches his body cracking some bones and leaves the tent

Their current location was the Iguro army camp, they are waiting for a confrontation with Hojo and Shimazu army a total of 900 men.

Tatsuya and the rest were camping together sitting round a fire heating up a pot of porridge.

Ineyo was uneasy while Tatsuya just felt curious to see what war is.

"Ineyo-chan it will be alright, just focus on the enemy infront of you that's all there is to it" Yasushi sense the uneasiness and tries to ease her but it wasn't working, Ineyo wasn't nervous, she was afraid, taking someone's life was something she has never done.

"Haaaa, Captain is taking too long" Himawari rolls herself in the floor

"I'm at your back.."


"Captain!!!" Himawari jumps to hug Ryujin and Ryujin bushes her off making her annoyed and pout cutely

"It's time, let's get going" Ryujin commands

Everyone gets their battle gears ready, surprisingly their battle gears were their Katana only, Ryujin wore a Black Yukata same with Yasushi and Tatsuya but Yasushi had a flower design all over it, the only design on Tatsuya dressing was the long Butterfly Obi he got from Yue. On the other hand Himawari and Ineyo wore a black Hakama for flexibility.

After some minutes, Division 8 are now close with the enemy, they used the Trees as sheds and moved quietly and quickly.


'Just as I thought, Hojo clan....900 men??, but I'm seeing almost half of them here' Ryujin thought

"It's time..."

Ryujin dash with incredible speed taking the heads to two Hojo Samurais


the sound of the headless body falling on the ground got the attention of the remaining

"Come at me"

Ryujin brings out a small bone whistle and blows it. The Hojo samurai were first statled, but nothing happened. It looked like a joke, but few seconds a roaring sound was heard the Iguro samurais comes out killing the Hojo samurai by suprise, The samurais who joined Divion 8 were now half the initial amount, The group joins with Rujin as they began to their killing spree.


One of the Shimazu Samurai runs to Tatsuya swing his knife downwards, Tatsuya blocks it and immediately swings sideways but flinched a little making the cur shallow, the Samurai rolls on the ground in pain

"What are you doing Tatsuya!!!" Ryujin barks

"You have to end them with one strike, or you just end up giving them a painful death" Ryujin swings his katana beheading the man. The smell of blood erupts Tatsuya and Ineyo noses making them to vomit the porridge they just ate

"Ahhh... Newbies" Himawari sighs as she pat Ineyos back to calm her down. Tatsuya didn't end at that, he stood back up and dash towards another one impaling him with his katana and killing him, the urge to vomit came again but he held it.

Looking at Tatsuya's movement, Ineyo mustered her own strength and went for her first kill but unlike Tatsuya she vomited again.

Some minutes into the battle, the Hojo and Shimazu army were almost wiped out, with the help of the Division 8,The surviving once were running for their dear lives, confrontation had come to an end. The Iguro Samurai were rejoicing and jubilation, yet another victory. The injured once were rushed back to the camp for treatment while the remaining collected weapons and gears from the dead bodies on the floor.

Tatsuya and Ineyo were looking pale while Ryujin, Yasushi and Himawari were as vibrant as ever

"They are retreating Captain" Yasushi says, Ryujin nods in confirmation and faces Tatsuya and Ineyo

"You tried for starters, now I can officially welcome you to the Shinobi way of life" Ryujin laughs and picks up a leather sack full of water from the ground and throws it to Tatsuya, Tatsuya catches it and immediately got disgusted because of the blood on it

"Drink it, the fight just got started" Ryujin removes the top of his Kimono and was bare chested revealing his muscles

"Locations??" Ryujin asks Yasushi

"First person with arrow, six metres away to your right, second person and third person together four metres behind the three at our front" Yasushi says and maintains fighting stance

"More trouble??? Why now" Himawari sighs


The sound of arrow moving at tremendous speed ran through the air as it was aimed at Ryujin


Ryujin catches it with his hand before it ran through his skull

"As inhuman as ever, Ryu-san"

A man comes out from behind the tree in front of them, he had long spiky brown air and wore an eye patch in his left eye, he wore a black kimono and a brown haori over it

"You did well Ryu-kun, only you can ever ruin my plan, after all we are one"