
Tencho War Arc Begins

Few days after their departure from the village. In the Aki province, the meeting is to be held in the Mori clan, In the morning few hours before the meeting will he held Division 8 were already present to take their spot in making sure the meeting is not interrupted.

The meeting was to be held in the sea side of the Mori clan, a big tent was crated to make sure nobody saw what was going on inside the tent, On the tent the clan crest of 5 clans were all over it, Mori clan, Kaminari clan, Otouri clan, Iguro clan and Tsukuguni clan.

Everybody were stationed at their spots, some Mori Samurais guarded the place with the help of Division 8.

Few hours after waiting clan leaders with their guards began to arrive, first was the Kaminari clan, then Iguro clan head and so on. The last to arrive was Mori clan head, with his arrival the meeting started

"Ara, sorry for my lateness, I do humbly apologise" He bows his head. this was Mori Honma, the clan head of the Mori clan and the youngest clan head at the age of 25

"That's doesn't matter let's get this over with" Tsukuguni clan head commented

"Yes yes yes, but we can't keep our guest thirsty" Mori clan head snaps his finger and two women enters the tent with cups and a bottle of sake and after them were few other women that enters with a wooden tray of delicious delicacies and they began to place it all over the table

"Don't worry, non of them is poisonous" He says and pours a cup of sake into the cup and drinks it

"Not like we suspected a thing" Tsukuguni clan head comments Tsukuguni Akiyama

"It's only a fool that proposes a meeting and poisons the guest of the meeting" Kaminari Satake says the Kaminari clan head

"Alright shall we begin the meeting" Otouri Tsubasaki says the Otouri clan head.

Now all the clan heads were seated and the environment was tensed and serious. They were now in mood of business

"We all are gathered here for one purpose and that's to talk about the allocation of the bountiful land of Mt Tenchō, personally I need more witnesses for this meeting that's why I asked for the help of the Tsukuguni clan head's and Iguro clan head's help" Honma says, the clan head's kept quite for him to continue

"So firstly, according to the research I did the land is or should be 52 acres of land, right" Honma asks

"Yes, that a hundred percent correct" Satake answers

"Hmmm....If that's the case then why don't you take 25acres each and use the remaining 2 for a inter community event or something" Honma looks at the two clan heads

"What!!? Are you saying I should take equal acres of land with this man over here" Tsubasaki furiously says

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying, that the only possible outcome" Honma replies

"Haaa?? Know your place you punk" Tsubasaki barks

"Hmmm...I do urge you to keep calm, because any careless action you make here will definitely bring a reaction to it" Honma looks at Tsubasaki with a piecing gaze prompting him to sit down

"So that's settled then, 25 acres each, so about the remaining 2 if you really hate to mingle that much with each other why don't you give it out to...." Honma looks at Akiyama and Iguro Haruuji

"How about we give it to Akiyama..."

"I don't need it, rather give it to Haruuji-dono" He interrupts

"Alright then that's it. those in support of the current decision indicates by raising you hand please"

All five raises up their hands, immediately Honma snaps his hand and a guard brings in a two land deeds and the two clan head signs in it

"Haaaa.... now that the meeting is over time for the main action" Haruuji stands up and looks at them, the remaining on the other hand looks at Haruuji in confusion

"Hahaha, 2 acres of land?? who needs it, I'll be taking it all for myself" Haruuji laughs

"What are you trying to do Haruuji" Honma asks

"I'm proposing a war of cause. Land hahaha, who needs that through peace, the only way to achieve that is by a total domination" Haruuji laughs maniacally

" Well I'll tell you want i want, A conquest. it will start with the invasion of the of iga province 5 days from now make sure you are prepared, lets see who will have it all" Haruuji laughs and leaves the place

On his way to the carriage he looks at Ryuji and Tatsuya who were together with no Clan crest on their Attire

"Shinobi, right? Don't worry we shall work together soon" He laughs and enters his carriage

The remaining four clan heads leaves the tent, Honma rushes towards Division 8 to tell them the outcome

"It's an all out war" Honma says

"What's it about this time" Ryujin asks

"A conquest, no reason what so ever" Honma replies

"Then that's bad" Ryujin says

"What do you mean shinobi-san??" Honma asks

"Iguro clan is a very weak clan, they have never participated in any war, why now??" Ryujin ponders but said it as if asking a general question

"Tck, what a joke" Akiyama cause

"As weak as they are? Just for your informatiot, the Tsukuguni clan are not joining for what ever reason, we might end up wiping them away from this world" He adds

"Don't underestimate them, to have the guts to declare war on an entire province, they truly have guts of steel" Ryujin says and leaves signalling the Division to follow.

It was evening and they head back to the Inn at Mori. After some minutes of walking,

"What do you think Yasushi?" Ryujin asks

"Hmmmm.... that's a tricky one Captain, but what I can say is that they have a trick up their sleeves" Yasushi answered

"Hmmm... Nice, what about you Tatsuya?"

"To declare a war of conquest on an entire province means that you will also have the man power to back it up, and if they have that then it he outcome is already decided" Tatsuya answered

"Wrong!!!" Ryujin says

Hmmm...? Tatsuya and Yasushi were shocked

"The winner has already been decided, Iguro clan will come out victorious" Ryujin grins

"Neh neh why do you boys leave us out of battle conversations" Himawari hits Ryujin shoulder as she pouts

"Well Himawari senpai I think battle plans are not meant for women" Ineyo says

"I refuse, but we also participate in them too"


Ryujin sighs

'They will be lots of bloodshed too. Mikoto are you watching, are you watching the seed you sewed' Ryujin sighs