
Ch:3 - Kinda filler?

Going back into the mountains I suffered some emotional turmoil, particularly the one that pleaded with me, stating he has a family...

He was wrong, he is evil, yet why do I feel such guilt for killing him? Why is it that even when I saved the village and healed them the adults still looked at me like I'd killed them if you so much as blink.

I saved them and they treat me like a monster!

I snapped out of my daze realizing I have lost control over my flames for a bit, already burning some trees and the rocks scorched and red.

Deep breaths, calm down, calm down...

Fuuuu, This is annoying. The need to constantly control your emotions...

Thankfully my clothes equipment and other belongings weren't burned. A case of subconscious manipulation there folks.

Now then back at town, I won very easily, the scum mages dropping like flies. Truth fully it is the healing that drained me.

My Blue Phoenix Arts[1] not just mentally but also magically taxing, if I fuck up I may just burn the ones I try to heal.

Huh, my impulsiveness could've caused the deaths of the people I just saved. But the judgemental states and fear as they looked at me... even most children were scared the little ball of sunshine being the only one to thank me with a wholehearted smile no less.

Ahhh! So embarrassing! Lucifer! What am I? A 9th grade edge lord?!

In a comical display I face palmed as steam rose from my head.

A couple minutes of self loathing passed and I went out to hunt some food, I'm thinking bear soup? I got enough spices and some herbs to put in. Yeah why not.

As I went my merry way into the forest I suddenly heard screaming, one of a prebuscent boy and the other of a Vulcan.

Hearing this I ofcourse rushed towards the origin of the sound, comical the Vulcan may be but if it possess a strong human it is something that can give a lot of pitiful mages trouble. The more it has fully devoured the stronger a Vulcan is. Wait is that the reason they are perverted? They eat a lot of perverted men? Huh, shower thoughts.

Arriving at the scene I almost turned back and headed my merry way, why? I am looking at the 10 year old form of Natsu duking it out with a forest Vulcan.

Vulcans are large anthropomorphic monsters that resemble primates. possessing distinctive facial features, elongated chins, prolonged ears, and pointed heads that resemble a single horn on top of their head. AKA a face only a mother could love.

Vulcans also have gargantuan arms and sequentially large hands that attach to their muscular torsos. In comparison to their upper body,anime logic everyone, they possess a pair of smaller-scaled legs that feature a long tail connected to the bottom of their torsos. The fur on their arms forms a decorative pattern unique to each species.

This species in particular is the Gorian or Forest Vulcan their fur is coloured a forest green while their pectoral,abdominals,hands,ears, and facial features are of a bright purple. Oh and their pupils seemingly glow.

The lower half of their body is of a darker green and the pattern on their arms is 5 pink hearts.

Natsu is only about 5'4 and this Vulcan in particular is large, easily 3 times bigger and 5 times wider than Natsu.

Yet looking at him in all his Pink- haired glory with a defiant grin you can't help but feel the protagonist aura radiating from him.

He is wearing a red buttoned long sleeved red shirt with golden buttons, a white barely yellow sash tied across his waist. beige shorts with dark brown pockets on both sides as well as the bottom being brown. Wearing old fashioned leather boots and his signature scarf he stood there grinning in a boxing pose with his hands blazing with flames.

How well can he fight for now I wonder?

"DIRTY MALE, GORIAN, DON'T LIKE!" The Gorian muttered as it raised both hands high and slammed down, targeting Natsu, with a thud and flying of dirt and small rocks Natsu withstood the impact, his hands raised up in an ex despite him kneeling and blood leaking out his mouth. (since anime duh)

And in a make shift style he attacked.

"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" His flaming hands blazing even further he moves his hands and releases licks of flames the flames hitting the thrown of arm of the Gorian as well as its chest.

It roared out in pain but Natsu is still smiling despite the damage he has received, The beast comically began flailing his arms about in an effort to extinguish it but focused on attacking Natsu.

"FILTHY HUMAN HURT GORIAN!" It roared in rage and rushed at Natsu, I prepared to jump in just in case but it seems Natsu isn't so dumb as to take it head on, Again. like a bull being played the Gorian hit a tree and momentarily became stunned, Natsu capitalized on this mistake.

"Fire Dragon's!"

He spread his legs and took in a deep breath his cheeks bulging dramatically, He brought his hands infront of his mouth and made a small opening, concentrating it's spread.


Releasing the attack a big fireball about the size of the Gorian headed towards it, panicking it brought its arms in front of it to brave the attack, Unfortunately despite this attack being made by a vastly weaker and inexperienced Natsu the Roar attack isn't something a Gorian stronger than average or not, endure. So in a flurry of flames it released it's dying roars.

Natsu stood there, woozy but still grinning, proud of his accomplishment no doubt. I was about to leave him alone when another Vulcan the same size as the one before appeared, Natsu' became grim and despite the impossible odds forced himself to a fighting stance. admirable but foolish.

Just before the Vulcan to open it's mouth that is already in the shape of a shit eating grin, I intervened.

"Satan Shot" A fireball bigger than the Gorian headed towards it, It tried to dodge by jumping back but I was able to force the flames with my pyrokinesis I was able to change the trajectory of the shot to follow the Gorian. it got consumed in a fiery blue blaze and started screaming and clawing at itself but within seconds he disappeared ash dispersing in the wind the only indication of its existence.

Natsu whirled to where I was and I raised my arms to show i mean no harm.

"Who are you!" putting on a strong front he told me in a 'strong' tone.

"I mean no harm, I just didn't want someone to be killed right in front of me." I mean this is probably my fault, due to my hunting and accidental burns some animals have run off making parts where I am near at semi scarce in animals at times, forcing the local Gorians to come deeper out of the woods.

"Oh yeah?" He told me as if not believing what I said.

"I speak the truth, you may follow me back to my camp to recuperate." I offered him. he would've probably refused but his stomach grumbled.

"Just on time, I was planning on hunting a bear." With the prospects of food, Natsu started drooling and agreed quickly. I sweat dropped at this.

'Why did I get myself involved so early...'

Later that night.

I let Natsu eat some of the dry rations I have as I cooked the Bear stew slowly, He asked me how did I found one and I explained I have better senses than most causing him to relate to me and asking me a whole lot, I evaded answering stuff related to my magic and he even wanted to eat some of my flames, I dodged that by allowing him to eat some regular flames.

We talked about many things and he told me about how he is a Dragon Slayer and about Igneel and his time with Igneel. I listened to him not wanting to have to answer about my past and he was satisfied with me just listening.

When it was finally time to eat he literally had stars in his eyes as he ate quickly gulping down one bowl and requesting another one. normal people would probably be shocked but I can relate my training and heritage made me also have a voracious appetite.

"Natsu try it with bread, I prefer it with bread and eat it slowly to enjoy it." I told him calmly as I offered some bread. he broke it off and looked at it as if an alien thing to him, he looked at me with questioning eyes. I calmly broke off bread for myself and dipped it with the stew and scooped it up bringing some meat with it and ate it. he copied me and exclaimed.

"So good! Man Lucifer your a way better cook that Igneel, he'd just burn a deer!" He said excitedly while munching down on food.

I shook my head in amusement and thought, is this how it's like to have an hyperactive friend and or sibling when you are an introvert? man this is a drag...

In different dimensions 2 people silently looked up at the sky. one of them is a pineapple haired youth and thought to himself. 'Yeah, What a drag...'

Another is a stoic faced youth with long hair and a strip of hot pink, wearing vaguely Chinese clothes he also looked up and silently muttered a prayer. 'Stay strong. you'll get used to it.'

A satisfying meal later.

"So Lucifer you are staying here cause your power is dangerous and you can't fully control it?" Natsu now totally trusting me behaved like a child with AD/HD sitting while bobbing around and what not.

"Yes, tomorrow I will bring you to a reputed guild fairly near here, near if you can keep up with me" I told him with a smirk.

"You cocky girly boy! I'll show you!" Girly boy? what the actual hell... just cause I can cook?

"Anyway why do i need to join a guild? training here seems better you easily took down that Vulcan like it was nothing!" as if to emphasize he did motions with his arms like spreading it apart and what not.

"to answer your question in order, it would be better to be part of a large guild where you can hear rumours and travel to many places to find Igneel while working, second training is nice but I only do so because of my volatile power, I took down the Gorian, Forest Vulcan, easily due to the results of my training."

I could visualise question marks coming out his head as he tilted it to the side.



"So I can find Igneel easier if I join a guild, have lots of people to fight, be near good food and is a fun place?" Natsu recited as if unsure. I could feel my brow twitching, how much of an idiot could one be.


"So why don't you also come?" He asked me as if I haven't drilled into his head why I'm out in the mountains.

"Because my power is dangerous, you see what it did to a Vulcan imagine a human was near and I lost control."

"Yuck!" That's disgusting and scary!

"Natsu... Can you please sleep now? so we can set out early tomorrow." I asked? him to sleep already and he accepted since according to him.

"My brain hurts from all this information!"

A few miles out.

[I listened to your lie in April osts here I recommended it as you visualized stuff..]

"Well Butterfly effect is a bitch... Could I even join Fairy Tail? I don't think I can learn any other types of magic, And fairy tail is one of those light guilds so they probably don't condone killing. not to mention I feel like I can easily get pissed there and boom. magnolia fire."

I lay down as I look up at the sky, the constellations and billions of celestial bodies in view, the beauty in a pure world is truly breath taking... I wonder if in this universe do other worlds exist? do other continents exist?

"Blue Phoenix Arts: Dance of Flames" I used my magic, every night I use my magic and drain myself up to about 10% since aside from my reserves quickly growing, my whole body is like a mana generator, I quickly get back mana and this is just a perfect way to drain myself as well as train control, this is also in a way meditative, relaxing.

Above the canopy of trees flames danced, taking on figures reminiscent of dragons and other creatures related to fire, at one point I tried my hand at making what I think to be yggdrasil, A massive blue tree of untold proportions shot up defined bark and vines running down itself, The size so massive I have no doubt miles away this could be seen.

Magic is so beautiful yet oh so terrifying...

Can be used to give life or take it protect or to oppress...


"Oh! I wonder if I can recreate anime attacks now that I have pretty nice control!"


A dance of ethereal blue flames is seen, some forming floating lights some forming vaguely avian creatures and some forming intricate seals. a burning heart, a wing turning ragged.

creatures of nature stared up at this scene entranced by the oh so wonderful dance of flames, licks floating as if wind. as as if collapsing in on it self it became a tremendous blue ball of flame.

It writhed and twisted on itself and it shot up, flames breaking apart revealing formations as if the bark of a tree, flames climbing up and resembling vines some branches forming and leaves of flame swaying with licks floating off. eventually the growth stopped but the flames constantly stretched as if unsatisfied, leaving an unfinished but beautiful trunk full of life and earlier licks of flame forming floating blue balls as if fire flies, stags and does of flames at the bottom.

This sight was seen even from Magnolia as children and adults alike marveled at the sight, a certain diminutive guild master appreciating the sight. Smiling as his 'Children' viewed the sight in awe even a stoic red headed girl smiling at the beautiful sight.


Natsu looked up knowing who the flames belonged to, He marveled and wondered if he could to the same, so far he could only destroy. he never knew flames could be so...beautiful, mystifying, ethereal...




A/N: Couldn't fit everything.

yeah could mean natsu would be a bit stronger than canon someone 2 years older than him one shot a vulcan and can manipulate flames to make such a beautiful scene, remember in the erigor fight be was able to use his flames in a controlled manner as well.

2475 words

[1] Yeah LKingsCrow pointed that out and suggested others things pretty Interesting.

yeah I know I pulled a bullshit at the end but isn't it fitting that after he uses such a bs healing move in chapter two that he does have such nice control and remember intent

besides i listen to anime osts and this in particular made me visualize such a nice scene. and yeah intent so yeah.

AsuraMonarchcreators' thoughts