
Ch:4 - Just part one of this.



Amazing start to the day. Natsu falling off the tree branch he was sleeping in and face planting into the ground. If he was a regular human then he might've snapped his neck, But even regular mages can survive that.

To start my day off I took off my shirt and start a series of stretching exercises almost like Tai Chi.

After that I finally properly wash myself and prepare food, stew or a soup of some kind and do physical exercises while waiting for it to cook once prepping has been done.

"Hey Lucifer! what are you doing?" Natsu asked me with him suddenly popping out from a bush behind me.

"Morning exercise." I'll admit my voice was colder than intended but it should've been obvious as to what am I doing, considering Natsu also trains.

"Oh cool! Can I join?" Tsk tsk tsk, "If you can keep up." I smirked cocky manner challenging him.

[An hour later]

"Haah! Haah! Wow your really strong Lucifer! Fight me!" Panting and wheezing Natsu tried to surprise attack me but I just back handed him. his tired state making him harmless to me.

Of course I myself am also sweating and breathing hardly, Running with huge rocks attached to your back, Weight lifting rocks,etc. Does that to people.

"I'm beat, Let's eat!" As he dashed towards the finished cooking pot I grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up as a mother cat would do to its kitten.

"No, first we clean ourselves up with a bath in the river. I don't know how you didn't notice but you smell horrible." I say with a frown, I guess living with a dragon does that to you?

"Okay Okay!"

And that's how we come to where we are now bathing in the river.

"Hey Lucifer, what kind of slayer are you?" Natsu abruptly asked me a question, a very surprising one and one I didn't expect. he hasn't commented about my horns and I normally wrap my tail around me so he might not have noticed my tail when wearing clothes, but now that we are bathing?

"What do you mean slayer?" My curiosity peaked at this, I was never this huge fairy tail fan but I know for a fact there are God-Slayers, Demon Slayers and that jazz.

"Well Igneel told me Slayers get some character- Characteres- " " Characteristics" I injected with a deadpan. "Yeah that! Slayers get some thing like that from whoever taught them, like me I can eat fire, Spew fire from my lungs, and resistant to fires. I think Igneel told me that some slayers got scales!" Oh Dragon Slayers in the Dragonification process then. Wait I wonder if I can recreate Dragon Slayer Magic... and wasn't there that one time Natsu underwent partial dragonification and had blue flames?

"Uh, I'm not a slayer Natsu, My 'Magic' is my birthright in a way..." My voice shook and worry seeped into my voice. there was a chance this could backfi-

"What's a birthright?" And my worry vanished, Natsu is a typical shounen protagonist, one of the dumb ones at that.

"Something I've had since birth or is to be mine."

"Oh cool! so you don't actually know magic?" He bounced up and down the water splashing as he did so.

"Well... Yes? I mean I just use my flames... is Magic not like that?" Now I'm curious I have no idea what actual magic styles are like.

"Yeah! Igneel told me I can only use my flames for attacks until I get really really, really, good at using them!"

Now that's surprising, Dragon slayers can use their element like me no? Coating their entire body like that and manipulating it in ways other magic styles cannot.

I wonder if I can actually learn a style?[1] I mean there have been cases like me and I think only Mira has learned another style of magic, Transformation magic I believe. And she was practically born with Take over magic and it activated and caused her panic yada yada yada.

"Ne Ne, You were the one who made the awesome blue flames in the sky last night right?"

Well not surprising I wouldn't be surprised if Magnolia saw it.

"Yes that was me." I wonder why did he ask, maybe he'll ask me to teach him, Who knows.

"Yeah! By the way that was soooooo cool! Igneel said only people that can really control their magic can do that!

Well based on what I found out from Natsu and the magic circles, glows, chants, arias, etc of spells, then styles have some strict do's and don'ts to use it, So if I were a Fire Make mage: If that exists, then to achieve a similar display I would not leave the visualization process and expel flames and just have them shift and it would he mentally taxing and all the more draining.

Simple Fire mages though, then they will need monster like pure Pyrokinesis control, which I more or less have due to diligence, and being the son of satan from the Ao no Exorcist world.

And Natsu said really control their magic. Hmm. shower thoughts I suppose. But Dragon slayers have something in common, They had something done involving dragons.

taught by one, lacrima of dragon slayer magic, eaten one. I suspect at the start of the training Dragons inject a bit of their own magic and let the magic of their student sorta adapt to it and their body changing in correspondence. I don't see Natsu following a complicated manual to become a Dragon Slayer.

Lacrima is self explained, to eat one then damn, If going by fantasy stories dragons are beings of magic to eat one is to eat some magic with every bite, every gulp of blood, every crunch of bone. heck dragon materials are either end game or close to end game materials in games.

But I digress now I'm just ranting.

"Oi Lucifer!" I snapped back to reality to Natsu waving his hand infront of my face. "Yeah?"

"Man you really spaced out." He pourted at me, "Well one of us needs to be a thinker." I smirked.

"Damn you! Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Really Natsu?

Was all I could think when I saw a flaming fist heading straight to me. I just judo throwed him away, he over reached and therefore his balance was weak, it was easy to throw him despite not knowing the actual technique due to ridiculous strength... 'I still think I'm weaker maybe just a bit. than canon natsu at the start.'

Natsu rose up coughing up a storm and glaring at me with eyes he should only direct to Gray.

"Don't look at me like that, You attacked first after all." I then walked off to get dressed waving Natsu's indignation away.


"Hey Lucifer why are you in a cloak?"

We were currently running through the forest vaguely at the direction Magnolia is, Opted to wear a cloak over myself today just in case my more human form is still recognized, My usual bandana over my head, and wearing some different clothes than usual. Wearing a form fitting black shirt clearly showing my muscles, which is surprisingly a lot considering I'm 12. and over said shirt a leather jacket with silver studs acting as a way to close it as well as for vanity, the jacket has a flared out collar not too much but definitely not common in jackets, My lower wear is black pants and black combat boots with some metal plates for extra power in my kicks.

"Because this" I pointed at my black cloak "is too keep my identity a secret." "Yeah but why would you need to do that?" he continued to ask me, I sighed but couldn't be mad he is just curious so I can't fault him for that.

"Because I'm different from other people okay? let's just leave it at that." I told him and asked him to shut up about the questions in a gentle manner.






Elsewhere in a different dimension a certain avenger sneezed in class and scowled as fangirls went aawww at it.


1376 words.

[1]Been browsing the wiki.

there is something called 4th generation Dragon slayers aka self taught. I call bullshit.

Also yeah cut this one short. I also can't practice daily uploads and i wanted to ask, should he join FT now? should he learn a different magic style?


and I'm thinking i need to brush up on FT manga.

and im gonna say it here

writing is a hobby and if im pressured to continue to do so it is no longer enjoyable.

AsuraMonarchcreators' thoughts