
Demon's Virtue

"Bleh." - Imp An Imp, a monster known to kill with a grin, a demon of the world, a creature of incredible might! Something that no force in the world can stand against! At least that's what the Main Character would like himself to be, the reality is very different, however. Exactly that Imp stumbles along a path of unfortunate fortunes and grows through it, in a world that hates its very existence. It grows more intelligent, more powerful, simply better at whatever it needs to do. Amongst other things, that includes raising children, killing Soldiers, and carving wooden figurines for money.

DiceVR · แฟนตาซี
767 Chs

Introduction to Familiars

"Heh..." Arc laughed a bit, after hearing what his father just said, "You sure do like to brag, eh dad?"

"What do you mean, 'brag'? This all actually happened." Eiro pointed out, and Arc shrugged, "Of course, just because you're bragging doesn't mean you're lying, but you didn't have to recount everything you did." Arc said, unable to hold his grin back.

"Anyway, I guess I'm just gonna leave you two alone now before all those girls come down here." He added, and swiftly made his way back inside.

Eiro let out a slight sigh as he turned back toward Ariella, who was still processing all this information, "So, you're telling me you're really an Imp?" She asked, and Eiro nodded his head, "Yeah, that's what I was saying. But after a couple unique evolutions, I don't really have much in common with regular Imps."