
A mage that transcends time itself.

After a successful magic ritual, Eren woke up in the barn of a country farmer. In his coat pocket was a pendant he had never seen before, he left it as it is and tried to stand up. After taking a few steps he suddenly crashed onto the floor as he didn't have any antibodies to the diseases of that timeline. Having seen his condition, the farmer took him to the church to cure him of his disease but their spells were ineffective as the antibodies that he already posses interfere with the magic that is cast by the church priests. Not knowing what they were doing wrong, they had to call in the grand magus of the imperial land.

After a long month, he was able to wake up and was barely able to walk. knowing his wake, the grand magus rushed into his room. He was a muscular, robust, and scary-looking man with a huge beard. "Thanks for treating me but unfortunately, I have nothing to give you in return.", said Eren. "That's fine, however, I'm curious about the cat ear that you had with you. Where did you find it?", asked the grand magus, "That ear looks the same as my daughter's cat's, and the residual life form it contains is an exact match of hers as well, yet the last time I checked, it had both ears intact. Did you use some kind of unknown magic that even I'm unaware of to clone the life form itself?". Knowing that the time paradoxes aren't safe, he had to think of some way of convincing the grand magus that it isn't the same cat. "It was my first hunt from the country that I grew in, it might be that the two cats were related.", said Eren. It was an unpleasing but acceptable explanation so the grand magus agreed to it and left the topic for the time being.

"Anyway, the reason it took me 1 whole month to cure you of such a small disease is that you had very high dense magic circuits that were not opened. These magic circuits interfered with my magic and hence failing every try. I had but one option, which is to change the time of your body when your magic circuits weren't as dense and then cure your body. However, I couldn't change time to the future so I had to speed up your body metabolism for a month and that's the reason why you were barely able to walk when you woke up.", said the grand magus. "What, you can do the time manipulation magic?", exclaimed Eren, "I didn't know that people are capable of doing such magic". He said that because Delliora told him that she was the only one who can do this magic and as he can see, the grand magus is clearly not Delliora. "They don't call me the mage that transcends time for nothing, I have a fine set of skills of my own you know." said the grand magus, boasting himself as he emits a pleasant aura of passion and lite heartedness into the room. "By the way boy, you won't age for a while since I enhanced your metabolism. I had to use all your future growth into this one month so It might take a few centuries for you to start aging again.", said the grand magus.

"Say, boy, how would you like to become my pupil? I was fascinated after seeing your magic circuits, those were the densest I've ever seen. I would like to train you to your true potential. Will you accept my offer, boy?" asked the grand magus, "However, I will first have to test you if you're capable and worthy of my guidance.". "I am honored, sir, but I have a much more important task that needs to be completed and that task is the reason why I'm in this country in the first place.", said Eren, "Do you know where I can find a mage named Delliora? It would be a huge help if you would tell me this much.". "Delliora you say? you are talking to him, boy.", said the grand magus, "So, tell me what is it that you want from me.". Eren was shocked. "What is going on here? He cannot be the delliora that sent me here, or did she change her appearance when she met me? No, even if that's true, she told me that she only used the time manipulation magic once and that left her unconscious for 5 whole years and here I see a man that just performed the time manipulation magic on me a month ago and still standing on his feet with no signs of exhaustion or unconsciousness. How could this be?", Eren thought to himself, "And also she claimed that she was the only person who can use the time manipulation magic. This old man must be lying."

"Sir, with all due respect, I am quite sure that the infamous mage Delliora is a woman.", said Eren. "I don't know where you got the intel from but I'm most definitely a man.", said the grand magus, " I can even prove it to you if you want."."There's absolutely no need to prove it", said Eren, "from where I can see, you are a man. I'm quite certain. It might have been a mistake." Saying that Eren realized that the timeline he was sent to is not the timeline that he had in mind.

"So, what is this all about? Care to explain what's going on? Is there anything you want from me?", a barrage of questions were posed onto Eren by the grand magus. "Well, the reason why I am in this country is to learn some magic and got a letter from a woman named delliora saying she was interested in teaching me. Were you the one to send me the letter?", said Eren, trying to avoid telling him the truth. "No, I haven't done any of such things, it must be some kind of prank or something. People misuse my name a lot since I'm quite famous and all.", said the grand magus. Eren had an idea of what's going on but wasn't sure of it, but at the time he had no power to know if he is right As he just woke up from a one-month high functioning metabolism state, he fell unconscious in the middle of the conversation.

"Come to me child, I will save you from the clutches of time. This world is a cruel place and time is the thing that drives innocence into insanity.", a faint voice from a woman with a blinding radiant white light emitting from her skin, wearing the same pendant that Eren had in his pocket. Eren suddenly woke up in a confused state with tears in his eyes.

To be continued...