
Defective Mage: Bloodline Of An Ancient Race

In a new world filled with mana and people with special abilities, Arsha Logan is born with a mana deficiency problem that lowers his capability. Being one of the few people in the world who could use dual elemental abilities his condition was termed ‘unfortunate’ as he could not use his abilities to their full extent without completely running out of mana. He had an unusual aura that caused his mana to constantly leak especially during fights but this unusual aura came with its perks for him and that begged the question. Was his condition really that unfortunate or were the people around him overestimating the usefulness of mana especially to him? Rapid healing/regeneration Night vision/enhanced eyesight Enhanced hearing Abnormal movement speed Enhanced strength without mana infusion He had it all and anyone who had seen all of this could tell that he wasn't exactly normal and the question that always crossed their mind was; “What is he?"

Franklin_Nwakamma · แฟนตาซี
108 Chs

Chapter 103: When Luck Shines Upon You

The next day was a Friday which meant that there were no combat classes and classes were going to be ending an hour earlier.

Friday was specifically Arsha's favorite day of the week because it was the only time he got to hunt beasts without worrying about the time or anyone disturbing him.

Hunting beasts was something he usually did alone but this time around, he decided to bring someone along with him, it was all part of his building process.

"So you spend all your free time after class ends on Fridays to hunt beasts?" Claudia asked as both of them walked past the crystal barrier to enter the forest.

"Yeah, what about it?" He retorted.

"Well, I just think it'll be better to rest a bit before deciding to spend the rest of your day doing something this gruesome."

'Of course you would think of it that way, you're drowning in money after all.'

"If you think it's gruesome then why did you decide to come with me?"