

"whose the scared one now?" l mock him. Not my proudest moment but Darke has never been one to be afraid of heights or get shaken up in this manner. Must be the heartbreak causing him to behave so out of character

"not the time" and with that he runs to the nearest dustbin to puke his guts out. All my hard work at making breakfast all gone down the drain. What an ungrateful man

"spit it all out will you" l say sarcastically and from the outside looking in, it seems like l am taunting him but l am merely playing around so that he does not get too in his feelings about everything going on around him

Because that's how we deal with things, the best way we know how. We laugh at the problem or situation until it doesn't hurt to think about

"I could be dying and you are making jokes" he says as he finished off rinsing his mouth with water and freshening his breath with some gum

"you aren't dead and that's the most important thing" and with that we laugh