
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

The Battle Against the Monsters

The situation was the worse for us. It was so worse that there was not even time to think something. What was more to that, there were 5 monsters coming for us and we were just 6 to fight against them. To make the situation even worse only two of us were relic users. With that being said, I don't know how strong they are against the monsters or how we are going to defeat them or will I die here after surviving for this long? Their were so many questions, so many thoughts going through my head.

But then, I saw the expression on Garrick's face. That was an expression of a challenge or to put that expression into words it was saying "Ah, finally a worthy opponent".

After seeing that expression I calmed down a bit and tried to remember what Shimon said that I could even defeat a monster if I was able to complete his tests. So the time has arrived to see what I can do or was it all just some hollow words.

The monsters were closing in and the captain said to move as far as possible from that crack in the shield. It was a quick yet good decision.

"We can't let them see or get through that hole in the barrier." said Garrick.

"Yes Captain." said everyone.

"Divide yourself in teams of two. The swordsman with Ryan on the left side, Me and the spear guy will go in the centre and Davis, she will be with you with her spear you both go to the right side." said Garrick.

"Got that, Captain." said everyone.

I knew I can't always rely on anyone even if he is the strongest guy I have ever met but right now we have to kill the monster with just two of us.

Because we split into small groups, the monsters scattered too because they really don't have that much brains so we could hide but they will get us eventually if we only resort to hiding.

I was thinking of how I could do it but nothing was clicking, then I saw that the captain was charging on one of the monsters, head on. The spear guy behind him threw his spear right into the eye of the Blob monster, which made him blind.

- Blob Monsters: More like a humanoid creature with a flexible body with huge hands that can crush even buildings and have a single eye for their visuals. They might not look but when they spot something they can quickly move and scare the shit out of anyone. But the only thing which makes them not a big threat is their IQ. They rely on their primal instinct like any predator to hunt their prey. They can be killed when they are blinded because then they transform back into their solid phase and with their only sensor damaged they can't do much damage to others. That's the perfect moment to strike them down. -

While the blob monster was struggling with the spear captain jumped and gathered his strength into his Gladiator's Blade. That blade became an extent of his arm and gave him a solid battle armour for his arm.

I could see that Garrick was connected with his relic and also that he was the chosen one to wield that blade. The blade started to glow which indicated that the blade is ready to cut anything down. Then in a quick flash he slashed right through that monster.

I could see Garrick slashing the monster and the monster's body falling on the ground.

My hands were shaking, my eyes were not believing but it was all real. They...th... they can be killed, the monsters can be killed. It might sound somewhat foolish because there is always something that can kill something but I never thought that we could kill them but after seeing this I was pumped. I finally had a chance to kill those who killed my friends.

"One down. Four more to go." said Garrick.

But it was not only that but now I saw what the real power possessed by the relic users. They... they were holding back while fighting against me to judge me and I was thinking that I was the one who was trying to understand them.

But that was not the matter right now because one Blob monster just close to our radius which we have to deal with.

That was some crazy shit I just saw and now it was for me to do it because we had that same setup of a swordsman and a spear.

"Well did you see that combo just now?" I asked the spear lady.

"I did and I could clearly see that you want to do something like that, but you can't. You don't have that much power to slash it through a monster and even if that monster got blind even a single hit by his huge arms could crush you." Spear Lady replied.

"Great. You know what you can do with your spear and you also know what I could do with my sword but, you don't know what my brain can do when it comes to creating some weird ideas.

I might not be the smartest man alive but in my normal days I was into some art and craft things like making something out of something irregular. I saw people throwing small paper bombs on others which didn't hurt them but got them irritated." I said.

"What are you saying?" Lady asked.

"It was just a thought to not just to blind him with your spear but to explode his eye completely." I replied.

"And how are we going to do it?" Lady asked.

"With these bombs." I said.

"These small bombs won't do a thing." said Lady.

"*laughs* Who said small bombs." I replied.

"What are you going to do with them? " asked Lady.

"*smiles* Something that will blow your mind." I said.

(Ryan's duo on the Left...)

One the other hand. Ryan was just taking hits after hits from that Blob monster's huge hands but he was not budging at all. It was like he was concentrating on something, like channelling his power into his shield.

While all this was happening, the swordsman was always trying to stay out of the Blob monsters' vision means he was on the very edge of his vision that was making the monsters confuse to whom to choose from these two.

"Get ready to attack. He will be falling any second." shouted Ryan.

He was not saying that without any previous thoughts. He said it because he was ready to crush even a monster right now.

His shield changed and became bigger than before. It also provided him with a similar armour like what Garrick got when he unlocked his relic's potential.

Ryan charged towards the Blob monster and hit hard on his leg, which disbalanced it but Ryan didn't stop their and he charged again towards it and this time he pushed it with full force through huge stones that were in that area. One, Two, Three huge stones crushed by his powers.

After taken all that damaged the monster was down and at that moment the swordsman jumped on Ryan's shield,then reached the head of the monster and popped his eye out. He pierced his eye with his sword and he squeezed the monsters eye like squeezing a lemon. The swordsman was covered in that monsters green blood but this duo did their job.

(Me and Spear Lady on the Right...)

On our side I was discussing my plan with the spear Lady.

"Are you really going for this plan?" Lady asked.

"Yes. So let's revise it because it will be a one-time use and if we fail there is no coming back." I said.

So the plan was like we would attach some bombs on her spear so when she would threw her spear and it would hit that monster's eye and these bombs would deal more damage than just poking it.

Next will be my part where I need to reach on his head to make the preparation for the finale.

"I will do my part without a doubt but do you think you will be able to dodge and reach near its eye." Lady said.

"Yeah I know because that is the most important part to reach it or else this whole plan would be a complete waste." I replied.

"Well at least you know what your doing then I hope you know how failing here is not an option." said Lady.

"*exhales* Their is only one thing. Please talk to me a bit better than this if I survived this plan." I said.

"It will depend on your capabilities." Lady replied.

"Let's do it then." I said.

I rushed out to distract the monster and for the Lady to take a good aim because that would be the start of this plan of killing my first ever monster.

I managed to drag that monster to where we wanted it to be then I shouted. "Lady do it. Now!!!"

She threw her spear and it hit the bullseye with a small explosion and the monster was in more pain than just a spear because we tied a few bombs with the spear to give me more time to reach the top.

As it happened I started running towards the monster. His huge arms were swinging randomly but I was able to dodge it thanks to the training I did with Shimon. The quick reflexes, sharpened senses were helping me dodge and move forward.

I managed to climb on his body but he started to move. The monster was trying to take me down but I pierced my blade into his body and was holding on to it. I kept on climbing slowly and reached the top.

This was the time and my moment to shine. I fueled my jump with the monsters movement and in the air I said to myself. "It's all or nothing my blade. Let's end it, *shouts* my Blood Cursed Sword."

I thrust my blade with both arms, adding that falling motion right into his eye. I did not just thrust that but I was also twisting it for the final act, to create a hole in it.

Then I dropped the bomb I created using the materials of all those remaining small bombs and it goes right into that monsters body. And that was the final act of this plan. To make that monster's insides a detonator.

I just said. "Adiós!" and jumped down and then, we got see a show to behold. That monster's body just explode from the insides and all the flesh was scattered all over the place.

It was something that you won't get to see often and I was glad that it worked. It all went as planned because after hitting its eye, it phased back to solid form that's why when I dropped the bomb inside as the monster was not able to properly distribute all that explosive power throughout its body. That was my winning factor in this and that was its weakness.

"*pants* I am glad it went well." I said.

"So you survived and it was some reckless plan." said Lady.

"That was the same reckless plan that saved us and by the way, it was my first monster. Oh sorry. *exhales* It was our first monster ever killed." I replied.

"I didn't do much so you could take the credit." said Lady.

"Is this what you call being somewhat nice because I survived it." I asked.

"Just be happy that you survived. And don't even dare to say something like that. Like I will talk any good with you." Lady replied.

"I guess your usual way of talking is way better so feel free to say anything. You could share your views on how it could get better." I said.

"I would say just don't pull such a thing again." Lady replied.

"Is this care I am smelling." I said.

"Let's move. There are two more to go." said Lady.

(Near the centre area...)

We reached the point of the 4th blob monster but it was already taken down by the captain and with that we also saw that Ryan's duo also did their job.

So we were all able to defeat our enemy with just two people in each group.

"It was not just any two people you made pairs with the weapon wielders capable of backing each other like a swordsman with Ryan a spear with our swords. It was a long range weapon plus our close range weapons.

How did you think all of this in such a short period." I said.

"Well, I did not think about any of this. I just made the pairs to have a strong fighter in each duo and another to distract that was my game plan.

But you, on the other hand, you thought about more than what I was seeing." Garrick replied.

"I was able to think about it after all this but you managed to think it while I was scared and was unable to think anything." I said.

"*laughs* Don't feel bad. You are still young, so fear and such thoughts take time and need a strong mind. From which you have a strong mind because you were able to still survive even after all those tragedies, so you just need to stay strong and keep on thinking. That's all I could say." Garrick replied.

"I was seriously shocked when you told that what was the reason for this duo formation. I say you can be a leader someday." said Ryan.

"I can say that Ryan is right this time." said the Swordsman.

"Yeah, whatever." said Lady.

"Thanks Everyone." I replied.

"All of you be ready because now is the time for a boss battle. Our last enemy - the Drago is here." said Garrick.

With that we could see Drago closing in and we were having no solid plan. We could just blind it with both our spears but if we miss it then we will only piss Drago off and it will go on a rampage which we would not be able to handle.

"We are going reckless this time. Both the spears get ready and aim for Drago's eyes. It will be a one time chance and if any of you miss we have to fight that thing head on." said Garrick.

"We should think about a follow up plan rather than just jumping on Drago. And it is way too risky to try to blind it because it will give away our position." I replied.

"I got your point but we have to attack first. We have 6 fighters. Ryan and I can attack Drago and the rest of you just go for the distraction. That will be your job in this." said Garrick.

"You think you could handle a Drago on your own. Are you thinking of us as some pawn who would just listen and will do the running job for you." I said.

"They will do it because they know that they don't have a chance to even survive or to try and battle Drago head on. Only we could do it." said Garrick.

"Alright. You are the relic users and you are the boss then what else matters here. You are the dictator and we are your people so just throw us as a sacrifice to get the glory." I replied.

"Don't you think you are crossing the boundary." said Lady.

"*exhales* Yeah I guess. Something happened to me. My ego grew up on me. I am the one to do it that was going in my head. I was thinking straight but only for me. Sorry guys, let's do it." I replied.

We four spread out with Garrick and Ryan getting ready for their surprise attack. We were giving them info about the situation and we got close to the Drago.

Drago got a good sense of smelling so we were maintaining enough distance to stay safe and undetected.

We reached near it but then one of us stumbled and fell that made a noise and Dargo just rushed towards us. Drago was coming for us and it was like a bullet train about to hit you. Lady and the spear guy got ready with their spears and both threw them.

The Lady managed to hit the right eye but the spear guy missed his mark and now Drago is in rage because Drago was in pain but with only one eye its visuals were a bit off than normal which could at least work in our favor.

We tried to rush back but Drago was chasing us. It was in our expectations that's why I was ready with a few small bombs. I took them for the backup purpose but they could be used here. I threw them right onto Drago's leg, which slowed him down a bit.

Then from the front we were able to see Ryan charging with his full force to give a good hug. His force could be sensed from a distance by us.

Ryan crashed into the Drago.

"Take this you beast." Ryan shouted.

We got excited to see that Ryan was able to hit Drago. It was great but, Dargo was still standing and it felt like Dargo did not feel a thing.

After seeing that I realise that this is something way more than what we imagined.

Drago and Ryan both made eye contact and Drago tried to burn him alive with his fire blast but Ryan managed to handle it with his shield. The flames were affecting Ryan but not at a high cost so he was able to block it. Then suddenly Drago used his claw and with that powerful slash he sent Ryan far away.

After seeing that, Garrick got ready to move. He said. "This is more than what you could handle. So please stay here and don't try to do anything reckless."

Drago was screaming and screeching because of the pain. Garrick was trying to close the distance without being noticed by trying to stay in Drago's vision of right eye which got damaged.

Garrick was ready his Gladiator's blade but Drago sensed him and countered with his claws. Both attacks collide and it created a huge impact. Drago got disbalanced but Garrick took more damage.

We were just standing and watching them get beaten by Drago. I wanted to help but I am not strong enough. I know I can do something so I have to think or else they won't survive.

The battle was started to heat up, both Ryan and Garrick were trying to attack one after another but nothing was being effective against Drago.

Drago was always ready with a counter and his fire blast was giving them more trouble and in between Drago quickly was using his claws to attack.

Drago was not some low IQ like Blob monsters. He was thinking of ways to attack which made him more of a challenge.

But as the fight moved on Ryan and Garrick's coordination started to get better. In any case both were able to understand each other. As Ryan was defending and got pushed back, it opened a path for Garrick to attack.

It was like they needed to attack together to win because Drago was powerful when it comes to one-on-one battle.

I saw that both their relics had started to glow even more. That clicked something in my brain that both their armors were almost the same and they somewhat complement each other, a combination of sword and shield together as one. So, if they both were able to combine their powers then they could become even more powerful but for that they will need time to concentrate and merge both their powers.

"Alright guys, I got something, something that will be able to get us out of this situation but we need to give some time to Ryan and Garrick." I said.

"What is your plan?" asked Lady.

"I think that if they keep on fighting one by one then it won't help them. They need to attack together and not any normal attack but a powerful one." I replied.

"So, what's your idea?" asked the swordsman.

"We need to do what we had done and ordered to. Distract Drago to buy some time." I replied.

"And you think we could do it?" said the spear guy.

"If you have anything else then I am all ears?" I replied.

"Is this one of your reckless plans?" said Lady.

"Yes. I told you what I think. Now it's all up to you guys." I replied.

"Tell us more in detail." said Lady.

"So, first you three will try to distract Drago. I will go to explain all these things to Ryan and Garrick and will rush back to support you guys.

They will need time so we have to try and buy them as much time as possible. The more the better.

We won't just rely on distraction but we will have attack on any chance possible because after all those attacks Drago might have gotten somewhat weaker." I said.

"This is like going into the Drago's mouth without any reason." said spear guy.

"I am not expecting to agree to it directly but if we delay it more, then our leader might not survive and then we will be the only ones surviving and trying to run away from Drago for our remaining short life." I replied.

"I won't say I disagree with spear guy but we have to do something so I am going." said Lady.

"Thanks." I replied.

"I saw one of your reckless plans getting executed by you so I could at least say that you won't do anything without thinking about it properly." said Lady.

"I just can't sit here when they are fighting for us so I am in too." said the Swordsman.

"Alright then. But know this. It is a bad idea." said the spear guy.

"*smiles* Never been this accurate." I replied.

So the plan was set as we could see both Ryan and Garrick struggling against Drago. So we split, the three of them went for the distraction and I went towards Ryan and Garrick.

"Garrick. Ryan. are you ok?" I shouted.

"Not... much... I guess." said Garrick.

"Never thought that Drago would be this strong." said Ryan.

"But that aside, what are you doing here? I told you not to come here." said Garrick.

"I don't have much time because right now the rest three are trying to buy enough time so let me explain quickly." I said.

"What. Why did you bring them here too." Garrick asked angrily.

"I will explain that later but for now you both need to concentrate on your energy and try to combine it with each other. Let me explain what I could see. I... I... I think that both your relics are somewhat connected to each other because... uh they are like a set of sword and shield with having same armor for your arms.

This all can't be just a coincidence, their must be some reason and therefore I want you to try to combine your powers till that we all buy you some time. If you just keep on fighting on your own it wont do any good to you and not for us, so please try to work together. You are like a duo of brothers-in-arms so show us your full potential. Show us, your full strength." I said.

"*exhales* And others got ready for this reckless plan of yours." asked Garrick.

"I convinced them so I need to get back to them or else I won't be the one to commit to this plan of mine." I said.

"Can we really do this?" asked Ryan.

"You won't know unless you try. And this could be our best option from whatever we have right now." I replied.

"Alright we will try. Just be safe." said Garrick.

"*pants* Yes, Captain." I replied.

While all this was going on with Ryan and Garrick, on the other hand, all three were trying to distract Drago and were barely hanging on a little thread called 'Luck'.

Drago's lost eye was giving us a handicap to dodge his attacks but his fire blast was so strong that we can't survive an attack like that with what we have.

We were just having our weapons and that's all. I reached their and I shouted to call Drago to move away from where Garrick and Ryan were. Then I suddenly hid behind a rock and held my breath to avoid any detection.

Drago just passed by me without noticing so I slowly moved and rushed back towards others.

"It is just a temporary thing. It won't last long. We need to attack it or else we will be goners." I said

(In some distance Ryan and Garrick....)

"So how are we supposed to do it?"

"It won't be easy. First we will try to reach our peak, our maximum power, then we will try to combine it." Garrick replied.

"Davis might have made it sound simple but it won't be as simple as it sounds." said Ryan.

"I know but this could be our only chance. So let's not waste anytime because they are putting their lives to give us this time. We can't waste even a millisecond here." replied Garrick.

(Where Davis and others fighting against Drago...)

We were all struggling but we were alive and we were attacking with our swords and spears but nothing was affecting Drago. He started to breathe fire all over the place and we barely avoided it.

"It won't work like this. we need to attack and more coordinately." I said.

"Yes. Because the coordinated attacks were working on Drago." Lady replied.

"Alright then Spears can continue to contribute as the decoy and we swordsman try to climb and attack Drago." said Swordsman.

"Nice. You are great at thinking, you know." I said.

"Did you really think we are only capable of that? " said Lady.

"No. It's not like that. Alright then switch places with me. I will be the decoy then and you attack with the swordsman." I replied.

"Are you sure?" asked Lady.

"The plan was mine so I should be the one risking here. Let's go spear guy." I said.

"Please don't die." said Lady.

"Same goes for everyone. We can't afford any deaths so do your tasks so that you can live." I said.

We divided again and I shouted with spear guy to distract Drago. "Hey you ugly monsters. Catch us if you can."

We thought this would be enough but Drago just ignored us. That tells us that he doesn't rely only on his primal instincts, Drago thinks then reacts.

"There's a change in plans we are going to join the attack. Get ready to climb on because this time our distraction won't work on Drago." I said.

"What?" said the Spear guy.

We started to climb but Drago did not give us any attention so we kept on climbing and as Drago was moving Lady and swordsman were waiting at a cliff to jump and attack him.

The cliff was close so were we to reach on top. So we climbed up and somehow managed to reach where they were going to jump.

Finally they jumped and we stopped and gathered again.

"What are you two doing here." asked Lady.

"The monster was not getting distracted by anything but luckily Dargo moved on the side that we wanted. So seeing this we climbed our way up to help you guys." I replied.

"So where should we attack." asked the Swordsman.

"The most important part." I said.

"The Head." said Lady.

While keeping our balance we reached on top of his head and we were ready. We picked our weapon and we attacked together.

"Do. It. Now!!!" said all of us.

With that we were able to damage Drago because he screeched hard but because of this he shook his head which disbalanced all of us.

Then Drago screamed while breathing fire and the temperature just rise like no other. Drago was rushing towards the spot where Ryan and Garrick were and we also saw that cliff so we decided to jump on it.

"Everyone, that cliff might be our only chance of survival but their is a catch. If we came in his vision Dargo will eat us alive or burn us down and nothing is a survivable option." I said.

"We need to jump together or anyone who jumps late might not live." said Lady.

The cliff was getting close.

"Are you ready? on the count of three." said Lady.

The situation was tense. Everyone was so focused on that single jump because it would decide our life's fate.

"Three..." I said.

"Two..." said the Swordsman.

"One... Jump....." Lady shouted.

We all jumped together. But... one of us didn't make the cut. He was not able to jump on time and... and he was burned alive.

We wanted to scream but we knew we couldn't. We could only say Rest in Peace... to Swordsman.

He was the one who came up with the idea of attacking and he was the one who agreed to this even when the risk was involved. He was the one who came to protect Ryan and Garrick. We came for this plan because we wanted their strength to fight against Drago but Swordsman came so that he could protect his leader. And that's something we all lacked in us. Loyalty or to do anything for our leader.

We were sad and exhausted mentally and physically from all that. There was nothing else we could do now. It was all in their hands. "Please Garrick, Ryan be ready there." I said.

Suddenly a bright light shined and attacked Drago, which disbalanced him. We were shocked to see that, what just happened.

The thing was Ryan. He was glowing and his shield was bigger than ever before.

"I think they were able to do it." I said.

Then a powerful slash came and took Dargo down for a moment. This was Garrick's doing.

"This much power. Who would have thought they are this much strong." said Lady.

"I know right. But I don't think they can manage to keep this up for a long period. We have to..." I said.

"No. That's enough of you. This is there fight now. Let them do some work." Spear guy said.

"Yes. This time I agree with him. We have done our job. Now let them finish what they started." said Lady.

"*coughs* I think you are right. *pants* my whole body is shaking. Thanks for stopping me." I said.

"Just sit down and watch. Watch what have unlocked from your one suggestion." said Lady.

The fight was getting intense now because Drago was more angry than before. He was fire breathing everywhere now but Ryan was able to block it without getting any damage. And while Drago getting distracted by Ryan, Garrick was able to attack more freely.

Garrick's every attack was so powerful like every attack was his final attack. An attack intended to end Drago.

"Ryan, Keep up the coordination." said Garrick.

"Yes, Captain." Ryan replied.


(In some distance Ryan and Garrick....)

"Davis might have made it sound simple but it won't be as simple as it sounds." said Ryan.

"I know but this could be our only chance. So let's not waste anytime because they are putting their lives to give us this time. We can't waste even a millisecond here." replied Garrick.

"We have to make a chain reaction so that we could be able to transfer or powers to each other without any physical link." said Garrick.

"Like an invisible cable connected to both of us so that we could transfer power to the one who needed it the most at that time." said Ryan.

"Exactly. We have to end all that quickly because we don't know how long this link will hold." said Garrick.

"Let's do it then." said Ryan.


"Come on Garrick, don't you go in the lazy category keep on moving with me." said Ryan.

"Try to keep up with me. You are one who is lagging behind." said Garrick.

Their every attack was a heavy attack for which they needed time to build energy previously but right now they were doing it with ease.

We were just watching from far but it was so powerful that we could feel it from here.

After all those attacks Drago was badly wounded now and was on his last legs. That's when Garrick said. "Ryan, let's end this with everything we got."

"Let's end this." Ryan shouted.

Ryan backed down and charged himself for the final attack and Garrick jumped on his shield and then with both their collected power Garrick took all that power from Ryan's shield into his Gladiator's Blade then with a force push from Ryan's shield, Garrick took flight and with that much speed and intensity he managed to slash through the Drago.

Garrick penetrated through Drago's body and killed him.

But when I saw that I had a thought that these two relics were made for a single warrior but they were dropped on two different locations and two different people took them and unlocked their potential while being in the same group and now being on the same battleground. It was not a coincidence that both Garrick and Ryan met each other and then created this whole group and lead them. It was like they were destined to be together because they completed the set of both the relics as one and unlocked it to its full potential.

I was mesmerised. I had no words to say but I came back to reality as we could see Drago's body falling down, which was our signal to go and see because we need to reach them as soon as possible.

We reached where the Drago's body was lying and we could see both Ryan and Garrick fallen on the ground.

I rushed to check.

"Are they Ok?" asked Lady in a panicked voice.

"*exhales* Yes. They survived." I said with a smile.

Tears came flowing from all of us because they survived this fight.

After sometime they woke and we were so happy to see them again.

"Ah, My head is spinning right now." said Ryan.

"Don't get up right away." said Lady.

"So, we won huh... *smiles* I am glad that we won. It was all because of you Davis." said Garrick.

"I didn't do anything. It was all your doing. You were the ones who killed that big thing as we were not even able to scratch him." I said.

"That might be true but because of you we unlocked something that was within us from the beginning but we never knew." said Ryan.

"Alright then. Let's go away from here and reach the other side." said Garrick.

"But what about those on the lookout shouldn't we look for them." I said.

"We lost one more of us in this battle so we must see if anyone is alive or not." said Lady.

"Do you really think they would have survived this horde of monsters." said Garrick.

"Still, we won't know until we go there? Also their is no word from Marc yet." I said.

"Because of that exact reason I am not going for them. There's something odd about this situation." said Garrick.

With everyone's exhausted bodies we reached back towards the barrier that we broke through but it was completely repaired now. It was like nothing ever happened to it.

We got alert because someone must be here who might have done this. Then we get to see something coming from the sky towards us and we were shocked to see him.

With that long cape on his back and a staff in his hand with a pharaoh like egyptian crown on his head. Descending down on us like a god. As he was seeing us like mere mortals with his red eyes and was scaring and giving us chills with that wicked smile of his.

The creator of this whole thing was standing in front of us.

Seth the Supreme Being himself was in front of us standing and looking at us, looking directly into our souls.

[ DAY 65 - MONSTERS COUNT : 2,860 HUMANS ALIVE : 6, 122 ]

If your are enjoying this story then you can drop a comment it will motivate me to do even great work.

And thank you for waiting for new chapters. More will come soon so Stay Tuned!!!

Akash_Bharnukecreators' thoughts