
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs


Everything was happening so suddenly that my brain was not able to keep up with all of that information. First, we fought against the 4 Blob monsters then with all our strength we fought against a Drago and now... now we were at the end of our stamina but suddenly Seth the Supreme Being arrived at the spot and that... that changed everything.

We were in no condition to fight against anything and Seth was not even in my worst in my list of bad conditions.

This was worse than the last thing I ever imagined. I was so terrified that I was not even able to move a muscle.

My body was shaking because I was feeling a certain pressure imitating from Seth himself.

Ryan and Garrick were not in any condition to fight and not at all against Seth.

But suddenly Garrick said. "*laughs* So you are the one who did all this to us?"

"Hmm..." said Seth.

"I take it as a yes. So why are you doing this all? What are you going to achieve from all this?" asked Garrick.

"I am not obligated to answer you." Seth replied.

I was just shocked that Garrick was not afraid of Seth. Both were staring each other and no one was backing down. I knew I have to do something. I need to think. Please... Please click something... Please... I want something to say at his face. Without thinking about anything I spoke to Seth directly.

"How do you know that we are here to break that barrier?" I asked.

"*laughs* I just happened to know all of this. What do you think, I would not know what you all were planning." Said Seth.

"No. Not a chance. We... we took a route which was not a regular one. The ones who knew about this were only the members of our group and no one else. There's no way for you to know until we destroyed that barrier. How could you know the exact place and exact time of our arrival? And why... why didn't you showed up earlier when we got attacked by your monsters." I said.

"Like I said. I just happened to know." Seth replied.

"How? One sec... It was not just a coincidence... no... no... it can't be what I think." I said.

"What are you talking about?" Ryan asked.

"All... all the monsters suddenly attacked us at the perfect area where there was no one with any relics... and... and the one with the relic didn't send any signal that an attack happened on them.

You knew exactly how many we were, where we were, how to attack us. That's why the monsters just surprised us when they... when they came all together and my suspicion got cleared when a Drago suddenly joined them means it was all pre planned." I said.

"*smiles* Well. Well. Nice going their little guy." Seth said.

"State it clearly Davis." Said Garrick.

"All of this what happened was all not just some coincidence but a well thought plan. That means someone from our group was in Seth's favor and was responsible for all of this. Someone... someone from our group betrayed us for this monster." I said frustratingly.

"Well said. You got sharp eyes and a good brain. Shall I remove both, to ease your pain?" said Seth.

"You can't be serious. Why would someone from our group would do this?" asked Ryan.

"Why you ask? Everything here is under his (Seth's) control, so 'why' should not be the question here. It must be an agreement of some sort to keep that person safe till the end." I replied.

"I would really like to kill you but you got that part right too. So, I would really like to see... Who do you think would that person might be." said Seth.

"It can't be... Davis don't just jump directly to any conclusion." Said Garrick.

"Can't you see... all... all of our plan was already known to him (Seth). Seth did all this planning to counter us. He must want to kill any or all relic users so that they won't come in his way in the end." I replied.

"*laughs* Bravo!!! You should be the one to join me not him. You seem better than him.

It was not all the way correct because I wanted to see how strong all of them had become from what they were at the beginning. But yes I want to kill them all." Seth said.

"Did you just said, him. Also, I am better than him. No... It can't... It... It can't be. *Heavy breathing* It all makes sense now. Everything is now connecting." I replied.

"What did you know? What did you understand, tell us." Garrick asked.

"Yeah you can't just murmur inside your brain, just spell it out in front of us." said Lady.

"Alright. Hear me properly what I want to say. I think... that the one who betrayed us... is... Marc." I replied.

"What are you saying?" Garrick said angrily.

"It can't be." said Ryan.

"Just hear me out OK, this is my overall understanding. The night before the journey I checked in all the rooms. I checked on Ryan but you were already asleep. Next I checked on captain and you said not to disturb you correct?" I said.

"Yes." Garrick replied.

"Then I walked to the next room but I did not find... Marc. I found a letter that said I'm out on a personal mission. That's what I told you captain, on the next morning.

Next he was not fully believing in what the captain was saying or should I say he wanted to make the captain walk the route he wanted.

He also didn't said anything or argued much about him being sent on for the lookouts.

The monsters came from the same lookouts direction... Our positions were already known to them. No signal was sent from the lookouts, not a single one tried anything to give any kind of signal. Why? Why would that be?

All of this is... is..." I said.

"*claps* Impressive. How much can you connect." Seth said.

"No. It can't be all true." said Garrick.

"I... I did not want to believe all this but... We can't deny all these facts. I... I am going to check at the lookouts. I can't just listen to what Seth wants to say. I will only confirm all of this when I see the whole truth behind all this with my own eyes." I replied.

"I think you already know too many things, which means I need to kill you or you will become a threat to me." Seth said.

"*laughs* The almighty, the powerful, the ruler..., the Supreme being getting afraid of a little college student." I said.

While I say this, Seth tried to attack me but Ryan protected me with his shield.

"Davis go, and find the truth. We will handle him. He will pay for killing my men." said Garrick.

"No captain. I can't..." I replied.

"You have taken too much spotlight now let us shine." said the Spear guy.

"But..." I said.

"There is no time for your ifs or buts. Just go and find whatever you want. That is your job given by the captain. So go, follow him and do your duty as a member of this group." said Lady.

"Oh. How emotional this moment is. *wicked smile* Let me make this easy for you by killing all of them while you would be gone and then, you would be the only one remaining." Seth said.

"Just go. He is just trying to make you think more and confuse you." said Garrick.

"But... I just can't leave you guys." I replied.

"Just go and we will handle Seth before you even reach back to us he will be dead." said Ryan.

"No... you can't be able to..." I said.

"You have given a task. Don't feel and think yourself of a hero that you are not. You can't save anyone before that's why we are sending you to check. You would just be... just be a burden on us. So just go." Garrick replied orderly.

"*low voice* Captain." Said Lady.

"*sobbing* Yes... Yes captain." I said.

After that I did not look behind and moved on forward to find out the truth behind all of this. What is happening and who was behind all of this.


"So heroic of you to save a man and sacrifice yourself and all these remaining members of your group." said Seth.

"It is nothing like that. I did that because we are enough to finish you off and to end all of this for good." Garrick replied.

Without another thought, Garrick attacked Seth but got blocked by Seth's staff.

"Too much aggression." said Seth.

Even when Garrick was exhausted that was a heavy attack but Seth just pushed Garrick aside and attacked Lady and spear guy but Ryan was able to guard them against that attack. Ryan was able to stop his attack by taking minimum damage.

Then both Lady and Spear guy attacked together but Seth was able to block with a energy shield created by his staff.

(Near the Lookouts...)

Everything was happening over there but I was only looking forward till I reached the lookouts area.

The whole area was destroyed. And obviously it was all those monster's doing. But then I saw 3 dead bodies who were from the lookouts squad.

They were badly injured. I was able to see there crushed arms and bones but what was disturbing for me, that there was a creepy smile on their faces and after looking at their faces I said. "Why? Why, you did all this..." "Marc..." I shouted.

I never wanted to believe in what Seth was saying. I knew that he was doing all of this to divide us but... somewhere in my head I knew that this might be true. That's why I wanted to clarify all this once and for all.

As all the dots got connected I was thinking that it seemed to be Marc because he was on the lookouts and it was easy for him to send the monsters towards us and we wouldn't even notice until they close in on us. All three members were not immune to Marc's manipulation which led to their deaths.

Also he is smart enough to even talk with Seth about something like this to make a deal to let him live.

"Where are you Marc? I know you are not dead you fucking traitor. Just show your face and let me see what I heard or what I know is all true." I said.

"Don't you think you are saying too much without knowing all the things." said Marc.

He came out of one of the destroyed houses.

"I knew it... You are not someone who would die in a place like this." I said.

"Well... I always try to survive and that should be the priority." Marc replied.

"That's why you didn't signal us about the monsters coming to attack us right." I said.

"I don't know what you are talking about?" Marc replied.

"Don't play dumb. You knew everything from the get go and that's why you made a deal with Seth." I said.

"So what if I made a deal huh... What is your problem in this." Marc replied.

"My problem. Many of us died because of what you did. I... I never wanted to believe a word Seth said. I hoped that I would be wrong but you... you made me regret, for being right for the first time." I said.

"The truth always hurts more than lies. Someone said something like this once." Marc replied.

My emotional barrier just broke after hearing this. I charged and grabbed his throat and said.

"Why? Why did you betray us? Why you Bastard!!!" I asked angrily.

"For the same reason as you..." Marc replied. "To Survive..." Marc shouts.

"To survive... Like this?" I asked

"I thought that it would be a better choice to stick with this group but later I thought that this plan won't go as we want. That's why..." Marc replied.

"So you decide to join with that thing, who put all of us into this in the first place?" I asked.

"I felt like this would be my... best option." Marc replied.

"I always thought of you as a friend, and you always said... that our thoughts get along with each other. We faced enemies together. So why? Why Marc?" I said.

I loosened my grip on him.

"It was all because of my hunger to survive and to do anything and that's what your motto was right. So why are you saying it back to me now." said Marc.

"Yeah it was me. It was my fault that I let you be my friend. It was my fault to believe you. Yeah it was always my fault that others got to pay." I replied frustratingly.

"See..." said Marc.

I punched him in the face and just left him behind by saying. "I made this mistake once. I won't do it again. You can live on forever but we will kill and end this chapter of Seth here and now." I replied.

[ DAY 65 - MONSTERS COUNT : 2,853 HUMANS ALIVE : 6, 112 ]

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And thank you for waiting for new chapters. More will come soon so Stay Tuned!!!

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