
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Moving Forward With the Plan

Another day, another morning... but today might get a bit different as I will be showing my face to everyone after a whole week being shrunk inside my bed like a baby who did something bad and now can't face his parents. Not exactly but you get the point right.

"Still thinking about your weird internal voices or you did not sleep well because I was there." Faye said in a teasing way.

"It has nothing to do with you. And I know that I have to confront them, that's what I was getting ready for." I replied.

"Even after all that happened yesterday, still in those shackles." Faye asked.

"No. I never felt this free, even with some of those shackles. I will be fine don't worry." I replied.

We started going towards the meeting room as today was a big day because today, Micheal and everyone else are going to make a plan to lure Seth out and kill that thing.


(The Meeting Room...)

From outside the room, the atmosphere was a little easy going and light until I entered. And as I entered the room, I felt a sudden transition from light mood to all eyes gazing at me like I am some criminal in their world of saints. The feeling of disgust what I felt in that room, but I was ready for any hate so I didn't gave up on just this. I have gone through worse than this, so it felt a less painful.

As this was going on Jin and Fido also entered the room along with people from other factions. People were accusing me with words like because of him our Faye might have been killed. ("How Ironic." I said to myself.) He is reckless and can't even manage his mission properly. ("Agreed. But not 100% true." I said to myself.) He shouldn't even be here...

"And who are you to decide that?" said Gerrad.

Everyone just stopped when Gerrad entered while saying this.

"Why are you so frustrated, because Faye is safe or because he killed a person." said Gerrad.

"but-" someone from the faction present there.

"*smirks* How ironic is that. We... the ones who are killing monsters and other people who doesn't follow us or support us... *laughs* are judging him on saving one of ours life. That is remarkable of you." Gerrad replied.


"Huh! I am not hearing any tantrums now. Or did that sew your mouths?" said Gerrad.

"I'm sorry Davis, for giving that expression at that time. I.. I was so shocked that I couldn't even say a word.

But when I sat down and thought about it with a clear mind, I got my answer. Because there is only one prime rule that is followed here. That is to survive." said Jin

"I don't think it's your fault. You are young, so I doubt you might have seen something like this. You are someone who always thinks about not getting anybody killed. That's why your plans are safe to follow for everyone." I replied.

"I did doubt your plan when we discussed it, and that's why I avoided sending anyone besides me to fall for your plan. Because of this I chose to go along with you to test you. Even after killing that monster I still had my doubts about you, but when you moved without thinking to save Faye, that's when I realized that no... I was wrong." said Fido.

"It's a big thing to hear from the lieutenant or my leader." I replied.

"I... I am also sorry for locking myself up and not confronting you all. I won't do that again." I said.

"See. No one is blaming him for his actions and neither do I. I don't mind being saved or to be killed, because every time I join the battlefield... I think it as my last appearance in this world." said Faye.

*people murmuring*

"I hate to be saved by anyone. And from now on, I won't let any of you save me. I don't want to owe anything to anyone anymore." said Faye.

"What is all this commotion about?" Micheal said in angry voice.

"It's... just.. um..." said Faye.

"Just settling in for the meeting." I replied.

"I see. You are finally out of your nest. I don't mind killing to save one of our own so just drop this discussion because today is a big day." Micheal replied.


"So according to what you told us Davis, I would like to go with that same plan. I want too bring Seth out of his hiding place. I want to kill him to save everyone here." said Micheal.

"I don't think it is a good idea? It was just a coincidence which happened unexpectedly. We can't form this whole plan just based on that." I replied.

"Do you really think that I am that dumb? Your previous plan is just a part of what has yet to come." Micheal replied.

"There are around 300 people here and everyone one of us will join this battle against SETH, because by doing this, we will be the one to kill SETH and everything will go normal again." said Micheal.

"All of us are going. But we will be easily noticed by him." said Faye.

"All of our people will be divided into 3 battalions. Each led by one Slayer and then again divides into a squad of 30-40 people till we reach near our destination." said Micheal.

"Still it does not solve anything major." I said.

"Only one of the three battalion will march towards that wall to lure Seth out and rest will barricade around it. They will wait till that bastard arrives." said Micheal.

"But-" I said.

"You also said that he was badly injured in the last battle. So it makes that even easier." said Micheal.

"I don't doubt your skills but is this the best course of action my King." asked Gerrad.

"Hmm. I don't think that there are any flaws. If we march in the bunch of 30-40 people, we can keep our tracks down. Now, we just have to decide, which battalion to be the in-charge of charging towards the wall. It will be a risky job, so I am giving that to Faye and his battalion." said Micheal.

"Yes sir." Faye replied.

"I didn't chose your group just because you have Davis but because of the strong warriors such as Fido, a brainier like Jin, and also your strong long range attacks. I think you can pull it off just fine." said Micheal.

"Micheal... Let me ask this straight. Are you really going to kill Seth? Can you... really do it?" I asked.

"*smiles* I'm the King. Who else do you think can beat him." Micheal replied.

"I hope so too." I said in low voice.

"Battalion 2 under Gerrad will be the support for Battalion 1 of Faye. If anything goes up just forget your position and reach out to help them. Battalion 3 under me, and we will join only when both the battalions will be overwhelmed." said Micheal.

"Yes Sir." Everyone said.

"The operation will begin in one week. EVERYONE gather your weapons, bolster yourself, to face some cruel things. Get ready to see people die in front of you. All these things can't be avoided. But their is just one thing which we can do... That is to fight and kill that bastard SETH, so that we can return to our homes." said Micheal to pump everyone up.

*everyone shouted*

"I really hope this really turns out... to be a good idea." I said to myself.


[ DAY - 116 MONSTERS COUNT : 3,450 HUMANS ALIVE : 4,011 ]

Something big is about to happen so be prepared everyone. This might be the biggest battle that I am yet to write.

I am excitited and hoping you are too.

Akash_Bharnukecreators' thoughts