
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Formation of this Small Group

It happened so fast that I was not able to understand it completely so let's check what happened.

I followed two men talking about this group and then someone saw me so I killed him in self-defence, which was a shock for me as well. Then I went inside the hideout where I saw two big guys one Garrick who has the Sword relic and Ryan who has the Shield relic. With them I also met with a guy, Marc. Whom I have seen before something with a weird thing on his forehead and that guy is also a relic user which can control people.

It's just creepy that he can manipulate you but I have already seen this much that Marc was not able to handle all those emotions too.

I was walking with Ryan as he was taking me to the underground hideout so I asked him about exactly how all this came together at a time like this.

"You want to know? OK then." Ryan replied.

"I can make you understand the story from my perspective but I am sure that Garrick would also tell you something similar." said Ryan.

"I'm getting more curious about all this now." I replied.

"I started from where I found it in my backyard. I was alone and was scared enough to hide and feel safe in my house. But suddenly a monster attacked my home and I was barely able to avoid it.

I was afraid but I thought that with my body as a weight lifter I could stop those things attacks but I was wrong. I was thrown away but I managed to run away to my backyard.

That monster followed me, then I saw something shining and in that exact moment that monster jumped towards me I grabbed that thing for my protection without even thinking what that thing was. There was only one thing in my mind that I just wanted to protect myself.

My eyes were closed because I was not able to unseen anything like that. So I slowly opened my eyes and I was shocked to see a shield generated from what I was holding.

That shield was so strong that it was block that attack completely but slowly I started to feel weak but I did not let this go and I hung in their and after sometime that monster just go away from my place and I was saved by this shield. that's why I was holding onto it. I did not have any idea that this was a relic. When Garrick saw this then he told me that why are you holding onto this relic." said Ryan.

"No worry big guy I was the same when I first saw it. Totally confused." I replied.

""This was just how I found this relic. Next I walked and walked trying to survive and find a safe place. Then I saw one guy fighting multiple people and had a sword in his hand.

At that time I was not just thinking that I need to help him rather than that I was seeing a fighter, a knight who was slaying his enemies and I was fallen I set a goal to be like this guy and follow him.

Without thinking I jumped on to the people fighting him and started helping with the defence and told him to focus on the act and leave the defence to me.

At that time I was having no idea of how all this was working that relics work with your thoughts and strong emotions. It is not just physical but you need to be mentally strong.

We defeated all the enemies but they were not dead. Then Garrick said.

"We have to kill them. If not then we won't be able to free anyone."

I was not ready for any of this. I heard what Seth was saying but I did not want to believe this.

"Don't be a fool." said Garrick.

My mind was having multiple thoughts and I was drowned in them like is all this really human. Is this what we need to survive in this place? Are we even called human beings for killing each other and making this whole island as a slaughter house or something.

I attacked Garrick without thinking. But he was strong. He swung his sword at me and I guarded it with my shield. For sometime we were equally fighting but that's what I thought.

Garrick was way stronger than me. But I was holding for my dear life. Then he suddenly stopped and asked.

"Why? Why are you saving those people?" Garrick asked.

"I... I am not sure. This is not like us humans. We don't... We can't just kill anyone." I (Ryan) replied.

I was not sure what to think and what to say but then Garrick said something that opened my eyes and let me see all this with a different perspective.

"If you think that killing those people is wrong, then how can we justify all the killing? we have done all of this in the past and we are doing it till now. We kill for our benefit. We kill to live. We kill to survive. Even if you think that it is wrong, then I don't want to change your belief but from what I see, I am freeing them from all of this. I know that all of this is not for me to decide who lives or who dies but I can release them from their pain if they want me to.

It is not a noble act it will also benefit me and it will increase my percentage of survival as more people die. That is... this is my concept of survival or say living." said Garrick.

After listening to all of this I just asked him that I wanted to follow you. I will follow you till the end of me. And he simply said.

"We will see how far you can handle this." said Garrick.

After that, we formed a team and found many people who wanted to join us as the number of people increase our knowledge about this world increased and that's why we are still standing.

"" said Ryan.

"Woah! That was something of a journey." I replied.

"Yeah. It was a hell of a journey." Ryan said.

While talking we reached the underground hideout and we saw the are where they train themselves for any fight.

"Are you ready? This is just to test my attacks. I want to see how much damage I can do with my training." I said.

"Bring it on." Ryan replied.

He brought his shield out and I was ready for my attack. I knew that a head on attack was just a waste of energy for me so I needed to attack him at any blind spot.

With my quick reflexes I can easily find that I just need to understand his pattern of attack.

I rushed at him head on without thinking.

"A head on attack. I thought you would come at me with something unexpected." said Ryan.

I just ignored him and took a zigzag pattern of approach. I saw that he was calm but a bit confused so I took advantage of it and jumped at him right in front of his face and built all of my power for this one attack and hit him hard. Yet he survived. He laughed at me and said.

"You are crazy or what? Are you trying to kill me? That was a surprise attack from you." said Ryan.

"I remember you saying something about an unexpected attack so I can't just sit and let you say anything." I replied.

"I really started to like you, you know." Ryan replied.

We fought each other and we started to understand how each of us were thinking and attacking and at last I was able to give him a scratch and after that we stopped.

It was a complete different experience from battling against Shimon. this was like when I fought against the monsters with the help of Emilia. He is as strong as those monsters.

"Well. You win this round but you won't be lucky for the next time." said Ryan.

"Hey Ryan. I noticed that you only hold on to the shield for only defensive purposes and use your fists for attacks. I suggest that you can use your shield as a tool for your attack as well as defence. I am saying that with your power if you dash towards the enemy with your shield it can make path for others it will feel like a Bulldozer just hit them." I said.

"I understood why you want to say and it will increase my offensive strength and also my attack options. I will do it. By the way, nice observation you have." replied Ryan.

"After hearing all about you and seeing your fighting style, this will suit you better and you will become stronger than before. And it is not that I am some angel or something. it will benefit me as well. If you all become strong then I will gain more of your trust and no one will think that I am just someone who wanted to be saved." I replied.

"You are not wrong in any sense. You are doing all this to gain trust and also to increase your knowledge and to find your flaws. I have really started to admire you man. You are someone who will do anything to survive." Ryan said.

"Yeah. But don't creep me out. All this nice talk doesn't suit you." I replied.

"Well then I have recognised your talent and you will be coming with us on our operation." said Ryan.

"For what exactly?" I asked.

"The Operation to penetrate through the barrier to get help. That is what the main mission of this group is. And only for that purpose are we all together" Ryan replied.

I think the time has come to finally listen and understand what and how this plan of theirs will go and how they deal with all of this.

[ DAY 62 - MONSTERS COUNT : 2,807 HUMANS ALIVE : 6, 311 ]