
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

Chp 28 - Motive to Kill

I finally reached our destination with my new friend or at least someone who does not seemed to be depressed in any situation so far, that is what an image has been made in my head for Faye. By the way, this castle was looking more and more like a castle now with all the guards and weapons.

It was nothing like this before because it was a tourist spot and rather than these weapons and guards there were tourists and rides all over.

The whole area was looking like a war was going to happen either here or they were going to attack someone.

There were much more people than I can ever imagine. "These many people working together under a leader, that person must be someone powerful. I must be alert." I said to Myself.

As I was observing I was able to see few old people in a group and one by one they are told to do some work and then rest for a bit.

I think this is how all this work. Everyone needs to complete their work or else they won't get all the food, facilities, protection and with the fear of thrown outside, everyone is trying their best to survive.

"Hey Davis, what are you waiting for. Let's meet our leader. He is in the main castle." said Faye.

I was still being cautious because that's what my gut feeling was telling me. And it was not just that there are people around with weapons and I am an unknown here who can't possibly escape from this if got captured but I was also sensing that someone strong is in that main castle.

I finally entered the main castle and I saw a person sitting on the high throne and many more people just standing there even though there were seats in front of them.

With the first glance I knew that he is strong and a type of dictator ruling in here. I can't just jump to assumptions but that was my first impression of him.

The guy sitting there had a muscular body, not like a weightlifter but more like a MMA fighter. He has a grown beard and looks like an aged person around or more than 30 years or so.

His attire was not like any normal human but he was wearing a royal cape and crown with full king's attire. That's what made me think that this guy is a dictator.

But the main thing that I noticed was that ring in his hand. And I had my eyes fixed on that ring.

"Hey leader meet this guy. He is strong and he saved me from a monster." said Faye to that guy.

"Is this really the case or you are just giving refuge to another weakling who would just die in a few days." that guy said to Faye.

"Nope. He dodged my arrow to avoid a fatal blow but still got injured. That's why I brought him here." said Faye.

Everyone was shocked after hearing that. "Did I really did something unbelievable?" I asked myself.

"So what. You have been getting more and more sloppy. You shouldn't missed because of that bow of yours." that guy said.

"Enough of this. Let me introduce this guy over here. He is..." said Faye.

"Wait... Let me." I said.

"Myself Davis, a college student but not anymore and yes, I have barely dodged that arrow but if I would have late even for a millisecond, then that arrow would have pierced through me and I would have been dead right there. So I can't say that she is being sloppy." I said.

"Oh! Thank You so much. You are such a kind..." said Faye.

"I saw people attacking a monster and my body moved towards that area and I instinctively killed that monster with my blade." I said.

"So you are saying you killed a monster without a relic?" that guy said.

"Yes, I did." I said with confidence in my eyes.

*Everyone started murmuring among themselves.*

"Silence!!" that guy shouted.

Everyone got silenced the instant he shouted.

"Continue what you were saying..." that guy said.

"Let me be clear and straightforward. I came here because I was wounded, no. I came because I heard rumours about a person who can kill monsters with just his one touch. And when I heard Faye said that - "We need people who can initiate an attack on monsters and not just to divert them." I got a feeling that I might be able to see that person if I followed her." I said.

"Huh? So you didn't want my help. So bad... so rude." said Faye.

"I'm sorry but yes I would need some help from you later. But that was my first thought for deciding to come here." I said.

Even though I was shaking inside, I didn't wavered this time. I stood up to my point and I think I have improved not just with my senses and physicality but also my mental personality has also developed.

I still get those nightmares but other than that I am still being hopeful and that's what I need. Being able to stay mentally stable as much as possible.

"I got your point boy, but don't you think you should bow to your king." said that guy.

"You are not my...." I said.

Faye just covered my mouth and said. "Let it be leader he is new and doesn't know anything."

"I'm letting this slide this once but he should know that the person he was looking for is standing right in front of him." said that guy.

"The one who leads here, the one who rules here and the one who holds the power to kill monster with... a single touch. I am Michael and I'm... the GOD here." said Michael.

"I knew you were a dictator here and at first glance I noticed your relic that is your ring because from sometime I was sensing an odd feeling from you and that ring." I replied.

"*laughs* I like you boy. Even though you were in front of me and just knew that I could kill you right here and now you didn't waver and just exposed me and my relic. You are sharp I must say." said Michael.

"I thought that I would be killed and even if you don't see I am shaking internally. But I made my point and that's what matters for me." I said.

"Woah, woah dude. What have you done. You made that king of ours laugh. And what happened to that low key attitude of yours. Was that a fake?" said Faye.

"I'm what you saw back then. This is me when I make a strong point and stand for it." I replied.

"You are already bonding with that guy Faye. What did you just did to him." one of the side-men said.

"Just because you are not in my squad doesn't mean I can't kill you. So just be grateful that my mood is not that pissed because someone just praised me and backed me for once." Faye replied.

"Let all this be aside and get into some serious talk.

Do you want to be in our group?" asked Michael.

"I can't tell right away. I need information and after that only I can make my decision." I replied.

"Finally a brains guy in our group. If you would have said yes I might have just thrown you out but you gave a reason that's why you are still here. I just don't want all of my fighters to be a brawl type. I need someone with brains too for my mission." Michael replied.

"So you are testing me?" I asked.

"I was testing you from the moment you entered here. Your every statement, your sharpness, everything was building an impression of yourself and I must say, I saw some potential in you for us." Michael replied.

"Let me ask you a question... Why, do we KILL?

Was it to survive, to stop our hunger, to showcase our power and assert dominance over others or just for fun." Michael asked.

"For me, it is to survive because I want to leave this place alive, I know that I need to take risks where they are needed and I have to use some unorthodox methods whenever necessary to survive." I replied.

"Hmm. I am getting your character Davis. Your motives are right from your point of view but they are nothing like mine." Michael replied.

"You might have suffered from some things and many more who are here also had some bad moments of them but for me... Killing is to assert dominance over others and to always be, on the top of everything.

I live for that dominance because I am a GOD myself and with this relic I can even kill Seth if needed." said Michael.

"Did he just say, he can kill... Seth." I said to Myself with a shocking tone.

"That's why I started gathering members and killing as many of those pesky monsters as possible to reduce his army and take Seth down once and for all.

Then I will become the king... NO... the GOD of this island... *wicked smile*" said Michael.

"So boy, how many monsters have you killed?" asked Michael.

"More than 10 I guess." I said.

*Everyone was looking at me like I said something unusual*

" And how many people have you killed?" asked Michael.

"I didn't kept track of it but I killed the person who... who taught me how to fight. That was his last lesson for me, to show that to survive this situation you might have to face someone who is close to you." I replied.

"Did you kill all those monsters alone?" asked Michael.

"No. I was not alone. There were people who helped me kill those monsters. The kill that saved Faye was my first solo one-shot kill." I replied.

"So where are your other members?" Michael asked.

"Gone... my friends got killed by those damn monsters and I was not even able to move to protect them. Then I fought a horde of those monsters with my new friends but then also only I was able to survive because of those 3." I replied.

"Later I joined a group that was led by a Sword and a Shield guy but... in the end, that bastard Seth killed them too." I said with a frustrating voice.

After hearing that I saw and fought Seth everyone was shocked. I understood that the mission that Michael talked about was to kill Seth is much more than just to end this and leave this place but more like to be the next ruler of this place and rule over this whole island.

[ DAY 103 - MONSTERS COUNT : 3,134 HUMANS ALIVE : 5, 022 ]